"Right-wing extremists" vow to return to DC for Biden's inauguration


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

I have a feeling after seeing the mug shots they aren't going to be so willing.
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Just shoot the traitors and terrorists when they show up and be done with it. Have prepositioned body bags ready. But only those stupid enough to wave their guns around. Arrest the rest for sedition. Enough already.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and infest this country. Your thread confirms that. Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

Make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process. They are seditionists and traitors to the nation.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Just shoot the traitors and terrorists when they show up and be done with it. Have prepositioned body bags ready. But only those stupid enough to wave their guns around. Arrest the rest for sedition. Enough already.

I'd say you're out-numbered, General Custer.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and invest this country. Your thread confirms that.Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.
Talk Radio created this, and now that Trump has amplified it, it's out of their control. Let's see how many people these Jihadis murder.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and invest this country. Your thread confirms that.Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.

Well there you go again. Why don't you take some "action" instead of pleading with some imaginary government to protect you against these boogiemen?

You sound just about as stupid as those poor slobs who died in Hurricane Katrina. They thought "government" was going to protect them too, but they fuckin' died.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and infest this country. Your thread confirms that. Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.

Look at the people who have been arrested. A couple CEO's. A politician. People who have something to lose.

That isn't going to last long.

An inner city youth with nothing to lose is not going to allow people getting arrested to stop him. Those who have something to lose will.
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Just shoot the traitors and terrorists when they show up and be done with it. Have prepositioned body bags ready. But only those stupid enough to wave their guns around. Arrest the rest for sedition. Enough already.

I'd say you're out-numbered, General Custer.

That's what Rump was banking on. He envisioned Millions or at least hundreds of thousands invading the Capital Building. What he got were less than 100. Sounds to me like your Rump Terrorist and Traitor Days are numbered. There's a new Sheriff in town.
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Maybe this is why they are trying to shut Parler down.
After what Antifa and BLM have done on social media they obviously arent afraid of violence, but rather Big Tech/China/Dems want to restrict and control us.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and invest this country. Your thread confirms that.Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.
Talk Radio created this, and now that Trump has amplified it, it's out of their control. Let's see how many people these Jihadis murder.
These Trumpist militia members are American Isis and Trump is their Ayatollah. They are no different that Isis. Their Flag is like Isis’. They act like Isis. They have the same strategy as Isis. There philosophy is really no different from Isis.

American Isis needs to be dealt with.
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More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Just shoot the traitors and terrorists when they show up and be done with it. Have prepositioned body bags ready. But only those stupid enough to wave their guns around. Arrest the rest for sedition. Enough already.

I'd say you're out-numbered, General Custer.

BTW, a bit of history in that area. Custer had about 200 soldiers. The Various Tribes numbered over 4000. In the end, there were about 200 lost troops and over 2000 dead Indians. The real Masacre was done on the Indians since that was the last great battle they could do ever again by the northern tribes. Custer is listed as making a mistake but in the end it turns out it was Military Brilliance.
There is speculation that this right-wing terrorist insurgency that Trump has created will grow and invest this country. Your thread confirms that.Hopefully the FBI is monitoring these terrorists. They need to be arrested and prosecuted.

make no mistake these militia groups are terrorists. They are relying on terror to stop our constitutional process.

America needs to take action to quell this infestation.
Talk Radio created this, and now that Trump has amplified it, it's out of their control. Let's see how many people these Jihadis murder.
These Trumpist militia members are American Isis and Trump is their Ayatollah. They are no different that Isis. There Flag is like Isis’. They act like Isis. They have the same strategy as Isis. There philosophy is really no different from Isis.

American Isis needs to be estingushed.
"American ISIS". Yeah, I'm gonna use that.

Note how similar they are to those they hate.
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Just shoot the traitors and terrorists when they show up and be done with it. Have prepositioned body bags ready. But only those stupid enough to wave their guns around. Arrest the rest for sedition. Enough already.

I'd say you're out-numbered, General Custer.

That's what Rump was banking on. He envisioned Millions or at least hundreds of thousands invading the Capital Building. What he got were less than 100. Sounds to me like your Rump Terrorist and Traitor Days are numbered. There's a new Sheriff in town.

"There's a new Sheriff in town."

Right. :auiqs.jpg:

Maybe this is why they are
More fun.

"In the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the Capitol, Trump supporters with extremist views feel emboldened and are vowing to return to Washington for the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20, using online platforms to rally each other.

“Many of Us will return on January 19, 2021, carrying Our weapons, in support of Our nation's resolve, towhich [sic] the world will never forget!!! We will come in numbers that no standing army or police agency can match,” wrote a popular Parler user who frequently posts about QAnon, and is being tracked by the Anti-Defamation League.

Parler, Telegram chat rooms and the platform TheDonald.win were all used to plan and coordinate the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a riot. Posters explicitly stated their intentions to “occupy” the Capitol. QAnon conspiracy theorists and people associated with militia groups had a visible presence in Wednesday’s crowd.

“Round 2 on January 20th. This time no mercy. I don’t even care about keeping Trump in power. I care about war,” an anonymous person posted on the platform TheDonald.win, which is filled with comments posted by people who lauded those who rioted Wednesday as “heroes.”

Extremists vow to return to Washington for Joe Biden's inauguration

Cue up the music, maestro...

Maybe this is why they are trying to shut Parler down.
After what Antifa and BLM did on social media they obviously arent afraid of violence, but rather Big Tech/China/Dems want to restrict and control us.

Parler is being shut down because it's bad for business. This was all predicted when this all started. Advertisers flee from sites like that and don't want associated in any way.

It's $$$$$. Surely you can understand that, right?

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