Rex Tillerson calls Trump a "moron"

Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

The tensions came to a head around the time President Donald Trump delivered a politicized speech in late July to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization Tillerson once led, the officials said.

Just days earlier, Tillerson had openly disparaged the president, referring to him as a “moron,” after a July 20 meeting at the Pentagon with members of Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials, according to three officials familiar with the incident.

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence
fake news

Ask yourself———- Hitting Hillary with a golf ball, undermining Tillerson, lied about his tax plan, obsession with Obama, very poor Puerto Rico relief effort, wants to go to war with North Korea, never ending insults that criticized him, very abusive, attacked his own AG Sessions in public—— Those are not fake news.

That said——- He is what? Your lucky he did not call him RETARD.
Tillerson and Kelly both in jobs where they put up with repeated insults by a guy whose ego is so outsized .... and they put up with it for the good of the country, but yet they are basically enabling a guy who should be removed from office because of mental instability. I don't know whether to admire them of think their coddling of the guy is doing more damage longterm ....

Trump is a guy that DEMANDS positive results and if you can't produce them, then GTFO! You're accustomed to and comfortable with career politicians that are indifferent as to whether they or their aides do anything good for Americans.

Why hasn't Trump fired himself... By the polls alone is a disaster... He has lost the international community.. No major piece of legislation yet even though he has both houses... His own supporters are dismayed as his behaviour...
Thin-skinned Obama would have fired his ass instantaneously. Trump tolerates criticism and even insults.

How did Obama came into this picture?

More and more Trump is proving himself unfit, a joke, unprofessional, amateur like a petulant little boy president. Always doing or saying something dumb or stupid.

He waited 2 weeks to visit Puerto Rico, the aid to PR was very slow, then blast PR and the mayor, blasted the Puerto Ricans ——- Then tap himself at the back he is doing a good job. What a joke.

Tillerson s talking with Kim of North Korea to find a peaceful solution to the crisis or diffuse the situations. Trump told Tillerson ———- He is wasting his time. Trump wants to go war. Is this president a MORON or UNFIT?
Being a MORON makes him UNFIT.
Tillerson and Kelly both in jobs where they put up with repeated insults by a guy whose ego is so outsized .... and they put up with it for the good of the country, but yet they are basically enabling a guy who should be removed from office because of mental instability. I don't know whether to admire them of think their coddling of the guy is doing more damage longterm ....

Trump is a guy that DEMANDS positive results and if you can't produce them, then GTFO! You're accustomed to and comfortable with career politicians that are indifferent as to whether they or their aides do anything good for Americans.

Why hasn't Trump fired himself... By the polls alone is a disaster... He has lost the international community.. No major piece of legislation yet even though he has both houses... His own supporters are dismayed as his behaviour...
Trump sees himself as the best there ever was.
[QUOTE="Dragonlady, post: 18284521, member:
Tillerson is something Trump is not and will never be: a very successful American businessman.

There are some insightful, objective posters on this site; you're not one of them.[/QUOTE]

Trump is rich but not a successful business man... If you inherit it, it kind of don't count...
Well, Tillerson is right about that!

Trump is the biggest moron this country ever elected.
Tillerson and Kelly both in jobs where they put up with repeated insults by a guy whose ego is so outsized .... and they put up with it for the good of the country, but yet they are basically enabling a guy who should be removed from office because of mental instability. I don't know whether to admire them of think their coddling of the guy is doing more damage longterm ....

Trump is a guy that DEMANDS positive results and if you can't produce them, then GTFO! You're accustomed to and comfortable with career politicians that are indifferent as to whether they or their aides do anything good for Americans.

Why hasn't Trump fired himself... By the polls alone is a disaster... He has lost the international community.. No major piece of legislation yet even though he has both houses... His own supporters are dismayed as his behaviour...

But in his inaugeration he said:
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world.

But we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.


We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones. And unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.

Has he reinforced old alliances? Formed new ones? Has he united the civilized world? I don't think so.
Trump and Tillerson both already said it was bullshit.

