Right-Wing Extremism: The Real Referendum of 2012

Talk radio has created a conspiratorial monster. Unfortunately, as far as the Republican Party establishment is concerned, that's not the worst of it. You see, they (GOP leaders) thought they could manipulate (or at least steer) the talk radio crowd in the direction they wanted them to go. In other words, the GOP leadership felt like they could more or less pull the strings of the RW crowd's views on issues. Unfortunately, you can't manipulate what you can't control. Now the RW crowd has the leadership on the run. At this point it's an even bet what will happen next. Will the leadership be able to run fast enough to be able to get out in front of the RW crowd so they can again look like they're leading the charge? Or will the leadership just get run over?

Awwww....All that "free speech" thingy we hear so much about turned around and bit all the establishment socialists' asses.

Looks like the waaaaaambulance is working overtime this week. :lol:

Whatever. All I know is that every time I hear Mark Levin undermine the Republican Party leadership and the party in general to his faithful listeners, I can't help but laugh.
So let me see if I've got this straight...you'd tell my father who worked the three jobs to pay for HIS family...that you think that HIS taxes should go to pay for YOUR family's needs because you're more worried about your "quality of life" then you are about providing for your family? And if he didn't like that, he should go fuck himself? Gotta love you progressives, James!

What exactly would give your father the right to tell me that two jobs isn't enough, and I should go work a third job, exactly? What gives you that right for that matter? Or anyone? That's just being a nosy, uppity, high-horse riding asshole. I have a feeling if someone told you how to live your life, you'd say the same thing.

If your father was enough of an asshole to tell me how to live my life, you bet I'd tell him to fuck himself. First you complain about people not having any job, then you tell someone working two that's not enough? That's why Conservatives look like monsters to a lot of people. How much is enough? Everyone should do nothing but work with their lives so that their kids can eat and get medicine when they need it? Fuck that. That's Draconian. That's wrong. It's morally reprehensible to suggest to someone that all their life is good for is work. Work to kick their money up the chain and pray to whatever science-fiction character they believe in will trickle down love and manna from heaven?

Nah. That's fucking stupid.
Whatta fucking moocher! :lol::lol::lol:
People who pay taxes used to support others always have a right to say "get a third job". Society is not good because it supports those who can help themselves. Society is good because it creates a sphere where people can help themselves.

I pay taxes.

So what do you tell people like me then, who think we should be able to have OUR taxes pay for education, health care and welfare for those who need it? Don't we have just as much a say in where our tax dollars go?

I want to be to tell oil companies who are getting BILLIONS every year in subsidies that ultimately come out of my tax dollars that they can get a third job. Or just better yet, they can stop taking THEIR free ride.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to tell someone else they need to work three jobs to live. That's slave labor, essentially. But seeing this line or reasoning, it's easy to see why you guys hate unions. Apparently quality of life doesn't mean shit to you, because God forbid you determine your life has many more important aspects to it other than work.

You are always free not to pay taxes to the oil companies, just sell your computer first off, your car, your home you have to heat, don't eat anything but grass and so on.
or just keep repeating the same old tired shit
What exactly would give your father the right to tell me that two jobs isn't enough, and I should go work a third job, exactly? What gives you that right for that matter? Or anyone? That's just being a nosy, uppity, high-horse riding asshole. I have a feeling if someone told you how to live your life, you'd say the same thing.

If your father was enough of an asshole to tell me how to live my life, you bet I'd tell him to fuck himself. First you complain about people not having any job, then you tell someone working two that's not enough? That's why Conservatives look like monsters to a lot of people. How much is enough? Everyone should do nothing but work with their lives so that their kids can eat and get medicine when they need it? Fuck that. That's Draconian. That's wrong. It's morally reprehensible to suggest to someone that all their life is good for is work. Work to kick their money up the chain and pray to whatever science-fiction character they believe in will trickle down love and manna from heaven?

