Rice tells Cain to stop playing the race card

ok... lets try to define it.....

is wikis definition good?

Race card - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to exploitation of either racist or (more frequently) anti-racist attitudes to gain a personal advantage, typically by falsely accusing others of racism against oneself.

i cant find any place else that attempts to define what the "race card" means........

I am not the sole arbiter of whether the Wiki definition is sufficient.

However, if we choose to go with that then I choose to highlight the portion that I find most useful at the moment:

exploitation of either racist or (more frequently) anti-racist attitudes to gain a personal advantage, typically by falsely accusing others of racism against oneself.

Which takes me back to Mr. Cain being ASKED if racial considerations may have played a part in the present smear campaign against him. To the extent that he believes that such considerations WERE part of the motivation, he is perfectly permitted to say so, and that would NOT qualify as "playing the race card" even if his speculation were in fact incorrect.

If he "BELIEVES" it, it is not the same thing as a "false" accusation. One can be mistaken without being a liar, after all.

And if one is asked specifically about a BELIEF, then no answer can (by definition) ever be true or false. The sun sets in the morning is a false statement. IF I know the sun RISES in the morning, and I say it sets in the morning, then I presumably would be lying.

However, if I mistakenly define a scientific principle (due to a genuine confusion on my part) and couch it in terms of "I BELIEVE that science says, X, Y and Z" then although I might be wrong, I would NOT be guilty of lying.

I don't know if God exists. But I believe in God. If I'm asked to state my belief, and I say "I believe in God," then even if it could later be proved that there is not and never was a God, I would not be guilty of lying (or making a false statement). In fact, my statement is true. Even if I'm wrong, I DO believe in God.

Assuming that Mr. Cain thinks that the motivation behind the smear campaign is due (in whole or in part) to racial concerns of those engaging in this smear, then he could not be guilty of "playing the race card."

If you have some evidence that he doesn't believe it, that's another matter, though.

well, then no one actually ever plays the race card as long as they actually believe that racism is the motivation for the attacks even if there is no actual racist motivation on the part of the attacker.....

by that, it would mean that the "race card" is never actually played since we cant know if the person making the accustaion of racism believes it really is racism or not.........

Not quite correct.

There are probably times when it is obvious that the resort to the claim of "perceived" racism is itself obviously just a convenient pretext. A fraud. Under those circumstances, it might be appropriate to call bullshit on the bullshitter and take note of the fact that he is actually just attempting to play a race card.

The circumstances govern.

But: WHEN one is specifically ASKED to STATE what he BELIEVES, it is absurd to then accuse the person of playing the race card.
It's "Honkey, please."

And repeating the CLAIM that Mr. Cain "has played the race card" a whole lot of times is still not the same thing as his having played the race card.

Those who make that claim have the burden of establishing it.

As Lucius Fox told Coleman Reese when Reese planned on blackmailing the Batman, "... Good luck."

He was asked outright by Krauthammer if he believed these latest attacks had anything to do with race and he said 'yes'.

I will ask again as I did earlier...

He did not simply "toss it out there".

He was specificallyt asked HIS OPINION as to whether or not HE BELEIVES the attacks had anythijng to do with race.

In other words, a black man was asked if attacks on him were based on race.

We have "hate laws" now due to the fact that race prompted attacks on black people.

So why is he not allowed to believe his race was a factor in the attacks?

Are all balck people NEVER allowed to say yes to that question?

He said yes and then said but he had no evidence to support that.

That makes it even MORE playing the race card.

btw, the idea if someone is asked first, then suddenly it can't be the race card?

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He was asked outright by Krauthammer if he believed these latest attacks had anything to do with race and he said 'yes'.

I will ask again as I did earlier...

He did not simply "toss it out there".

He was specificallyt asked HIS OPINION as to whether or not HE BELEIVES the attacks had anythijng to do with race.

In other words, a black man was asked if attacks on him were based on race.

We have "hate laws" now due to the fact that race prompted attacks on black people.

So why is he not allowed to believe his race was a factor in the attacks?

Are all balck people NEVER allowed to say yes to that question?

He said yes and then said but he had no evidence to support that?

That makes it even MORE playing the race card.

btw, the idea if someone is asked first, then suddenly it can't be the race card?


It didnt say that.

Stop acting like a child.
It's "Honkey, please."

And repeating the CLAIM that Mr. Cain "has played the race card" a whole lot of times is still not the same thing as his having played the race card.

Those who make that claim have the burden of establishing it.

