Rewarding bad behavior

Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?

Nice mischaracterization of what happened.

And just what did I mischaracterize?

The whole fucking thing.
Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?

I can see several things the police got wrong while blowing that little kids shit away.

Starting with, pulling right up next to the kid, exposing the passenger side cop to what might be certain death in his mind, thus forcing the officer to act prematurely.

It was not intentional. It was raining that day and while they wanted to approach the suspect quickly, the car slid and did get too close to him.

The strategy used by the driving officer was to force the suspect away from the rec center. In most cases involving a gun (and our police are plenty experienced with that) the suspect runs. So by blocking his path to the rec center, he would have no choice but to run away from the rec center (with children in it) instead of towards the rec center. The police did not want to get into a potential gun fight around innocent children.

Because most armed suspects do run, they instinctively knew something was wrong when he didn't run and instead, put his hand down his pants and start pulling up what they rightfully perceived as a real gun.

So you're saying that it was careless driving that lead to the death of a 12 year old boy at the hands of a heavily armed police officer. Did it have to happen that very second? Couldn't that have taken another stab at it so to speak? Their approach that is. Go around and try it again ?

He's saying that police cars aren't equipped with a reverse gear. He's mentally retarded, and racist.
Watch the video. You can see the little bastard pointing his weapon which looks like a .45 at people in the park. Look again at the photo I posted above.

Tell me if you were the person at the 1:12 mark you wouldn't be freaked out. Watch all the way to 1:45.


The gun rights people are the first to bitch if restrictions or bans are proposed on toy guns.

No, gun rights people bitch when liberals try to take steps to disarm Americans with real guns.

Again, you lie:

NRA Prevented Law That Could Have Saved 13-Year-Old From Police Shooting

NRA Prevented Law That Could Have Saved 13-Year-Old From Police Shooting

California police fatally shot 13-year-old Andy Lopez, because they mistook a BB gun for an assault rifle. In 2011, the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers blocked the bill that could have prevented the tragedy.

State Senator Kevin de León’s bill from two years ago may have prevented the police confusion, by requiring the guns to be brightly colored and noticeably distinguishable.

Watch the video. You can see the little bastard pointing his weapon which looks like a .45 at people in the park. Look again at the photo I posted above.

Tell me if you were the person at the 1:12 mark you wouldn't be freaked out. Watch all the way to 1:45.


The gun rights people are the first to bitch if restrictions or bans are proposed on toy guns.

No, gun rights people bitch when liberals try to take steps to disarm Americans with real guns.

Stop being a fucking dishonest ignorant fuckwit. Some of us have good memories:

From 1988:

Bid to Ban Toy Replica Guns Is Shot Down
May 27, 1988|CARL INGRAM | Times Staff Writer
SACRAMENTO — An attempt by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti to ban the manufacture and sale in California of toy guns that look like real firearms was sidetracked in the Senate on Thursday in the face of election-year opposition from the National Rifle Assn.

Bid to Ban Toy Replica Guns Is Shot Down

And you know goddam well if you'd been there you would have backed the NRA 100%
Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?
Did you see the video of this event. This KID wasn't hurting anyone, nor could he with a toy gun. A cop rolls up, and shoots him down. I cried when I saw that, I never want to see that video again. The officers should have left space between himself and the perpetrator, secondly, gave warning, at the same time observing and evaluating the situation. Those particular cops didn't do ANY of that. They just drove up and shot the kid. Damn. That was just plain out and out wrong.
No you dont get it. The lawsuit was baseless. Everyone knew it. But if the city refused to pay up the Negroes would riot and it would cost much more. This is just hush money.

What I dont get us how weve allowed rioting to become an acceptable form of protest that we condone by allowing it to be used to affect policy. The proper response to a riot is that several patrol units show up, pull out their ARs, mow the mofos down like a plate rack at the range and go on their way.
Yeah I have no problem with that. Shotguns, watercannons. Whatever works.

Flamethrowers, tanks firing canister shot, helicopter gunships, and nerve gas. THAT is how you deal with riots.
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Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?
Did you see the video of this event. This KID wasn't hurting anyone, nor could he with a toy gun. A cop rolls up, and shoots him down. I cried when I saw that, I never want to see that video again. The officers should have left space between himself and the perpetrator, secondly, gave warning, at the same time observing and evaluating the situation. Those particular cops didn't do ANY of that. They just drove up and shot the kid. Damn. That was just plain out and out wrong.

Nope, not when somebody is drawing a gun on you. Your second guess could be your life and these cops want to go home after work like everybody else.

