Rick Scott in all his pathetic republican glory, is filing yet another suit to limit the vote count

Lol why do you assume said ballot box was full of only republican votes?

Where in the hell did I say it was full Republican votes? I didn’t mention either party, there is a problem in Broward County. Are you okay with votes sitting uncounted?
Lol um no. I’ve already made it clear we should count all the votes and NOT limit the count which is what Scott is trying to do.

How hard is this?

It seems to be tough for you, when you find boxes of ballots in unsecured areas, how do you know they haven't been tampered? There are laws and for whatever reason, this box was not under the chain of custody which makes the ballots illegal. Why would you want to count boxes that are illegal?
Oh so now they are tampered with and shouldn’t be counted? My god, are you listening to yourself?

They are illegal, they could have been tampered, we don't know.
Well, gee, how about we examine them first before they are thrown?
The person leading the DNC theft of this election has been repeatedly caught breaking election laws but has somehow retained the job of running this circus again this year....and has again been caught violating at least 6 laws this time....

...but no one stepped in to remove them, hold the ballots, and stop the theft...state and federal agencis have been arguing about who's got jurisdiction to step in and do so...

Hillary Clinton's dossier lawyer stepped off the plane and declared he was there to ensure the Democrat won. ..

And then the Democrats, once again, create threads like this to accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are
Florida Republican Scott asks that ballots be guarded in Senate race recount

How pathetic is the GOP? How does anyone justify supporting them? This fucker was even aiming his suit at democrat controlled counties.

What a lot of stupid righties don't know or remember is that Scott's Columbia Healthcare paid one of the biggest fines for Medicare fraud since the program started.

Rick Scott's Role in Largest Medicare Ripoff in History: Miami Herald Probe

He's nothing but another con man who made a deal with Big Agriculture in Florida, allowing them to bypass waste disposal and dump their shit in Lake Okeechobee, which flowed out into the Gulf and has caused a red tide that has drifted up the Gulf coast and around to the Atlantic side and isn't expected to dissipate until early next year, destroying coastal property values.

As Florida chokes on red tide, governor denies environmental malpractice

He's scum.

And the stupid, idiotic people in Florida elected him...twice.
Last edited:
The person leading the DNC theft of this election has been repeatedly caught breaking election laws but has somehow retained the job of running this circus again this year....and has again been caught violating at least 6 laws this time....

...but no one stepped in to remove them, hold the ballots, and stop the theft...state and federal agencis have been arguing about who's got jurisdiction to step in and do so...

Hillary Clinton's dossier lawyer stepped off the plane and declared he was there to ensure the Democrat won. ..

And then the Democrats, once again, create threads like this to accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are

Post links or STFU.
You guys come on here and just make shit up.
If you don't, then post proof of your claims.
Ah how typical you cite bullshit RW blogs no one of any intelligence takes seriously. Also, how dumb are you thinking a single ballot box being found somewhere somehow means that the Dems are cheating?

Well dumb fuck, there are laws governing the chain of custody of ballots. It appears the officials in Broward County not only violated those but many others related to reporting and transparency.


How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school? This is the type of crap that leads to doubts over the whole election process. I'm beginning to think election officials in Broward County are actually citizens of a third world country and are not smart enough to realize in what country they are really in.
that was FAKE NEWS and dis-proven,,,

no ballots are transported in ballot boxes, the box in the school was filled with supplies.

the provisional ballot boxes are used as supply boxes then when emptied of the supplies at polls, are used for provisional ballots, then when the election is over the provisional ballots are accounted for on an invoice register, removed, put in to a canvas bag that is zip locked, and monitored all the way to the counting center...

NO BALLOT BOXES are ever used to transport ballots....

you all have been fooled, AGAIN by these right wing conspiracies....


Good send me the link.
Florida election: Broward supervisor fights ballot box conspiracy theory

LAUDERHILL — Mysterious ballot boxes transported on trucks? Late-night deliveries to the elections warehouse? Boxes marked “provisional ballots” found throughout Broward County?

