Rewriting History

As usual, you are wrong.

Seriously, dood? Zinn? When Marxists memorialize a guy, you know he's a lying sack of shit.

Ad homs? lol

:lol: Yeah, that's funny. Almost as funny as you progs kissing the Pope's behind...until he reiterated the Church's stance on abortion. Then you turned on him again.

Meanwhile, the facts are:

1. Liberals rewrite history to suit their agenda.

2. Howard Zinn is a liar. Period.

False premises, distortions and LIES, the only thing right wingers EVER have

Look at these so called conservative guru's, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck ( the three wise monkeys) you name it, everyone of them dropped out of college, too dumb possibly, but more likely too close minded to accept any other opinion or theory!!!
So, your source for judging President Obama's performance is...President Obama.

Talk about appeal to authority. :lol:

Nice try. My source for Obama's job as POTUS has dozens of sources, some positive, some negative but none of the latter was provided by the lunatics who post on this forum.
Name a negative source.

Liberals don't love Obama, liberals are angry at Obama, but we also don't like conservatives blaming everything on Obama when they are obstructing congress and when there is no reason to believe Republican candidates would act any better than Obama. Obama is a conservative, just not nearly as conservative as the Republicans have become in recent years.
Conservatives: Here, let me show why this social program you like is so dysfunctional (Schools) because we gutted funding for it, so now it should be stopped because obviously government doesn't work.

The United States is lagging far behind much of the developed world when it comes to enrolling children in preschool programs, ranking 24th and 26th
among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries in the enrollment and three- and four-year-olds, respectively.

While the U.S. enrolls just just 69 percent of its four-year-olds and 51 percent of its three-year-olds, other countries enroll nearly all of their young children in preschool programs. But it isn’t just enrollment where America falls behind — it also fails to keep up in other areas, such as when children begin school, how much it spends on preschool, and the teacher-to-child ratio in its early childhood education programs

INFOGRAPHIC: United States Lags Other Countries On Preschool Investment, Enrollment | ThinkProgress


We've tried throwing money at it. It didn't work.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows - CBS News
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

Despite the spending, U.S. students still trail their rivals on international tests.


The United States spent more than $11,000 per elementary student in 2010 and more than $12,000 per high school student. When researchers factored in the cost for programs after high school education such as college or vocational training, the United States spent $15,171 on each young person in the system — more than any other nation covered in the report.

That sum inched past some developed countries and far surpassed others. Switzerland's total spending per student was $14,922 while Mexico averaged $2,993 in 2010. The average OECD nation spent $9,313 per young person.

As a share of its economy, the United States spent more than the average country in the survey. In 2010, the United States spent 7.3 percent of its gross domestic product on education, compared with the 6.3 percent average of other OECD countries. Denmark topped the list on that measure with 8 percent of its gross domestic product going toward education.​

Liberal control of education obviously doesn't work.

But, hey -- I bet you got a LOT of participation medals, didn't you?

Got it, IGNORE my posit of the post and argue from a false premise. Conservatives *shaking head*

US Spent less than 5.5% of GDP

List of countries by spending on education (% of GDP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) | Data | Table

The United States spent 20 percent of the federal budget on defense in 2011.

Federal education spending accounts for just 3 percent of the $3.5 trillion the government spent in 2012

The figure includes the annual appropriation for the entire Department of Education ($67.4 billion), so-called mandatory spending at the department ($16.3 billion), the school breakfast and lunch programs ($14.8 billion), the refundable portion of a higher education tax credit ($6.6 billion), the Head Start program ($8.0 billion) and the subsidy provided on all of the student loans the government will disburse in one year (which happened to be negative — -$5.5 billion — last year).

The problem with the conservative movement in America is that it is based on bigotry, hatred, and, greed. Above all, greed. Money is their god. They worship money and the holders of it and despise those who don't have it.

That's beacause the MAJORITY of educational spending is done at STATE level. Nevada for instance spends more than 25% of its TOTAL budget on education. when you add in the university pensions and K-12 teachers and admin pensions it blooms to 50%. Of the total state budget.