"DON'T MOVE" is a warning. When the cops tell you to freeze, you do just that.
Watch the video. You can see the little bastard pointing his weapon which looks like a .45 at people in the park. Look again at the photo I posted above.

Tell me if you were the person at the 1:12 mark you wouldn't be freaked out. Watch all the way to 1:45.


The gun rights people are the first to bitch if restrictions or bans are proposed on toy guns.

No, gun rights people bitch when liberals try to take steps to disarm Americans with real guns.

Stop being a fucking dishonest ignorant fuckwit. Some of us have good memories:

From 1988:

Bid to Ban Toy Replica Guns Is Shot Down
May 27, 1988|CARL INGRAM | Times Staff Writer
SACRAMENTO — An attempt by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti to ban the manufacture and sale in California of toy guns that look like real firearms was sidetracked in the Senate on Thursday in the face of election-year opposition from the National Rifle Assn.

Bid to Ban Toy Replica Guns Is Shot Down

And you know goddam well if you'd been there you would have backed the NRA 100%

Nice work. You had to go back nearly 30 years to find one city that proposed a bill that ended up passing anyway..........ignorant fuckwit.
Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?
Did you see the video of this event. This KID wasn't hurting anyone, nor could he with a toy gun. A cop rolls up, and shoots him down. I cried when I saw that, I never want to see that video again. The officers should have left space between himself and the perpetrator, secondly, gave warning, at the same time observing and evaluating the situation. Those particular cops didn't do ANY of that. They just drove up and shot the kid. Damn. That was just plain out and out wrong.

Nope, not when somebody is drawing a gun on you. Your second guess could be your life and these cops want to go home after work like everybody else.

"DON'T MOVE" is a warning. When the cops tell you to freeze, you do just that.
We agree to disagree. These cops should have not just drove up next a perp, shout out, then a fraction of a second later, use deadly force. He isn't threatening anyone , and in fact, had a toy gun, the police officer over reacted, misunderstood the situation and took it for granted he could shoot first and ask questions later. In a war, that hyper situational awareness might be apropos, but with civilian law enforcement? Don't think so.
Watch the video. You can see the little bastard pointing his weapon which looks like a .45 at people in the park. Look again at the photo I posted above.

Tell me if you were the person at the 1:12 mark you wouldn't be freaked out. Watch all the way to 1:45.


The gun rights people are the first to bitch if restrictions or bans are proposed on toy guns.

No, gun rights people bitch when liberals try to take steps to disarm Americans with real guns.

Again, you lie:

NRA Prevented Law That Could Have Saved 13-Year-Old From Police Shooting

NRA Prevented Law That Could Have Saved 13-Year-Old From Police Shooting

California police fatally shot 13-year-old Andy Lopez, because they mistook a BB gun for an assault rifle. In 2011, the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers blocked the bill that could have prevented the tragedy.

State Senator Kevin de León’s bill from two years ago may have prevented the police confusion, by requiring the guns to be brightly colored and noticeably distinguishable.

Another one: the law passed a few years ago:

Imitation Firearms Safety Act Signed by the Governor
Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?
Did you see the video of this event. This KID wasn't hurting anyone, nor could he with a toy gun. A cop rolls up, and shoots him down. I cried when I saw that, I never want to see that video again. The officers should have left space between himself and the perpetrator, secondly, gave warning, at the same time observing and evaluating the situation. Those particular cops didn't do ANY of that. They just drove up and shot the kid. Damn. That was just plain out and out wrong.

Nope, not when somebody is drawing a gun on you. Your second guess could be your life and these cops want to go home after work like everybody else.

"DON'T MOVE" is a warning. When the cops tell you to freeze, you do just that.
We agree to disagree. These cops should have not just drove up next a perp, shout out, then a fraction of a second later, use deadly force. He isn't threatening anyone , and in fact, had a toy gun, the police officer over reacted, misunderstood the situation and took it for granted he could shoot first and ask questions later. In a war, that hyper situational awareness might be apropos, but with civilian law enforcement? Don't think so.

Obviously you didn't read all the posts in this thread, so let me catch you up on some things.

Here is a picture of the toy gun the kid had, and a real gun that the toy was a replica of. Can you tell us which one is the real gun and which one was the toy?


And as I explained a page or so ago. On that day it was raining outside. The police car slid on the wet pavement and they got a little too close to the suspect. However, I don't know how any more distance would have changed anything. Now if you can stomach watching the video again, you will see him pulling out that gun when the officer got out of his car. Yes, that is a threat to a police officer.