Nah. That's fucking stupid.

And so are you. Now? how much is Soros pay you to be here? Obama?

Yeah, I'm not going to respond beyond this, telling you I'm not responding, okay? And I just want to let you know why you're not worth me responding to:

You added nothing to the debate, nothing to the discourse. You didn't talk about any of my points. You called me stupid.

Well, if I'm stupid, than I'm not worth YOUR time, am I? So move along, Troll.
As YOU are here to spew Leftist horseshit.

Journalist my ass.
People who pay taxes used to support others always have a right to say "get a third job". Society is not good because it supports those who can help themselves. Society is good because it creates a sphere where people can help themselves.

I pay taxes.

So what do you tell people like me then, who think we should be able to have OUR taxes pay for education, health care and welfare for those who need it? Don't we have just as much a say in where our tax dollars go?

I want to be to tell oil companies who are getting BILLIONS every year in subsidies that ultimately come out of my tax dollars that they can get a third job. Or just better yet, they can stop taking THEIR free ride.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to tell someone else they need to work three jobs to live. That's slave labor, essentially. But seeing this line or reasoning, it's easy to see why you guys hate unions. Apparently quality of life doesn't mean shit to you, because God forbid you determine your life has many more important aspects to it other than work.

Uhmm? Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution spells it out moron.

Chapter 1 of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

Are we just naming things we like to read? What's your point, exactly? You may want to actually type more than a description of a section of a document and then call me a name. I mean, if you're capable of that, of course.
Talk radio has created a conspiratorial monster. Unfortunately, as far as the Republican Party establishment is concerned, that's not the worst of it. You see, they (GOP leaders) thought they could manipulate (or at least steer) the talk radio crowd in the direction they wanted them to go. In other words, the GOP leadership felt like they could more or less pull the strings of the RW crowd's views on issues. Unfortunately, you can't manipulate what you can't control. Now the RW crowd has the leadership on the run. At this point it's an even bet what will happen next. Will the leadership be able to run fast enough to be able to get out in front of the RW crowd so they can again look like they're leading the charge? Or will the leadership just get run over?

Awwww....All that "free speech" thingy we hear so much about turned around and bit all the establishment socialists' asses.

Looks like the waaaaaambulance is working overtime this week. :lol:

Whatever. All I know is that every time I hear Mark Levin undermine the Republican Party leadership and the party in general to his faithful listeners, I can't help but laugh.
Boo-fucking-hoo...It's about time someone held the feet of the lame-assed establishment GOP pussies to the fire.

Time for you socialist wankers to learn that you're no more than 20% of the population and to be treated as the spoiled sniveling little brats that you are.
People who pay taxes used to support others always have a right to say "get a third job". Society is not good because it supports those who can help themselves. Society is good because it creates a sphere where people can help themselves.

I pay taxes.

So what do you tell people like me then, who think we should be able to have OUR taxes pay for education, health care and welfare for those who need it? Don't we have just as much a say in where our tax dollars go?

I want to be to tell oil companies who are getting BILLIONS every year in subsidies that ultimately come out of my tax dollars that they can get a third job. Or just better yet, they can stop taking THEIR free ride.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to tell someone else they need to work three jobs to live. That's slave labor, essentially. But seeing this line or reasoning, it's easy to see why you guys hate unions. Apparently quality of life doesn't mean shit to you, because God forbid you determine your life has many more important aspects to it other than work.

If you need assistance your taxes are not likely funding much nationally. As to local and state programs? I say the same thing. Your duty is not to take from the system because it is there to take from. If you can work, it is your duty to do so. As someone who contributes myself and is not taking, I have the right to say as much. Your value of your life is not to be questioned, only your insistence others should pay for that "value".