A simple scroll through social media yields several conspiracy theories alleging rampant election fraud in Broward County on the cusp of a historic recount. Some of those theories were floated by elected officials, like Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman from northwest Florida who shared a now-viral video of a questionable midnight delivery to Broward’s election warehouse in Lauderhill.

“You tell me why we can’t know what’s coming in and out of that truck,” Gaetz is heard in the video asking a man near the truck delivery. The video has been viewed more than 670,000 times on Twitter.

The conspiracies simply aren’t true, a Broward County elections spokesman insisted on Saturday, hoping to quiet the widespread criticism of elections chief Brenda Snipes.

Eugene Pettis, a lawyer for the elections supervisor, emerged from the Lauderhill warehouse Saturday with two gray bins both labeled “election supplies” on one side and “provisional ballots” on another.

They are nearly identical to the bins that have appeared in viral social media posts, allegedly showing ballots left at precincts or suspiciously delivered to the supervisor’s office post-Election Day.

When poll workers set up shop at a precinct, Pettis explained, they bring supplies in these gray bins. When they remove the supplies, the bins are converted into provisional ballot drop-boxes. When it’s time to transport those provisional ballots to the supervisor’s office, the ballots are placed in bright orange bags that are sealed with zip ties.

The gray boxes never actually transport ballots, Pettis said.

When the boxes leave a precinct, they’re holding left over supplies, Pettis said, opening the a bin in front of reporters to reveal they contained only binders and paperwork.

“People see this box moving and, on the one side of the box, it says ‘provisional ballots’ and they think ballots are being brought back here,” Pettis said, hoping to dispel the rumors circulating on Facebook and Twitter. “There are no ballots in any of these boxes. What’s in there is supplies.”

The late-night deliveries captured in Gaetz’s video? Returning equipment, including chairs and voting machines, once-shipped to hundreds of precincts throughout Broward County, officials said.

The bin marked “provisional ballots” discovered at Sunshine Elementary School in Miramar? Filled with supplies.

“Given what’s going on, there are hundreds of these, a lot of them,” Pettis said. “There are no ballots, is the bottom line, in any of these boxes.”

Anybody who bothered to look at the pre-voting data maps could tell that Florida was going to be a problem.

The red, blue and green sections made the peninsula look like a multi-colored quilt.

This is why the elections are so close.

But Duh Donald wants his sheep to believe there's voter fraud.


Florida Republican Scott asks that ballots be guarded in Senate race recount

How pathetic is the GOP? How does anyone justify supporting them? This fucker was even aiming his suit at democrat controlled counties.
why are there ballots in a truck?
I don't know. Why do you assume they are republican ballots? If Scott actually cared about counting the votes, he wouldn't try to stop it. How about both candidates just move toward making sure those ballots are counted? Nelson isn't trying to leave out any ballots.
ahem, why are there any ballots in a fking truck!!!!!
Okay then let’s count them ALL I instead of trying to limit the count like Scott is doing. Duh.
why what are they? they weren't under anyone's watch. I have no idea why there are ballots in a truck. you?
Ah how typical you cite bullshit RW blogs no one of any intelligence takes seriously. Also, how dumb are you thinking a single ballot box being found somewhere somehow means that the Dems are cheating?

Well dumb fuck, there are laws governing the chain of custody of ballots. It appears the officials in Broward County not only violated those but many others related to reporting and transparency.


How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school? This is the type of crap that leads to doubts over the whole election process. I'm beginning to think election officials in Broward County are actually citizens of a third world country and are not smart enough to realize in what country they are really in.
How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school?

Good question.
How do Dem votes get stashed away in a Republican controlled state?

Obviously there is a problem with the election board in Broward County and how they handle ballots, we don't know anything other then a box was tossed into a storage closet and what happened before and after they got there is a mystery.

There's another that was supposedly found in the trunk of a rental car, it just keeps getting better.

