Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

Perry does not care that we are getting our asses kicked with amateurs in the White House and Senate. He knows he is a one hit wonder in Texas and more power to him.
Plenty of gay bashers in Texas and he capitalizes on it.
That is what politicians do and lately it has been the Democrats doing it with their "income equality" bullshit.
The gay boogeyman is to the right wing Republicans as the income equality is to the left wing liberal.
Both catch phrases appeal to the DUMB MASSES.
Which there is no shortage of in either party.
Surely Texasss voters are not as stupid as their governor but the problem with voting is that we can't always catch mental illness, lack of intelligence, racism.

Whether or not they are, sick people like him need to die off. At the very least, these neanderthals are embarrassment to the rest of us. We would be better off without them.
Even the Southern Baptist Convention now says same sex attraction is not a choice, they are born with it.
They say it is a sin to act on it because the Bible says so.
Selective interpretation of the Bible but I know MANY good folks that believe that and still do not label gay folks as deviant sexaholic scum of the earth as I see here.
Things are changing and for the better.
Geez, gay folks, NON ISSUE.
I think this is the first time I've ever agreed with this Rick Perry...on anything!
- Alcoholism has genetic components that make one more prone to drink, but the urges to drink can be fought off with relatively sophisticated support like a 12 step program.
- Homosexuality is believed to have genetic components, though I doubt this is as well demonstrated as the genetic elements of substance addiction, (the most interesting study I've read demonstrates that homosexual males tend to have more fecund grandmothers, thus one could see that if the overall offspring pool of heterosexuals exceeds the typical offspring pool of heterosexuals the gene would be an overall survival advantage.) In my humble opinion there is also no point in engaging in "treatment" unless the adult involved wishes to end the behavior...and even then I'd guess we should not go beyond individual therapeutic counseling, or perhaps some sort of program similar to AA....I do not believe that things like shock therapy should be used in these cases, and I wouldn't use this process on a juvenile.

I have a brother who finally chose to accept his homosexuality at age 45, he has a partner now and has never been happier in life....we are all happy for him except my 78 year old father who is struggling to accept this (as one might expect).
The term income inequality drives me nuts.
If someone is doing the same job having the same experience and having the same results and one makes more then the other...Well that's income inequality.

Someone flipping a burger and someone running a company...
Well they should be paid differently.
But the Libs don't think so apparently.
If he has any influence in 2016 Presidential run get ready for 8 more years of a Democrat.
Time is now to call these kooks out.
But at least a Democrat would not think of discriminating against GLBT citizens who were different from them and would move to consider them all equal unlike the Republicans. I heard this matter about the Texas governor being discussed on the radio today since it is now nationwide news.

The host of the program was saying that he believed that without Perry openly talking about his opposition to Gays, the Republican Party would have, in effect, chastised him for it. Which makes good sense since they have a one-track mind as everyone by now knows. Never mind that we still need work on the economy, immigration reform, streets and bridges fixed, more schools, better teachers and education, environmental matters to be addressed such as cleaner water and air, etc. Never mind all that. It falls as second or third place in the Conservative's agenda book. The One Item that is on the forefront of the Republican Agenda is Gays and Lesbians, unequivocally. They may not know how to fix the economy and other important matters but they sure know how to bring down the hammer on Gays and Lesbians don't they. They are so drawn into that despite the fact that they say they are for less government and intrusion into people's lives. Yet they do want to impose more government to take away Gay and Lesbian citizen's human and civil rights. But then again they're such experts at talking through both sides of their mouth.

And as I've mentioned before, just who are these Gay and Lesbian people Republicans so detest? Well I'll tell you again to refresh your memory. They are citizens of this country first and foremost no less than you are. They work, they go to school, they pay their taxes just like anyone else, they have or adopt children, they go to Church and are many times ordained ministers or higher, and they also vote. That's who they are. Whom they love is no one's business but their own otherwise would you like for them to interfere with whom straight people love and bed down with? What if they were to constantly berate heterosexuals with the fact that they divorce at alarming rates which is anti-Bible? What if they constantly brought out that it's not the lesbians who abort but straight women? What if they constantly brought out that many married straight people have a tendency to sleep around with others behind their husband or wife's back which is again anti-Bible? What if they brought out constantly that many straight people catch the Herpes virus? These are just a few examples of what the GLBT community could bring out or start taking ads out in newspapers to shame heterosexuals with. How would that honestly feel to have it thrown in your face each and every day as you do to them?