I am not opposed to public education- only the monopoly of it for tax payer dollars.
So let me see if I've got this straight...you'd tell my father who worked the three jobs to pay for HIS family...that you think that HIS taxes should go to pay for YOUR family's needs because you're more worried about your "quality of life" then you are about providing for your family? And if he didn't like that, he should go fuck himself? Gotta love you progressives, James!

What exactly would give your father the right to tell me that two jobs isn't enough, and I should go work a third job, exactly? What gives you that right for that matter? Or anyone? That's just being a nosy, uppity, high-horse riding asshole. I have a feeling if someone told you how to live your life, you'd say the same thing.

If your father was enough of an asshole to tell me how to live my life, you bet I'd tell him to fuck himself. First you complain about people not having any job, then you tell someone working two that's not enough? That's why Conservatives look like monsters to a lot of people. How much is enough? Everyone should do nothing but work with their lives so that their kids can eat and get medicine when they need it? Fuck that. That's Draconian. That's wrong. It's morally reprehensible to suggest to someone that all their life is good for is work. Work to kick their money up the chain and pray to whatever science-fiction character they believe in will trickle down love and manna from heaven?

Nah. That's fucking stupid.
Whatta fucking moocher! :lol::lol::lol:

Another clueless parasite thinks someone else owes him a living.............Hey i know, its that greedy 1% that can change his life !!! lol
So what happens in the Fall if Obama is re-elected? What if some of the Tea Party congressional seats are given to non Tea Party folks. What will all you guys say then? Besides "Where's my gun?" Of course.
Awwww....All that "free speech" thingy we hear so much about turned around and bit all the establishment socialists' asses.

Looks like the waaaaaambulance is working overtime this week. :lol:

Whatever. All I know is that every time I hear Mark Levin undermine the Republican Party leadership and the party in general to his faithful listeners, I can't help but laugh.
Boo-fucking-hoo...It's about time someone held the feet of the lame-assed establishment GOP pussies to the fire.

Time for you socialist wankers to learn that you're no more than 20% of the population and to be treated as the spoiled sniveling little brats that you are.

I think you're missing the point entirely.
So what happens in the Fall if Obama is re-elected? What if some of the Tea Party congressional seats are given to non Tea Party folks. What will all you guys say then? Besides "Where's my gun?" Of course.

well let us check our crystal balls, we'll get back to ya.
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So what happens in the Fall if Obama is re-elected? What if some of the Tea Party congressional seats are given to non Tea Party folks. What will all you guys say then? Besides "Where's my gun?" Of course.

I say we re-group for the next election... but James, I hate to break it to you- but Obama is going to lose- I am confident in that.
If you need assistance your taxes are not likely funding much nationally. As to local and state programs? I say the same thing.

Wow. Smug arrogance much? So my taxes count less than yours now, is that it? What if the issue is more that the cost of health care is out of control and inappropriately high? Oh, that's right the free market says that's never possible.

Cool. Better to let them all die in the streets than give them money, right? I'm kind of FLOORED by your tone here.

Your duty is not to take from the system because it is there to take from. If you can work, it is your duty to do so.

That's your very narrow view. So let me get this straight: You pay taxes and don't take a single thing (which I think is kind of bullshit because we use government subsidies ALL THE TIME in our lives), so you get to tell people what they can and can't have.

I pay taxes, from working two full-time jobs, and you tell me I have no right to take the help?

As someone who contributes myself and is not taking, I have the right to say as much. Your value of your life is not to be questioned, only your insistence others should pay for that "value".

No, you don't have that right actually. You have the right to live YOUR life YOUR way. You do not have the right to live mine. Nor do you have the right to tell someone when they can have help, and when they can't. Well, you can say it, but then those of you decide to grace with your judgment have every right to tell you to fuck off. I mean that. If you have the balls to tell someone, especially someone who pays into the system (And your quip about my tax dollars not doing much is pretty gross, really. You're basically telling ME I don't contribute enough. Kind of ironic, a Conservative telling a Liberal to PAY MORE TAXES), they're doing something wrong with their lives, they have every right to tell you to fuck off.

