Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

Tell ya what, let's require proof of citizenship and proper ID for one election and see what happens to the numbers showing up to vote. Deal?
Quite a few states have had Voter ID for some time now. And it has not stopped the types of fraud which occur. I've been pointing it out to you tards for a long time. Years.

But they still aren't allowed to verify citizenship for voter registration. The system is designed to encourage fraud.

Which states forbid citizenship verification?

Federal law prevents it, the courts have said, the affirmation of citizenship on the registration form is all that is required.

Supreme Court says states may not add citizenship proof for voter registration

You are required under penalty of law to affirm that you are a citizen.

Right, like people won't lie, just like the WI mall shooter lied and voted in 3 elections. Makes one wonder how many millions more are out there like him.
LOL The OP's article tries to sell there is no voter fraud then tries to point out there is republican voter fraud. What a waste of 10 minutes reading that garbage

How many verified cases of voter fraud have their been in the last several elections?

No idea, why don't YOU actually do some research.

By the way, remember when you loons tried to blame Pence for going after the Indiana outfit (dems mind you) and using the State Police as his "arm"?

You all failed. Again. Democrats lie, they cheat, they steal...

“Statement from Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter Regarding Possible Voter Fraud ” from Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide : Nixle
Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?

Let's say the baseball league allowed the citizens of their city to vote on players of their baseball team. In my city, they tested people to see how much they knew about the game and players before they could vote. In your city, they allowed anybody to vote whether they knew anything about baseball or not.

Which city do you think would end up with the better team?

Part of voter-ID does have something to do with this, but of course they won't say that. Democrats fight against it for the same reason, and here it is:

Many Democrat voters are lazy. Sure, they will vote if somebody drives them to the polls, if they could stop by day or night during specific weeks, vote from home, but if they had to put any effort into voting, many of them would likely sit home. Why? Because voting isn't very important to them in the first place.

Voter-ID laws makes you put some effort into voting, and only those that are very concerned about their country will take the trouble to get such an ID.

Republicans realize their camp will make sure they vote. For Democrats, it would be a huge concern. No longer would they be able to pull hobos off of train tracks, give them a pack of cigarettes, and shove them into the car for a ride to the voting place. That's the real reason they are against it, and use race as a cheap excuse.
Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case
Written by Tom Steward
on July 01, 2016
A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.

The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.

The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016.

“For the first time, the State of Minnesota will be put ‘on the stand’ and forced to explain why it thinks it can violate the plain text of the Minnesota Constitution, election statutes, as well as specific court orders and permit individuals to vote who election officials know are ineligible,” said Minnesota Voters Alliance Executive Director Andy Cilek in an email newsletter.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance group behind the challenge alleges the actual number of illegal ballots submitted by ineligible voters far surpasses the 1,670 votes documented through a painstaking search of voting records hampered by a lack of cooperation by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.

MVA found 941 ineligible felons who were allowed to vote in 2008 alone, exceeding the 312 vote margin separating DFL candidate Al Franken and GOP Sen. Norm Coleman after a grueling recount.

Altogether, more than 100,000 Minnesota felons had their right to vote restricted and reported to the Minnesota Secretary of State between 2003 and 2015. But the Minnesota Secretary of State only notifies local election officials of the ineligible status of felons and others if they’re already registered to vote in the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Court papers demonstrate how the incomplete list of ineligible voters provided to local election officials routinely allows felons, wards of the state, immigrants and other ineligible persons to register and vote.

“The 1,366 identified felons who have been permitted to vote is believed to be only a fraction of the true total,” the 110 page court petition filed by MVA and former Rep. Kirk Stensrud states. “Cooperation from the Secretary of State would have allowed for a more complete accounting of the number of ineligible persons who have been permitted to vote.”

Simon has refused to release the data that would enable MVA to verify the actual number of ineligible people that have illegally cast a vote. In holding back the critical government data, Simon has ignored a Minnesota Department of Administration opinion stating that the voting records in question should be made public.

“The Secretary of State plays a significant role with other election officials in permitting known ineligible felons to register or to vote,” court documents state.

The lawsuit also alleges that election officials often allow felons flagged as ineligible in the Statewide Voter Registration System to vote anyway, providing the individual swears eligibility, according to court documents...

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case - American Experiment
Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?
This is what I mean about pseudocons sounding just like 60s and 70s liberals. You have no concept of freedom whatsoever.

Who is going to decided who is qualified to vote? The government?
Last edited:
Quite a few states have had Voter ID for some time now. And it has not stopped the types of fraud which occur. I've been pointing it out to you tards for a long time. Years.

But they still aren't allowed to verify citizenship for voter registration. The system is designed to encourage fraud.

Which states forbid citizenship verification?

Federal law prevents it, the courts have said, the affirmation of citizenship on the registration form is all that is required.

