Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

David Duke organizes Border Watch in 1977:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke and Donald Trump both belonged to the Reform Party at the same time, which demonstrates a unity of ideology:

No, it does not.

Now you sound like a fifth grader. A denial doesn't refute anything. ....

A political party is generally a very large and general organization. Look at John McCain and Donald Trump. They were both republicans at the same time. By your logic, they share an "unity of ideology".

WHich is obvious nonsense.

Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?
I'm tired of your bullshit Correll. You claim I want people working for low wages and would turn America over to the third world. You're never going to have the intestinal fortitude to say shit like that to my face, so I'm calling you on your shit.

Until you've manned the border, you are a poseur looking for relevance here. Not on my watch. You cannot answer basic questions, so you don't get any more free answers.

You hang with neo-Nazis and make outlandish claims and you refuse to answer simple questions. If / when the SHTF, those who believe what you do are the first to go to jail, Hell, prison, or a grave - unless you become a snitch bitch. Let's rock - got some answers? You wanted a fight. Your solutions are not solutions. They are helpful ways to get your American brethren killed.

I've made no outlandish claims.

You've tried to lump the Tea Party, and many other good people, in with Nazis.

THAT is an "outlandish claim".

Hell, accusing me of "hanging out with neo-Nazis" because I want a Wall, THAT is an outlandish claim.

Nazis are not infamous because of their good border security. Building a wall and sending people home is not the same as sending them to the ovens, and it is outlandish of you to imply otherwise.

You cannot even deny outlandish claims without making more idiotic and insulting outlandish and STUPID bullshit to hide behind. You're the king of all scumbags.

I never said anything against the PEOPLE in the Tea Party. They got hoodwinked just like you. But, I'm not some fucking chump that sits on his ass and denies what I know to be true. If you get played, you get played. Sending people to ovens? How dishonest! The heat must really be getting to you. One lie to cover another.

You are the most desperate little angry man on this board, but you wanted some of me, you got it. Now you have to formulate some answers. I'll ask again:

Here are the serious questions for you Correll:

A) Where, in the Constitution, does the federal government have the authority to tell the states who can and cannot come to that respective state?

B) PRIOR to 1890 the federal government did not have control over immigration. Obviously if someone were regulating the flow of foreigners and it was not the federal government, somebody did it for that period between 1789 and 1890 A FULL CENTURY OF REGULATION WITHOUT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY YOUR OWN LINK!

C) HOW did the federal government, after a century end up controlling the flow of foreigners? Which Amendment changed that?

Tell me who, before David Duke, wanted the same kind of border control you advocate? Give me a name. Tell me someone who says they are "for" open borders. You wanted a discussion. Spit it out. OR were you full of shit and now realize it? That deal with two personas was a real low.

So WTF dude, can you make a simple answer? Do you know what the Rule of Law is? When you've DONE something, you might be able to earn the Right to criticize me. Until then, you're desperately looking for support from anybody dumb enough to enter the fray without the FACTS.
1. We, as Americans have the right to self determination. A big part of that is having the right to decide who joins our community. When people enter illegally and stay, that right is violated. You support that.

2. When you want to let people (mostly third world) walk across the border, against our wishes and join our society, you are supporting this nation being turned into a Third World shithole.

3. That we have the power to send some one home, maybe if we catch them, does not mean they are under our jurisdiction, and I've heard of quite a lot of those illegals ILLEGALLY copying someone ELSE'S numbers, often messing with their lives, a lot. They are here illegally, send their asses home.

4. And just like that, you dropped your claim about Ted Kennedy coming up with the idea of immigration control. You don't like Federal control? Interesting. Let's talk about that a lot. AFTER WE SEND THE ILLEGALS HOME.

5. You support having Americans compete against unlimited, cheap and/or illegal labor. That has and will guarantee low wages for American workers.

6. Your desire to smear ideas, with the logical fallacy of attacking the messenger, is just a way to avoid dealing with the actual pros and cons of the issue.

7. The government was big way before I was born. NOT deporting the illegals, nor NOT building a Wall, is not going to make it smaller.

8. And now you just dropped the claim that David Duke invented it, thanks. DEPORT THEM ALL.

1) You are right. I do think that each community and each state makes their own decisions. So, if Californication wants 75 percent undocumented foreigners, have at it. Don't expect me to pay for it

2) Just because someone comes here does not and should not make them a part of our society. THAT is one of your major weaknesses

3) The United States Supreme Court has said you are wrong on jurisdiction:

Plyler v. Doe

4) You are lying out your ass again. You show me where I said that Ted Kennedy "came up with the idea of immigration control" and I'll kiss your ass on the main street of America and give you two weeks to draw a crowd. You are acting like a moron and lying out your ever loving ass. Kennedy forced through the current laws that were designed to take away from the posterity and then implode.

5) Another lie and I'm not going to respond to that. You would not make that allegation with your real name attached and that allegation destroys your credibility and is an admission on your part that you cannot sustain your arguments

6) I've dealt with the pros and cons of the issue without smearing a single soul. I've not said anything about you that YOU did not say about yourself. You've tried lying, deflecting and making the most idiotic allegations ever heard. Quite frankly, since you cannot make an honest statement, you've pretty well displayed how low your intelligence is

7) Your side has already spent over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS on your idiotic fantasy. You, by your own admission, have nothing to show for it. Cry me a river

8) I have dropped no such claim about David Duke. You lie like HELL. I challenged you to name an American who advocated it and lobbied for it in the United States and you could not come up with a single solitary name. You are fucked up and a liar. I accept your concession of defeat.

1. California's illegals are not staying in California. They are changing this nation, without our consent.

2. I agree completely, but by current rules that is what happens, so send the fuckers home.

3. Supreme Court has been wrong before. Send the fuckers home.

4. Your words from above, "The ONLY thing regulating the process is laws pushed by Ted Kennedy and "

5. You support letting the illegals waltz into California, as though they stay there. Once they are here, they compete with Americans for jobs.

6. In our culture calling someone a nazi is the greatest smear and you have done that over and over again, based on nothing.

7. I assume the two trillion number includes all border security over a long period of time. It is dishonest to put that all on me.

8. My position is not based on how else was for border security and/or a wall.

I responded to you. Time for some answers Correll. Put up or shut up. I stand by what I said, but it still isn't what you claim. You got reading comprehension issues?

I want some answers for a change. I'm not calling everyone a Nazi... just YOU. And the TWO TRILLION is on YOU. You want to be the spokesman - you want to be the big cheese.

So, now answer my questions.

You lumped the Tea Party in with the freaking Nazis.

What questions do you want answers to?

