Riddle me this:

Bipartisan leadership works best when you have bipartisanship

In the absence of parties working to reach common ground, complete leadership from one party is the best alternative.

Since Republicans have no agenda for our country, Democrats are the best option
Democrats idea of "bipartisanship" is to give them whatever they want.

Establishment Republicans idea of bipartisanship is give Democrats whatever they want with nothing in return...but very very slowly.

Conservatives idea of bipartisanship is...we'll compromise on something Democrats want if Democrats compromise on something WE want.

It's not a one way street.
Democrats idea of "bipartisanship" is to give them whatever they want.

Establishment Republicans idea of bipartisanship is give Democrats whatever they want with nothing in return...but very very slowly.

Conservatives idea of bipartisanship is...we'll compromise on something Democrats want if Democrats compromise on something WE want.

It's not a one way street.
Since we consider Democrats to be the enemy of the country, why the fuck should we give them anything? They are nothing but backstabbers.
Democrats idea of "bipartisanship" is to give them whatever they want.

Establishment Republicans idea of bipartisanship is give Democrats whatever they want with nothing in return...but very very slowly.

Conservatives idea of bipartisanship is...we'll compromise on something Democrats want if Democrats compromise on something WE want.

It's not a one way street.

Republicans gave up on bipartisanship after Obama was elected

Since then, they have relied on fear mongering, obstruction, wild conspiracies and boorish behavior
Republicans gave up on bipartisanship after Obama was elected

Since then, they have relied on fear mongering, obstruction, wild conspiracies and boorish behavior
How could you possibly forget Russian Collusion, Russian Collusion, Russian Collusion fake Democrat bullshit for four years after Trump beat Hillary?

Talk about obstruction, wild conspiracies and boorish behavior!

Heal thyself physician.
"Sane and Sensible" in Commiespeak means so-called "Conservatives" agree with the far Left agenda 100% of the time. We need Conservatives to fight the enemy and defeat them, not get all buddy-buddy with them.

No it doesn't. It means people who can balance a budget, and keep government small. Republicans don't even have an agenda, or plans. They need both. And they need to vet their candidates and stop running con artists and scammers, and members of Q-Anon.
No it doesn't. It means people who can balance a budget, and keep government small. Republicans don't even have an agenda, or plans. They need both. And they need to vet their candidates and stop running con artists and scammers, and members of Q-Anon.
Problem is you fucktard Leftists OWN all of academia and the fucking media, so you worms get to push your sick diseased agenda. Oh and right now, Republicans must remain on the defensive and obstruct at all costs.
How could you possibly forget Russian Collusion, Russian Collusion, Russian Collusion fake Democrat bullshit for four years after Trump beat Hillary?

Talk about obstruction, wild conspiracies and boorish behavior!

Heal thyself physician.

Read the Mueller Report and face the facts. The Russian interfered with your elections, and Donald Trump welcomed their help. Then he obstructed the investigation, threatened witnesses and lied through his teeth. He did all of this on TV and Twitter. None of it was secret.

You elected a criminal conman with long standing ties to Russia. It's not like any of it was a secret when you elected him. He was in the middle of a fraud trial when he ran for office, and he had his 7th bankruptcy while he ran.

Stop pretending the guy was competent or in any way honest and not completely on the take.
No they do not. More media is in the hands of right wing billionaires. You're simply parroting their lies.
Oh come off it. Academia is 100% owned by the lunatic Left as is 95% of the Lamestream media. They own the narrative, they own the agenda, they want 100% control, PERIOD!! Just like your Komrades in the old Soviet Union.
Do the resident Leftists here really think that America would be much better off with them exclusively in charge? IOW zero Republican/Conservative representation or governance?
You're asking two different questions. Your question assumes the Republican party is led by conservatives, which is less and less true every day.
Independents don't. There needs to be a balancing side. Too bad, the loudest nut-balls in the house and senate are just loudmouth attention seeking assholes, more about party than country in that trumpist corrupted party, with few (if any) actual conservative legislators, left after their primary purges to support party populism.
I am Smarter than rightwinger

We need more parties not less and certainly not one crazy party rule where the representatives hate America and don’t know what a woman is.
I am Smarter than rightwinger

We need more parties not less and certainly not one crazy party rule where the representatives hate America and don’t know what a woman is.
We do need more parties, as these suck, at the moment. But, I don't see it happening. So, we'll just muddle through, and I will continue to look at candidates independently based on the person, their history, the position and what they say they support (this time), balanced against what the other asshole stands for.
We do need more parties, as these suck, at the moment. But, I don't see it happening. So, we'll just muddle through, and I will continue to look at candidates independently based on the person, their history, the position and what they say they support (this time), balanced against what the other asshole stands for.
GAHAHAHA!!!! You fucking Democrat party loyalists are all the same. "vote for the person"? I bet, only if he has a (D) next to his name. You are not kidding anyone.
GAHAHAHA!!!! You fucking Democrat party loyalists are all the same. "vote for the person"? I bet, only if he has a (D) next to his name. You are not kidding anyone.
Your thesis was "Do the resident Leftists here really think that America would be much better off with them exclusively in charge? IOW zero Republican/Conservative representation or governance?"

I gave you an honest answer (post 9) and you didn't even respond. Now I agree with a poster that couldn't be described as a Dem party loyalist on his worse dang day, and you respond with this crap attack by being an example of what is wrong with both party's outspoken assholes in stupid tribal fashion. A good example of why I am independent.

OK, you just want to be a prick, like the big boys, I guess. So have fun playing for your boys, you ignorant fuk. Your just an amateur and a lousy OP of a thread for discussion. Fuck you very much.
In other words you liked the Republican Party when it was wimpy, wimpy, wimpy and full to the brim with RINOs.

Hopefully those days are gone. Long gone.
Commies, Commies
Is that all you got is Commies?
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

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