Supreme Court says states may not add citizenship proof for voter registration

You are required under penalty of law to affirm that you are a citizen.

Right, like people won't lie, just like the WI mall shooter lied and voted in 3 elections. Makes one wonder how many millions more are out there like him.

There's no voter fraud in Texas I take it.
Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case
Written by Tom Steward
on July 01, 2016
A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.

The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.

The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016.

“For the first time, the State of Minnesota will be put ‘on the stand’ and forced to explain why it thinks it can violate the plain text of the Minnesota Constitution, election statutes, as well as specific court orders and permit individuals to vote who election officials know are ineligible,” said Minnesota Voters Alliance Executive Director Andy Cilek in an email newsletter.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance group behind the challenge alleges the actual number of illegal ballots submitted by ineligible voters far surpasses the 1,670 votes documented through a painstaking search of voting records hampered by a lack of cooperation by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.

MVA found 941 ineligible felons who were allowed to vote in 2008 alone, exceeding the 312 vote margin separating DFL candidate Al Franken and GOP Sen. Norm Coleman after a grueling recount.

Altogether, more than 100,000 Minnesota felons had their right to vote restricted and reported to the Minnesota Secretary of State between 2003 and 2015. But the Minnesota Secretary of State only notifies local election officials of the ineligible status of felons and others if they’re already registered to vote in the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Court papers demonstrate how the incomplete list of ineligible voters provided to local election officials routinely allows felons, wards of the state, immigrants and other ineligible persons to register and vote.

“The 1,366 identified felons who have been permitted to vote is believed to be only a fraction of the true total,” the 110 page court petition filed by MVA and former Rep. Kirk Stensrud states. “Cooperation from the Secretary of State would have allowed for a more complete accounting of the number of ineligible persons who have been permitted to vote.”

Simon has refused to release the data that would enable MVA to verify the actual number of ineligible people that have illegally cast a vote. In holding back the critical government data, Simon has ignored a Minnesota Department of Administration opinion stating that the voting records in question should be made public.

“The Secretary of State plays a significant role with other election officials in permitting known ineligible felons to register or to vote,” court documents state.

The lawsuit also alleges that election officials often allow felons flagged as ineligible in the Statewide Voter Registration System to vote anyway, providing the individual swears eligibility, according to court documents...

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case - American Experiment
Supports my case that we need to tighten up the registration process instead of wasting all this time and money on Voter ID.
Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?
This is what I mean about pseudocons sounding just like 60s and 70s liberals. You have no concept of freedom whatsoever.

Who is going to decided who is qualified to vote? The government?
We the People you stupid fucking fascist......
Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?
This is what I mean about pseudocons sounding just like 60s and 70s liberals. You have no concept of freedom whatsoever.

Who is going to decided who is qualified to vote? The government?
We the People you stupid fucking fascist......
You are going to decide who gets to vote and who doesn't, eh, Comrade? And exactly how would that work?

How...un-American of you.

What if WE the People decide YOU should not be allowed to vote? I'm starting to warm up to this idea.
Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case
Written by Tom Steward
on July 01, 2016
A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.

The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.

The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016.

“For the first time, the State of Minnesota will be put ‘on the stand’ and forced to explain why it thinks it can violate the plain text of the Minnesota Constitution, election statutes, as well as specific court orders and permit individuals to vote who election officials know are ineligible,” said Minnesota Voters Alliance Executive Director Andy Cilek in an email newsletter.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance group behind the challenge alleges the actual number of illegal ballots submitted by ineligible voters far surpasses the 1,670 votes documented through a painstaking search of voting records hampered by a lack of cooperation by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.

MVA found 941 ineligible felons who were allowed to vote in 2008 alone, exceeding the 312 vote margin separating DFL candidate Al Franken and GOP Sen. Norm Coleman after a grueling recount.

Altogether, more than 100,000 Minnesota felons had their right to vote restricted and reported to the Minnesota Secretary of State between 2003 and 2015. But the Minnesota Secretary of State only notifies local election officials of the ineligible status of felons and others if they’re already registered to vote in the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Court papers demonstrate how the incomplete list of ineligible voters provided to local election officials routinely allows felons, wards of the state, immigrants and other ineligible persons to register and vote.

“The 1,366 identified felons who have been permitted to vote is believed to be only a fraction of the true total,” the 110 page court petition filed by MVA and former Rep. Kirk Stensrud states. “Cooperation from the Secretary of State would have allowed for a more complete accounting of the number of ineligible persons who have been permitted to vote.”

Simon has refused to release the data that would enable MVA to verify the actual number of ineligible people that have illegally cast a vote. In holding back the critical government data, Simon has ignored a Minnesota Department of Administration opinion stating that the voting records in question should be made public.

“The Secretary of State plays a significant role with other election officials in permitting known ineligible felons to register or to vote,” court documents state.

