Rich Americans are ditching California

Didn't I say only the rich benefit from that tax savings? If you are middle class, other things gobble up that savings you think you are saving when you are actually not.

Yes, other things do gobble it up. Inflation is one of those things. Real wages, taking into account inflation, have declined 2% since Biden took office. That is the real problem for certain. The stock market is currently helping those with money in the market, like myself, but the many in the middle and lower classes couldn't care less about that because they can't pay their grocery bills. Democrats act as if they are for the middle-class, but their policies say otherwise. Their policies benefit those on the extremes. Extreme wealth and extreme poverty. They have tricked a boat load of people into thinking that Republicans are the ones that are harming the middle class when it is quite the opposite.
Didn't I say only the rich benefit from that tax savings? If you are middle class, other things gobble up that savings you think you are saving when you are actually not.

Bezos? Oh yea. he's saving. And guess what? They have to pass on those costs to someone else. When the cop pulls you over and gives you a ticket, it's to make up for the money Bezos isn't paying. You idiot.
OMG such disinformation, why are you LYING?? They are NOT passing on costs to anyone. This is a brand new capital gains WEALTH TAX money grab Democrats enacted. Dem parasites tried to steal his money so he told Dems to go F themselves, packed up and moved to Florida to escape the theft of his wealth. HELLO earth to parasite Democrats!

And where is the wealth tax money going? Yeah 80% right into the General Fund so it can be funneled into the pockets and pensions of the state and public employees, who will kick back money to re-elect Dems, SHOCKER!!

As I am also considering packing up and moving MY wealth to Florida I'm well aware of the costs there. Insurance of all types much higher. Utilities costs higher. But at least it's not run by parasite Democrats trying to scam money from me at every turn the lowlife scum!
Here's our Publix Ad this week. Two 30 ounce jars of Mayo for $8.63. You said you paid $12 for one jar?

I go to Michigan as much as I can and I think food costs there are higher than here. And the quality here is better except for the meat. Which, up there is hit or miss. And in the Summer the produce is OUTSTANDING! For about 6 weeks.
YMMV :dunno:

It baffles me why people would go to the Florida East Coast anyway. It really is a shithole. It's the Big City and gaywad destination. Lauderdale is one of few places in Florida that is dimocrap controlled. Which explains a lot. The lower West Coast is the MidWest/normie place to go. Better class of people all around
Yes but I admitted I went to CVS. Probably not the smartest place to go. And funny because the people in my condos told me about the bogo. How the fuck am I supposed to know? LOL

I'm going to stop saying Florida is too expensive because apparently you all get an extra $5 or 6K a year in sales or income tax? So that would make up for the high prices.

So what you are doing is gouging visitors. I'm cool with that. Michigan would do this too but no one would come. People go to Florida, even though it's unaffordable, because you can't see beaches like this in Arkansas.
OMG such disinformation, why are you LYING?? They are NOT passing on costs to anyone. This is a brand new capital gains WEALTH TAX money grab Democrats enacted. Dem parasites tried to steal his money so he told Dems to go F themselves, packed up and moved to Florida to escape the theft of his wealth. HELLO earth to parasite Democrats!

And where is the wealth tax money going? Yeah 80% right into the General Fund so it can be funneled into the pockets and pensions of the state and public employees, who will kick back money to re-elect Dems, SHOCKER!!

As I am also considering packing up and moving MY wealth to Florida I'm well aware of the costs there. Insurance of all types much higher. Utilities costs higher. But at least it's not run by parasite Democrats trying to scam money from me at every turn the lowlife scum!
Florida isn't that much different. So will you be working? If not, you will NOT be getting those savings. So if you are retired, you better have a lot of money. Sounds like you do.

And I don't know the details of the WEALTH tax. How much money do you have to have to have to pay that tax? Remember if he's not paying that, you have to make up for it. One way or the other their pensions need to be funded. If Bezos isn't paying for it you are.
Florida isn't that much different. So will you be working? If not, you will NOT be getting those savings. So if you are retired, you better have a lot of money. Sounds like you do.

And I don't know the details of the WEALTH tax. How much money do you have to have to have to pay that tax? Remember if he's not paying that, you have to make up for it. One way or the other their pensions need to be funded. If Bezos isn't paying for it you are.
My Father was an Engineer. Cleveland was an Engineering town. He moved the family there while I was in the Amry so that's where I went after I was discharged.

Cleveland didn't fall apart, it was taken apart. No matter who and why, but it was The Usual Suspects.

I saw it coming in 1977 and I moved to Florida. Not because I had a 'Tahiti Complex'. No way. I had just spent 2 years in Viet Nam. Talk about Tropical Weather and beautiful beaches?

I moved to Florida because there were jobs here. Because it was a 'growth' area. Because it was sane.

Jimmy Carter and dimocrap FILTH came up with the Mandatory Minimum Age of 21 to buy alcohol and the 55 MPH Speed Limit (two of the dumbest fucking ideas in human history, but then again, they Were dimocraps) and I remember having to use old State roads because Carter had shut down Construction of I-75 to get Florida to succumb.

See, down here, you could drink and drive at the time. At 18. They had Drive Up Windows where you could order a drink while in your car and continue on.

dimocrap scum couldn't stand the fact that, even though we didn't even bother with DUI's our Highway Fatality rate was the lowest in the Country. Florida still told Carter and his IDIOT dimocrap pals to go fuck their pet airedale.

We lost eventually. I think we got a dimocrap scum gubner maybe. Dunno, don't care.

Anyway. People shouldn't move here for the weather, IMO. I didn't. In fact, I hate the heat. HATE it. Despise it. When I was younger, my Wife and I were/are both Certified Divers and we had a decent fishing boat that worked well for diving and we'd get out on the water, go 20-30 miles out and enjoy life. Or go to the Keys. Which, you can't even do that anymore except on the Key West Express out of FM Beach. The Vomit Express. Not that bad, really. 3-4 hours from here. You really don't want drive it


Buit we're older now and you can't get near a Boat Ramp. It's a pig fight. Muscle geeks, gym rats on their useless muscle boats, Yankees that never owned a boat, young couples without a clue, and, if they did, had no idea what they were doing on the Gulf of Mexico. They drag their big, fat, stupid Cabin or Sedans down here from New Yawk and discover that they were useless. They are.

Old FLorida is gone. Florida is now, just a Giant Suburb. It sucks, mostly.

But, if you're young(ish) there's still no better place to live and raise children. And the reason why is simple..... We don't put up with scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH politicians. Not in the civilized parts of Florida. Lauderdale does NOT qualify. Not being a dikk but of all the places to live in Florida, Lauderdale is near the bottom of my list. Right behind Evergaldes City.
I'm staying in Fort Lauderdale for a month. Miami is the highest in food costs. Higher than Cali. So you can imagine Fort Lauderdale isn't that much less than Miami.

Study finds these states spend the most on groceries in America
  • California. $297.72.
  • Nevada. $294.76.
  • Mississippi. $290.64.
  • Washington. $287.67.
  • Florida. $287.27.
  • New Mexico. $286.39.
  • Texas. $286.19.
  • Louisiana. $282.95.
So Floridiots and Texas Queers save $10.

Your link-free bullshit is amusing. Keep it coming.
California is losing high income people

But dont worry libs

You are replacing them with illiterate ditch diggers to clog your schools, hospitals and welfare offices
Not just high-income people, ALL taxpayers are fleeing California.
It’s not as though they have a shortage of people.
No, just a shortage of people willing to pay insane taxes and live with insane regulations made by unelected bureaucrats like the SCAQMD, the California Coastal Commission and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy; just to name three.

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