Rex Tillerson calls Trump a "moron"

Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

The tensions came to a head around the time President Donald Trump delivered a politicized speech in late July to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization Tillerson once led, the officials said.

Just days earlier, Tillerson had openly disparaged the president, referring to him as a “moron,” after a July 20 meeting at the Pentagon with members of Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials, according to three officials familiar with the incident.

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.

Tillerson did not denied calling Trump a moron.

He refused to entertain the idea you illiterate moron.

Like "neither confirm or deny".....:lol:
I call my business partner Pendejo....or Seniorita.......100 times a day. It's meaningless.tRump is a shithead/Clown. OK he's STILL the boss. This is a fact and no matter what. He was sElected.
Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Honest Mr Trump........I never called you a moron, Believe me

Trump wouldn't care if he did. He's not a k*nt like Obama and Hillary that would fire a qualified person for having the audacity to insult him.

Really? He fired Comey for not doing as he was told. He wanted to fire Jeff Sessions for recusing himself and showing disloyalty. He attacked the Mayor of San Juan for daring to criticize him. I'm thinking the only reason he hasn't fired Tillerson is that the optics would be too terrible given the revolving door on White House staffing since the inauguration.

He fired Comey for incompetence.
Sessions should not have recused himself without checking with Trump.

The Mayor of San Juan is a glory-hounding, grandstanding liberal who can't be bothered to talk to FEMA.

Tillerson is under no threat of being fired and you have no evidence that he even insulted Trump.

That makes you 0 for 4.

Want to keep that streak alive? Post something else naive!
Now you have to lie? Not only did she talk and meet with FEMA, but she put two aids with FEMA to keep her informed of what they were doing and to coordinate. FEMA never denied it. Trump did and the Republicans did because they are swine. They attack people who are trying to save lives.
Look at you.


This is her going door to door looking for people who need help.

Mayor Cruz waded through the flood to help the Puerto Rican people

President Trump tossed them some paper towels
Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

The tensions came to a head around the time President Donald Trump delivered a politicized speech in late July to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization Tillerson once led, the officials said.

Just days earlier, Tillerson had openly disparaged the president, referring to him as a “moron,” after a July 20 meeting at the Pentagon with members of Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials, according to three officials familiar with the incident.

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Wait, Did you expect him to admit to calling his boss a moron? Arent you cute.:itsok:

He said the reports were false, yet you ignorant hacks keep carrying fake news water. What a pathetic little life you must lead.

"He said the reports were false"? Oh really? Quote him saying that.
Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

The tensions came to a head around the time President Donald Trump delivered a politicized speech in late July to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization Tillerson once led, the officials said.

Just days earlier, Tillerson had openly disparaged the president, referring to him as a “moron,” after a July 20 meeting at the Pentagon with members of Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials, according to three officials familiar with the incident.

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Wait, Did you expect him to admit to calling his boss a moron? Arent you cute.:itsok:

He said the reports were false, yet you ignorant hacks keep carrying fake news water. What a pathetic little life you must lead.

"He said the reports were false"? Oh really? Quote him saying that.

He used the words "erroneously reported", that means false. But feel free to keep playing your games of semantics, but remember, semantics are the last bastion of a loser.

Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Wait, Did you expect him to admit to calling his boss a moron? Arent you cute.:itsok:

He said the reports were false, yet you ignorant hacks keep carrying fake news water. What a pathetic little life you must lead.

"He said the reports were false"? Oh really? Quote him saying that.

He used the words "erroneously reported", that means false. But feel free to keep playing your games of semantics, but remember, semantics are the last bastion of a loser.

maybe "stupid moron."
Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Wait, Did you expect him to admit to calling his boss a moron? Arent you cute.:itsok:

He said the reports were false, yet you ignorant hacks keep carrying fake news water. What a pathetic little life you must lead.

"He said the reports were false"? Oh really? Quote him saying that.

He used the words "erroneously reported", that means false. But feel free to keep playing your games of semantics, but remember, semantics are the last bastion of a loser.

maybe "stupid moron."

State dept just put out a statement saying Tillerson doesn't use that type of language to describe anyone and DID NOT use it in relation to the president. So there ya go, he didn't say it.

Honest Mr Trump........I never called you a moron, Believe me

Trump wouldn't care if he did. He's not a k*nt like Obama and Hillary that would fire a qualified person for having the audacity to insult him.

Really? He fired Comey for not doing as he was told. He wanted to fire Jeff Sessions for recusing himself and showing disloyalty. He attacked the Mayor of San Juan for daring to criticize him. I'm thinking the only reason he hasn't fired Tillerson is that the optics would be too terrible given the revolving door on White House staffing since the inauguration.

He fired Comey for incompetence.
Sessions should not have recused himself without checking with Trump.

The Mayor of San Juan is a glory-hounding, grandstanding liberal who can't be bothered to talk to FEMA.

Tillerson is under no threat of being fired and you have no evidence that he even insulted Trump.

That makes you 0 for 4.

