Rick Perry forgets number of Supreme Court judges

Rick Perry forgets number of Supreme Court judges

On Friday, Perry criticized Obama for his two Supreme Court nominees. "When you see his appointment of two, from my perspective, inarguably activist judges, whether it was ..." he said, trailing off.

He paused for six seconds. "Not Montemayor," he said.

"Sotomayor," a member of the editorial board said.

"Sotomayor, Sotomayor," Perry said.

He went on to denounce "eight unelected and, frankly, unaccountable judges" in a discussion of prayer in schools. But nine justices sit on the Supreme Court; they are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Similar gaffes have plagued Perry. Perhaps the most memorable was during a debate last month, when he couldn't remember one of three federal agencies he has pledged to abolish. As recently as Thursday, Perry had to correct himself after saying the United States is at war in Iran instead of Iraq.

Not surprising.

what a fucking hypocrite.
The fact that you can't tell the difference between Obama mistakes and Perry's breathtaking stupidity is just more evidence of your own stupidity.

In addition to partisan blindness.

It could have been worse. What if he'd said 57 judges?

They always seem to go back to this. Here is the thing. Do you honestly think a constitutional lawyer thinks there are 57 states?

There is a difference between a gaffe and being a moron.

Get it or should I retype this 57 times?

good to hear you admit obamie is a moron.. I kinda like it. cause it was no gaffe.. what obamie said was "I've been to 57 states and have one or two more to go." that's no fucking gaffee.. that's a moron or he was talking about some other continent.
Rick Perry forgets number of Supreme Court judges

On Friday, Perry criticized Obama for his two Supreme Court nominees. "When you see his appointment of two, from my perspective, inarguably activist judges, whether it was ..." he said, trailing off.

He paused for six seconds. "Not Montemayor," he said.

"Sotomayor," a member of the editorial board said.

"Sotomayor, Sotomayor," Perry said.

He went on to denounce "eight unelected and, frankly, unaccountable judges" in a discussion of prayer in schools. But nine justices sit on the Supreme Court; they are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Similar gaffes have plagued Perry. Perhaps the most memorable was during a debate last month, when he couldn't remember one of three federal agencies he has pledged to abolish. As recently as Thursday, Perry had to correct himself after saying the United States is at war in Iran instead of Iraq.

Not surprising.

Obama forgets number of tates, not surprising.
The fact that you can't tell the difference between Obama mistakes and Perry's breathtaking stupidity is just more evidence of your own stupidity.

In addition to partisan blindness.

Oh I recognize partisan blindness when I see it. there is plenty here from the libs on this board. so don't act like it one sided.
the fact he states, Obama makes mistakes but everyone else is stupid is a good one for partisan blindness.
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Rick Perry forgets number of Supreme Court judges

On Friday, Perry criticized Obama for his two Supreme Court nominees. "When you see his appointment of two, from my perspective, inarguably activist judges, whether it was ..." he said, trailing off.

He paused for six seconds. "Not Montemayor," he said.

"Sotomayor," a member of the editorial board said.

"Sotomayor, Sotomayor," Perry said.

He went on to denounce "eight unelected and, frankly, unaccountable judges" in a discussion of prayer in schools. But nine justices sit on the Supreme Court; they are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Similar gaffes have plagued Perry. Perhaps the most memorable was during a debate last month, when he couldn't remember one of three federal agencies he has pledged to abolish. As recently as Thursday, Perry had to correct himself after saying the United States is at war in Iran instead of Iraq.

Not surprising.

At least he did not say we have 57 states.
That is apparently the dumbest thing anyone can say.
Rick Perry forgets number of Supreme Court judges

On Friday, Perry criticized Obama for his two Supreme Court nominees. "When you see his appointment of two, from my perspective, inarguably activist judges, whether it was ..." he said, trailing off.

He paused for six seconds. "Not Montemayor," he said.

"Sotomayor," a member of the editorial board said.

"Sotomayor, Sotomayor," Perry said.

He went on to denounce "eight unelected and, frankly, unaccountable judges" in a discussion of prayer in schools. But nine justices sit on the Supreme Court; they are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Similar gaffes have plagued Perry. Perhaps the most memorable was during a debate last month, when he couldn't remember one of three federal agencies he has pledged to abolish. As recently as Thursday, Perry had to correct himself after saying the United States is at war in Iran instead of Iraq.

Not surprising.

At least he did not say we have 57 states.
That is apparently the dumbest thing anyone can say.

and wait till you see the "corpse men" march.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Rick Perry forgets number of Supreme Court judges

On Friday, Perry criticized Obama for his two Supreme Court nominees. "When you see his appointment of two, from my perspective, inarguably activist judges, whether it was ..." he said, trailing off.