I am not opposed to public education- only the monopoly of it for tax payer dollars.

Who exactly is monopolizing education, again?
No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to tell someone else they need to work three jobs to live. That's slave labor, essentially.

Yet collectivist authoritarian twirps like you have no problem making people fork over 1/3-1/2 of their earnings to their gubmint masters, incurring even more in compliance costs, to pay for your socialist worker's paradise.

The sanctimony is so thick you could cut with a chain saw. :lol:
So what happens in the Fall if Obama is re-elected? What if some of the Tea Party congressional seats are given to non Tea Party folks. What will all you guys say then? Besides "Where's my gun?" Of course.

I say we re-group for the next election... but James, I hate to break it to you- but Obama is going to lose- I am confident in that.

I'm not confident in any outcome. Because I'm not, despite what I'm being labeled as, a myopic fan boy of the President. I have no idea how this is all going to shake out. I think he's got a pretty strong case to make against Romney, and more importantly for himself. He just needs to forget about trying win people like you over, because it's never going to happen, and he needs to convince the swing voters in the swing states that the lies that Rove and the Kochs and the Right Wing establishment are telling about him and his record are just that, lies.

You can have your confidence. I'm sure you were confident that McCain, the war hero, would wipe the floor with the "Community Organizer" (because you know, it's a bad thing to try and improve the community we live in) junior senator right?
If you need assistance your taxes are not likely funding much nationally. As to local and state programs? I say the same thing.

Wow. Smug arrogance much? So my taxes count less than yours now, is that it? What if the issue is more that the cost of health care is out of control and inappropriately high? Oh, that's right the free market says that's never possible.

Cool. Better to let them all die in the streets than give them money, right? I'm kind of FLOORED by your tone here.

Your duty is not to take from the system because it is there to take from. If you can work, it is your duty to do so.

That's your very narrow view. So let me get this straight: You pay taxes and don't take a single thing (which I think is kind of bullshit because we use government subsidies ALL THE TIME in our lives), so you get to tell people what they can and can't have.

I pay taxes, from working two full-time jobs, and you tell me I have no right to take the help?

As someone who contributes myself and is not taking, I have the right to say as much. Your value of your life is not to be questioned, only your insistence others should pay for that "value".

No, you don't have that right actually. You have the right to live YOUR life YOUR way. You do not have the right to live mine. Nor do you have the right to tell someone when they can have help, and when they can't. Well, you can say it, but then those of you decide to grace with your judgment have every right to tell you to fuck off. I mean that. If you have the balls to tell someone, especially someone who pays into the system (And your quip about my tax dollars not doing much is pretty gross, really. You're basically telling ME I don't contribute enough. Kind of ironic, a Conservative telling a Liberal to PAY MORE TAXES), they're doing something wrong with their lives, they have every right to tell you to fuck off.

I am not opposed to public education- only the monopoly of it for tax payer dollars.

Who exactly is monopolizing education, again?

If you are taking from the system, then yes, mine count more then yours-since I am not taking. As it is likely your consumption is greater then your contribution- what value do you perceive them to have? It has nothing to do with being smug. I am being logical.

Getting emotional will not win your position. We were talking about you taking aide and being unwilling to take a third job because you value your time. We were also discussing who has the right to object to that attitude.

You are here on a message board- that is time that could be earning money- right? If your current income is not sufficient, even with two jobs, then I am here to state that you ought to find either a third job, or get a better one. Especially since by your previous statement, it appears this is a value choice for you.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the right to tell someone else they need to work three jobs to live. That's slave labor, essentially.

Yet collectivist authoritarian twirps like you have no problem making people fork over 1/3-1/2 of their earnings to their gubmint masters, incurring even more in compliance costs, to pay for your socialist worker's paradise.