Yes, the Tea Party supported Hitler style National ID among other things. They fucked the old guard that had the fight won. Your point? Let me try again dumb ass:

America has had foreigners regulated since the Mayflower hit the shores of the New World in 1620. However, this process has been done by different levels of government at different times. From your own article:

"The federal government assumed control of immigration on April 18, 1890"

Here are the serious questions for you Correll:

A) Where, in the Constitution, does the federal government have the authority to tell the states who can and cannot come to that respective state?

B) PRIOR to 1890 the federal government did not have control over immigration. Obviously if someone were regulating the flow of foreigners and it was not the federal government, somebody did it for that period between 1789 and 1890 A FULL CENTURY OF REGULATION WITHOUT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY YOUR OWN LINK!

C) HOW did the federal government, after a century end up controlling the flow of foreigners? Which Amendment changed that?

Tell me who, before David Duke, wanted the same kind of border control you advocate? Give me a name. Tell me someone who says they are "for" open borders. You wanted a discussion. Spit it out. OR were you full of shit and now realize it? That deal with two personas was a real low.

So WTF dude, can you make a simple answer? Do you know what the Rule of Law is? When you've DONE something, you might be able to earn the Right to criticize me. Until then, you're desperately looking for support from anybody dumb enough to enter the fray without the FACTS.

a. I don't know the justification for the expansion. THat is an interesting historical discussion to be had. ONce we send the illegals home.

b. So? For over a century now, it has been the feds. And that is not a reason to have unlimited immigration by unvetted and unwanted people. Send them home.

c. Don't know. Send them home.

d. I have not read up on the history of immigration politics. I don't know that names of anti-immigration politicians from decades and centuries ago. Send them home.
David Duke organizes Border Watch in 1977:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke and Donald Trump both belonged to the Reform Party at the same time, which demonstrates a unity of ideology:

No, it does not.

Now you sound like a fifth grader. A denial doesn't refute anything. ....

A political party is generally a very large and general organization. Look at John McCain and Donald Trump. They were both republicans at the same time. By your logic, they share an "unity of ideology".

WHich is obvious nonsense.

Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?

Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.
1) You are right. I do think that each community and each state makes their own decisions. So, if Californication wants 75 percent undocumented foreigners, have at it. Don't expect me to pay for it

2) Just because someone comes here does not and should not make them a part of our society. THAT is one of your major weaknesses

3) The United States Supreme Court has said you are wrong on jurisdiction:

Plyler v. Doe

4) You are lying out your ass again. You show me where I said that Ted Kennedy "came up with the idea of immigration control" and I'll kiss your ass on the main street of America and give you two weeks to draw a crowd. You are acting like a moron and lying out your ever loving ass. Kennedy forced through the current laws that were designed to take away from the posterity and then implode.

5) Another lie and I'm not going to respond to that. You would not make that allegation with your real name attached and that allegation destroys your credibility and is an admission on your part that you cannot sustain your arguments

6) I've dealt with the pros and cons of the issue without smearing a single soul. I've not said anything about you that YOU did not say about yourself. You've tried lying, deflecting and making the most idiotic allegations ever heard. Quite frankly, since you cannot make an honest statement, you've pretty well displayed how low your intelligence is

7) Your side has already spent over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS on your idiotic fantasy. You, by your own admission, have nothing to show for it. Cry me a river

8) I have dropped no such claim about David Duke. You lie like HELL. I challenged you to name an American who advocated it and lobbied for it in the United States and you could not come up with a single solitary name. You are fucked up and a liar. I accept your concession of defeat.

1. California's illegals are not staying in California. They are changing this nation, without our consent.

2. I agree completely, but by current rules that is what happens, so send the fuckers home.

3. Supreme Court has been wrong before. Send the fuckers home.

4. Your words from above, "The ONLY thing regulating the process is laws pushed by Ted Kennedy and "

5. You support letting the illegals waltz into California, as though they stay there. Once they are here, they compete with Americans for jobs.

6. In our culture calling someone a nazi is the greatest smear and you have done that over and over again, based on nothing.

7. I assume the two trillion number includes all border security over a long period of time. It is dishonest to put that all on me.

8. My position is not based on how else was for border security and/or a wall.

I responded to you. Time for some answers Correll. Put up or shut up. I stand by what I said, but it still isn't what you claim. You got reading comprehension issues?

I want some answers for a change. I'm not calling everyone a Nazi... just YOU. And the TWO TRILLION is on YOU. You want to be the spokesman - you want to be the big cheese.

So, now answer my questions.

You lumped the Tea Party in with the freaking Nazis.

What questions do you want answers to?

Yes, the Tea Party supported Hitler style National ID among other things. They fucked the old guard that had the fight won. Your point? Let me try again dumb ass:

America has had foreigners regulated since the Mayflower hit the shores of the New World in 1620. However, this process has been done by different levels of government at different times. From your own article:

"The federal government assumed control of immigration on April 18, 1890"

Here are the serious questions for you Correll:

A) Where, in the Constitution, does the federal government have the authority to tell the states who can and cannot come to that respective state?

B) PRIOR to 1890 the federal government did not have control over immigration. Obviously if someone were regulating the flow of foreigners and it was not the federal government, somebody did it for that period between 1789 and 1890 A FULL CENTURY OF REGULATION WITHOUT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY YOUR OWN LINK!

C) HOW did the federal government, after a century end up controlling the flow of foreigners? Which Amendment changed that?

Tell me who, before David Duke, wanted the same kind of border control you advocate? Give me a name. Tell me someone who says they are "for" open borders. You wanted a discussion. Spit it out. OR were you full of shit and now realize it? That deal with two personas was a real low.

So WTF dude, can you make a simple answer? Do you know what the Rule of Law is? When you've DONE something, you might be able to earn the Right to criticize me. Until then, you're desperately looking for support from anybody dumb enough to enter the fray without the FACTS.

a. I don't know the justification for the expansion. THat is an interesting historical discussion to be had. ONce we send the illegals home.

b. So? For over a century now, it has been the feds. And that is not a reason to have unlimited immigration by unvetted and unwanted people. Send them home.

c. Don't know. Send them home.

d. I have not read up on the history of immigration politics. I don't know that names of anti-immigration politicians from decades and centuries ago. Send them home.

Your ignorance and your apathy toward the subject is what makes you a menace to society.

The answer is that you have been 100 percent WRONG. In 1875 the United States Supreme Court gave plenary powers to Congress over all aspects of immigration. So, where, in the Constitution does the United States Supreme Court get the authority to grant powers of any kind to ANY branch of government? They don't.

So you are asking that the government solve a problem through unconstitutional means. And the more the federal government intervenes, the worse the problem gets. And, it's like a ripple in a calm pond. The surveillance of American citizens, gun control, warrant less searches, killing people without Due Process... ALL made possible by your narrow minded idiocy.