As Lucius Fox told Coleman Reese when Reese planned on blackmailing the Batman, "... Good luck."

He was asked outright by Krauthammer if he believed these latest attacks had anything to do with race and he said 'yes'.

So, if he thinks part of the reason for a smear campaign against him is because some of those perpetrating the smear are doing so on account of race, that's "playing the race card?" :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

God damn, but you are one stupid dishonest motherfucker.

Yes, when he follows it by saying he has no evidence to support it. He was thus manufacturing a racial component out of THIN AIR,

just to get it out there.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Herman Cain should not be playing the race card in an interview aired after the former pizza executive said he is being attacked by liberals for his race but not by conservatives.

"I actually am someone who-- doesn't believe in playing the race card on either side. I've seen it played, by the way, on the other side quite a lot too. And it's not good for the country," Rice told CBS' Norah O'Donnell in an interview that aired on CBS' "The Early Show" on Wednesday.

Asked on Tuesday if race had anything to do with the allegation of sexual harassment more than a decade ago, Cain told Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer "I believe the answer is yes, but we do not have any evidence to support it."

Condoleezza Rice to Cain: Don't play the race card - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

A "Vulcan" (former [?]) wanting him to do the right thing. Good for her
Scooter Libby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scooter Libby was part of a network of neo-conservatives known as the "Vulcans" — its other members included Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, and Donald Rumsfeld
I will ask again as I did earlier...

He did not simply "toss it out there".

He was specificallyt asked HIS OPINION as to whether or not HE BELEIVES the attacks had anythijng to do with race.

In other words, a black man was asked if attacks on him were based on race.

We have "hate laws" now due to the fact that race prompted attacks on black people.

So why is he not allowed to believe his race was a factor in the attacks?

Are all balck people NEVER allowed to say yes to that question?

He said yes and then said but he had no evidence to support that?

That makes it even MORE playing the race card.

btw, the idea if someone is asked first, then suddenly it can't be the race card?


It didnt say that.

Stop acting like a child.

That's exactly what you said.
He said yes and then said but he had no evidence to support that?

That makes it even MORE playing the race card.

btw, the idea if someone is asked first, then suddenly it can't be the race card?


It didnt say that.

Stop acting like a child.

That's exactly what you said.

No it is not.

Stop acting like a child.

Engage in the debate like an adult or I will simply stop responding to you.
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I am not the sole arbiter of whether the Wiki definition is sufficient.

However, if we choose to go with that then I choose to highlight the portion that I find most useful at the moment:

Which takes me back to Mr. Cain being ASKED if racial considerations may have played a part in the present smear campaign against him. To the extent that he believes that such considerations WERE part of the motivation, he is perfectly permitted to say so, and that would NOT qualify as "playing the race card" even if his speculation were in fact incorrect.

If he "BELIEVES" it, it is not the same thing as a "false" accusation. One can be mistaken without being a liar, after all.

And if one is asked specifically about a BELIEF, then no answer can (by definition) ever be true or false. The sun sets in the morning is a false statement. IF I know the sun RISES in the morning, and I say it sets in the morning, then I presumably would be lying.

However, if I mistakenly define a scientific principle (due to a genuine confusion on my part) and couch it in terms of "I BELIEVE that science says, X, Y and Z" then although I might be wrong, I would NOT be guilty of lying.

I don't know if God exists. But I believe in God. If I'm asked to state my belief, and I say "I believe in God," then even if it could later be proved that there is not and never was a God, I would not be guilty of lying (or making a false statement). In fact, my statement is true. Even if I'm wrong, I DO believe in God.

Assuming that Mr. Cain thinks that the motivation behind the smear campaign is due (in whole or in part) to racial concerns of those engaging in this smear, then he could nto be guilty of "playing the race card."

If you have some evidence that he doesn't believe it, that's another matter, though.

i'm sure he believes it. I'm also sure if the president ever said the words "it's because i'm black" or assented to them, the entire right-leaning side of the country would keel over in a collective fit of laughter.

I would laugh out loud, indeed.

The man got elected President. So obviously he is not a deeply wounded victim of racism.

Nonetheless, if he were to say that some of the criticism he has gotten IS race-based (i.e., "racist") I not only wouldn't deny it, I'd have to acknowledge it. I've SEEN it. I have even criticized that kind of racist spew when I have noticed it. Like, USAR with his racist simian-based images of the President and the First Lady in his avie. Disgusting racism. It cheapens and undermines ANY criticism he might have of anything done by the President.

