Right Wing Abstinence


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
The urge to reproduce which is instilled in all of us will be the ruination of this planet. It's not whether...it's when. I love it when the right wingers talk "Abstinence". A young man with a hard on and a juicing young teen female will never stop contributing to the exponential growth of the population.

Now...when are you thumpers going to do what Jesus said? Sell what you have, give it to the poor, take up your cross and follow him?"

Jesus advocated abandoning the family, taking care of the meek and the poor, the infirmed and the dying. Instead of that you folks drop by the church once a week, drop off your tithe, spend and hour and a half listening to some half wit talk about an ancient god, then speed away to a good meal and some family companionship and forget about it till the next Sunday.

Not only that...the money you give goes to pay the preacher's salary, his rent, his travel expenses, his retirement, expensive musical instruments, sound systems, stained glass, steeples, building fund drives, money to promote putting missionaries for your cause in other people's countries to change their culture, etc.

Talk about being on a mission! Do any of you actually believe that the younger generation is swallowing that bullshit?
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So...you contend that people are nothing more than animals, not responsible for their behavior.
I’d just like to see the rightwing stop abstaining from logic, facts and the truth.

Forget it! For starters they believe in an ancient god(mythical) based upon a story about virgin birth, healing by touching, son of god, savior of the world, holy ghost, resurrection, etc. written by ignorant goat herders who believed in witchcraft, believed the earth was flat and the universe revolved around it and that everyone who didn't believe what they believed would burn in a flaming furnace for all eternity.

The thing that makes this crap even more unbelievable is that the same story was told dozens of times in N. Africa and around the middle east for as much as 3000 years before Jesus was even born. They should research the parallels between Jesus and Horus the sun god of Egypt.

The only reason ancient god worship is still around is the brainwashing of each new generation's infants and small children. The Catholics used to say, "Give Me A Child Until They're Ten And I'll Give You A Catholic Forever."
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I’d just like to see the rightwing stop abstaining from logic, facts and the truth.

Forget it! For starters they believe in an ancient god(mythical) based upon a story about virgin birth, healing by touching, son of god, savior of the world, holy ghost, resurrection, etc. written by ignorant goat herders who believed in witchcraft, believed the earth was flat and the universe revolved around it and that everyone who didn't believe what they believed would burn in a flaming furnace for all eternity.

The thing that makes this crap even more unbelievable is that the same story was told dozens of times in N. Africa and around the middle east for as much as 3000 years before Jesus was even born. They should research the parallels between Jesus and Horus the sun god of Egypt.

The only reason ancient god worship is still around is the brainwashing of each new generation's infants and small children. The Catholics used to say, "Give Me A Child Until They're Ten And I'll Give You A Catholic Forever."
Ironic. :lol:
The conservatives consulted their Gawds ( the chosen) about this problem.
They brilliantly came up with a profitable work around to help.
Ever seen how porno's end now ? Hint. It won't make you pregnant.
You've gotta pick your fights and stick to the topic, OP. Either you want to discuss atheism v Christianity, or hypocrisy. Not both.
You've gotta pick your fights and stick to the topic, OP. Either you want to discuss atheism v Christianity, or hypocrisy. Not both.

Christianity is hypocrisy. I've read the bible from cover to cover. I've read the new testament at least ten times. When I was in my 20's I had most of it memorized chapter and verse. If the NY Times had sent a dozen star reporters to cover the life of Jesus and they had come back with what's in the new testament they would have all been fired and the reports never printed. Check this:

Jesus' lineage was traced through David's son Solomon. Mt.1:6.
Jesus' lineage was traced through David's son Nathan. Lk.3:31.

The announcement of the special birth came before conception. Lk.1:26-31.
The announcement of the special birth came after conception. Mt.1:18-21.
Jesus' parents were told of their son's future greatness. Mt.1:18-21; Lk.1:28-35.
Jesus' parents knew nothing of their son's potential. Lk.2:48-50.
The angel told Joseph. Mt.1:20.
The angel told Mary. Lk.1:28.

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I’d just like to see the rightwing stop abstaining from logic, facts and the truth.

And the Democrats never do this either?


Not like Republicans who are in a class all by themselves.

Yeah...like Fox news. I watch CNN, NBC, ABC, Bloomberg, CNBC, CSPAN, etc. and the most warped reports when gleened for facts is the goddam lies told by Hannity, O'Reilly etc. I'll admit...even they have a boiling point. They proved it when they moved Glenn Beck.
The integrity of the Family is at issue here. If women truly understood there value these low life find um, fuck um, forget um low life little boys would all still be virgins.
A married man can walk away from his wife and child for the same price as if he had never put a ring on her finger. An unmarried man is held, shot gun wedding style (to his wallet anyway)to a one night stand if she chooses.
The integrity of the Family is at issue here. If women truly understood there value these low life find um, fuck um, forget um low life little boys would all still be virgins.

"IF" being the key word.

A million life forms have a mouth at the top or front, a rectum at the bottom or end, a brain, a heart, a digestive system, genitals within centimeters of the rectum...they are born or hatched, grow to fruition, reproduce and slowly die. Humans are just one species. If one doesn't eat and shit every few days they die.

Only some kind of ignorant human with the IQ of an idiot or someone who has been brainwashed from birth could fail to see that.

Evolution is not a theory...it is a science.
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evolution is a science.It will always find equalibrium. You can only push it so far out of balance before it rebounds.
A married man can walk away from his wife and child for the same price as if he had never put a ring on her finger. An unmarried man is held, shot gun wedding style (to his wallet anyway)to a one night stand if she chooses.

Now you're just talking out both sides your mouth, AND your ass.
You've gotta pick your fights and stick to the topic, OP. Either you want to discuss atheism v Christianity, or hypocrisy. Not both.

Christianity is hypocrisy. I've read the bible from cover to cover. I've read the new testament at least ten times. When I was in my 20's I had most of it memorized chapter and verse.

And? So? I'm certainly not going to quote your entire post.

In real life, I'd say dude, seriously. Seek help. Something within you has come undone, and trust; it's not Jesus' fault.

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