When my life was on the line, I learned the hard way what we did wrong. So, I don't mind disagreeing with people, but you've admitted you don't know history. You sure as HELL don't know political strategies. Even if we could get rid of all the Hispanics - or every person that isn't a citizen today, it would not raise your wages. I do care about my life. I care about the Constitution. I care about the Constitution as with was originally written and intended.

That means the only real "Citizens" of this country are white. The 14th Amendment, illegally ratified, is the core of your problem. It took away your Rights and replaced them with "privileges and immunities." It made you a SLAVE. And now you're attacking the Constitution on the premise that government is going to help you go Hispanic free. You'll continue to endanger MY Rights and yours too - not that you would ever resist an unconstitutional government. Under the 14th Amendment, foreigners (regardless of immigration status) are due the same Liberties as you are. You cannot attack them in the manner you are without attacking me. My Liberty is not for sale. There is a way to reclaim it and the immigration problem goes away, but I'm going to make sure everyone understands that what you're saying about me is utter bullshit and if anyone follows you they will end up in prison, dead, or be a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

Get ready for questions.
David Duke organizes Border Watch in 1977:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke and Donald Trump both belonged to the Reform Party at the same time, which demonstrates a unity of ideology:

No, it does not.

Now you sound like a fifth grader. A denial doesn't refute anything. ....

A political party is generally a very large and general organization. Look at John McCain and Donald Trump. They were both republicans at the same time. By your logic, they share an "unity of ideology".

WHich is obvious nonsense.

Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?

Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.

Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.
No, it does not.

Now you sound like a fifth grader. A denial doesn't refute anything. ....

A political party is generally a very large and general organization. Look at John McCain and Donald Trump. They were both republicans at the same time. By your logic, they share an "unity of ideology".

WHich is obvious nonsense.

Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?

Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.

Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.

When you open with claiming the President of the United States has "unity of ideology" with an actual, real, klansman, you lose TONS of credibility.
I think that as time goes on, most of you realize that a wall will NOT be built. A wall would have to face the hurdles of the House of Representatives where funding legislation begins. Then, IF the funding could be found, private property owners, environmentalists, conservationists, and Hispanic lobbying groups would file lawsuits that would take decades to hash out. Then there would be the courts who will not separate families.

Personally, I'm against the border because the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons the equal protection of the laws by virtue of the 14th Amendment. The courts have already ruled. No matter what country you're from and what your immigration status is, YOU HAVE RIGHTS. And Hell no, I'm not a liberal trying to spew an opinion. I'm dealing in legal reality. So I know, without hesitation or reservation, when the liberals begin that charge of separating families the wall idea is DOA.

So, why do I bitch about it? It was the Tea Party that endorsed the so - called "Patriot Act," and the National ID / REAL ID Act - E verify legislation that started turning America into the ultimate POLICE STATE. This stuff isn't used on foreigners. It's employed against Americans! I know - I was one of them. I'm only alive today due to the grace of God and a reporter that wanted a big story. The legislation that almost got me killed was introduced by Tea Party Republicans.

Correll has set himself up to be the spokesman here for the wallists. And his actions show what kind of people they are - uneducated, apathetic, and the only thing they know is if you don't want a wall, you are a problem. They are blind to the peripheral laws they created and deserve to be labeled and exposed for what they are: ignorant traitors. I could resolve the immigration crisis without a wall and protect the posterity of the Constitution. The wallists have had over 15 years of failure. It's time for a real discussion - one where the facts are brought forward and examined. Correll and his ilk won't even read the facts - which means they don't know their political enemies positions either. On Capitol Hill, they will fail. But, if you want a real solution, then here is your opportunity.
Now you sound like a fifth grader. A denial doesn't refute anything. ....

A political party is generally a very large and general organization. Look at John McCain and Donald Trump. They were both republicans at the same time. By your logic, they share an "unity of ideology".

WHich is obvious nonsense.

Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?

Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.

Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.

When you open with claiming the President of the United States has "unity of ideology" with an actual, real, klansman, you lose TONS of credibility.

You are out of your damn mind. Both Duke and Trump belonged to the Reform Party at the same time. They believe in the same things. I won't lie to you or for you thinking it has an effect on credibility.

Trump says that some of the Charlottesville protesters were "good people." They were some good people there. To claim that there is no unity of ideology is a straight out lie. David Duke worked behind the scenes to make sure Trump got enough electoral votes in several states.

Publicly, it's cool to denounce one another and pretend we're all enemies. But, there are common interests and only idiots refuse a guaranteed vote. Politicians trash talk each other, but once it's over it's like George Bush agreeing to be Reagan's VP.

The Nazis, white supremacists, conservatives, white separatists, Tea Party, Reform Party, etc. may all have a common interest. They will work together to get what they want. In the instant case, the Nazis came out on top for whatever reason. They want what Correll wants. And I couldn't care less if all the foreigners packed their rags and caught the next train, plane, bus, or van heading out of the United States. My beef with them is not that they care about the culture of this country, but that they deny OUR ownership in the status quo and that we cannot fix the problem with the Nazis solutions. Plausible deniablility, the trash talk like pro - wrestlers, and pretending to be offended by us admitting what the left already knows is not necessary any longer. Without the Nazis and white supremacists, Trump would be cooling his heels in his mansion and Hitlery would be prez.

Don't shit yourself people. It's not the size of the wave; it's the motion of the ocean. I learned this while a lobbyist with the NRA. They would have 3 million members and only 3400 people who actually made the decisions. The wall issue is the same deal - but the head monkeys running the propaganda machine are Nazis... and I do not agree with forfeiting my God given, unalienable Rights for the faulty promise that a wall can save us from our own actions.
A political party is generally a very large and general organization. Look at John McCain and Donald Trump. They were both republicans at the same time. By your logic, they share an "unity of ideology".

WHich is obvious nonsense.

Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?

Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.

Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.

When you open with claiming the President of the United States has "unity of ideology" with an actual, real, klansman, you lose TONS of credibility.

You are out of your damn mind. Both Duke and Trump belonged to the Reform Party at the same time. They believe in the same things. I won't lie to you or for you thinking it has an effect on credibility.

Trump says that some of the Charlottesville protesters were "good people." They were some good people there. To claim that there is no unity of ideology is a straight out lie. David Duke worked behind the scenes to make sure Trump got enough electoral votes in several states.

Publicly, it's cool to denounce one another and pretend we're all enemies. But, there are common interests and only idiots refuse a guaranteed vote. Politicians trash talk each other, but once it's over it's like George Bush agreeing to be Reagan's VP.

