Rick Perry Considering Run

The only decent and credible candidate they have is Romney and they hate him because he's Mormon..
LOL – you’ve said that about all the GOP candidates.

Really? Please post where I wrote that.


A Perry/Christie ticket would clean the Democrats' clocks. The Senate will fall to the GOP anyway.

I think a Perry/Christie ticket would be successful as long as they run on...

1) Not cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits

2) Publicly denounce the Paul Ryan budget plan

3) Advocate raising taxes on the wealthy

Because face it. That's what the American people want.


You completely nailed it as to what the American people want. They want things to change but yet remain the same. The end result being our unmanageable debt sends the whole empire eventually to the gallows.
The news that Texas Governor Rick Perry might consider running for president is sure to give dispirited Republicans a huge jolt of energy. If Perry throws his Stetson into the ring, the GOP would have a candidate that both party elites and grass roots Tea Partiers could get excited about. Rick Perry is a social and fiscal conservative who can raise a lot of money and has great hair. What's not to like?

Let's outsource some commentary to Barbara Bush, mother of the last Texas governor before Perry. In an opinion piece published for the Houston Chronicle on February 5, warning against new cuts to education funding, she wrote:
Our schools are in crises: We rank 36th in the nation in high school graduation rates. An estimated 3.8 million Texans do not have a high school diploma. We rank 49th in verbal SAT scores, 47th in literacy and 46th in average math SAT scores. We rank 33rd in the nation on teacher salaries.

Two days later, in an article discussing Texas' $25 billion dollar budget deficit, the L. A. Times' Evan Halper, quoted Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's view on how to deal with the hole in state finances.

"A lot of the things we are doing arguably aren't priorities for the people of Texas," he said. "People could stake me and Gov. Perry on the ground and torture us, and we still would not raise taxes."

That's Texas: Don't even think about messing with taxes! And so, the inevitable result: This week Texas legislators took a big step toward resolving the state's financial problems by approving a new budget with $15 billion in cuts "to all levels of state government, including health care." $4 billion of those cuts will hit public education.

So, to recap: Texas schools are in crisis, but the government's response to a budget shortfall is to cut funding for education even further. It doesn't take someone with good math SAT scores to figure out what's going to happen next.

Once upon a time Texas prided itself on what it called the "Texas Miracle." The state initially didn't get hit as hard by the recession as other parts of the county, a fact that legislators claimed was due to its low-regulation, low-tax, business-friendly culture. During Rick Perry's re-election campaign last year, the governor boasted that the state had "billions in surplus." Less than two months later, however, the news of a gaping deficit made the miracle look a bit less wondrous, as Paul Krugman was quick to observe:

But reality has now intruded, in the form of a deficit expected to run as high as $25 billion over the next two years.
And that reality has implications for the nation as a whole. For Texas is where the modern conservative theory of budgeting -- the belief that you should never raise taxes under any circumstances, that you can always balance the budget by cutting wasteful spending -- has been implemented most completely. If the theory can't make it there, it can't make it anywhere.

Krugman is not exaggerating. Texas ranks 49th out of all 50 states in per capita state tax burden. There is no fat left to cut. When revenue collapses because of an economic downturn, what little social services remain must be gutted. And it's only going to get worse, because Texas' population is growing, and the demands for services will continue to rise.

The theory that low taxes and business-friendly regulations would keep everything humming smoothly appears to have been disproven by recent events. We'd all be a lot better of without having to see that theory proven again, at the national level.

The truth about Rick Perry's "Texas miracle"
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The only decent and credible candidate they have is Romney and they hate him because he's Mormon..

I would agree with that, but Romney will not win. He could possibly win the nomination, but even if he does, Republicans won't get behind him in full force. It'll be a lot like McCain. I supported Romney in the last election. At this point though, the Republicans continue to call for more tax cuts and cuts in programs that all Americans rely on. They've just jumped off the deep end and can't see that the financial problems we face cannot be fixed by spending cuts alone. While cuts are definitely necessary, revenue must be increased dramatically also. Until they can see that part of the equation, I cannot go back to the Republican party.
Who wouldn't vote for a man who advocated secession?

Ah, first post and the lies start.
When did Perry "advocate secession"?

Since Perry had pretty much stated he was not running, I never considered him as a potential candidate. If he would decide to run, I can see him winning the nomination. He certainly would not be considered a long shot for the nomination. In fact, he could well jump to the top of the polls overnight. As for the general election, he is the only current potential Republican candidate who could give Obama a run for his money. I've been convinced that with the current Republican field, Obama is easily re-elected. Perry could make for an interesting campaign and could win. But don't go believing that Perry would win by some kind of landslide. It would be very close.