And this thing about the GLBT community asking for "special" rights is quite inaccurate. They aren't asking for any special rights they are asking for EQUAL rights. The same rights straight people enjoy because GLBT folks pay taxes, work, vote, have kids, etc. just like their straight counterparts. That's the only thing about the so-called "Gay Agenda" folks. To have *Equal* rights like everybody else. No more, no less.

And the thing that bothers me tremendously every time I hear of anti-Gay discrimination is not only do I think of what Black people had to go through in the Fifties before they received their full civil rights but the fact that with constant propaganda that being Gay is not O.K. and nasty things of that sort there are many *children* who are growing up who are Gay or Lesbian and are very impressionable at that age. They too will be listening to what is being said and identifying with being Gay or Lesbian and knowing they are not wanted and are scorned, bullied, hated, ostracized and worse consequently, we find that many are resorting to SUICIDE along with older Gay adults! Yes, SUICIDE! But what if that was your child? Do you have such a black heart that you don't care about these kids even when they're your own? Well you should since blood runs thicker than water. What if you find your child runs away because you don't care for him or her because of their sexual orientation and you later learn that they were found starving in an alley, sexually abused and perhaps even dead? How would that make you feel then? You see, because you may be one of the fortunate ones that this has not happened to your child yet you may not be paying closer attention to this serious matter. You might not even know they're Gay or Lesbian because they are afraid to tell you due to how they perceive you would react. But I can assure you that if and when it does happen to them and reality sets in that you will not be seeing them ever again due to your negligence, you will wish many times over that you had discarded your prejudice and discrimination and intolerance for who they were and whom they loved. But by then it will be too late.

There was a time when I too did not stand up for these kids and people who are so discriminated against. But more and more I started reading about how they were being murdered, abused, sent away from their homes and put in harm's way just because of their sexual orientation and so many were turning to suicide as they had no place else to go and no one to love them. Believe me friends, my heart just broke and I wept like a baby realizing that complacency only contributes further to an already hostile climate where others prefer to feel superior over others. That could not continue. I could not have that on my conscience that by remaining complacent and not speaking out for these folks I was actually being a serious part of the problem instead of the solution.

And then there are those who love to throw Scripture at same-sex oriented individuals. And most times the Scriptures they are using are inappropriate Scriptures that do not speak to a person's sexual orientation and in effect, does not condemn it as they think it does. Believe me, I have studied Scripture for years and have a Doctorate in Religious Education so I know what I'm talking about. But if you speak to religious scholars that don't have a predisposition to be prejudiced against the Gay community you will find that the arguments the anti-Gay forces are using to try to convince others that being Gay is wrong are the wrong arguments that are most times fraught with personal prejudice as Scriptures do not actually say what they think it says, as it is most times speaking about something entirely different but it has conveniently become easy to continue to use those same Scriptures such as Leviticus, Sodom and Gomorrah, "thou shalt not lie with man as with womankind...", etc. when in effect, Sodom and Gomorrah was not about homosexuals. And not lying with man as with woman is addressing those who are of a Straight sexual orientation where it would be "unnatural" for them to do so, not those with a genetic predisposition who have a natural same-sex inclination or attraction where sleeping with a member of the Opposite Sex is what would actually be 'unnatural' to them. That is also why "Ex-Gay" therapies do not work as many professional concerns have espoused.

So, it is difficult to see the hate that is being spewed forth against these people whom God has also created and who even said that Everyone Was Created Equal. But how many follow His word on that? They feel not that they're equal to them but that they're actually superior such as to be able to berate and discriminate against them. That is not what God has taught mankind to do but rather to Love One Another as Jesus said we should do. And Jesus never mentioned one word against Gay or Lesbian individuals during His ministry. Not one. Neither did God in His all-important Ten Commandments much to the surprise of many I'm sure. Had it been of such great, grave, and important concern it would have surely made it as the Eleventh Commandment without a doubt.

But people will also often bring out that after Jesus healed the woman at the well He told her to "Go and sin no more." Yes, He did. But people want to use that Biblical reference against GLBT people to try to make them believe that it applies to them too. Only it doesn't. It doesn't because you have to be aware of the fact that Jesus was addressing a woman with issues and among them, Biblically speaking, she was a known prostitute. When Jesus said for her to 'go and sin no more' He was addressing the need for her to stop being a prostitute. The woman was not a Lesbian or Gay but actually straight. Therefore, that verse does not apply to Gays and Lesbians. But how misguided people like to continue to present that verse in context with same-sex individuals just to try to condemn them is simply appalling. That is not right and God is seeing what they are doing and will surely bring that up at their appointed time when they transition from this life to the next. As for Sodom and Gomorrah, that speaks to the visiting angels being approached not by Gays but by other men for illicit purposes. But again, how convenient to try to blame Gays for that too, isn't it!