The Nazis, white supremacists, conservatives, white separatists, Tea Party, Reform Party, etc. may all have a common interest. They will work together to get what they want. In the instant case, the Nazis came out on top for whatever reason. They want what Correll wants. And I couldn't care less if all the foreigners packed their rags and caught the next train, plane, bus, or van heading out of the United States. My beef with them is not that they care about the culture of this country, but that they deny OUR ownership in the status quo and that we cannot fix the problem with the Nazis solutions. Plausible deniablility, the trash talk like pro - wrestlers, and pretending to be offended by us admitting what the left already knows is not necessary any longer. Without the Nazis and white supremacists, Trump would be cooling his heels in his mansion and Hitlery would be prez.

Don't shit yourself people. It's not the size of the wave; it's the motion of the ocean. I learned this while a lobbyist with the NRA. They would have 3 million members and only 3400 people who actually made the decisions. The wall issue is the same deal - but the head monkeys running the propaganda machine are Nazis... and I do not agree with forfeiting my God given, unalienable Rights for the faulty promise that a wall can save us from our own actions.

1. Many of the Charlottesville people were there to protest the removal of historical statues. There is no reason to think that there were NOT good people. Trump furthermore specifically stated that when he said that, he was NOT talking about the white supremacists. That you cite this as evidence of him sharing ideology with DUke, shows that you are the one who has been duped.

2. DUke might have worked on that. He had no effect. White supremacy is a long dead political force in this country.

3. Mainstream political parties and grassroots movements do NOT work together with or have common interests with Nazis.

4. Explain "thy deny our ownership in the status quo".

5. Nazi have no impact.
Trump never was a Republican and you ignored the entire post where Bush and Reagan disagreed with you. Were they open borders liberals that hated America? Were they? Or are you just so full of shit you can't afford a civil discussion?

Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.

Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.

When you open with claiming the President of the United States has "unity of ideology" with an actual, real, klansman, you lose TONS of credibility.

You are out of your damn mind. Both Duke and Trump belonged to the Reform Party at the same time. They believe in the same things. I won't lie to you or for you thinking it has an effect on credibility.

Trump says that some of the Charlottesville protesters were "good people." They were some good people there. To claim that there is no unity of ideology is a straight out lie. David Duke worked behind the scenes to make sure Trump got enough electoral votes in several states.

Publicly, it's cool to denounce one another and pretend we're all enemies. But, there are common interests and only idiots refuse a guaranteed vote. Politicians trash talk each other, but once it's over it's like George Bush agreeing to be Reagan's VP.

The Nazis, white supremacists, conservatives, white separatists, Tea Party, Reform Party, etc. may all have a common interest. They will work together to get what they want. In the instant case, the Nazis came out on top for whatever reason. They want what Correll wants. And I couldn't care less if all the foreigners packed their rags and caught the next train, plane, bus, or van heading out of the United States. My beef with them is not that they care about the culture of this country, but that they deny OUR ownership in the status quo and that we cannot fix the problem with the Nazis solutions. Plausible deniablility, the trash talk like pro - wrestlers, and pretending to be offended by us admitting what the left already knows is not necessary any longer. Without the Nazis and white supremacists, Trump would be cooling his heels in his mansion and Hitlery would be prez.

Don't shit yourself people. It's not the size of the wave; it's the motion of the ocean. I learned this while a lobbyist with the NRA. They would have 3 million members and only 3400 people who actually made the decisions. The wall issue is the same deal - but the head monkeys running the propaganda machine are Nazis... and I do not agree with forfeiting my God given, unalienable Rights for the faulty promise that a wall can save us from our own actions.

1. Many of the Charlottesville people were there to protest the removal of historical statues. There is no reason to think that there were NOT good people. Trump furthermore specifically stated that when he said that, he was NOT talking about the white supremacists. That you cite this as evidence of him sharing ideology with DUke, shows that you are the one who has been duped.

2. DUke might have worked on that. He had no effect. White supremacy is a long dead political force in this country.

3. Mainstream political parties and grassroots movements do NOT work together with or have common interests with Nazis.

4. Explain "thy deny our ownership in the status quo".

5. Nazi have no impact.

I can't figure out if you're that stupid or that dishonest

1) Plausible deniability

2) Everybody that expends any effort has an impact. You've admitted that you are not a researcher, so you should leave the facts to people who HAVE experience

3) Even YOU have the same common interests with Nazis. If you had to make an argument for the wall and you were forbidden to quote any statistic related to John Tanton, you would have little more than your weenie in your hand. Shall I begin repeating the ties between Nazis, Republicans, the Tea Party and the wall idea? Just because you can't read it don't mean the facts don't exist

4) Damn son. How many times do you want to cover the same ground? Are you REALLY that fucking stupid? We just did this once today and many more times in the past. Stay tuned - we can keep repeating it. It isn't going to change and you won't know until you read the thread

5) Nazis had a big impact on your dumb ass. You're one of them and too stupid to recognize it

Okay, here is the proof - YET AGAIN
A repeat of the FACTS

David Duke organizes Border Watch in 1977:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke and Donald Trump both belonged to the Reform Party at the same time, which demonstrates a unity of ideology:

Duke joined the Reform Party in 1999 while working for Pat Buchanan's 2000 presidential campaign

David Duke - Wikipedia

Donald Trump's presidential campaign of 2000 for the nomination of the Reform Party began when real estate magnate Donald Trump of New Yorkannounced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee on the October 8, 1999 edition of Larry King Live

Donald Trump 2000 presidential campaign - Wikipedia

The Real David Duke This info will become very important to the subject

Trump plays stupid and tries to deny his ideological ties to white supremacy:

Trump dodges on David Duke question: ' I know nothing about white supremacists'Trump dodges on David Duke question: ' I know nothing about white supremacists'

Jim Gilchrist, a former newsman and Chris Simcox become the fathers of the “Secure the border / monitor (sic) the flow of Undocumented immigrants effort:

The Minuteman Project was a vigilante organization started in August 2004[1] by a group of private individuals in the United States to extrajudicially monitor the United States – Mexico border's flow of Undocumented immigrants.[2] Founded by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox,..”

Minuteman Project - Wikipedia

Today, the founder of the wallist religion is proudly displaying his ties to the Tea Party publicly:

Jim Gilchrist's Page

So, who is Jim Gilchrist?

Jim Gilchrist is a former newsman, left of center, who is politically a National Socialist. His views are palatable enough so that Bernie Sanders once voted to Gilchrist’s benefit:

Julian Castro claims Bernie Sanders voted with Republicans to protect a hate group

The top lieutenants of his “Minuteman Project” were exposed as being neo – Nazis and even murderers.

