Ricky Gervais rips the left.


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Too many have been conditioned and brow beat into not complaining about how freedom of speech is under attack in America.

Very good to see Ricky stand up for Freedom of Speech.

Ricky Gervais Rips the Left: 'If I Defend Freedom of Speech ‘I’m Suddenly an Alt Right Nazi’

Ricky Gervais Rips the Left: If I Defend Freedom of Speech 'I'm Suddenly an Alt Right Nazi’

Bill Maher became famous claiming he was politically incorrect....what a hoot....one of the most pc types around.

Being politically correct to him meant nothing more than using the F woid.....he could learn a lot from Ricky.

You're wrong about Maher.

"Outspoken liberal comedian Bill Maher says the left needs to rethink its hostility to freedom of speech in the wake of the riot at the University of California, Berkeley this week.

“Believe me, I’ve been a longtime critic of colleges shutting people up,” Mr. Maher said Friday on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.” “That is a problem on the left that we need to deal with, very much so. Free speech should be something we own.”

Students at the prestigious public university assaulted people in the streets, lit fires and looted stores on Wednesday night in order to prevent conservative pundit Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking on campus.

Mr. Maher called the Breitbart editor a “provocateur,” but said students had no right to resort to violence and vandalism because they disagree with his views."

Bill Maher on Berkeley riot: The left has a ‘problem’ with free speech

Remember, simple rule, you can't be a liberal and do illiberal things.
"How did this happen?" he asks - The Regressives happened, Ricky.

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