Broward county's Snipes will likely get the boot. Box of provisional ballots found in Avis rental car is last straw

Florida Republican Scott asks that ballots be guarded in Senate race recount

How pathetic is the GOP? How does anyone justify supporting them? This fucker was even aiming his suit at democrat controlled counties.
why are there ballots in a truck?
I don't know. Why do you assume they are republican ballots? If Scott actually cared about counting the votes, he wouldn't try to stop it. How about both candidates just move toward making sure those ballots are counted? Nelson isn't trying to leave out any ballots.
ahem, why are there any ballots in a fking truck!!!!!
Okay then let’s count them ALL I instead of trying to limit the count like Scott is doing. Duh.
why what are they? they weren't under anyone's watch. I have no idea why there are ballots in a truck. you?
This is all sounds like RW fake news with what you are saying, but assuming what you’re saying is true, it still doesn’t make any sense to just discard them without looking at them. Nothing about that makes any sense.
The person leading the DNC theft of this election has been repeatedly caught breaking election laws but has somehow retained the job of running this circus again this year....and has again been caught violating at least 6 laws this time....

...but no one stepped in to remove them, hold the ballots, and stop the theft...state and federal agencis have been arguing about who's got jurisdiction to step in and do so...

Hillary Clinton's dossier lawyer stepped off the plane and declared he was there to ensure the Democrat won. ..

And then the Democrats, once again, create threads like this to accuse others of doing what they do and of being who they are
If the GOP never claimed there was fraud, you would have never assumed it.
Ah how typical you cite bullshit RW blogs no one of any intelligence takes seriously. Also, how dumb are you thinking a single ballot box being found somewhere somehow means that the Dems are cheating?

Well dumb fuck, there are laws governing the chain of custody of ballots. It appears the officials in Broward County not only violated those but many others related to reporting and transparency.


How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school? This is the type of crap that leads to doubts over the whole election process. I'm beginning to think election officials in Broward County are actually citizens of a third world country and are not smart enough to realize in what country they are really in.
How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school?

Good question.
How do Dem votes get stashed away in a Republican controlled state?

Obviously there is a problem with the election board in Broward County and how they handle ballots, we don't know anything other then a box was tossed into a storage closet and what happened before and after they got there is a mystery.

So there is no fraud then?

I'm simply pointing out that those ballots could just as easily have been hidden to prevent them from being counted.

Where did I claim fraud? I said, "How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school? This is the type of crap that leads to doubts over the whole election process. I'm beginning to think election officials in Broward County are actually citizens of a third world country and are not smart enough to realize in what country they are really in."

I don't know if there was fraud or wasn't fraud, I am not there and I hear so much BS that who really knows what to believe. I do think the Republicans in the state of Florida bear some responsibility because while they were in control of Florida they never straightened up Broward County and they should have been proactive in remedying the problem rather than doing little to nothing. Broward County election officials also bear some responsibility because the seem as clueless as to what the hell they are doing.
Ah how typical you cite bullshit RW blogs no one of any intelligence takes seriously. Also, how dumb are you thinking a single ballot box being found somewhere somehow means that the Dems are cheating?

Well dumb fuck, there are laws governing the chain of custody of ballots. It appears the officials in Broward County not only violated those but many others related to reporting and transparency.


How the hell do you lose a box of ballots in a storage closet at a school? This is the type of crap that leads to doubts over the whole election process. I'm beginning to think election officials in Broward County are actually citizens of a third world country and are not smart enough to realize in what country they are really in.
that was FAKE NEWS and dis-proven,,,

no ballots are transported in ballot boxes, the box in the school was filled with supplies.

the provisional ballot boxes are used as supply boxes then when emptied of the supplies at polls, are used for provisional ballots, then when the election is over the provisional ballots are accounted for on an invoice register, removed, put in to a canvas bag that is zip locked, and monitored all the way to the counting center...

NO BALLOT BOXES are ever used to transport ballots....

you all have been fooled, AGAIN by these right wing conspiracies....