Co-founder Chris Simcox Gilchrist’s most trusted friend) was proven to be both a pedophile as well as a nazi:

Ex-Minuteman Chris Simcox sentenced to 19.5 years in child sex-abuse case

Chris Simcox befriended J.T. Ready who was also mainstream Republican that, on the surface only wanted to fight so – called “illegal immigration,” but was, in reality, a neo-nazi that ended up committing a mass murder before committing suicide:

Jason Todd "J. T." Ready (February 17, 1973[1][2] – May 2, 2012) was a former American Marine, founder and leader of a border militia group[3]and a former member of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement

J. T. Ready - Wikipedia

Gilchrist was a very cunning politician type (learning lessons from his newsman days) so he would deny knowing his own officers when they got into trouble. An article I read had this to say in response to one of Gilchrist’s false claims that he knew one of his own top officers “briefly”:

Well, one of those "brief meetings" with {Shawna}Forde involved a big public Minuteman rally organized by Forde in Everett, Washington, back in 2006, about the same time Forde was appearing onstage representing the Minutemen in public-TV forums, too. Gilchrist was the star attraction at the Everett rally, and he and Forde praised each other onstage.

In an
earlier report, moreover, Steller pointed out that Gilchrist was up to his ankles in communicating with Forde right up to the point of her arrest -- and in fact appears to have tried to tip her off that federal authorities were looking for her:

Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project and an early leader of the movement, said last week that he donated $200 to a member of Forde's group, that he called Forde a few days after the murders as investigators closed in, and that his group removed postings by and about Forde from its Web site after the arrests. But he called Forde and her associates "rogues," and denied that he or his group had a formal relationship with her

Orcinus: Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrist's ties to Shawna Forde's gang of killers finally catch up with him

“Formal relationship?” Shawna Forde was one of his top organizers! And he had a lot of faith in her:

Jim Gilchrist Speaks on Shawna - Justice for Shawna Forde

Evidently, Minutemen Founder Gilchrist Doesn't Like Us

Shawna Forde was convicted of the murder of a nine year old and her father:

Shawna Forde Guilty of Murder: Exclusive Interview with Arizona Minuteman

Also see this:

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Shawna Forde’s co-conspirator, Jason Bush, was a carbon copy of the kinds of people Gilchrist attracted:

“… Bush was also charged for the murder of a Latino man in Washington state in 1997, and in the murder of an Aryan Nations member he considered to be a “race-traitor”…”

The meltdown of the anti-immigration Minuteman militia

Gilchrist knows how to hide the National Socialist trimmings and then deny those who embarrass the effort. Make no mistake. Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are the founding fathers of the wallist religion – where the wall and so – called “illegal immigration” are the ONLY topics they have any concern with. What are the odds that all the founders of the wallist religion ARE proven Nazis and their followers are not? Then again, that might not be a rhetorical question as I’ve been reading that right now is the first time in history where more people without an education are supporting the Republicans than are supporting them.

Be that as it may, the DADDY of the wallist religion IS a Tea Party member:

Jim Gilchrist's Page

Jim Gilchrist: Illegal Alien Children Being Used As Political Human Shields - Tea Party News


The major organizations / think tanks were founded and funded by a single individual by the name of John Tanton. According to Wikipedia:

John H. Tanton (born February 23, 1934)[1] is an American retired ophthalmologist and activist in efforts aimed at reducing immigration levels in the United States. He was the founder and first chairman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an anti-immigration organization. He was chairman of U.S. English and ProEnglish. He is the founder of The Social Contract Press, which publishes the quarterly journal The Social Contract. He founded the pro-eugenics organization Society for Genetic Education.

FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the "puppeteer" of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots. As the first article in this report shows, Tanton has for decades been at the heart of the white nationalist scene. He has met with leading white supremacists and associated closely with the leaders of a eugenicist foundation once described by a leading newspaper as a "neo-Nazi organization." He has made a series of racist statements about Latinos and worried that they were outbreeding whites. At one point, he wrote candidly that to maintain American culture, "a European-American majority" is required.”[25]

John Tanton - Wikipedia

So, here is the man responsible for the think tanks and the rhetoric that is generated relative to the wallist religion. But what, exactly is eugenics? I’d be a long time explaining it, but Wikipedia did a balanced article on it, so check it out:

Eugenics in the United States - Wikipedia

I only want to point out that the Rockefellers helped finance eugenics research… and the Rockefellers were all about the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. It’s kind of hard to connect the dots until you figure out how the NEW WORLD ORDER types help finance both sides so that they can take each other out liberals v conservatives, right v left, Constitutionalists v National Socialists, etc. But, I digress. Now that I’ve spent over 15 years spreading my research about the David Duke – John Tanton ideologies (and Tanton supplied Duke his talking points back in the 1970s) other researchers have taken note:

Calling Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke's Bluff

A Look at the Forces Behind the Anti-Immigrant Movement | Democracy Now!

A John Tanton Connect the Dots « American Border Patrol « Immigration « The Pink Flamingo

Team Trump's ties to white supremacy are even deeper than you imagined


NOTE: It is unfortunate that I have to cite the left, but the Tea Party is never going to admit to who pioneered their political rhetoric. They also make the links to Nazism. Again, I am not getting into the fray over racial issues. I disagree with the current power structure because I oppose National Socialism. And the fact that the right’s think tanks are owned by a guy into eugenics and is pro-abortion signal significant differences of opinion between he and I.

The proposed solutions to the immigration debacle as adopted by those in the Tea Party are National Socialist NOT those of a constitutionalist group
Yes, I did ignore it, because I did not read much past the point where you made the obscene move of trying to tie the President of the United States to a freaking nazi.

You want to have a serious conversation, don't open with that.

Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.

When you open with claiming the President of the United States has "unity of ideology" with an actual, real, klansman, you lose TONS of credibility.

You are out of your damn mind. Both Duke and Trump belonged to the Reform Party at the same time. They believe in the same things. I won't lie to you or for you thinking it has an effect on credibility.

Trump says that some of the Charlottesville protesters were "good people." They were some good people there. To claim that there is no unity of ideology is a straight out lie. David Duke worked behind the scenes to make sure Trump got enough electoral votes in several states.

Publicly, it's cool to denounce one another and pretend we're all enemies. But, there are common interests and only idiots refuse a guaranteed vote. Politicians trash talk each other, but once it's over it's like George Bush agreeing to be Reagan's VP.

