Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

CBS is liberal and Fox News is unbiased? That's totally real.

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FOX is unbiased. They said so. They also said that liberals are taking away their freedom of speech, which doesn't make any fucking sense at all, but hey...... it's FOX, the #1 most-watched mainstream liberal media news channel.
And? He's right. Homosexuality is a choice and is a mental disease. Also put a damn link up.
prove that some people are not born that way.....i remember in grade school little boys who never wanted to be with the boys and doing boy things,they always wanted to be with the girls,and it wasnt to get laid,they enjoyed doing girly things,those boys were gay.........and there were girls who were able to kick some of the boys asses and as i got into HS those girls became more manly than the guys.....bi-sexuality is a choice....not straight gayness....thats a physical happening not mental...
Those of you who believe sexuality is a choice tell me how you came up choosing your sexuality.

Choice means you ponder over all of the available choices, look into your choices and may try those choices.

So guys, how long did you contemplate sucking cock before you chose not to?
I disagree with you as that is not what happened to me.
But if you want to go with the you tried the cock and then chose women then I believe you.
But that still does not make it a choice that everyone makes.
We believe you chose pussy after trying the cock but that never happened to anyone I know.
We were born with our sexuality.
What an absurd argument you try to pass as clever. You don't have to choose to be a normal man. It happens naturally.
If he has any influence in 2016 Presidential run get ready for 8 more years of a Democrat.
Time is now to call these kooks out.

God willing we'll have a democratic president. It may not be ideal but it sure as hell beats any republican.

Bring on the dumb kooks like Perry. Let Hillary have her solid victory.

yea big improvement Billy..."he may not be ideal but it sure as hell beats any republican"...what an attitude....you party people are one of the reasons this country is sinking....you dont care if your candidate is as bad or almost as bad as the other guy....as long as he/she is from our party.....
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," said Perry, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."

The remark, delivered during an appearance at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club, drew "murmurs of disbelief" from the audience, according to the Chronicle.

One fails to see why, the ignorance and hate exhibited toward gay Americans by Perry is typical of most on the right.

Perry's riff came just four days after the Texas Republican Party adopted a platform endorsing the controversial practice of "reparative therapy," which seeks to convert gays and lesbians to a straight lifestyle through counseling and prayer.

And here is why we can accurately state that conservatives, for the most part, are hostile toward gay Americans.
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," said Perry, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."

The remark, delivered during an appearance at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club, drew "murmurs of disbelief" from the audience, according to the Chronicle.

One fails to see why, the ignorance and hate exhibited toward gay Americans by Perry is typical of most on the right.

Perry's riff came just four days after the Texas Republican Party adopted a platform endorsing the controversial practice of "reparative therapy," which seeks to convert gays and lesbians to a straight lifestyle through counseling and prayer.

And here is why we can accurately state that conservatives, for the most part, are hostile toward gay Americans.
Your statement is not accurate and can't be proven. Republicans don't hate gays.
Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism - CBS News

There is your link dumbasses.
Amazing how stupid the public is. Their own heroes speak and they do not even listen.
Perry is pandering to the religious right, 100% slickster politician first.
Incredible anyone falls for this.

It’s not a matter of most on the right ‘falling’ for anything, it’s the fact that most on the right endorse and propagate this sort of ignorance, stupidity, and hate.
Humans are heterosexual by nature. Homosexuality is deviant and unnatural behaviour.

so there can be no birth defects type of thing?.....you know a woman trapped in a male body and vise versa?....something happened during the development of the Fetus in the pregnancy? .....
Dick Cheney's Republican daughter made a choice to be a Godless heathen.
I don't mind the woman thing if their good looking and I get to watch...then join in.:lol:
"They're". They are. They're good looking.

They're, their, and there are different words with different meanings, like two, too, and to. People who are too stupid to grasp their first and only language should not disparage anyone else.

if you want great grammar go over to Miss Pritsey's forum....
It is an excellent analogy. Alcoholism is a disease. An alcoholic is never not an alcoholic, he is always recovering when he chooses not to drink. Homosexuality is a disease. A person is never not a homosexual, even when he chooses not to take it in the ass. Both requuire treatment.