Good send me the link.
Florida election: Broward supervisor fights ballot box conspiracy theory

LAUDERHILL — Mysterious ballot boxes transported on trucks? Late-night deliveries to the elections warehouse? Boxes marked “provisional ballots” found throughout Broward County?

A simple scroll through social media yields several conspiracy theories alleging rampant election fraud in Broward County on the cusp of a historic recount. Some of those theories were floated by elected officials, like Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman from northwest Florida who shared a now-viral video of a questionable midnight delivery to Broward’s election warehouse in Lauderhill.

“You tell me why we can’t know what’s coming in and out of that truck,” Gaetz is heard in the video asking a man near the truck delivery. The video has been viewed more than 670,000 times on Twitter.

The conspiracies simply aren’t true, a Broward County elections spokesman insisted on Saturday, hoping to quiet the widespread criticism of elections chief Brenda Snipes.

Eugene Pettis, a lawyer for the elections supervisor, emerged from the Lauderhill warehouse Saturday with two gray bins both labeled “election supplies” on one side and “provisional ballots” on another.

They are nearly identical to the bins that have appeared in viral social media posts, allegedly showing ballots left at precincts or suspiciously delivered to the supervisor’s office post-Election Day.

When poll workers set up shop at a precinct, Pettis explained, they bring supplies in these gray bins. When they remove the supplies, the bins are converted into provisional ballot drop-boxes. When it’s time to transport those provisional ballots to the supervisor’s office, the ballots are placed in bright orange bags that are sealed with zip ties.

The gray boxes never actually transport ballots, Pettis said.

When the boxes leave a precinct, they’re holding left over supplies, Pettis said, opening the a bin in front of reporters to reveal they contained only binders and paperwork.

“People see this box moving and, on the one side of the box, it says ‘provisional ballots’ and they think ballots are being brought back here,” Pettis said, hoping to dispel the rumors circulating on Facebook and Twitter. “There are no ballots in any of these boxes. What’s in there is supplies.”

The late-night deliveries captured in Gaetz’s video? Returning equipment, including chairs and voting machines, once-shipped to hundreds of precincts throughout Broward County, officials said.

The bin marked “provisional ballots” discovered at Sunshine Elementary School in Miramar? Filled with supplies.

“Given what’s going on, there are hundreds of these, a lot of them,” Pettis said. “There are no ballots, is the bottom line, in any of these boxes.”

This is the only article I read on the issue and I did not read any of the links with the conspiracy stuff.


I again would ask why are they leaving their crap at schools and in storage closets. Just seems to me to be pretty stupid on the part of those that were at the school.
Florida Republican Scott asks that ballots be guarded in Senate race recount

How pathetic is the GOP? How does anyone justify supporting them? This fucker was even aiming his suit at democrat controlled counties.

What a lot of stupid righties don't know or remember is that Scott's Columbia Healthcare paid one of the biggest fines for Medicare fraud since the program started.

Rick Scott's Role in Largest Medicare Ripoff in History: Miami Herald Probe

He's nothing but another con man who made a deal with Big Agriculture in Florida, allowing them to bypass waste disposal and dump their shit in Lake Okeechobee, which flowed out into the Gulf and has caused a red tide that has drifted up the Gulf coast and around to the Atlantic side and isn't expected to dissipate until early next year, destroying coastal property values.

As Florida chokes on red tide, governor denies environmental malpractice

He's scum.

And the stupid, idiotic people in Florida elected him...twice.

Got nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Shut up.
Listening carefully to Florida news today and this evening - it sounds like Nelson may very well win this election if all ballots are counted fairly. No wonder Scott and Trump are having hissy fits.

Also, why does Trump hate the military?

Urging Florida To Ignore Military Votes Fits Trump’s Pattern With The Troops
You mean if the votes arriving late are illegally counted.

My understanding is that if the military votes were postmarked on the date of the election - they are legal.

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