The Nazis, white supremacists, conservatives, white separatists, Tea Party, Reform Party, etc. may all have a common interest. They will work together to get what they want. In the instant case, the Nazis came out on top for whatever reason. They want what Correll wants. And I couldn't care less if all the foreigners packed their rags and caught the next train, plane, bus, or van heading out of the United States. My beef with them is not that they care about the culture of this country, but that they deny OUR ownership in the status quo and that we cannot fix the problem with the Nazis solutions. Plausible deniablility, the trash talk like pro - wrestlers, and pretending to be offended by us admitting what the left already knows is not necessary any longer. Without the Nazis and white supremacists, Trump would be cooling his heels in his mansion and Hitlery would be prez.

Don't shit yourself people. It's not the size of the wave; it's the motion of the ocean. I learned this while a lobbyist with the NRA. They would have 3 million members and only 3400 people who actually made the decisions. The wall issue is the same deal - but the head monkeys running the propaganda machine are Nazis... and I do not agree with forfeiting my God given, unalienable Rights for the faulty promise that a wall can save us from our own actions.

1. Many of the Charlottesville people were there to protest the removal of historical statues. There is no reason to think that there were NOT good people. Trump furthermore specifically stated that when he said that, he was NOT talking about the white supremacists. That you cite this as evidence of him sharing ideology with DUke, shows that you are the one who has been duped.

2. DUke might have worked on that. He had no effect. White supremacy is a long dead political force in this country.

3. Mainstream political parties and grassroots movements do NOT work together with or have common interests with Nazis.

4. Explain "thy deny our ownership in the status quo".

5. Nazi have no impact.

I can't figure out if you're that stupid or that dishonest

1) Plausible deniability

2) Everybody that expends any effort has an impact. You've admitted that you are not a researcher, so you should leave the facts to people who HAVE experience

3) Even YOU have the same common interests with Nazis. If you had to make an argument for the wall and you were forbidden to quote any statistic related to John Tanton, you would have little more than your weenie in your hand. Shall I begin repeating the ties between Nazis, Republicans, the Tea Party and the wall idea? Just because you can't read it don't mean the facts don't exist

4) Damn son. How many times do you want to cover the same ground? Are you REALLY that fucking stupid? We just did this once today and many more times in the past. Stay tuned - we can keep repeating it. It isn't going to change and you won't know until you read the thread

5) Nazis had a big impact on your dumb ass. You're one of them and too stupid to recognize it

Okay, here is the proof - YET AGAIN

1. Nope. Makes complete sense to distinguish between the white supremacists and those legitimately concerned about historical statues. What is dishonest is people like you, lumping the two groups together as though they are one.

2. NOt really. Some fringe guy who speaks for a few thousand people, maybe, in a nation of over 300 million, has no impact. Lost in the noise. Out weighted by people too drunk to pull the right lever.

3. I've ridiculed your game of Kevin Bacon to death. If you want to go back to that, I can do it some more. I don't mind beating a dead horse. But, my point stands. Mainstream political parties and grassroots movements do NOT work together with or have common interests with Nazis.

4. Save the histrionics and insults for someone that might be impressed by them. My question stands. Explain "thy deny our ownership in the status quo".

5. Blah, blah, blah, nazi. Blah, blah blah, blah, stupid. Your inability to support your claim is noted. We can drop this now, or I can point that out some more. Your choice.

Let's just do the top 10 so as to not confuse Koshergirl / Correll

1) America has more prisoners than any nation on this planet

2) Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply

3) Over half of all federal prisoners are in prison on drug related charges

4) American children are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over countries like the U.K.

5) With the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, many Americans are locked out of the job market - and many times for irrelevant B.S. that the general public should NOT be allowed to access

6) Too many mommies think their children are special so you see guys in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond living in mommy's house and NOT contributing to society in any way, shape, fashion or form

7) Millions upon millions of Americans are functional illiterates (my critics have admitted they are)

8) Over half of the American people are dependent upon the government for at least a portion of their daily bread

9) Scores of these illiterates support socialist ideology that violates a person's Right to Privacy, their presumption of innocence, and the illiterates think that the private sector owes them a job

10) By complaining about people (and doing so dishonestly) not paying taxes, it is supporting the income tax - which is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.

Pill popping, tattooed, body pierced people with no education, no job skills, a drug habit and a criminal record (that the wallists like Correll want you to have for life) absolutely guarantees that you are virtually unemployable.

Compare to that some foreign kid in his 20s that is fit and ready to work. He has a couple of kids and a mortgage to pay for. Who the Hell do the wallists think the employer is going to hire?
Don't tell me what parts of the truth to hide from the people. You want to believe in a fantasy, do so. But, don't presume to tell me what I think. You've admitted you don't read; don't have the experience and you misrepresent the facts presented to you because you don't read all of it.

Other people ARE going to read these exchanges - sooner or later and figure out you are a complete and utter dumb ass and a horrible liar. You presume to say things about me you don't have the courage to say publicly. I've put my life on the line for your Rights you fucking ingrate - you repay it by not looking at the facts and making outrageous allegations about me not supported by ANY fact. So, I'm taking you to task.

When you open with claiming the President of the United States has "unity of ideology" with an actual, real, klansman, you lose TONS of credibility.

You are out of your damn mind. Both Duke and Trump belonged to the Reform Party at the same time. They believe in the same things. I won't lie to you or for you thinking it has an effect on credibility.

Trump says that some of the Charlottesville protesters were "good people." They were some good people there. To claim that there is no unity of ideology is a straight out lie. David Duke worked behind the scenes to make sure Trump got enough electoral votes in several states.

Publicly, it's cool to denounce one another and pretend we're all enemies. But, there are common interests and only idiots refuse a guaranteed vote. Politicians trash talk each other, but once it's over it's like George Bush agreeing to be Reagan's VP.

The Nazis, white supremacists, conservatives, white separatists, Tea Party, Reform Party, etc. may all have a common interest. They will work together to get what they want. In the instant case, the Nazis came out on top for whatever reason. They want what Correll wants. And I couldn't care less if all the foreigners packed their rags and caught the next train, plane, bus, or van heading out of the United States. My beef with them is not that they care about the culture of this country, but that they deny OUR ownership in the status quo and that we cannot fix the problem with the Nazis solutions. Plausible deniablility, the trash talk like pro - wrestlers, and pretending to be offended by us admitting what the left already knows is not necessary any longer. Without the Nazis and white supremacists, Trump would be cooling his heels in his mansion and Hitlery would be prez.

Don't shit yourself people. It's not the size of the wave; it's the motion of the ocean. I learned this while a lobbyist with the NRA. They would have 3 million members and only 3400 people who actually made the decisions. The wall issue is the same deal - but the head monkeys running the propaganda machine are Nazis... and I do not agree with forfeiting my God given, unalienable Rights for the faulty promise that a wall can save us from our own actions.

