Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism

He is correct in his comparison...roughly. More importantly, he is milking the numbers in the middle who are sick to death of the cult of LGBT behaviors running roughshod over majority rule.

There are huge numbers of middle bloc voters who will promote anyone they see as quelling the momentum of the gay steamroller crushing their democratic system of government. Perry isn't as dumb as you think he is..

Hate to tell you there Moe but even us rednecks know that we do not live in a majority mob rule country.
Something about The United States Constitution which protects the rights of the individual, not the majority
An interesting document. I suggest you read it.
Iran does it your way. Delta is ready when you are.

We do when it comes to behaviors bro. LGBT are an incomplete set of deviant sexual behaviors. Ergo, they do NOT qualify for protection under the 14th. The majority always sets standards for behaviors in civil and penal law. The only exceptions are federally-recognized religion, which gets protection under the 14th.

Might want to check out the OP in this thread before you continue to debate along a false premise: http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...wins-gay-legal-challenges-simple-as-that.html

Well, they can set the standards in the law for sure.
Problem is if those "standards" are unConstitutional then they are ruled invalid.
And your team points ONLY to homosexuals as not qualifying as equals under the law.
And are getting your asses handed to you, no pun intended, from all the rulings.
Cry me a river.
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," said Perry, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."

Yep, he claimed they were thinkers who have choices. Evil man!

So heterosexuality is a choice.

Oh brother you liberals are thick

Again, where did he say that?
"Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that," said Perry, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I may have the genetic coding that I'm inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way."

Yep, he claimed they were thinkers who have choices. Evil man!

Tell us how you "chose" your sexuality.
Never happened that way with me.

If you're driving down a straight road with out any turnoffs and you continue down the road, you are doing what comes natural. If you decide that you want to turn into the ditch instead of waiting for the off ramp that's a choice.
It is an excellent analogy. Alcoholism is a disease. An alcoholic is never not an alcoholic, he is always recovering when he chooses not to drink. Homosexuality is a disease. A person is never not a homosexual, even when he chooses not to take it in the ass. Both requuire treatment.

I personally think cancer is a better analogy than alcoholism.
Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism - CBS News

There is your link dumbasses.
Amazing how stupid the public is. Their own heroes speak and they do not even listen.
Perry is pandering to the religious right, 100% slickster politician first.
Incredible anyone falls for this.

Thanks for the link. I agree with him.

Someone that calls someone a liar, is proven 100% wrong and does not apologize would agree with him.
I guess if your drinking out of a long neck bottle...might be some sort of comparison.
Dick Cheney's Republican daughter made a choice to be a Godless heathen.
Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism - CBS News

There is your link dumbasses.
Amazing how stupid the public is. Their own heroes speak and they do not even listen.
Perry is pandering to the religious right, 100% slickster politician first.
Incredible anyone falls for this.

Thanks for the link. I agree with him.

Someone that calls someone a liar, is proven 100% wrong and does not apologize would agree with him.

I never said anyone lied about this you dumbass. I asked for a link. I did however call jakethefake a liar that's because he is a liar.
Says Lonestar the Liar.

I am a real Texan, now retired in Salt Lake city, and Lonestar is a dark star imitation of what a Texan should be.

Perry is a fool. So is Lonestar. Sexuality can be an addiction, whether hetero or same sex. Neither is an addiction in and of itself.
Says Lonestar the Liar.

I am a real Texan, now retired in Salt Lake city, and Lonestar is a dark star imitation of what a Texan should be.

Perry is a fool. So is Lonestar. Sexuality can be an addiction, whether hetero or same sex. Neither is an addiction in and of itself.

A Texan my ass, you're no more a Texan than you are a Republican.
Hate to tell you there Moe but even us rednecks know that we do not live in a majority mob rule country.
Something about The United States Constitution which protects the rights of the individual, not the majority
An interesting document. I suggest you read it.
Iran does it your way. Delta is ready when you are.

We do when it comes to behaviors bro. LGBT are an incomplete set of deviant sexual behaviors. Ergo, they do NOT qualify for protection under the 14th. The majority always sets standards for behaviors in civil and penal law. The only exceptions are federally-recognized religion, which gets protection under the 14th.

Might want to check out the OP in this thread before you continue to debate along a false premise: http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...wins-gay-legal-challenges-simple-as-that.html

Well, they can set the standards in the law for sure.
Problem is if those "standards" are unConstitutional then they are ruled invalid.
And your team points ONLY to homosexuals as not qualifying as equals under the law.
And are getting your asses handed to you, no pun intended, from all the rulings.
Cry me a river.

Wrong again. Over and over I've stated that laws in the various states say marriage is only 'between a man and a woman". That also rightly excludes minors and polygamists. Also in most states there are laws on how closely related by blood you can be [incest]. So no, this isn't about the limited group "LGBT". It's about them for the purpose of this discussion because they will be kicking the legal precedent door down not just for polygamists, minors, incest, but also turning the core of American law on its head. Majority rule has always set regulations of discriminating against various behaviors. This would be a first, allowing a limited deviant sexual behavior group [LGBT does not include all of them] to have special protections under the Constitution's 14th.

Thereafter, you cannot arbitrarily exclude other behaviors wanting the same access and protection. What would you say if the majority disagreed? Sorry, just THESE behaviors are 'icky' enough to be disqualified?

No, you can't do that once the precedent is set. And this is a VERY troubling precedent where the courts that rule on human behaviors every day have to be FAIR and impartial.
Dick Cheney's Republican daughter made a choice to be a Godless heathen.
I don't mind the woman thing if their good looking and I get to watch...then join in.:lol:
"They're". They are. They're good looking.

They're, their, and there are different words with different meanings, like two, too, and to. People who are too stupid to grasp their first and only language should not disparage anyone else.
If he has any influence in 2016 Presidential run get ready for 8 more years of a Democrat.
Time is now to call these kooks out.

I concur. Perry is off the reservation.
I hope mainstream conservatives will be successful at marginalizing this guy.
Of course the wacko religious right will embrace these comments.
Technically, polygamy is more "natural" than monogamy.

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Rick Perry compares homosexuality to alcoholism - CBS News

There is your link dumbasses.
Amazing how stupid the public is. Their own heroes speak and they do not even listen.
Perry is pandering to the religious right, 100% slickster politician first.
Incredible anyone falls for this.

CBS News? Can we have a unbiased source? A liberal making a claim based upon what a ultra-liberal source says isn't a valid source. Try. FoxNews source if you can find it.

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