...riffing off of another thread....James' seizing property....

At the center of all this, is the fact that the government critters doing this have immunity for their abusive behavior. So why would they stop being abusive

I hope they do sieze his assets, and very publicly. After all, its past time the rest of the country sees just how out of control the NYS government actually is. The only reason NY hasnt seized his assets, is because its Trump. If it were any other person, NYS would have taken all his stuff by now and auctioned it off.

Thats how NYS usually works. They prefer to bankrupt their prey prior to going to court.
So the cameras will follow James with her pad lock as she puts working people out of business and jobs... I can't wait...
Interesting take.

That is an angle many people forget about.

I wonder if Trump feels even a little bad for the disaffection he caused all the employees that are getting screwed over Trump's fraud.

Eighth Amendment​

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
What fine?

It was disgorgement.

It is the money estimated trump garnered from his fraud with interest.

How much of the fraudulently earned money do you think Trump should get to keep?

And no, it doesn't require a victim.

But presuming they did......so?
Would such cross-jurisdiction consultations be illegal?
Or improper?

Don't local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies communicate with each other regularly now over many issues, including investigations and charging decisions?
wow ! just wow !
Interesting take.

That is an angle many people forget about.

I wonder if Trump feels even a little bad for the disaffection he caused all the employees that are getting screwed over Trump's fraud.
The buildings and resorts aren't being burnt down. If a guy wants to caddy for some rich twat at the resort, he still can. He'll just have a new guy signing his paychecks.
Yep, and this silly gambit will run them up millions more. Liberals are showing they are inherently evil creatures hell bent on punishment without a care for notions of justice or fairness.
Or the welfare of the people they represent.
back again ? I thought you were tired of getting utterly destroyed by me on this board .. you know darn good and well the prosecutions and judgments against Trump are political ..
This public masturbation isn't going to help you.

Your question was very stupid and can only be asked by someone who knows less than nothing about any of this or someone who is pretending to be ignorant.
And every time someone in government tries to help Americans.The republicans are there standing in the way.

You spend too much time in your bubble and actually think you fool somebody.
yeah right ... the Dems help Americans with crime , an open boarder , skyrocketing food , fuel , electric bills , ect...
This public masturbation isn't going to help you.

Your question was very stupid and can only be asked by someone who knows less than nothing about any of this or someone who is pretending to be ignorant.
tell us just who did Trump injure in the James case to cause a 500 mil penalty ?
In a nearby thread (revived from years ago)...the thread 'Why Trump Should Not Be President', there is post #13 that offers a headline suggesting that Trump won't pay on Monday, March 25th the money he owes for pursuing an appeal of the $450,000,000+ judgement against his corporation, himself, and his two sons.

The headline suggests that instead of paying he'll simply let the State of New York seize Trump Tower.

Personally, I'm not so sure that is the way it would play out.
But, if he refuses to pony up the bond money, what then?

[This could be a useful thread to inform us all on how the machinations of big money, big court judgements, can possibly play out. It'll be a high-stakes chess game, IMO. Most especially, if no financial-angel drops in to fund the surety bond(s). And USMB may have informed contributors here who are familiar with such judgments and are willing to share their insights?]

I welcome other's opinions on how this can play out this upcoming week.

Here is what I could possibly envision:

  1. Trump refuses to pay on Monday. In short, challenging the State to back up the threat to seize assets.

  2. So, the State begins to seize. But they don't go after iconic 'Trump Tower'...with the public-'splashiness' that would entail. Nor do they go after all assets.
  3. Instead they go after less well-known properties. But those that are known to be profitable. The more profitable the more likely to be seized. Of course, the details and messiness of managing any real-estate property will be part of the calculus too. After all, who wants to immerse themselves in the weeds of 'Tee-Times' and golf-cart maintenance?

  4. So then, the State could most likely go after this 'stated' $400,000,000+ in cash (or cash equivalents) that Don Trump revealed he had in a deposition to the State in 2023. THOSE funds would be relatively easily secured.....just order the bank to lock the accounts, and turn the cash over to the State Treasurer or Court, whichever is applicable. Minimum 'hands-on management' of that cash would be required. Most certainly a lot less than seizing an office building with it's tenants, tax-generation burden, and maintenance.

So, get the cash first. And if that is not enough.....go for the most profitable/easily managed pieces.

Anyway, if I was sitting in the decision-maker's seat......I'd look first at those avenues.

James has started laying the ground work for Trump National Golf Course in Briarcliff Manor and Seven Springs, a private estate in Bedford.

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