The Feds shouldn't be involved in education at all. The Federal contribution devolves to no more than propaganda..
Ad homs? lol

:lol: Yeah, that's funny. Almost as funny as you progs kissing the Pope's behind...until he reiterated the Church's stance on abortion. Then you turned on him again.

Meanwhile, the facts are:

1. Liberals rewrite history to suit their agenda.

2. Howard Zinn is a liar. Period.

False premises, distortions and LIES, the only thing right wingers EVER have

Look at these so called conservative guru's, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck ( the three wise monkeys) you name it, everyone of them dropped out of college, too dumb possibly, but more likely too close minded to accept any other opinion or theory!!!

Who cares what level of education the RW radio personalities have, the fact remains that Zinn has a PhD, and is a renowned prevaricator. All that means is he can wrap his lies up in pretty language. They're still lies, just like his buddy Noam's.
Nice try. My source for Obama's job as POTUS has dozens of sources, some positive, some negative but none of the latter was provided by the lunatics who post on this forum.
Name a negative source.

Liberals don't love Obama, liberals are angry at Obama, but we also don't like conservatives blaming everything on Obama when they are obstructing congress and when there is no reason to believe Republican candidates would act any better than Obama. Obama is a conservative, just not nearly as conservative as the Republicans have become in recent years.

Obama is not a "conservative" you twit. Conservatives are not in favor of big government.
That's why the TEA party has been targeting RINO's more than Democrats in their political races because there are almost NO conservatives in government anymore.

You're just parroting more of the same progressive propaganda. Obama has sold his soul to the multi national corporations and THAT is why the progressives are pissed at him. They were hoping he would go full dictator and they are pissed that he decided being rich was better than being a dictator of a totally fucked up progressive nightmare.

He's not stupid. He see's what happens in progressive "utopias", they suck.
Got it, a right winger who doesn't know how to critically think. I'm shocked
Your problem is I DO think critically.

You don't want that. You want instant, unthinking, uncritical acceptance and endorsement -- you know, like what you give Zinn, beloved "historian" of Marxists everywhere.
You mean history, that would take hundreds of books to compile, isn't ALL in Zinn's WONDERFUL book? I'm shocked?
You shock easily. Flashbacks from the electroshock therapy, perhaps?
A military historian huh? Wow, Who's have thunk HE'D have a problem with Zinn :lol:
So would anyone who knew what actually happened.
In the book, Zinn seeks to present American history through the eyes of the common people rather than political and economic elites. A People's History has been assigned as reading in many high schools and colleges across the United States

It has also resulted in a change in the focus of historical work, which now includes stories that previously were ignored

The book was a runner-up in 1980 for the National Book Award
So? Lady GaGa is popular, too. Doesn't mean her work is worth anything.

Zinn's a liar. America-hating progressives love that shit.
Leftists, it should tell you something that your philosophy can't survive without forcing it on people too unsophisticated to question it.

It should, but it won't.

in fact they rely on it

One of the beauties of history is that historians are constantly questioning history, that's one of their jobs. Did George Washington cut down a cherry tree and then tell his father.... Did FDR know of the coming raid on Pearl Harbor?
The problem with history is there are so many facets and so many ways to interpret, and on these boards history usually has a political facet added to muddy the waters.
Conservatives: Here, let me show why this social program you like is so dysfunctional (Schools) because we gutted funding for it, so now it should be stopped because obviously government doesn't work.

The United States is lagging far behind much of the developed world when it comes to enrolling children in preschool programs, ranking 24th and 26th
among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries in the enrollment and three- and four-year-olds, respectively.

While the U.S. enrolls just just 69 percent of its four-year-olds and 51 percent of its three-year-olds, other countries enroll nearly all of their young children in preschool programs. But it isn’t just enrollment where America falls behind — it also fails to keep up in other areas, such as when children begin school, how much it spends on preschool, and the teacher-to-child ratio in its early childhood education programs

INFOGRAPHIC: United States Lags Other Countries On Preschool Investment, Enrollment | ThinkProgress


We've tried throwing money at it. It didn't work.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows - CBS News
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

Despite the spending, U.S. students still trail their rivals on international tests.


