Richard Leakey predicts evolution debate will soon be history

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
By: Frank Eltman, Associated Press NEW YORK (AP).-
Richard Leakey predicts skepticism over evolution will soon be history. Not that the avowed atheist has any doubts himself. Sometime in the next 15 to 30 years, the Kenyan-born paleoanthropologist expects scientific discoveries will have accelerated to the point that "even the skeptics can accept it." "If you get to the stage where you can persuade people on the evidence, that it's solid, that we are all African, that color is superficial, that stages of development of culture are all interactive," Leakey says, "then I think we have a chance of a world that will respond better to global challenges." Leakey, a professor at Stony Brook University on Long Island, recently spent several weeks in New York promoting the Turkana Basin Institute in Kenya. The institute, where Leakey spends most of his time, welcomes researchers and scientists from around the world dedicated to unearthing the origins of mankind in an area rich with fossils. His friend, Paul Simon, performed at a May 2 fundraiser for the institute in Manhattan that collected more than $2 million. A National Geographic documentary on his work at Turkana aired this month on public television. Now 67, Leakey is the son of the late Louis and Mary Leakey and conducts research with his wife, Meave, and daughter, Louise. The family claims to have unearthed "much of the existing fossil evidence for human evolution."

More Information: Kenyan-born paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey predicts evolution debate will soon be history
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I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.
Richard Leakey predicts evolution debate will soon be history

[ame=]Waynes World- Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt! - YouTube[/ame]
Wow. You atheists must be getting hard-ons about this article.

It's funny how paranoid and insecure atheists are. You're so wrapped up about cramming evolution down everyone's throats. You just think having a godless society is so important. What, you think that people will stop being bad if they don't believe in a higher power? That's just irrational.

Meanwhile, most Christians don't give a f*ck if you believe in evolution or not. That's your deal. We just don't want the public indoctrination system to teach scientific theories as absolute truths because that is dishonest. But you wouldn't know anything about honesty, would ya?
Wow. You atheists must be getting hard-ons about this article.

It's funny how paranoid and insecure atheists are. You're so wrapped up about cramming evolution down everyone's throats. You just think having a godless society is so important. What, you think that people will stop being bad if they don't believe in a higher power? That's just irrational.

Meanwhile, most Christians don't give a f*ck if you believe in evolution or not. That's your deal. We just don't want the public indoctrination system to teach scientific theories as absolute truths because that is dishonest. But you wouldn't know anything about honesty, would ya?

Whooaaaa boy!!!!!

I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.

Evolution = Politics???

Who knew?

Wow. You atheists must be getting hard-ons about this article.

It's funny how paranoid and insecure atheists are. You're so wrapped up about cramming evolution down everyone's throats. You just think having a godless society is so important. What, you think that people will stop being bad if they don't believe in a higher power? That's just irrational.

Meanwhile, most Christians don't give a f*ck if you believe in evolution or not. That's your deal. We just don't want the public indoctrination system to teach scientific theories as absolute truths because that is dishonest. But you wouldn't know anything about honesty, would ya?

Whooaaaa boy!!!!!

How would you know? You don't know anything about science.
Wow. You atheists must be getting hard-ons about this article.

It's funny how paranoid and insecure atheists are. You're so wrapped up about cramming evolution down everyone's throats. You just think having a godless society is so important. What, you think that people will stop being bad if they don't believe in a higher power? That's just irrational.

Meanwhile, most Christians don't give a f*ck if you believe in evolution or not. That's your deal. We just don't want the public indoctrination system to teach scientific theories as absolute truths because that is dishonest. But you wouldn't know anything about honesty, would ya?

Whooaaaa boy!!!!!

How would you know? You don't know anything about science.

Like you are a scientist? Chuckle.
By: Frank Eltman, Associated Press NEW YORK (AP).-
Richard Leakey predicts skepticism over evolution will soon be history. Not that the avowed atheist has any doubts himself. Sometime in the next 15 to 30 years, the Kenyan-born paleoanthropologist expects scientific discoveries will have accelerated to the point that "even the skeptics can accept it." "If you get to the stage where you can persuade people on the evidence, that it's solid, that we are all African, that color is superficial, that stages of development of culture are all interactive," Leakey says, "then I think we have a chance of a world that will respond better to global challenges." Leakey, a professor at Stony Brook University on Long Island, recently spent several weeks in New York promoting the Turkana Basin Institute in Kenya. The institute, where Leakey spends most of his time, welcomes researchers and scientists from around the world dedicated to unearthing the origins of mankind in an area rich with fossils. His friend, Paul Simon, performed at a May 2 fundraiser for the institute in Manhattan that collected more than $2 million. A National Geographic documentary on his work at Turkana aired this month on public television. Now 67, Leakey is the son of the late Louis and Mary Leakey and conducts research with his wife, Meave, and daughter, Louise. The family claims to have unearthed "much of the existing fossil evidence for human evolution."

More Information: Kenyan-born paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey predicts evolution debate will soon be history
Copyright ©

And he thinks I am crazy because I believe in God.

I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.

This just in, rdean is still an idiot. I already showed you the numbers that Democrats are more likely to believe this crap than Republicans, yet you insist the only people that believe it are Republicans. Maybe the new PhD at work is unwilling to make fun of the janitor but I am not.

I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.

Evolution = Politics???

Who knew?


Rdean thinks politics is science because he saw a course about political science in the college catalog he picked out of the trash to prove he is smart.

I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.

MAJORITY?......most "right wingers" i have ever talked too think Civilization is that old......not the Planet itself.....

I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.

This just in, rdean is still an idiot. I already showed you the numbers that Democrats are more likely to believe this crap than Republicans, yet you insist the only people that believe it are Republicans. Maybe the new PhD at work is unwilling to make fun of the janitor but I am not.

You didn't show any such numbers you lying sack of shit. You've told this lie over and over again. You've been called on it again and again and POLITELY asked to post a link and still you repeat the same lie. You are, most definitely, a "lying sack of shit". And that is NO lie.


Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution

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I have a co-worker from China who said I was trying to bring politics into the office when I mentioned the majority of right wingers believe the world is only a few thousand years old. He said no one is so stupid they would believe that. So I showed him PEW and Gallup. That's when he said "no politics at work". Which is fine. I never talk politics at work. When you point out the craziness that is the Republican Party, Republicans don't like it. When you prove it to them, they get really angry. He's the one that brought up evolution. Not me.

This just in, rdean is still an idiot. I already showed you the numbers that Democrats are more likely to believe this crap than Republicans, yet you insist the only people that believe it are Republicans. Maybe the new PhD at work is unwilling to make fun of the janitor but I am not.

You didn't show any such numbers you lying sack of shit. You've told this lie over and over again. You've been called on it again and again and POLITELY asked to post a link and still you repeat the same lie. You are, most definitely, a "lying sack of shit". And that is NO lie.


Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution


What happened to the PEW report rdean?
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This just in, rdean is still an idiot. I already showed you the numbers that Democrats are more likely to believe this crap than Republicans, yet you insist the only people that believe it are Republicans. Maybe the new PhD at work is unwilling to make fun of the janitor but I am not.

You didn't show any such numbers you lying sack of shit. You've told this lie over and over again. You've been called on it again and again and POLITELY asked to post a link and still you repeat the same lie. You are, most definitely, a "lying sack of shit". And that is NO lie.


Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution


What happened to the PEW report rdean?

Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious

Asian-Americans Lean Left Politically

These are the links in Blow's OP-ED. Where is there anything about evolution? No where. So that's it? That's the best you can do? So what is it? Stupid? Lying sack of shit? What?

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