Want to keep that streak alive? Post something else naive!
Now you have to lie? Not only did she talk and meet with FEMA, but she put two aids with FEMA to keep her informed of what they were doing and to coordinate. FEMA never denied it. Trump did and the Republicans did because they are swine. They attack people who are trying to save lives.
Look at you.


This is her going door to door looking for people who need help.

Mayor Cruz waded through the flood to help the Puerto Rican people

President Trump tossed them some paper towels
Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Wait, Did you expect him to admit to calling his boss a moron? Arent you cute.:itsok:

He said the reports were false, yet you ignorant hacks keep carrying fake news water. What a pathetic little life you must lead.

"He said the reports were false"? Oh really? Quote him saying that.

He used the words "erroneously reported", that means false. But feel free to keep playing your games of semantics, but remember, semantics are the last bastion of a loser.

You need to learn government speak.....:lol: That's not a denial.

Trumps inaugeration he said: So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words -- you will never be ignored again.

Sorry Puerto Rico.

He clearly didn't include you.
Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.


Wait, Did you expect him to admit to calling his boss a moron? Arent you cute.:itsok:

He said the reports were false, yet you ignorant hacks keep carrying fake news water. What a pathetic little life you must lead.

"He said the reports were false"? Oh really? Quote him saying that.

He used the words "erroneously reported", that means false. But feel free to keep playing your games of semantics, but remember, semantics are the last bastion of a loser.

He was talking about reports that he thought about resigning. When asked directly about call trump a moron he evaded giving an answer. Maybe you should watch the video a couple of more times, or at least once.
Honest Mr Trump........I never called you a moron, Believe me

Trump wouldn't care if he did. He's not a k*nt like Obama and Hillary that would fire a qualified person for having the audacity to insult him.

Really? He fired Comey for not doing as he was told. He wanted to fire Jeff Sessions for recusing himself and showing disloyalty. He attacked the Mayor of San Juan for daring to criticize him. I'm thinking the only reason he hasn't fired Tillerson is that the optics would be too terrible given the revolving door on White House staffing since the inauguration.

He fired Comey for incompetence.
Sessions should not have recused himself without checking with Trump.

The Mayor of San Juan is a glory-hounding, grandstanding liberal who can't be bothered to talk to FEMA.

Tillerson is under no threat of being fired and you have no evidence that he even insulted Trump.

That makes you 0 for 4.

Want to keep that streak alive? Post something else naive!

Trump has stated on national television that Comey was fired because of the "Russia thing".

Your statement on the mayor of San one Puerto Rico is an expression of your personal opinion and has no basis in fact.

I have never said that Tillerson insulted Trump nor am I said that he was going to be fired. I fully expect him to be to quit. He is said to be very unhappy with the funding cuts to the State Department, and it being undercut at every turn by President Trump.

Careful methodical successful businessman have little patience with a chaotic management style which accomplishes little if anything. Tillerson was a confident, successful businessman. His talents are utterly wasted at State.

You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. I'm spot on and you're just spouting the Trump line.

Regarding Comey, that is a lie.

The statement regarding the mayor of San Juan is a fact.

Your opinions regarding Tillerson are not based on any facts.

Regarding Comey

Donald Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing Comey

The statement regarding the Mayor of San Juan is a mindless parroting of Trump's tweets. Trump, the guy who lies as easily as he breathes.

My opinions on Tillerson are based on observations of his business record and his known behaviours. At least I'm able to firm opinions and done need to be spoon fed my thoughts via Trump's twitter feed.
Thin-skinned Obama would have fired his ass instantaneously. Trump tolerates criticism and even insults.

How did Obama came into this picture?

More and more Trump is proving himself unfit, a joke, unprofessional, amateur like a petulant little boy president. Always doing or saying something dumb or stupid.

He waited 2 weeks to visit Puerto Rico, the aid to PR was very slow, then blast PR and the mayor, blasted the Puerto Ricans ——- Then tap himself at the back he is doing a good job. What a joke.

Tillerson s talking with Kim of North Korea to find a peaceful solution to the crisis or diffuse the situations. Trump told Tillerson ———- He is wasting his time. Trump wants to go war. Is this president a MORON or UNFIT?
This is why we should not tolerate democrats in politics or the media.

It is a simple as this... He called Trump a moron, in that case he is close to the truth...

He then said it doesn't matter that he called Trump a moron...

The rest of kinda think it is important that the US President is a moron...

But Trump doesn't mind being called a moron because Rex told him it is alright...

This happens in high level business all the time? No it doesn't, if a senior exec calls someone a moron, guess what? He is a moron.
Donald Trump has been undermining Rex Tillerson in several issues such as Qatar, North Korea, Iran, etcetera.

As a result of these disagreements, Rex Tillerson called Donald Trump a moron, according to three officials:

Tillerson's fury at Trump required an intervention from VP Pence

Tillerson is on TV right now calling you and your source a liar.

Tillerson did not denied calling Trump a moron.

He refused to entertain the idea you illiterate moron.

You just used cute words for, "he didn't deny it", dotard.

Why are you ignoring all the positive things he said in his statement, instead of trying to make a big thing out of something he didn't say. Oh right, you're an ignorant political hack.


Oh I know this one :desk: because he's a lying NBC hack?

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