Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism

Is Atheism dead? Has theism won the god argument? Oh what should we do???

Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism After Smoking DMT

I guess we start smoking DMT, since no proof is forth coming.........:confused:!

What theists can't understand is that athiest is the opposite of theist. Theists claim to know god exists because he visited their ancestors. They believe something they couldn't possibly know to be true. That's why its called faith. Believe not know.

So they can't know 100% certain there is a god. Same with athiests. You would have to be a god to know no other gods existed.

So no one can be a true athiest. True. But we can certainly be more than agnostic. Science says there doesnt have to be a god. Not even necessary or logical. In fact science explains its all in your head. Most likely anyways. You never know. Your imaginary big brother might be real.
I think my favourite part is:

“I can’t believe I’ve been so wrong all of these years,” raged an exasperated Dawkins while smashing his private collection of dinosaur bones. “I always thought I’d be able to explain away any experience I had on the basis of evolutionary theory but I just wasn’t able to apply it to this, it was mental.”

Describing evolution as “bollocks” and burning his copy of The Origin Of Species Dawkins claims that the “machine elves” showed him a higher plane of existence, called him a supercilious ¢unt and told him to “stop being such a po-faced and certain dick-rocketeer”.

I think my favourite part is:

“I can’t believe I’ve been so wrong all of these years,” raged an exasperated Dawkins while smashing his private collection of dinosaur bones. “I always thought I’d be able to explain away any experience I had on the basis of evolutionary theory but I just wasn’t able to apply it to this, it was mental.”

Describing evolution as “bollocks” and burning his copy of The Origin Of Species Dawkins claims that the “machine elves” showed him a higher plane of existence, called him a supercilious ¢unt and told him to “stop being such a po-faced and certain dick-rocketeer”.

This is a joke right?
Is Atheism dead? Has theism won the god argument? Oh what should we do???

Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism After Smoking DMT

I guess we start smoking DMT, since no proof is forth coming.........:confused:!

Have done lots of acid and never experienced anything remotely spiritual. Of course, unlike Dawkins I don't obsess on spiritual issues so I'd say that if you do, whether for or against, then do a powerful hallucinogenic, you'll experience whatever's most prominent in your mind.

Counting the specks of salt on Cheeze-Its, floating on my back in a pool at night observing the stars, watching a ceiling fan spin 'casting off blobs of something,' temporal annomolies like missing time (stood in the hallway for over 2 hours having I htought only just knocked on my cousin's bedroom door until bleary eyed he answered and got me under ground control hehe.) These were my experiences. But never anythign even remotely religious or spiritual because that isn't a part of my mental landscape.
I think my favourite part is:

“I can’t believe I’ve been so wrong all of these years,” raged an exasperated Dawkins while smashing his private collection of dinosaur bones. “I always thought I’d be able to explain away any experience I had on the basis of evolutionary theory but I just wasn’t able to apply it to this, it was mental.”

Describing evolution as “bollocks” and burning his copy of The Origin Of Species Dawkins claims that the “machine elves” showed him a higher plane of existence, called him a supercilious ¢unt and told him to “stop being such a po-faced and certain dick-rocketeer”.

This is a joke right?

Absolutely not. I've been warning people about the hazards of machine elves for decades.
I think my favourite part is:

“I can’t believe I’ve been so wrong all of these years,” raged an exasperated Dawkins while smashing his private collection of dinosaur bones. “I always thought I’d be able to explain away any experience I had on the basis of evolutionary theory but I just wasn’t able to apply it to this, it was mental.”

Describing evolution as “bollocks” and burning his copy of The Origin Of Species Dawkins claims that the “machine elves” showed him a higher plane of existence, called him a supercilious ¢unt and told him to “stop being such a po-faced and certain dick-rocketeer”.

This is a joke right?

Of course it is!

Hmm--I guess it is about time to find something "flaky" dealing with atheism/agnosticism.
Is Atheism dead? Has theism won the god argument? Oh what should we do???

Richard Dawkins Renounces Atheism After Smoking DMT

I guess we start smoking DMT, since no proof is forth coming.........:confused:!

Have done lots of acid and never experienced anything remotely spiritual. Of course, unlike Dawkins I don't obsess on spiritual issues so I'd say that if you do, whether for or against, then do a powerful hallucinogenic, you'll experience whatever's most prominent in your mind.

Counting the specks of salt on Cheeze-Its, floating on my back in a pool at night observing the stars, watching a ceiling fan spin 'casting off blobs of something,' temporal annomolies like missing time (stood in the hallway for over 2 hours having I htought only just knocked on my cousin's bedroom door until bleary eyed he answered and got me under ground control hehe.) These were my experiences. But never anythign even remotely religious or spiritual because that isn't a part of my mental landscape.
I tried great acid in college. Saw things really happen that would have never happened had we not been on acid. No way. Lol.. Great drug.

Did we make it happen? Or were we just more observant of everything going on around us.

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