The sanctimony is so thick you could cut with a chain saw. :lol:

Uh. Yeah. You're living in an alternate reality, spouting the rhetoric of someone who doesn't understand the Liberal agenda. But let me break it down for you, okay?

We want our tax dollars to go towards things we care about, like you guys. However, unlike you guys, we don't think it's fair for people who have crazy amounts of money to pay less in taxes. You can call us whatever epithet you choose. It doesn't matter. We have different philosophies, that's all.

I think it's perfectly acceptable, both historically and morally, to expect those who earn more to pay more into the system. Because the truth of the situation is we're not talking about people that make 100k a year. We're not even talking about the people that make 200k a year. We're talking about the people who make millions and billions of dollars. No one is advocating they pay all their money into the system, or even half of it.

All we're asking is to return the top tax brackets to what they were before the Bush Tax cuts. You know, the thing that coupled with Bush's wars are the biggest drivers of our debt? So yes, we'd like them to pay more, but no more than they were paying before the ill-advised Bush Tax cuts took effect.
So what happens in the Fall if Obama is re-elected? What if some of the Tea Party congressional seats are given to non Tea Party folks. What will all you guys say then? Besides "Where's my gun?" Of course.

I say we re-group for the next election... but James, I hate to break it to you- but Obama is going to lose- I am confident in that.

I'm not confident in any outcome. Because I'm not, despite what I'm being labeled as, a myopic fan boy of the President. I have no idea how this is all going to shake out. I think he's got a pretty strong case to make against Romney, and more importantly for himself. He just needs to forget about trying win people like you over, because it's never going to happen, and he needs to convince the swing voters in the swing states that the lies that Rove and the Kochs and the Right Wing establishment are telling about him and his record are just that, lies.

You can have your confidence. I'm sure you were confident that McCain, the war hero, would wipe the floor with the "Community Organizer" (because you know, it's a bad thing to try and improve the community we live in) junior senator right?

He is not trying to win voters like me, anymore then Romney is trying to win voters like you- in that we can find agreement.

My confidence in a Romney win is that independents are already moving in Romney's direction- Short of a miraculous boom in the economy or Romney being found out as an alien from Mars- they will not be moving back in the presidents direction.

I hoped for a McCain win, I was never confident in one.
If you are taking from the system, then yes, mine count more then yours-since I am not taking.

No, that's false. Completely false. First, I don't have Federal assistance on my medical care, I have state assistance. Which I also pay into. It's not free. It is subsidized.

As it is likely your consumption is greater then your contribution- what value do you perceive them to have? It has nothing to do with being smug. I am being logical.

Well, you're wrong all around. I'm not consuming more than I take because I pay federal, state and local taxes. I also own a home so I pay real estate taxes. In fact, not knowing what you earn each year, but I'd be willing to bet my total tax contribution is what yours is, if not higher, because I also live in San Diego County, one of the highest priced real estate markets there is.

Getting emotional will not win your position. We were talking about you taking aide and being unwilling to take a third job because you value your time. We were also discussing who has the right to object to that attitude.

You don't have a right to object to that attitude though. Or you can, but you don't have the right to tell me you object. And if you do, I do have the right to tell you to fuck off. You get how that works right? Because you know, you're not actually a better person than me. Your thoughts are not more important than mine, nor more just. I'm not trying to win my position with you because clearly you have very different opinions than me on this subject.

I do think it's very smug, and very arrogant to tell someone with multiple jobs to get more instead of taking a DISCOUNT on their kids' health care. That's not just smug, it's shitty. It's a shitty thing to say. It's just really, really, really shitty of you to say is all.

You are here on a message board- that is time that could be earning money- right?

I am working. Right now. At one of my jobs. Isn't that crazy how technology allows us to multi-task like that?!

If your current income is not sufficient, even with two jobs, then I am here to state that you ought to find either a third job, or get a better one.