You can't do anything about being homosexual, you are it or not. Maybe some pretend they are not by having girlfriends but they still are gay. An alcoholic just drinks too much and when they stop drinking they are nt alcoholics anymore. When they start drinking again they are not sick, but just a bunch of pussies who cannot handle life.
Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism - CBS News

There is your link dumbasses.
Amazing how stupid the public is. Their own heroes speak and they do not even listen.
Perry is pandering to the religious right, 100% slickster politician first.
Incredible anyone falls for this.

CBS News? Can we have a unbiased source? A liberal making a claim based upon what a ultra-liberal source says isn't a valid source. Try. FoxNews source if you can find it.

yea thats real unbiased....
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," said Perry, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."

Yep, he claimed they were thinkers who have choices. Evil man!

So heterosexuality is a choice.

Oh brother you liberals are thick

Again, where did he say that?

If homosexuality is a choice then heterosexuality has to be a choice. If a person chooses to be gay, then they have chosen not to be straight.

If a person chooses not to be gay, then they have chosen to be straight.
FOX is unbiased. They said so. They also said that liberals are taking away their freedom of speech, which doesn't make any fucking sense at all, but hey...... it's FOX, the #1 most-watched mainstream liberal media news channel.

You watch FOX there is no doubt what their politics are.....
But they always have people that are left politically on as guests.
And they let them have their say....Bill O'Reilly does this all the time.

Chris Mathews used to have guests that were politically right leaning and all he would
do was yell at them.Same with Lawrence O Donnell and Sargent Schultz...
Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism - CBS News

There is your link dumbasses.
Amazing how stupid the public is. Their own heroes speak and they do not even listen.
Perry is pandering to the religious right, 100% slickster politician first.
Incredible anyone falls for this.

CBS News? Can we have a unbiased source? A liberal making a claim based upon what a ultra-liberal source says isn't a valid source. Try. FoxNews source if you can find it.

No dumbass, been voting since 1972 and never for a Democrat.
I own 3 businesses since 1979.
More conservative than most.
You do know what conservative means don't you.
Something the right wing religious whacks put behind the gay boogeyman as a priority.
Those of you who believe sexuality is a choice tell me how you came up choosing your sexuality.

Choice means you ponder over all of the available choices, look into your choices and may try those choices.

So guys, how long did you contemplate sucking cock before you chose not to?
I disagree with you as that is not what happened to me.
But if you want to go with the you tried the cock and then chose women then I believe you.
But that still does not make it a choice that everyone makes.
We believe you chose pussy after trying the cock but that never happened to anyone I know.
We were born with our sexuality.
What an absurd argument you try to pass as clever. You don't have to choose to be a normal man. It happens naturally.

You are the dumbass claiming cbs is a "biased source" where there is video of Perry stating what he said.

Never said it was normal, said it was natural to them.
No one chooses to be persecuted dumb ass.
I just got my first email from Charlie Crist; subject was Human Rights Campaign, support same gender marriage in Florida. Crist was a Republican as Governor. Rick "I am taking the fifth!" sure made a lot with HCA. HCA paid out a lot when the fraud was exposed, this occurred while he ran the company, and made his fortune:

The ad is based largely on a Scott deposition in 2000 in which he repeatedly cited his Fifth Amendment constitutional rights against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions in a civil case linked to the Medicare fraud case.

“Seventy-five,” says the ad. “That’s now many times Rick Scott took the Fifth to avoid incriminating himself while his company was under investigation by the FBI.

“Scott’s company pled guilty, fined nearly $2 billion for Medicare fraud. Taxpayers got cheated, while he walked away with millions.”

Dems may revive HCA fraud case against Scott | TBO.com, The Tampa Tribune and The Tampa Times

Note, this is not a political publication, Tampa Bay Tribune.

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