Riddle me this:

Bipartisan leadership works best when you have bipartisanship

In the absence of parties working to reach common ground, complete leadership from one party is the best alternative.

Since Republicans have no agenda for our country, Democrats are the best option
What a crock of BS! Republicans have no agenda for the country? Their agenda is the SAME as it always was as far back as 1854 when it was formed. End Democrats' slavery of African Americans. Had much success at that until FDR bought their loyalty with lots of "free" stuff from the public treasury and LBJ doubled down on that policy while literally destroying the black nuclear family. Today, 77% of black babies (those that avoided Sanger's abortuaries) are born to single-parent households which promises to nearly guarantee eventual failure.
Depends. It worked fairly well when the repubs still had integrity,and cared more about the good of the country than the good of their party. Since the crazy extreme MAGAs have consumed the republican party, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the governance of our country.
What was it about Trump's governance that you hated? Was it 1.4% inflation, unemployment at record lows for ALL demographics, a strong military, reduced "regulations," no new wars, illegal invaders stopped to a mere trickle, tax reductions for ALL taxpayers, Middle East calmer and stopping naked aggression towards us and Israel, Iran, Russia, China and North Korea in check, ISIS defeated, a booming economy before Covid? Just why do you hate the man so much?
Sure it is. You suckhole Communists want norhing more than zero opposition to your sick diseased agenda.

September 30 2018
“I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia.

“And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.

Do the resident Leftists here really think that America would be much better off with them exclusively in charge? IOW zero Republican/Conservative representation or governance?
We'd be better off if we had a 3rd party to break the corrupt duopoly
What a crock of BS! Republicans have no agenda for the country? Their agenda is the SAME as it always was as far back as 1854 when it was formed. End Democrats' slavery of African Americans. Had much success at that until FDR bought their loyalty with lots of "free" stuff from the public treasury and LBJ doubled down on that policy while literally destroying the black nuclear family. Today, 77% of black babies (those that avoided Sanger's abortuaries) are born to single-parent households which promises to nearly guarantee eventual failure.

Show us the Republican legislative agenda
Start with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

What are their plans for healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, inflation…..
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Who are you, and what did/do you do.
You say you HATE trump, but many posts say otherwise.

What not just define your agenda.
How random. What do you want to know?
That i just want to be left alone? That i dont work so the fed gov can send that shit to dictators in foreign countries? Or people that would rather die from heart attacks at 40 than work and live life?
That you DONT know whats better for me?
That I want fiscal responsibility and our govt to be held accountable?
That I support an ACTUAL free market and capitalism and not bail out failed businesses?
I have been posting here for over a decade. If you dont know these things, you dont pay attention to my posts. Which is fine, but dont presume to know what i support.
I am Smarter than rightwinger

We need more parties not less and certainly not one crazy party rule where the representatives hate America and don’t know what a woman is.

Republicans hate America. They hate everything about it including the Constitution.

You're Smarter than Rightwinger???? I think you're one of the dumbest posters I've ever encountered. Anyone who calls everyone an anti-Semite, but votes for the party that hates Jews, isn't very bright.
How random. What do you want to know?
That i just want to be left alone? That i dont work so the fed gov can send that shit to dictators in foreign countries? Or people that would rather die from heart attacks at 40 than work and live life?
That you DONT know whats better for me?
That I want fiscal responsibility and our govt to be held accountable?
That I support an ACTUAL free market and capitalism and not bail out failed businesses?
I have been posting here for over a decade. If you dont know these things, you dont pay attention to my posts. Which is fine, but dont presume to know what i support.

And yet you vote Republican, which doesn't do any of the things you claim to stand for. So pardon us for being confused. Actions speak louder than words Harley.
And yet you vote Republican, which doesn't do any of the things you claim to stand for. So pardon us for being confused. Actions speak louder than words Harley.
I dont vote republican, dumbass foreigner.
Republicans and "conservatives" today are nothing but leftists. All they want to do is rule your life when its none of their business.
Republicans hate America. They hate everything about it including the Constitution.

You're Smarter than Rightwinger???? I think you're one of the dumbest posters I've ever encountered. Anyone who calls everyone an anti-Semite, but votes for the party that hates Jews, isn't very bright.

Okay, Saul.


I dont vote republican, dumbass foreigner.
Republicans and "conservatives" today are nothing but leftists. All they want to do is rule your life when its none of their business.

Republicans are NOT leftists. They're so far to the right that they're at the stage of wanting to elect a "right wing authoritarian dictator" and jailing their political opponents.
Republicans are NOT leftists. They're so far to the right that they're at the stage of wanting to elect a "right wing authoritarian dictator" and jailing their political opponents.
Aww, you are a dupe to the duopoly. Again.
If you want to discuss things with me, please deal with reality and not made up malarkey.
They are leftists.
Republicans hate America. They hate everything about it including the Constitution.

You're Smarter than Rightwinger???? I think you're one of the dumbest posters I've ever encountered. Anyone who calls everyone an anti-Semite, but votes for the party that hates Jews, isn't very bright.
You said “Jews invented whining” and you stalk me on this site. I own You.
Show us the Republican legislative agenda
Start with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

What are their plans for healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, inflation…..
1) Improve border security
2) Support HSAs. We need free markets for healthcare.
3) Fly fewer private jets, they are the number one killer of the environment
4) Invest in oil and nuclear. Lower energy costs will lower inflation.
5) Feasible spend on infrastructure.

I am smarter than rightwinger

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