The lawsuit also alleges that election officials often allow felons flagged as ineligible in the Statewide Voter Registration System to vote anyway, providing the individual swears eligibility, according to court documents...

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case - American Experiment
Supports my case that we need to tighten up the registration process instead of wasting all this time and money on Voter ID.
I agree registration certainly needs to be overhauled.
owebo thinks universal suffrage is fascist. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. This shit is priceless.
Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?
This is what I mean about pseudocons sounding just like 60s and 70s liberals. You have no concept of freedom whatsoever.

Who is going to decided who is qualified to vote? The government?
We the People you stupid fucking fascist......
You are going to decide who gets to vote and who doesn't, eh, Comrade? And exactly how would that work?

How...un-American of you.

What if WE the People decide YOU should not be allowed to vote? I'm starting to warm up to this idea.
You truly are a stupid fucking liberal....
But they still aren't allowed to verify citizenship for voter registration. The system is designed to encourage fraud.

Which states forbid citizenship verification?

Federal law prevents it, the courts have said, the affirmation of citizenship on the registration form is all that is required.

Supreme Court says states may not add citizenship proof for voter registration

You are required under penalty of law to affirm that you are a citizen.

Right, like people won't lie, just like the WI mall shooter lied and voted in 3 elections. Makes one wonder how many millions more are out there like him.

There's no voter fraud in Texas I take it.

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case
Written by Tom Steward
on July 01, 2016
A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.

The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.

The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016.

“For the first time, the State of Minnesota will be put ‘on the stand’ and forced to explain why it thinks it can violate the plain text of the Minnesota Constitution, election statutes, as well as specific court orders and permit individuals to vote who election officials know are ineligible,” said Minnesota Voters Alliance Executive Director Andy Cilek in an email newsletter.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance group behind the challenge alleges the actual number of illegal ballots submitted by ineligible voters far surpasses the 1,670 votes documented through a painstaking search of voting records hampered by a lack of cooperation by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.

MVA found 941 ineligible felons who were allowed to vote in 2008 alone, exceeding the 312 vote margin separating DFL candidate Al Franken and GOP Sen. Norm Coleman after a grueling recount.

Altogether, more than 100,000 Minnesota felons had their right to vote restricted and reported to the Minnesota Secretary of State between 2003 and 2015. But the Minnesota Secretary of State only notifies local election officials of the ineligible status of felons and others if they’re already registered to vote in the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Court papers demonstrate how the incomplete list of ineligible voters provided to local election officials routinely allows felons, wards of the state, immigrants and other ineligible persons to register and vote.

“The 1,366 identified felons who have been permitted to vote is believed to be only a fraction of the true total,” the 110 page court petition filed by MVA and former Rep. Kirk Stensrud states. “Cooperation from the Secretary of State would have allowed for a more complete accounting of the number of ineligible persons who have been permitted to vote.”

Simon has refused to release the data that would enable MVA to verify the actual number of ineligible people that have illegally cast a vote. In holding back the critical government data, Simon has ignored a Minnesota Department of Administration opinion stating that the voting records in question should be made public.

“The Secretary of State plays a significant role with other election officials in permitting known ineligible felons to register or to vote,” court documents state.

The lawsuit also alleges that election officials often allow felons flagged as ineligible in the Statewide Voter Registration System to vote anyway, providing the individual swears eligibility, according to court documents...

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case - American Experiment
Supports my case that we need to tighten up the registration process instead of wasting all this time and money on Voter ID.
Many states give DL to non-citizens.

Absentee ballots arrive at homes, resident fills them all out, signs and mails back or hand-carry. for kids, pets, dead husband etc. Kids vote again walk-in. Parents vote 2 states when visit? CA allows "provisional" walk-in if u not registered? Only counted "if close" wink wink. Jake
Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case
Written by Tom Steward
on July 01, 2016
A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.

The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.

The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016.

“For the first time, the State of Minnesota will be put ‘on the stand’ and forced to explain why it thinks it can violate the plain text of the Minnesota Constitution, election statutes, as well as specific court orders and permit individuals to vote who election officials know are ineligible,” said Minnesota Voters Alliance Executive Director Andy Cilek in an email newsletter.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance group behind the challenge alleges the actual number of illegal ballots submitted by ineligible voters far surpasses the 1,670 votes documented through a painstaking search of voting records hampered by a lack of cooperation by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.

MVA found 941 ineligible felons who were allowed to vote in 2008 alone, exceeding the 312 vote margin separating DFL candidate Al Franken and GOP Sen. Norm Coleman after a grueling recount.

Altogether, more than 100,000 Minnesota felons had their right to vote restricted and reported to the Minnesota Secretary of State between 2003 and 2015. But the Minnesota Secretary of State only notifies local election officials of the ineligible status of felons and others if they’re already registered to vote in the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Court papers demonstrate how the incomplete list of ineligible voters provided to local election officials routinely allows felons, wards of the state, immigrants and other ineligible persons to register and vote.