The United States spent more than $11,000 per elementary student in 2010 and more than $12,000 per high school student. When researchers factored in the cost for programs after high school education such as college or vocational training, the United States spent $15,171 on each young person in the system — more than any other nation covered in the report.

That sum inched past some developed countries and far surpassed others. Switzerland's total spending per student was $14,922 while Mexico averaged $2,993 in 2010. The average OECD nation spent $9,313 per young person.

As a share of its economy, the United States spent more than the average country in the survey. In 2010, the United States spent 7.3 percent of its gross domestic product on education, compared with the 6.3 percent average of other OECD countries. Denmark topped the list on that measure with 8 percent of its gross domestic product going toward education.​

Liberal control of education obviously doesn't work.

But, hey -- I bet you got a LOT of participation medals, didn't you?

Got it, IGNORE my posit of the post and argue from a false premise. Conservatives *shaking head*

US Spent less than 5.5% of GDP

List of countries by spending on education (% of GDP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) | Data | Table

The United States spent 20 percent of the federal budget on defense in 2011.

Federal education spending accounts for just 3 percent of the $3.5 trillion the government spent in 2012

The figure includes the annual appropriation for the entire Department of Education ($67.4 billion), so-called mandatory spending at the department ($16.3 billion), the school breakfast and lunch programs ($14.8 billion), the refundable portion of a higher education tax credit ($6.6 billion), the Head Start program ($8.0 billion) and the subsidy provided on all of the student loans the government will disburse in one year (which happened to be negative — -$5.5 billion — last year).
Got it. You want to throw MORE money at it...despite it not working.
The problem with the conservative movement in America is that it is based on bigotry, hatred, and, greed. Above all, greed. Money is their god. They worship money and the holders of it and despise those who don't have it.
The problem with you is you're a retard who can't think for himself.

Seriously, dood. You're Bitter, Angry Liberal, straight from Central Casting. You're a caricature.

And that's ALL you'll ever be.

Surprise me -- DON'T respond with something that will boil down to "No, YOU!!"
Ad homs? lol

:lol: Yeah, that's funny. Almost as funny as you progs kissing the Pope's behind...until he reiterated the Church's stance on abortion. Then you turned on him again.

Meanwhile, the facts are:

1. Liberals rewrite history to suit their agenda.

2. Howard Zinn is a liar. Period.

False premises, distortions and LIES, the only thing right wingers EVER have

Look at these so called conservative guru's, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck ( the three wise monkeys) you name it, everyone of them dropped out of college, too dumb possibly, but more likely too close minded to accept any other opinion or theory!!!
Where did you go to college, and what was your major?

Me, I went to Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN, majoring in Laser/Electro-Optics and minoring in Electronics.

Throughout my Air Force career, I earned numerous credits from the Community College of the Air Force.

After I retired, I went to the local community & technical college to study welding. My VU and CCAF transfer credits totaled 174.

Nice try. My source for Obama's job as POTUS has dozens of sources, some positive, some negative but none of the latter was provided by the lunatics who post on this forum.
Name a negative source.

Liberals don't love Obama, liberals are angry at Obama, but we also don't like conservatives blaming everything on Obama when they are obstructing congress and when there is no reason to believe Republican candidates would act any better than Obama. Obama is a conservative, just not nearly as conservative as the Republicans have become in recent years.
To a Marxist, a Socialist looks like a conservative.

Re: Liberals not loving Obama:

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

"We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

-- Michelle Obama

"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."

-- Politiken (Danish newspaper)

"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

--Lawrence Carter

"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."

-- Dinesh Sharma

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra."

-- Chicago] Sun-Times

"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"

-- Mark Morford

"What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history"

-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

-- Barack Obama

"Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"

-- Daily Kos

"He communicates God-like energy..."

-- Steve Davis (Charleston, SC)

"Not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul"

-- Commentator @ Chicago Sun Times

"I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear."