1. Many of the Charlottesville people were there to protest the removal of historical statues. There is no reason to think that there were NOT good people. Trump furthermore specifically stated that when he said that, he was NOT talking about the white supremacists. That you cite this as evidence of him sharing ideology with DUke, shows that you are the one who has been duped.

2. DUke might have worked on that. He had no effect. White supremacy is a long dead political force in this country.

3. Mainstream political parties and grassroots movements do NOT work together with or have common interests with Nazis.

4. Explain "thy deny our ownership in the status quo".

5. Nazi have no impact.

I can't figure out if you're that stupid or that dishonest

1) Plausible deniability

2) Everybody that expends any effort has an impact. You've admitted that you are not a researcher, so you should leave the facts to people who HAVE experience

3) Even YOU have the same common interests with Nazis. If you had to make an argument for the wall and you were forbidden to quote any statistic related to John Tanton, you would have little more than your weenie in your hand. Shall I begin repeating the ties between Nazis, Republicans, the Tea Party and the wall idea? Just because you can't read it don't mean the facts don't exist

4) Damn son. How many times do you want to cover the same ground? Are you REALLY that fucking stupid? We just did this once today and many more times in the past. Stay tuned - we can keep repeating it. It isn't going to change and you won't know until you read the thread

5) Nazis had a big impact on your dumb ass. You're one of them and too stupid to recognize it

Okay, here is the proof - YET AGAIN

1. Nope. Makes complete sense to distinguish between the white supremacists and those legitimately concerned about historical statues. What is dishonest is people like you, lumping the two groups together as though they are one.

2. NOt really. Some fringe guy who speaks for a few thousand people, maybe, in a nation of over 300 million, has no impact. Lost in the noise. Out weighted by people too drunk to pull the right lever.

3. I've ridiculed your game of Kevin Bacon to death. If you want to go back to that, I can do it some more. I don't mind beating a dead horse. But, my point stands. Mainstream political parties and grassroots movements do NOT work together with or have common interests with Nazis.

4. Save the histrionics and insults for someone that might be impressed by them. My question stands. Explain "thy deny our ownership in the status quo".

5. Blah, blah, blah, nazi. Blah, blah blah, blah, stupid. Your inability to support your claim is noted. We can drop this now, or I can point that out some more. Your choice.

1) You hang with Nazis. Trying to claim otherwise is dishonest and dishonorable. You could disavow the strategies and solutions, but choose not to. That is hypocritical and dishonest

2) You are uneducated as they come. If voting could change things, it would be illegal. It's not large groups that wield power. That is what you fail to comprehend... though you hang with shitsacks (and then bad mouth them when you don't have plausible deniability

3) You can beat a dead horse, but what you believe in is National Socialism

4) DONE and got your number ... even with you using two profiles, you're no match for me. Your denials do not refute the truth.
In one of the earliest United States Supreme Court decisions on this, the court ruled as follows:

"Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,-'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;' and to 'secure,' not grant or create, these rights, governments are instituted. That property which a man has honestly acquired he retains full control of, subject to these limitations: First, that he shall not use it to his neighbor's injury, and that does not mean that he must use it for his neighbor's benefit; second, that if the devotes it to a public use, he gives to the public a right to control that use; and third, that whenever the public needs require, the public may take it upon payment of due compensation. BUDD v. PEOPLE OF STATE OF NEW YORK, 143 U.S. 517 (1892)

In other words what I create is MINE and I don't owe you a job to benefit you - it's my job to give. This is THE fatal flaw of your argument.

3) I agree that the government "could" strictly enforce the Constitution Free Zone. IF they did, the people would see this is VERY real and they would rebel. So, they do it in small doses. YouTube is full of videos of law abiding Americans who have had their Rights violated in the Constitution Free Zone.

As you will recall, Al Capone was arrested on a 25 year old law that had possibly never been enforced - the people would have rebelled had they known what it was REALLY about (income tax evasion.)

4) I don't do theories. I live in the real world. In order to enforce the laws relative to the wall, your boys have already passed the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and trashed the policies of a presumption of innocence - innocent until proven guilty. You're perfectly comfortable with the Constitution Free Zone and I'd bet there are over 500 suggestions from people you agree with on this thread alone advocating that we "crack down on those sending money out of this country." Those precedents are a dual edged sword.

Frederick Douglass, a former slave and a Republican once said:

"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened around his own neck."

So, you create a bad precedent on the border, falsely thinking it will apply only to undocumented foreigners only to find out it's being used against you. You don't have a very sound strategy. All you've supported in the past expands into a cashless society wherein all your transactions are tracked by the paper trail you left on a computer. You'd support a cashless society if it would get rid of the little brown guys from south of the border. All that will be enacted in order to assist in enforcing the wall... an untended consequence for those who realize that we may be engaged in an internal civil war some day.

The unintended consequences of giving the government as much power as you would - on the pretext that it will save you from yourself is foolish and your repetitive posts and covering the same ground over and over won't make my point any less true.
If you throw a rock into a still pond, it makes a lot of ripples. One right wing book I read called Unintended Consequences by John Ross. It is a fictional novel based upon current laws and how they could be used in an anti-gun scenario. It demonstrates how one action may impact another.

When I was a teen, I spoke out publicly and was then recruited by the Young Republicans Club and the John Birch Society not to mention other organizations and I became hard core right. Since then, my major theme has not changed; the movement has. Those who want a wall around the southern border refuse to answer a few simple questions:

If unalienable Rights exist – and I think they do, WHERE in the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation or the Constitution did our leaders ever presume to take those from people who are not citizens? What proof can they offer us that foreigners were not born with unalienable Rights? They keep accusing me of taking a stand I have NOT taken. I’m asking them for proof of their position.

Unable to do that they call me a lot of names that they cannot back up. But, I want to remind them of a few things:

If you go back to the mid to late 1990s the John Birch Society, Concern Conservative Citizens Society, Young Republicans Club, etc. were AGAINSTthe New World Order, One World Government, the abolition of jurisdictions,the Constitution Free Zone, militarized police, National ID, surveillance society, the unconstitutional 14th and 16th Amendments (neither passing constitutional muster), and the assaults on religion. They fought gun control, eminent domain abuses, and warrant less search and seizures. Probably, the last great effort to gain national attention was Alex Jones video POLICE STATE 2000 (put out in the late 1980s) and a book called Operation Vampire Killer 2000 (written in the early 1990s by Jack McLamb of Police Against the New World Order.)

Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - The Lawful Path

If one were to return to that era, the uninformed build the wall guys, would swear and be damned the conservatives were the liberals. Well, the right adopted the left’s solutions:

Meanwhile, the left has jumped on the privacy bandwagon, warning Americans about the Constitution Free Zone:

Reminds me of the old Johnny Cash song The One on the Right is on the Left.