In sum, if Rick Perry has only this in his heart and mind instead of actually helping the people solve the true problems that are present in his state then what kind of president would he make, one just needs to ask themselves. We can't have someone with a one-track mind. That never works. People need to change their attitude and start loving their fellow man and leave all judgments to God and to God alone. No one has the power to judge another because God would not allow for that. That is strictly under his province and those who persist in discriminating and judging will likewise be judged at their appointed time of that there can be no doubt due to the law of Cause and Effect or What you Sow, You Shall Also Reap. Nothing in this life goes unnoticed. Nothing. No matter how trivial it is. But hating another or trying to change them from what they are and whom they love into what You think they should be is something quite intolerable with God and He has told us so as He created people just as they are and it is up to them, as individuals, to live a good life as best they can without interference from others because each person is on their own personal spiritual mission and learning path that others cannot and should not interfere with. With regard to murderers, rapists, thieves, etc. yes we should guide them away from that because That is a choice but not in the case of one who is Born with a Same-Sex Genetic Attraction. Each person comes into this world with their own mission in life and will live it to the best of their ability without any help from you. Likewise, do not interfere with another person unless you are asked. If you are asked, then always remember to be compassionate but not ever condemning.

Thank you for your time in reading this response. I thought it such an important matter, which it is, such as to take the time it has to write this. May every heart be filled with love and understanding and peace.
The term income inequality drives me nuts.
If someone is doing the same job having the same experience and having the same results and one makes more then the other...Well that's income inequality.

Someone flipping a burger and someone running a company...
Well they should be paid differently.
But the Libs don't think so apparently.

many people seem to have a hard time with the concept that minimum wage jobs are supposed to be your first jobs and then you get better jobs.....
If he has any influence in 2016 Presidential run get ready for 8 more years of a Democrat.

Time is now to call these kooks out.

But at least a Democrat would not think of discriminating against GLBT citizens who were different from them and would move to consider them all equal unlike the Republicans. I heard this matter about the Texas governor being discussed on the radio today since it is now nationwide news.

The host of the program was saying that he believed that without Perry openly talking about his opposition to Gays, the Republican Party would have, in effect, chastised him for it. Which makes good sense since they have a one-track mind as everyone by now knows. Never mind that we still need work on the economy, immigration reform, streets and bridges fixed, more schools, better teachers and education, environmental matters to be addressed such as cleaner water and air, etc. Never mind all that. It falls as second or third place in the Conservative's agenda book. The One Item that is on the forefront of the Republican Agenda is Gays and Lesbians, unequivocally. They may not know how to fix the economy and other important matters but they sure know how to bring down the hammer on Gays and Lesbians don't they. They are so drawn into that despite the fact that they say they are for less government and intrusion into people's lives. Yet they do want to impose more government to take away Gay and Lesbian citizen's human and civil rights. But then again they're such experts at talking through both sides of their mouth.

And as I've mentioned before, just who are these Gay and Lesbian people Republicans so detest? Well I'll tell you again to refresh your memory. They are citizens of this country first and foremost no less than you are. They work, they go to school, they pay their taxes just like anyone else, they have or adopt children, they go to Church and are many times ordained ministers or higher, and they also vote. That's who they are. Whom they love is no one's business but their own otherwise would you like for them to interfere with whom straight people love and bed down with? What if they were to constantly berate heterosexuals with the fact that they divorce at alarming rates which is anti-Bible? What if they constantly brought out that it's not the lesbians who abort but straight women? What if they constantly brought out that many married straight people have a tendency to sleep around with others behind their husband or wife's back which is again anti-Bible? What if they brought out constantly that many straight people catch the Herpes virus? These are just a few examples of what the GLBT community could bring out or start taking ads out in newspapers to shame heterosexuals with. How would that honestly feel to have it thrown in your face each and every day as you do to them?

And this thing about the GLBT community asking for "special" rights is quite inaccurate. They aren't asking for any special rights they are asking for EQUAL rights. The same rights straight people enjoy because GLBT folks pay taxes, work, vote, have kids, etc. just like their straight counterparts. That's the only thing about the so-called "Gay Agenda" folks. To have *Equal* rights like everybody else. No more, no less.