-- Halle Berry

"A quantum leap in American consciousness"

-- Deepak Chopra

"He is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians. . . . the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century."
-- Gary Hart

"Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings . . . He's our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence."

-- Eve Konstantine

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

-- Chris Matthews

"[Obama is ] creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom . . . [He is] the man for this time."

-- Toni Morrison

"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."

-- Ezra Klein

"Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."

-- Gerald Campbell

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."

-- Oprah Winfrey

“I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."

-- Bill Rush​
"Liberal control of education obviously doesn't work"

That statement is fine with me. However, if you are going to present an "America is great" kind of let's cheer for America curriculum then I would have a huge problem with that as well. Present only facts and let the kids judge for themselves and if they don't have a favorable opinion of a historical event then that's good in my eyes. If we go with the conservative plan or outlook on schools and teachers we

1). Cut teacher pay
2). Cut benefits as they somehow are a drain on the so called "makers"
3). Judge everything on test scores

Conservatives should be clamoring for the good teachers to be making DOUBLE what they are now because their mantra is to blame teachers firmest. How do you feel about that? How about a kindergarten teacher making over 100 grand per year plus beanies? I'm all for it.
Heartland Institute is a far right wackobird organization.

Read the material for it is worth and then use it properly in the rest room.

The core standards came out of Bush's "re-invention" of education in Texas.

Much of it I don't like but when someone tells you that it is UN-sponsored and commie approved, put your hand over your wallet and back away then turn in run quickly.
So the common core is no good. Back to local control then? Abolish all mandated testing? Quit the whining about more accountability and the other scapegoat complaining? Sounds good.
So the common core is no good. Back to local control then? Abolish all mandated testing? Quit the whining about more accountability and the other scapegoat complaining? Sounds good.

The wackobirds are good at complaining but have no meaningful solutions.

If go back to local control, then the system works for the children of local elites.
We've tried throwing money at it. It didn't work.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows - CBS News
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

Despite the spending, U.S. students still trail their rivals on international tests.


The United States spent more than $11,000 per elementary student in 2010 and more than $12,000 per high school student. When researchers factored in the cost for programs after high school education such as college or vocational training, the United States spent $15,171 on each young person in the system — more than any other nation covered in the report.

That sum inched past some developed countries and far surpassed others. Switzerland's total spending per student was $14,922 while Mexico averaged $2,993 in 2010. The average OECD nation spent $9,313 per young person.

As a share of its economy, the United States spent more than the average country in the survey. In 2010, the United States spent 7.3 percent of its gross domestic product on education, compared with the 6.3 percent average of other OECD countries. Denmark topped the list on that measure with 8 percent of its gross domestic product going toward education.​

Liberal control of education obviously doesn't work.

But, hey -- I bet you got a LOT of participation medals, didn't you?

Got it, IGNORE my posit of the post and argue from a false premise. Conservatives *shaking head*

US Spent less than 5.5% of GDP

List of countries by spending on education (% of GDP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Public spending on education, total (% of GDP) | Data | Table

The United States spent 20 percent of the federal budget on defense in 2011.

Federal education spending accounts for just 3 percent of the $3.5 trillion the government spent in 2012

The figure includes the annual appropriation for the entire Department of Education ($67.4 billion), so-called mandatory spending at the department ($16.3 billion), the school breakfast and lunch programs ($14.8 billion), the refundable portion of a higher education tax credit ($6.6 billion), the Head Start program ($8.0 billion) and the subsidy provided on all of the student loans the government will disburse in one year (which happened to be negative — -$5.5 billion — last year).

The problem with the conservative movement in America is that it is based on bigotry, hatred, and, greed. Above all, greed. Money is their god. They worship money and the holders of it and despise those who don't have it.

That's beacause the MAJORITY of educational spending is done at STATE level. Nevada for instance spends more than 25% of its TOTAL budget on education. when you add in the university pensions and K-12 teachers and admin pensions it blooms to 50%. Of the total state budget.

The Feds shouldn't be involved in education at all. The Federal contribution devolves to no more than propaganda..

Conservative propaganda, yes

US Spent less than 5.5% of GDP
Gotta have plenty of workers to work their butts off in factories for low pay. High productivity and low pay is the American dream.
Name a negative source.