Anyway, with the wall up, it will immediately affect your Liberties in about a dozen ways. For this installment, I’ll list three:

1 There will be the strict enforcement of the Constitution Free Zone. There will go your Fourth Amendment Rights FOREVER. Right now, you can still fight back to regain those Rights

2 The right already passed the National ID / REAL ID Act – E Verify which is far worse than what Hitler had AND it reeks of Orwellian nightmares that today’s youth cannot begin to fathom. It will expand into drones and listening devices being used against them 24 / 7 / 365 from the womb to the tomb

3 As if the suspension of constitutional guarantees and total surveillance aren’t enough, the nutty wall gives the government the ability to track your every financial transaction based on your SSN / National ID card.

I mention this because a lot of people have NO intention of surrendering their firearms AND they expect an internal war due to government over-reach. The unintended consequences of this nutty wall idea will give government access to so much information they will know you built your own weapon without you ever having registered it. If you think you or the next generation may have to go up against a tyrannical government, you just handicapped them and endangered their lives with this lobbying effort. We got a long way to go
Last edited:

Let's just do the top 10 so as to not confuse Koshergirl / Correll

1) America has more prisoners than any nation on this planet

2) Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply

3) Over half of all federal prisoners are in prison on drug related charges

4) American children are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over countries like the U.K.

5) With the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, many Americans are locked out of the job market - and many times for irrelevant B.S. that the general public should NOT be allowed to access

6) Too many mommies think their children are special so you see guys in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond living in mommy's house and NOT contributing to society in any way, shape, fashion or form

7) Millions upon millions of Americans are functional illiterates (my critics have admitted they are)

8) Over half of the American people are dependent upon the government for at least a portion of their daily bread

9) Scores of these illiterates support socialist ideology that violates a person's Right to Privacy, their presumption of innocence, and the illiterates think that the private sector owes them a job

10) By complaining about people (and doing so dishonestly) not paying taxes, it is supporting the income tax - which is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.

Pill popping, tattooed, body pierced people with no education, no job skills, a drug habit and a criminal record (that the wallists like Correll want you to have for life) absolutely guarantees that you are virtually unemployable.

Compare to that some foreign kid in his 20s that is fit and ready to work. He has a couple of kids and a mortgage to pay for. Who the Hell do the wallists think the employer is going to hire?

Americans have the right to AMERICAN polices that serve the interests of AMERICANS.

That the lowest dregs of American society have trouble competing against the best that the Turd World has to offer, is a valid point.

But if our policies prevent those Third Worlders, from being IN our labor market, then that gives a chance for those "pill popping, tattooed, body pierced people" to get some job skills and turn their screwed up lives around.

Your point about the criminal records is valid. Employers are so terrified of being sued on discrimination charges, that they go the paper trail more than the actual candidate, imo.

Let's just do the top 10 so as to not confuse Koshergirl / Correll

1) America has more prisoners than any nation on this planet

2) Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply

3) Over half of all federal prisoners are in prison on drug related charges

4) American children are prescribed Ritalin at a ratio of 3 to 1 over countries like the U.K.

5) With the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, many Americans are locked out of the job market - and many times for irrelevant B.S. that the general public should NOT be allowed to access

6) Too many mommies think their children are special so you see guys in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond living in mommy's house and NOT contributing to society in any way, shape, fashion or form

7) Millions upon millions of Americans are functional illiterates (my critics have admitted they are)

8) Over half of the American people are dependent upon the government for at least a portion of their daily bread

9) Scores of these illiterates support socialist ideology that violates a person's Right to Privacy, their presumption of innocence, and the illiterates think that the private sector owes them a job

10) By complaining about people (and doing so dishonestly) not paying taxes, it is supporting the income tax - which is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.

Pill popping, tattooed, body pierced people with no education, no job skills, a drug habit and a criminal record (that the wallists like Correll want you to have for life) absolutely guarantees that you are virtually unemployable.

Compare to that some foreign kid in his 20s that is fit and ready to work. He has a couple of kids and a mortgage to pay for. Who the Hell do the wallists think the employer is going to hire?

Americans have the right to AMERICAN polices that serve the interests of AMERICANS.

That the lowest dregs of American society have trouble competing against the best that the Turd World has to offer, is a valid point.

But if our policies prevent those Third Worlders, from being IN our labor market, then that gives a chance for those "pill popping, tattooed, body pierced people" to get some job skills and turn their screwed up lives around.

Your point about the criminal records is valid. Employers are so terrified of being sued on discrimination charges, that they go the paper trail more than the actual candidate, imo.

* Americans do have the Right to American policies that serve their interests. That is why we have private property Rights

* The lowest dregs of society are WHY you have an influx of foreigners to fill the jobs they cannot or will not work AND to fill the jobs YOU would deny to them with those endless background checks wherein Americans can never rise above their past

* Employers will not hire the dregs of society at inflated wages and be dictated to by a tyrannical government. If you don't believe that, check to see how much communist China has grown over the last 15 or so years compared to the United States.

* It's sad to say, but it is easier to get into communist China than the U.S. - that is if you want in the U.S. with human registration papers
It is sad that the wallists do not understand the economics of their own country. They blame people they call "illegals" for their woes, but the facts bear out a much different picture.

"Almost 40 percent of young adults lived with their parents, step-parents, grandparents and other relatives last year, or the highest point in 75 years, according to data from real estate analytics company Trulia."

Young adults living with their parents hits a 75-year high

When children live at home, they are not benefiting the nation. Compare that to the Hispanic guy that comes here with two or three kids (or his wife has them while in the U.S.) That guy works a job, has his own mortgage, and has life related bills.

By contrast, the dope smoking dregs of society live off of welfare, food stamps, "disability" for a condition they willingly gave themselves, and other manner of handouts (food banks, panhandling, etc.) These people are a significant part of our society.

The foreigner who comes here, buys a home and pays the usual taxes is paying out far more than the 40 percent of young adults and is creating opportunities for the rest of us. I'm a homeowner and will tell you that my property taxes are double what the unconstitutional income taxes come to. AND, when you're working, When houses and apartments are being rented and sold, it is generating incomes for other people. For every job than an American will take, it will mean one less job for a foreigner.

You can't get the job with a drug habit and a criminal history. At any given moment 2.3 million Americans are in jail or prison with another 4.5 million on probation or parole. Roughly 21 percent of the American population get government assistance. Then you have over half a million homeless people that are not included in most of these statistics. If the wallists are going to tell me jobs should pay more, that is not what the stats are saying - they're saying something is wrong in our culture and each one of you bitching should pick up one American and get them back in the game. If you just think employers should pay more, then you should read Bernie Sanders platform.

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