Rhode Island State Senator Cynthia Mendes: “when we’re sure homelessness has been resolved & no one is going to freeze to death, the protest will end”

What amazes me is that both sides are half right, but instead of working towards what would serve us all. The choice has been made to lie cheat & hate for a political party to win. Shouldn't it be country before party? Show me a politician admired by all.
What amazes me is that both sides are half right, but instead of working towards what would serve us all. The choice has been made to lie cheat & hate for a political party to win. Shouldn't it be country before party? Show me a politician admired by all.
I fully endorse you helping others as you come across them.

I DONT endorse the government DEMANDING ANY OF MY PAYCHECK to hand it over to someone I don't even know.

Are you aware that $100 in government "charity" $20 goes to thr person in need while $80 goes in the pocket of government employees?
Good on her.

Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.

Proverbs 14:21

Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.

Proverbs 14:31
During that time the people who were helped actually improved themselves. Today we have professional lifetime grifters as part of the mix. There are also a percentage who like it. There are mentally ill. And there are those who are just down on their luck or in a bad situation. Government offers to build some comforts and a bathroom that costs a few thousand dollars ends up costing a few million dollars. Lawyers and corrupted contractors and so many other things involved. It is not that simple. But we certainly do not get value for helping someone through government and that is damning.
What amazes me is that both sides are half right, but instead of working towards what would serve us all. The choice has been made to lie cheat & hate for a political party to win. Shouldn't it be country before party? Show me a politician admired by all.
Multiculturalism has destroyed us….we’re a nation with no identify, nothing in common…We’re just too different with too many differnt desires and needs. There will never be unity amongst the people or bipartisanship in government. EMBRACE THE DIVIDE.

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