“The 1,366 identified felons who have been permitted to vote is believed to be only a fraction of the true total,” the 110 page court petition filed by MVA and former Rep. Kirk Stensrud states. “Cooperation from the Secretary of State would have allowed for a more complete accounting of the number of ineligible persons who have been permitted to vote.”

Simon has refused to release the data that would enable MVA to verify the actual number of ineligible people that have illegally cast a vote. In holding back the critical government data, Simon has ignored a Minnesota Department of Administration opinion stating that the voting records in question should be made public.

“The Secretary of State plays a significant role with other election officials in permitting known ineligible felons to register or to vote,” court documents state.

The lawsuit also alleges that election officials often allow felons flagged as ineligible in the Statewide Voter Registration System to vote anyway, providing the individual swears eligibility, according to court documents...

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case - American Experiment
Supports my case that we need to tighten up the registration process instead of wasting all this time and money on Voter ID.

Nope, you need the ID to verify that the properly registered person in the one casting the ballot.
Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case
Written by Tom Steward
on July 01, 2016
A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent statewide elections, possibly tipping the outcome of close contests, including the 2008 U.S. Senate race.

The case holds repercussions for the 2016 election with the plaintiffs seeking a court order to prevent state and local election officials from distributing ballots to ineligible voters by implementing new safeguards.

The lawsuit marks the culmination of a years-long effort to challenge suspected voter fraud tied to Minnesota’s same day voting registration law. More than half a million Minnesotans register to vote on Election Day in general election years like 2016.

“For the first time, the State of Minnesota will be put ‘on the stand’ and forced to explain why it thinks it can violate the plain text of the Minnesota Constitution, election statutes, as well as specific court orders and permit individuals to vote who election officials know are ineligible,” said Minnesota Voters Alliance Executive Director Andy Cilek in an email newsletter.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance group behind the challenge alleges the actual number of illegal ballots submitted by ineligible voters far surpasses the 1,670 votes documented through a painstaking search of voting records hampered by a lack of cooperation by Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon.

MVA found 941 ineligible felons who were allowed to vote in 2008 alone, exceeding the 312 vote margin separating DFL candidate Al Franken and GOP Sen. Norm Coleman after a grueling recount.

Altogether, more than 100,000 Minnesota felons had their right to vote restricted and reported to the Minnesota Secretary of State between 2003 and 2015. But the Minnesota Secretary of State only notifies local election officials of the ineligible status of felons and others if they’re already registered to vote in the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Court papers demonstrate how the incomplete list of ineligible voters provided to local election officials routinely allows felons, wards of the state, immigrants and other ineligible persons to register and vote.

“The 1,366 identified felons who have been permitted to vote is believed to be only a fraction of the true total,” the 110 page court petition filed by MVA and former Rep. Kirk Stensrud states. “Cooperation from the Secretary of State would have allowed for a more complete accounting of the number of ineligible persons who have been permitted to vote.”

Simon has refused to release the data that would enable MVA to verify the actual number of ineligible people that have illegally cast a vote. In holding back the critical government data, Simon has ignored a Minnesota Department of Administration opinion stating that the voting records in question should be made public.

“The Secretary of State plays a significant role with other election officials in permitting known ineligible felons to register or to vote,” court documents state.

The lawsuit also alleges that election officials often allow felons flagged as ineligible in the Statewide Voter Registration System to vote anyway, providing the individual swears eligibility, according to court documents...

Widespread Voter Fraud Documented in New Minnesota Supreme Court Case - American Experiment
Supports my case that we need to tighten up the registration process instead of wasting all this time and money on Voter ID.

Nope, you need the ID to verify that the properly registered person in the one casting the ballot.
In person voter fraud is extremely rare. And if any of you rubes spent ten seconds thinking about it, you'd know why.
Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?
This is what I mean about pseudocons sounding just like 60s and 70s liberals. You have no concept of freedom whatsoever.

Who is going to decided who is qualified to vote? The government?

Thanks for showing us how un-American you are.

You are confirming the theory that pseudocons are opposed to universal suffrage and all for disenfranchisement.

So what's un-American about it? Don't you think we would have a better government if only those who knew WTF they were voting on voted?
This is what I mean about pseudocons sounding just like 60s and 70s liberals. You have no concept of freedom whatsoever.

Who is going to decided who is qualified to vote? The government?
We the People you stupid fucking fascist......
You are going to decide who gets to vote and who doesn't, eh, Comrade? And exactly how would that work?

How...un-American of you.

What if WE the People decide YOU should not be allowed to vote? I'm starting to warm up to this idea.

Maybe only those who pay taxes eligible to vote?

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