There was nothing to be misunderstood about the situation. The police received a call about a male pointing his gun at cars passing by in a park well renown for it's drug activity and yes, prior shootings. In fact, in that neighborhood, evening gunfire is a nightly thing there. The picture the media put out is a picture of him when he was younger; the same that they did to Trayvon Martin. When the paramedics arrived, they called in the patient as a 22 year old black male. He was nearly 6' tall and had a few pounds on him.
Oh, btw, since when is playing with toy guns 'bad behavior'? Did none of you ever have toy guns as kids?

It's bad behavior when you rip off the florescent tip that distinguishes the toy gun from the real one. It's bad behavior for a child to take any gun (toy or real) outside of his home and point it at cars passing by. It's bad behavior when the police pull up and you try to take the gun out of your pants instead of just freezing or putting your arms up.
OP- Good. Horrible incompetence, no warning it was a fake.

Nope, none at all. The dispatcher didn't tell the officers that it COULD be a fake gun. Not that it would have mattered. When a suspect pulls a gun on a police officer, they can't chance that it is a fake based on what a caller thought it might be.
It took that cop 2 seconds...that's right 2 seconds to draw his side arm and kill Tamir.

Had Tamir been a white adult, would a 2 second time frame be acceptable? Would there be any dialogue between the cops and the suspect?

Why was Tamir given only 2 seconds?

Care to talk about bad behavior in light of that fact

They gave him two seconds because it only takes one second to turn around with a real gun and kill an officer.
Living in the Cleveland area, I'm a little upset over the city of Cleveland's settlement of 6 million dollars to the family of Tamir Rice.

Tamir was the 12 year old kid that a Cleveland police officer shot when he pulled out a realistic looking toy gun at the officer. The investigation found no wrong doing by the police and even had a Grand Jury trial for the shooting officer who was found within his rights of self-defense.

So why did a broke city--like Cleveland, make the mother of this kid an instant millionaire?

There is something terribly wrong with our legal system when we reward irresponsible and bad behavior. The claim here is that they gave this taxpayer cash away to avoid a much higher payout.

There shouldn't be any payout. Did the city really fear being held liable for a much larger amount, or is this all politics with fear of not being reelected if they did the right thing by protecting taxpayer money?

I can see several things the police got wrong while blowing that little kids shit away.

Starting with, pulling right up next to the kid, exposing the passenger side cop to what might be certain death in his mind, thus forcing the officer to act prematurely.

It was not intentional. It was raining that day and while they wanted to approach the suspect quickly, the car slid and did get too close to him.

The strategy used by the driving officer was to force the suspect away from the rec center. In most cases involving a gun (and our police are plenty experienced with that) the suspect runs. So by blocking his path to the rec center, he would have no choice but to run away from the rec center (with children in it) instead of towards the rec center. The police did not want to get into a potential gun fight around innocent children.

Because most armed suspects do run, they instinctively knew something was wrong when he didn't run and instead, put his hand down his pants and start pulling up what they rightfully perceived as a real gun.

So you're saying that it was careless driving that lead to the death of a 12 year old boy at the hands of a heavily armed police officer. Did it have to happen that very second? Couldn't that have taken another stab at it so to speak? Their approach that is. Go around and try it again ?

Sure. As a matter of fact, they should have tried it five or six times. :banghead::banghead:
Having lived both east of Cleveland just inside the county line and then just over the county line on the west side I have occasionally kept up with the story through throughout the past year. From little I read it made me wonder about the adults in Tamir's life. I sure wish the money would have gone to a Boys & Girls Club instead of wondering if it went to those that failed him?
Watch the video. You can see the little bastard pointing his weapon which looks like a .45 at people in the park. Look again at the photo I posted above.

Tell me if you were the person at the 1:12 mark you wouldn't be freaked out. Watch all the way to 1:45.


The gun rights people are the first to bitch if restrictions or bans are proposed on toy guns.

No, gun rights people bitch when liberals try to take steps to disarm Americans with real guns.

Stop being a fucking dishonest ignorant fuckwit. Some of us have good memories:

From 1988:

Bid to Ban Toy Replica Guns Is Shot Down
May 27, 1988|CARL INGRAM | Times Staff Writer
SACRAMENTO — An attempt by Senate President Pro Tem David A. Roberti to ban the manufacture and sale in California of toy guns that look like real firearms was sidetracked in the Senate on Thursday in the face of election-year opposition from the National Rifle Assn.

Bid to Ban Toy Replica Guns Is Shot Down

And you know goddam well if you'd been there you would have backed the NRA 100%

Nice work. You had to go back nearly 30 years to find one city that proposed a bill that ended up passing anyway..........ignorant fuckwit.

But you and your kind opposed it.

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