I agree 100%. But to his credit, he's never talked about the race-based criticism. Cain is being challenged politically like every other frontrunner would be. He should have been prepared for it. And his being challenged has nothing to do with race. Someone running against him, or who wants him to lose, leaked it. (There are those who opine it was Karl Rove and it wouldn't shock me too terribly if it turns out it was). But it isn't race-based. If he wants to be president, he has to grow a thicker skin.
i'm sure he believes it. I'm also sure if the president ever said the words "it's because i'm black" or assented to them, the entire right-leaning side of the country would keel over in a collective fit of laughter.

I would laugh out loud, indeed.

The man got elected President. So obviously he is not a deeply wounded victim of racism.

Nonetheless, if he were to say that some of the criticism he has gotten IS race-based (i.e., "racist") I not only wouldn't deny it, I'd have to acknowledge it. I've SEEN it. I have even criticized that kind of racist spew when I have noticed it. Like, USAR with his racist simian-based images of the President and the First Lady in his avie. Disgusting racism. It cheapens and undermines ANY criticism he might have of anything done by the President.

I agree 100%. But to his credit, he's never talked about the race-based criticism. Cain is being challenged politically like every other frontrunner would be. He should have been prepared for it. And his being challenged has nothing to do with race. Someone running against him, or who wants him to lose, leaked it. (There are those who opine it was Karl Rove and it wouldn't shock me too terribly if it turns out it was). But it isn't race-based. If he wants to be president, he has to grow a thicker skin.

True. We are seeing what it is like to have a president with very thin skin.

It isnt pretty to watch.
i'm sure he believes it. I'm also sure if the president ever said the words "it's because i'm black" or assented to them, the entire right-leaning side of the country would keel over in a collective fit of laughter.

I would laugh out loud, indeed.

The man got elected President. So obviously he is not a deeply wounded victim of racism.

Nonetheless, if he were to say that some of the criticism he has gotten IS race-based (i.e., "racist") I not only wouldn't deny it, I'd have to acknowledge it. I've SEEN it. I have even criticized that kind of racist spew when I have noticed it. Like, USAR with his racist simian-based images of the President and the First Lady in his avie. Disgusting racism. It cheapens and undermines ANY criticism he might have of anything done by the President.

I agree 100%. But to his credit, he's never talked about the race-based criticism. Cain is being challenged politically like every other frontrunner would be. He should have been prepared for it. And his being challenged has nothing to do with race. Someone running against him, or who wants him to lose, leaked it. (There are those who opine it was Karl Rove and it wouldn't shock me too terribly if it turns out it was). But it isn't race-based. If he wants to be president, he has to grow a thicker skin.

Is Cain complaining about the general media vetting? I've missed that. Links please? Or is that more opining like some are doing with Rove?

I don't see Cain himself complaining.
I would laugh out loud, indeed.

The man got elected President. So obviously he is not a deeply wounded victim of racism.

Nonetheless, if he were to say that some of the criticism he has gotten IS race-based (i.e., "racist") I not only wouldn't deny it, I'd have to acknowledge it. I've SEEN it. I have even criticized that kind of racist spew when I have noticed it. Like, USAR with his racist simian-based images of the President and the First Lady in his avie. Disgusting racism. It cheapens and undermines ANY criticism he might have of anything done by the President.

I agree 100%. But to his credit, he's never talked about the race-based criticism. Cain is being challenged politically like every other frontrunner would be. He should have been prepared for it. And his being challenged has nothing to do with race. Someone running against him, or who wants him to lose, leaked it. (There are those who opine it was Karl Rove and it wouldn't shock me too terribly if it turns out it was). But it isn't race-based. If he wants to be president, he has to grow a thicker skin.

Is Cain complaining about the general media vetting? I've missed that. Links please? Or is that more opining like some are doing with Rove?

I don't see Cain himself complaining.

He isnt complaining. He was asked a question by an interviewer and he answered it.
Now, if he siad in a speech..."and I want you all to know that I am being attacked becuase I am a balck man"...then he is complaining.

And I personally do not support Cain. He does not have the experience necessary to efficiently deal with the children in congress.

It is like hiring a 12 year old with no experience to babysit quadruplets
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Herman Cain should not be playing the race card in an interview aired after the former pizza executive said he is being attacked by liberals for his race but not by conservatives.