Liberals don't love Obama, liberals are angry at Obama, but we also don't like conservatives blaming everything on Obama when they are obstructing congress and when there is no reason to believe Republican candidates would act any better than Obama. Obama is a conservative, just not nearly as conservative as the Republicans have become in recent years.
To a Marxist, a Socialist looks like a conservative.

Re: Liberals not loving Obama:

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

"We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

-- Michelle Obama

"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."

-- Politiken (Danish newspaper)

"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

--Lawrence Carter

"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."

-- Dinesh Sharma

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra."

-- Chicago] Sun-Times

"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"

-- Mark Morford

"What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history"

-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

-- Barack Obama

"Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"

-- Daily Kos

"He communicates God-like energy..."

-- Steve Davis (Charleston, SC)

"Not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul"

-- Commentator @ Chicago Sun Times

"I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear."

-- Halle Berry

"A quantum leap in American consciousness"

-- Deepak Chopra

"He is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians. . . . the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century."
-- Gary Hart

"Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings . . . He's our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence."

-- Eve Konstantine

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

-- Chris Matthews

"[Obama is ] creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom . . . [He is] the man for this time."

-- Toni Morrison

"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."

-- Ezra Klein

"Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."

-- Gerald Campbell

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."

-- Oprah Winfrey

“I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."

-- Bill Rush​

LOL, Grow up and grow a brain, PLEASE
:lol: Yeah, that's funny. Almost as funny as you progs kissing the Pope's behind...until he reiterated the Church's stance on abortion. Then you turned on him again.

Meanwhile, the facts are:

1. Liberals rewrite history to suit their agenda.

2. Howard Zinn is a liar. Period.

False premises, distortions and LIES, the only thing right wingers EVER have

Look at these so called conservative guru's, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck ( the three wise monkeys) you name it, everyone of them dropped out of college, too dumb possibly, but more likely too close minded to accept any other opinion or theory!!!

Who cares what level of education the RW radio personalities have, the fact remains that Zinn has a PhD, and is a renowned prevaricator. All that means is he can wrap his lies up in pretty language. They're still lies, just like his buddy Noam's.

Got it, YOUR opinion, which means what again?
Name a negative source.

Liberals don't love Obama, liberals are angry at Obama, but we also don't like conservatives blaming everything on Obama when they are obstructing congress and when there is no reason to believe Republican candidates would act any better than Obama. Obama is a conservative, just not nearly as conservative as the Republicans have become in recent years.

Obama is not a "conservative" you twit. Conservatives are not in favor of big government.
That's why the TEA party has been targeting RINO's more than Democrats in their political races because there are almost NO conservatives in government anymore.

You're just parroting more of the same progressive propaganda. Obama has sold his soul to the multi national corporations and THAT is why the progressives are pissed at him. They were hoping he would go full dictator and they are pissed that he decided being rich was better than being a dictator of a totally fucked up progressive nightmare.

He's not stupid. He see's what happens in progressive "utopias", they suck.

Yes, AmeriKa sucks, of course until Reagan created AmeriKa, America was pretty good, IMHO...

:lol: Yeah, that's funny. Almost as funny as you progs kissing the Pope's behind...until he reiterated the Church's stance on abortion. Then you turned on him again.

Meanwhile, the facts are:

1. Liberals rewrite history to suit their agenda.

2. Howard Zinn is a liar. Period.

False premises, distortions and LIES, the only thing right wingers EVER have

Look at these so called conservative guru's, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck ( the three wise monkeys) you name it, everyone of them dropped out of college, too dumb possibly, but more likely too close minded to accept any other opinion or theory!!!
Where did you go to college, and what was your major?

Me, I went to Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN, majoring in Laser/Electro-Optics and minoring in Electronics.

Throughout my Air Force career, I earned numerous credits from the Community College of the Air Force.

After I retired, I went to the local community & technical college to study welding. My VU and CCAF transfer credits totaled 174.


Cal Poly SLO Sociology Major, History Minor


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