It's like a prostitute and her customer getting caught in a police raid. They both deny they were engaged in what they were engaged in.

Or a drug dealer and his client getting busted. Both of them deny they were doing what they were doing.
Well, Tillerson is right about that!

Trump is the biggest moron this country ever elected.

Secretary of State says Trump doesn’t speak for American values
An exchange on Fox News shows just how worried the top diplomat is about his boss's endorsement of "very fine" white supremacists.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson refused to defend the president’s remarks and went to far as to say the president doesn’t speak for the United States.

“I don’t believe anyone doubts the American people’s values or the commitment of the American government or the government’s agencies to advancing those values and defending those values,” Tillerson responded.

“And the president’s values?” Wallace asked.

“The president speaks for himself, Chris,” Tillerson said. The interview ended there.

I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!! The SOS telling the world when Donald speaks he does not speak for our country. He's a fucking idiot who speaks for himself.

Still the rest of the world wonders how the fuck 49% of Americans voted for this orange ass clown.
Trump is at the very least a "moron" - but I suspect his problems run much deeper than that. Congress should force him to undergo serious psychological examinations.
What sickens me is their attempt to put words into his mouth.

They asked about reports that he called the president a moron.

And, despite the fact that in the early part of his statement he said the president was very smart, the whole emphasis is upon the fact that, when asked about it, he said it was so petty he wouldn't even deal with it. To them, that opens the door to "He won't refute the claim that he called the president a moron."

What utter crap.
Trump is at the very least a "moron" - but I suspect his problems run much deeper than that. Congress should force him to undergo serious psychological examinations.
Amazingly, I looked it up and it fits to a T: mental age between 8 and 12.
Tillerson and Kelly both in jobs where they put up with repeated insults by a guy whose ego is so outsized .... and they put up with it for the good of the country, but yet they are basically enabling a guy who should be removed from office because of mental instability. I don't know whether to admire them of think their coddling of the guy is doing more damage longterm ....
"every day i'm on the verge of resigning...if you're an intense person who cares, you'll always want to resign. so what if they called names? this is not baby games!" - Greg Gutfeld
Who really thinks Tillerson is going to go on record on national television as the Secretary of State and admit he called Trump a moron?


I'm guessing, just my opinion, that Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, and some others aren't quiting because they know if they do, this country would be fucked by others who may not be able to get shit done because they could be yes men that do whatever Trump tells them to do instead of the things they should be doing. This was pretty much confirmed by Mattis' speech to soldiers where he told them to just try to hold on things would get better.
Tillerson said he is "not going to deal with petty stuff".
Translation: fine, I did call him a moron, but I want to keep my job.

OMG, the clouds have parted, the sun has shown through because--------------> TINY Ted Frazier just translated with lefty aplomb, what everything really means. The new Karnak! Johnny Carson would be so proud-)
Uh oh, he's starting his speech the typical Trump quitter way. Trump is so great...blah blah...

Shorter Rex Tillerson: If I suck up enough, will Trump not fire me?

Tillerson is something Trump is not and will never be: a very successful American businessman. A realio, trulio, alpha male. Trump is a bully boy with an inferiority complex as big as all outdoors. Really successful alpha males have no time or patience for dilettantes such as Trump. I'm surprised Tillerson has lasted this long and apparently it's only because he's been talked out of quitting.

I seriously doubt he will continue to allow Trump to undercut him at every turn and talk down to him via Twitter. If Tillerson last till the end of the year, which I understand was his plan, I will be very surprised.
Trump is something Tillerson will never be, president of the United States? But hey, that isn't success is it?
And it looks like Rex is going to resign or something...he has a press conference coming up. I cant believe the award winning best friend of Russia isnt doing well. Maybe Putin is sending over a new person he wants installed in the job.
He was asked if he called the president a moron and refused to deny it.

What does that mean?

Rex suddenly has the respect of a large part of the country and probably the rest of the world.

You know that even though Trump is Putin's b!tch, he undoubtedly thinks Trump is a moron.
so did he say he said it?D'OH, only in a libturd world.

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