And the thing that bothers me tremendously every time I hear of anti-Gay discrimination is not only do I think of what Black people had to go through in the Fifties before they received their full civil rights but the fact that with constant propaganda that being Gay is not O.K. and nasty things of that sort there are many *children* who are growing up who are Gay or Lesbian and are very impressionable at that age. They too will be listening to what is being said and identifying with being Gay or Lesbian and knowing they are not wanted and are scorned, bullied, hated, ostracized and worse consequently, we find that many are resorting to SUICIDE along with older Gay adults! Yes, SUICIDE! But what if that was your child? Do you have such a black heart that you don't care about these kids even when they're your own? Well you should since blood runs thicker than water. What if you find your child runs away because you don't care for him or her because of their sexual orientation and you later learn that they were found starving in an alley, sexually abused and perhaps even dead? How would that make you feel then? You see, because you may be one of the fortunate ones that this has not happened to your child yet you may not be paying closer attention to this serious matter. You might not even know they're Gay or Lesbian because they are afraid to tell you due to how they perceive you would react. But I can assure you that if and when it does happen to them and reality sets in that you will not be seeing them ever again due to your negligence, you will wish many times over that you had discarded your prejudice and discrimination and intolerance for who they were and whom they loved. But by then it will be too late.

There was a time when I too did not stand up for these kids and people who are so discriminated against. But more and more I started reading about how they were being murdered, abused, sent away from their homes and put in harm's way just because of their sexual orientation and so many were turning to suicide as they had no place else to go and no one to love them. Believe me friends, my heart just broke and I wept like a baby realizing that complacency only contributes further to an already hostile climate where others prefer to feel superior over others. That could not continue. I could not have that on my conscience that by remaining complacent and not speaking out for these folks I was actually being a serious part of the problem instead of the solution.

And then there are those who love to throw Scripture at same-sex oriented individuals. And most times the Scriptures they are using are inappropriate Scriptures that do not speak to a person's sexual orientation and in effect, does not condemn it as they think it does. Believe me, I have studied Scripture for years and have a Doctorate in Religious Education so I know what I'm talking about. But if you speak to religious scholars that don't have a predisposition to be prejudiced against the Gay community you will find that the arguments the anti-Gay forces are using to try to convince others that being Gay is wrong are the wrong arguments that are most times fraught with personal prejudice as Scriptures do not actually say what they think it says, as it is most times speaking about something entirely different but it has conveniently become easy to continue to use those same Scriptures such as Leviticus, Sodom and Gomorrah, "thou shalt not lie with man as with womankind...", etc. when in effect, Sodom and Gomorrah was not about homosexuals. And not lying with man as with woman is addressing those who are of a Straight sexual orientation where it would be "unnatural" for them to do so, not those with a genetic predisposition who have a natural same-sex inclination or attraction where sleeping with a member of the Opposite Sex is what would actually be 'unnatural' to them. That is also why "Ex-Gay" therapies do not work as many professional concerns have espoused.

So, it is difficult to see the hate that is being spewed forth against these people whom God has also created and who even said that Everyone Was Created Equal. But how many follow His word on that? They feel not that they're equal to them but that they're actually superior such as to be able to berate and discriminate against them. That is not what God has taught mankind to do but rather to Love One Another as Jesus said we should do. And Jesus never mentioned one word against Gay or Lesbian individuals during His ministry. Not one. Neither did God in His all-important Ten Commandments much to the surprise of many I'm sure. Had it been of such great, grave, and important concern it would have surely made it as the Eleventh Commandment without a doubt.

But people will also often bring out that after Jesus healed the woman at the well He told her to "Go and sin no more." Yes, He did. But people want to use that Biblical reference against GLBT people to try to make them believe that it applies to them too. Only it doesn't. It doesn't because you have to be aware of the fact that Jesus was addressing a woman with issues and among them, Biblically speaking, she was a known prostitute. When Jesus said for her to 'go and sin no more' He was addressing the need for her to stop being a prostitute. The woman was not a Lesbian or Gay but actually straight. Therefore, that verse does not apply to Gays and Lesbians. But how misguided people like to continue to present that verse in context with same-sex individuals just to try to condemn them is simply appalling. That is not right and God is seeing what they are doing and will surely bring that up at their appointed time when they transition from this life to the next. As for Sodom and Gomorrah, that speaks to the visiting angels being approached not by Gays but by other men for illicit purposes. But again, how convenient to try to blame Gays for that too, isn't it!