And I am here to tell you to not tell me how to live my life. I'm here to tell you that your opinion of what I should do with my time should be kept to yourself. I'm here to tell you that government should not be a reflection of our most selfish needs, and don't kid yourself, your way of thinking is TREMENDOUSLY selfish. Why? Because you think your way of living life is the only to live life correctly.

That makes you smug. That makes you judgmental, and that makes you selfish. There are all sorts of circumstances that completely justify taking a government hand out. Do you think those with permanent and physical disabilities should get assistance? How about widows whose sole bread-winner dies suddenly?

You want to know why I deplore your way of thought? Because it robs government, and in turn, its citizens of its human decency. That's why. We all know life sucks, and we all know life isn't fair. Conservatives want to wallow in it, and force everyone else to wallow in it with them.

Unless and until I'm allowed to specifically dictate where my tax dollars go (i.e. way less to defense (wars) and way more to social programs), you have to live with paying for some people to have welfare. That's what living in America is supposed to be out. We both don't get exactly what we want, but we get enough to make the other one not feel completely disenfranchised.
If you are taking from the system, then yes, mine count more then yours-since I am not taking.

No, that's false. Completely false. First, I don't have Federal assistance on my medical care, I have state assistance. Which I also pay into. It's not free. It is subsidized.

As it is likely your consumption is greater then your contribution- what value do you perceive them to have? It has nothing to do with being smug. I am being logical.

Well, you're wrong all around. I'm not consuming more than I take because I pay federal, state and local taxes. I also own a home so I pay real estate taxes. In fact, not knowing what you earn each year, but I'd be willing to bet my total tax contribution is what yours is, if not higher, because I also live in San Diego County, one of the highest priced real estate markets there is.

You don't have a right to object to that attitude though. Or you can, but you don't have the right to tell me you object. And if you do, I do have the right to tell you to fuck off. You get how that works right? Because you know, you're not actually a better person than me. Your thoughts are not more important than mine, nor more just. I'm not trying to win my position with you because clearly you have very different opinions than me on this subject.

I do think it's very smug, and very arrogant to tell someone with multiple jobs to get more instead of taking a DISCOUNT on their kids' health care. That's not just smug, it's shitty. It's a shitty thing to say. It's just really, really, really shitty of you to say is all.

You are here on a message board- that is time that could be earning money- right?

I am working. Right now. At one of my jobs. Isn't that crazy how technology allows us to multi-task like that?!

If your current income is not sufficient, even with two jobs, then I am here to state that you ought to find either a third job, or get a better one.

And I am here to tell you to not tell me how to live my life. I'm here to tell you that your opinion of what I should do with my time should be kept to yourself. I'm here to tell you that government should not be a reflection of our most selfish needs, and don't kid yourself, your way of thinking is TREMENDOUSLY selfish. Why? Because you think your way of living life is the only to live life correctly.

That makes you smug. That makes you judgmental, and that makes you selfish. There are all sorts of circumstances that completely justify taking a government hand out. Do you think those with permanent and physical disabilities should get assistance? How about widows whose sole bread-winner dies suddenly?

You want to know why I deplore your way of thought? Because it robs government, and in turn, its citizens of its human decency. That's why. We all know life sucks, and we all know life isn't fair. Conservatives want to wallow in it, and force everyone else to wallow in it with them.

Unless and until I'm allowed to specifically dictate where my tax dollars go (i.e. way less to defense (wars) and way more to social programs), you have to live with paying for some people to have welfare. That's what living in America is supposed to be out. We both don't get exactly what we want, but we get enough to make the other one not feel completely disenfranchised.

I understand, that is why specified "local and state". Having your income subsidized at any level of government does not elevate your position on this matter.

Again, when you accept public assistance, you bump right up against me getting to voice an opinion about it. Your position was that you choose not to work harder because you value your time...that's fine so long as you don't expect anyone else to pay for it, when you are capable of working harder/longer/more. Public assistance should be for the truly needy, not the the self important or lazy of society.

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