"I actually am someone who-- doesn't believe in playing the race card on either side. I've seen it played, by the way, on the other side quite a lot too. And it's not good for the country," Rice told CBS' Norah O'Donnell in an interview that aired on CBS' "The Early Show" on Wednesday.

Asked on Tuesday if race had anything to do with the allegation of sexual harassment more than a decade ago, Cain told Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer "I believe the answer is yes, but we do not have any evidence to support it."

Condoleezza Rice to Cain: Don't play the race card - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Dr. Rice is wrong.

Mr. Cain has not played the race card.

nigga, please
Totally. I think Liarbility must have bumped his head or had a stroke.
I agree 100%. But to his credit, he's never talked about the race-based criticism. Cain is being challenged politically like every other frontrunner would be. He should have been prepared for it. And his being challenged has nothing to do with race. Someone running against him, or who wants him to lose, leaked it. (There are those who opine it was Karl Rove and it wouldn't shock me too terribly if it turns out it was). But it isn't race-based. If he wants to be president, he has to grow a thicker skin.

Is Cain complaining about the general media vetting? I've missed that. Links please? Or is that more opining like some are doing with Rove?

I don't see Cain himself complaining.

He isnt complaining. He was asked a question by an interviewer and he answered it.
Now, if he siad in a speech..."and I want you all to know that I am being attacked becuase I am a balck man"...then he is complaining.

And I personally do not support Cain. He does not have the experience necessary to efficiently deal with the children in congress.

It is like hiring a 12 year old with no experience to babysit quadruplets

Thank you Jarhead.
Rice is correct.
And I see you agree with Rice as well.
So how do you feel about it when it is used by the other side? The same way?
Or do you believe it is not used by the other side?
It's used by everyone.

Cain has made it into an art form.

Did you wake up yesterday please shut the fuck up...

like Cain is taking it to a higher level....

Rice comes across much more patient and measured where as Cain speaks with more passion which causes a lot more love and hate, mistakes and great points.

Cain hasn't played the race card until the past few weeks.... I don't know what the deal is with sexual harrasment I'm going to wait until it all comes out and that will be a telling factor in how shall I say sinister his use of the race card is.
It was made into an art form years before Cain hit the national scene.

But I do like it when one calls it out on a member of their own party.

To me, THAT is a major breakthrough.



Exactly how is claiming that Cain made it into an art form, and excusing it by saying it's 'used by everyone' calling out her own party?

What Ravi did was justify it, not condemn it.

Personally, I think Obama made it into an art form. Hell, he won an election by lying about it.
Really? When did Obama play the race card? Details, details.

I think CG is loony on this subject, period.
It was made into an art form years before Cain hit the national scene.

But I do like it when one calls it out on a member of their own party.

To me, THAT is a major breakthrough.



Exactly how is claiming that Cain made it into an art form, and excusing it by saying it's 'used by everyone' calling out her own party?

What Ravi did was justify it, not condemn it.

Personally, I think Obama made it into an art form. Hell, he won an election by lying about it.
Really? When did Obama play the race card? Details, details.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjRfKVwRUds]Barack Obama - GOP: "Did I Mention He's Black" - YouTube[/ame]
Rice is correct.
And I see you agree with Rice as well.
So how do you feel about it when it is used by the other side? The same way?
Or do you believe it is not used by the other side?

Why are you retards so quick to derail a thread with the same old crying about double standards? Stay the hell on topic.
Rice is correct.
And I see you agree with Rice as well.
So how do you feel about it when it is used by the other side? The same way?
Or do you believe it is not used by the other side?
It's used by everyone.

Cain has made it into an art form.

Did you wake up yesterday please shut the fuck up...

like Cain is taking it to a higher level....

Rice comes across much more patient and measured where as Cain speaks with more passion which causes a lot more love and hate, mistakes and great points.

Cain hasn't played the race card until the past few weeks.... I don't know what the deal is with sexual harrasment I'm going to wait until it all comes out and that will be a telling factor in how shall I say sinister his use of the race card is.

He play the race card when Jon Stewart made fun of him and it had nothing to do what race, so yes, he plays that card, but badly from the bottom of the deck.
Rice is correct.
And I see you agree with Rice as well.
So how do you feel about it when it is used by the other side? The same way?
Or do you believe it is not used by the other side?

Why are you retards so quick to derail a thread with the same old crying about double standards? Stay the hell on topic.
What derailing? Rice said, "I don't care much for incendiary language, and I actually am someone who doesn't believe in playing the race card on either side."

That includes Obama, in case you didn't know.

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