Rexnord Going To Mexico - Tax their Pants Off!

Trump will be taxing the shit out of himself ????
sounds good to simpleton Trump drones, but like his wall, his trade war wont happen either.
You know the truth. Stop lying. Trump doesn't have any imports - and you know it.

As for the trade war, it's not Trump's. It is Mexico's, China's, etc. Trump is simply the first president to fight the war instead of letting the other countrys take advantage of us. What country do you belong to ?

Trump doesnt import ..

You're right, had you chosen not to lie and then compound it with other lies, no one would have known what a liar you are. Thanks for showing yourself for exactly what you are. Now run along a try to come up with a new lie than't not so easy to reveal.


enough of your stupid shit... quote my lie of STFU

You mean LIES.

1. Trump has more made in China than Walmart. LIE
2. You could prove it. LIE
3. Your link was not a spread sheet. LIE

the Trump Business Cartel has more shit made in China than Walmart does.

yeah, and I can prove it.

thats not a spread sheet you dumbass ...

Next time you decide to LIE, don't make it so easy to disprove.


1. Figure of speech you simpleton .. like saying youre dumber than a grasshopper
2. I proved he is an import big shot, but bitches about others who import
3. I never said my link was a spread sheet, I said it was a bill of lading, youre just a dumb fucker who doesnt know one from the other

Excuse me dumb ass, you don't claim you can prove a figure of speech. As I said that SPREAD SHEET contained information from hundreds of bills of lading covering a 10 year period. So no, he's not a import big shot, I seriously doubt he would be in the top 3000 import big shots. But hey keep back peddling, you might actually get to the truth eventually.


get a third grader to explain the difference between a spread sheet and a bill of lading to you .. I'VE NEVER POSTED A SPREAD SHEET ON THIS THREAD YA DUMBFUK.

spread sheet/bill of lading same thing .. and stupid shit RW's want to be in charge

No need, I drove a truck commercially, I filled out bills of lading on a daily basis, none of them looked like that spread sheet. Oh and if you look at the URL for your link you'll find this: I think it's you who needs the third grader.


If you note, one of the columns on the spread sheet contained the individual bills of lading numbers. But hey I'm fair, let's ask every one else in the thread to explain to you what it is. mmk?


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