That happens regularly whenever a new one announces or says "I'll let ya know soon..." Of course when there's no new announcement, they reach into the also-ran archives. I saw one poll today where Giuliani is at the top of the heap. But he'll drop to the bottom by tomorrow after Palin backs out of the driveway in her new bus and she'll regain her top position.
Ain't that somethin'? Can't manage Texas with riding on wings of the Fed, and now wants to go to White House! But again, what is new? George W. Bush, one completely divorced from reality, was in White House!

Oh, and secessionist Rick Perry is setting his win-win stage for the White House: Days ago, Perry signed bill here in Lone Star okaying abortion after sonogram - Perry signs abortion sonogram bill into law | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

What the hell is up with the wingnuts and doctors?

Rick Perry signs a bill REQUIRING doctors to do a sonogram and telling the woman everything he sees.

And in Florida they passed a bill PREVENTING doctors from asking parents about guns in the home.

For all the crying, bitching and moaning that the wingnuts do about "nanny states" and "activist governments" they sure want the government to involve itself in the private relationships between doctors and their patients.

This just further shows how fucking hypocritical these wingnut dumbasses are. I better NEVER hear any of these morons complain about "nanny states" and "activist governments" again.

Ain't that somethin'? Can't manage Texas with riding on wings of the Fed, and now wants to go to White House! But again, what is new? George W. Bush, one completely divorced from reality, was in White House!

Oh, and secessionist Rick Perry is setting his win-win stage for the White House: Days ago, Perry signed bill here in Lone Star okaying abortion after sonogram - Perry signs abortion sonogram bill into law | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

What the hell is up with the wingnuts and doctors?

Rick Perry signs a bill REQUIRING doctors to do a sonogram and telling the woman everything he sees.

And in Florida they passed a bill PREVENTING doctors from asking parents about guns in the home.

For all the crying, bitching and moaning that the wingnuts do about "nanny states" and "activist governments" they sure want the government to involve itself in the private relationships between doctors and their patients.

This just further shows how fucking hypocritical these wingnut dumbasses are. I better NEVER hear any of these morons complain about "nanny states" and "activist governments" again.


The alternative as I heard was that the woman had to hear the baby's heartbeat for a minimum of 30 seconds without interruption. I'm not sure what the bill signed does but that was one of the things I heard was on the table.
OK, here;s the game changer. If Perry runs, Obama will be toast. He is charismatic with a great track record.
....And, WIMPED-OUT, when it came to....


(ooooooooooooooo....him a big, bad cowboy.....)​
OK, here;s the game changer. If Perry runs, Obama will be toast. He is charismatic with a great track record.
Expect whines from Democrats over vaccinations in.3...2...1......
Texas Governor Rick Perry mulling White House run - Yahoo! News

The LAST thing this country needs is another Southern conservative president. We've had conservative presidents, and we've had Southern presidents. But before Bush, we never had a conservative Southern president. Look what a disaster that was. And Perry's from Texas, no less. Hell, that's two strikes against him right there.
Rick Perry is a Globalist Bilderberg member and advocate of the North American Union. How is he different than Bush?

Oh I get it! He'll choose Sarah Palin as his Veep to fool us into voting for him. No fuckin' way.
So by your rationale, FDR was a great president?

What does that have to do with Rick Perry?

In your defense of Perry, who I know to be a terrible governor as a resident of his state (and job creation in the state, primarily among immigrants working minimum wage and tech people working in liberal Austin is not due to Perry's initiatives), you claimed he couldn't be terrible because if he was he wouldn't have been re-elected a record number of times. FDR was also elected a record number of times. If you don't agree with your own rationale that those who aren't good in their office are not re-elected and that record re-election is some kind of proof of good job performance, then your argument in support of him is invalidated.

So is FDR a great president because he was re-elected a record number of times, or was your argument that Perry must not be bad because he was re-elected a record number of times ultimately quite specious? Which is it?

FDR was never governor of Texas. Sorry.
Can the Repub line-up get any more "out-there"?

Anymore "out there" than a community organizer with 2 elections under his belt who grew up a Muslim in Indonesia, was the son of a communist and leftist, friends with domestic terrorists and member of a virulently anti-semitic, racist church?

No, I don't think so.
OK, here;s the game changer. If Perry runs, Obama will be toast. He is charismatic with a great track record.
Expect whines from Democrats over vaccinations in.3...2...1......
Texas Governor Rick Perry mulling White House run - Yahoo! News

The LAST thing this country needs is another Southern conservative president. We've had conservative presidents, and we've had Southern presidents. But before Bush, we never had a conservative Southern president. Look what a disaster that was. And Perry's from Texas, no less. Hell, that's two strikes against him right there.

You're a major moron.
Bush was neither conservative nor Southern.

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