In sum, if Rick Perry has only this in his heart and mind instead of actually helping the people solve the true problems that are present in his state then what kind of president would he make, one just needs to ask themselves. We can't have someone with a one-track mind. That never works. People need to change their attitude and start loving their fellow man and leave all judgments to God and to God alone. No one has the power to judge another because God would not allow for that. That is strictly under his province and those who persist in discriminating and judging will likewise be judged at their appointed time of that there can be no doubt due to the law of Cause and Effect or What you Sow, You Shall Also Reap. Nothing in this life goes unnoticed. Nothing. No matter how trivial it is. But hating another or trying to change them from what they are and whom they love into what You think they should be is something quite intolerable with God and He has told us so as He created people just as they are and it is up to them, as individuals, to live a good life as best they can without interference from others because each person is on their own personal spiritual mission and learning path that others cannot and should not interfere with. With regard to murderers, rapists, thieves, etc. yes we should guide them away from that because That is a choice but not in the case of one who is Born with a Same-Sex Genetic Attraction. Each person comes into this world with their own mission in life and will live it to the best of their ability without any help from you. Likewise, do not interfere with another person unless you are asked. If you are asked, then always remember to be compassionate but not ever condemning.

Thank you for your time in reading this response. I thought it such an important matter, which it is, such as to take the time it has to write this. May every heart be filled with love and understanding and peace.

Eloquently put. I completely agree.

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And on top of it the Texas GOP adopted a platform endorsing reparative therapy.
Therapy where they believe they can make a straight man gay or a gay man straight.

You nuts may be able to take classes to be taught how to suck cock and like it.
Not me, not in a million years.
I was born with my sexuality, same as everyone else except the believers of reparative therapy.

Damn, amazing the ignorance of the American right wing.

Hey, at least the Texas GOP is being honest about their bigotry.

They aren't trying to hide it under the skirts of "religious freedom".
Says Lonestar the Liar.

I am a real Texan, now retired in Salt Lake city, and Lonestar is a dark star imitation of what a Texan should be.

Perry is a fool. So is Lonestar. Sexuality can be an addiction, whether hetero or same sex. Neither is an addiction in and of itself.

A Texan my ass, you're no more a Texan than you are a Republican.

I am one of the good guy Texans, who has no trouble with serving his country, feels no need to whip on blacks or browns, doesn't talk nasty around women, and controls his liquour. We know what you are. Yep, you are a dark star imitation and false to the Texan ideal of manhood.

I am surprised that Rick is evolving, pleasantly surprised.
. . . that laws in the various states say marriage is only 'between a man and a woman". That also rightly excludes minors and polygamists. Also in most states there are laws on how closely related by blood you can be [incest]. So no, this isn't about the limited group "LGBT". It's about them for the purpose of this discussion because they will be kicking the legal precedent door down not just for polygamists, minors, incest, but also turning the core of American law on its head. Majority rule has always set regulations of discriminating against various behaviors. This would be a first, allowing a limited deviant sexual behavior group [LGBT does not include all of them] to have special protections under the Constitution's 14th.

Thereafter, you cannot arbitrarily exclude other behaviors wanting the same access and protection. What would you say if the majority disagreed? Sorry, just THESE behaviors are 'icky' enough to be disqualified?

No, you can't do that once the precedent is set. And this is a VERY troubling precedent where the courts that rule on human behaviors every day have to be FAIR and impartial.

Sil has been corrected on her misheaded argumentation on Windsor.

She has been corrected on her misheaded understanding of marriage equality's effect on American culture.

She is willfully ignorant, and will be come very loudly so once SCOTUS rules in favor of marriage equality.

The term income inequality drives me nuts.
If someone is doing the same job having the same experience and having the same results and one makes more then the other...Well that's income inequality.

Someone flipping a burger and someone running a company...
Well they should be paid differently.
But the Libs don't think so apparently.

No, I have no problem with someone running a company making more than someone flipping burgers.

I have a HUGE problem with someone running a company like GM getting an 8 figure salary

I have a bigger problem with someone like Ed Hanaway at Cigna getting a NINE figure retirement settlement while his company denied promised services to clients like Nataline Sarkisyan and she dies from lack of a liver transplant after her father paid for insurance.

1% of the population has 43% of the wealth. They did not perform 43% of the labor.

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