He paused for six seconds. "Not Montemayor," he said.

"Sotomayor," a member of the editorial board said.

"Sotomayor, Sotomayor," Perry said.

He went on to denounce "eight unelected and, frankly, unaccountable judges" in a discussion of prayer in schools. But nine justices sit on the Supreme Court; they are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Similar gaffes have plagued Perry. Perhaps the most memorable was during a debate last month, when he couldn't remember one of three federal agencies he has pledged to abolish. As recently as Thursday, Perry had to correct himself after saying the United States is at war in Iran instead of Iraq.

Not surprising.

A brain fart -he knew who he meant, just couldn't drag up the name from his memory. But you no doubt find this far more significant than a Democrat candidate who believed he was going to be President of 57 states? Liberal talking heads would still be using that one as "proof" Bush was stupid in spite of holding two advanced degrees from two of the most prestigious colleges in the country. (To say nothing of the fact that Obama refusing to release HIS grades, like Bush immediately did -tells me all I need to know about his poor school performance. Get real, if he had better grades than Bush did at the same school you better believe those grades would have been made public. That's the downside to claiming your opponent is stupid though -better make sure the dude you claim is smarter, really is. Instead Dems put up a known pathological liar who flunked out of one college and dropped out of another to run against him -and the second time put up someone whose only A in college was in FRENCH. Oh yeah, buts its the other guy who is the stupid one, right.)

The sheer number of facts a candidate is expected to pull out of hat at any given moment while running for office doesn't have much to do with anything regarding policy or their intelligence. We've all had brain farts, it is human nature to have it happen at times - and last I checked no machines were running for President. An eidetic memory is not a pre-requisite for the job, whereas Democrats think being able to read eloquently off a teleprompter is. This isn't a memory quiz they must pass first but it is embarrassing when they make big gaffes like this and very few people are willing to give them a pass on it no matter how exhausted they may be. Unless it's a Democrat of course - in which case no number of gaffes and sticking their foot in their mouth makes any difference to a Dem -who believes it is only a sign of "stupid" if a person has an "R" after their name. And in that case then it is a topic of liberal media dissection about the fitness of the individual for the next three months minimum. Just imagine the nonstop media feeding frenzy if the moron we have as VP had an "R" behind his name -what an embarrassment and an unwanted "gift" that just keeps on giving, isn't he? Brain farts are now and then but in Biden's case it is a permanent state of being.

I wonder how long it was before an aide grabbed Obama and broke the news to him about how many states were in this country -and also wonder where he really was when he claimed to have been campaigning in quite a few of them.
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He meant to say 9 and everybody knows it.

Man, I love the internet. I can just proclaim things to be facts and that suddenly makes them facts. It's so awesome.
Who liberated Auschwitz?

Please nominate Perry.

You all really should be more worried about getting your dear leaders approval numbers up. You all think he is SO UNBEATABLE

You want to bet a $1000 on Gingrich beating Obama? Or are you all mouth?
It could have been worse. What if he'd said 57 judges?

They always seem to go back to this. Here is the thing. Do you honestly think a constitutional lawyer thinks there are 57 states?

There is a difference between a gaffe and being a moron.

Get it or should I retype this 57 times?

good to hear you admit obamie is a moron.. I kinda like it. cause it was no gaffe.. what obamie said was "I've been to 57 states and have one or two more to go." that's no fucking gaffee.. that's a moron or he was talking about some other continent.

Let me guess? Africa? Ah, of course.
Not because the MSM talks about it.

So whom?

I would love to see them apply the standards to Obama's flubs they've applied to Perry's.

I'm sure Fox News has been quite lax in criticizing Obama.

Or to have applied the scrutiny they gave to Herman Cain to Bill Clinton, for that matter.

Wow, you're still butt hurt that Clinton was elected? Ever think about moving into the 21st century?
He meant to say 9 and everybody knows it.

Man, I love the internet. I can just proclaim things to be facts and that suddenly makes them facts. It's so awesome.
Who liberated Auschwitz?

Please nominate Perry.

You all really should be more worried about getting your dear leaders approval numbers up. You all think he is SO UNBEATABLE

Your leader Obama, Stephanie, can beat Perry by 10 to 12 points.

I want someone who can beat BHO and that's not the Perry.
Governor Perry what is your favorite R&B band?

"I like Earth, Wind and... uh, Earth, Wind and um... I don't know the 3rd one. oops!"

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