Right-wing populism

So what? Would Barack Obama have gotten that far running in the 1980s? Would Bernie Sanders have gotten where he is running against Jimmy Carter?
It's a nonsense question. Campaigns are products of their times. Reagan running today would not do as well as he did in 1979.

No shit. That's my point.
Your point is irrelevant? I agree!
This thread is a complete fail. It is filled with trolling, false suppositions, and badgering attempts. ANyone else and it would have been moved to the Rubber Room long ago.

The entire point of this thread is that campaigns are products of their times - and the populist campaigns we're seeing from Trump and the other clowns are products of these times - times that see a rise of right-wing populism and nationalism.
And completely ignoring the left-wing populism of a Bernie Sanders. We get it.
Yeah, people are pissed. And pols understan that and try to explout it. So fucking what?
Obama and the Democrat have failed to deliver on every single promise. Their policies have produced GDP growth of 1.5% and incomes lower than the day Bush left office. In foreign policy we are so weak and ineffectual most countries simply ignore us. Yes, people are angry. They have been robbed of 8 years of wage and wealth growth. So no shit politicians left and right are going to try to tap into that.
Your point? Again?

If by "ignoring" Bernie Sanders, you meaning mentioning him specifically in my OP, then sure.

And the rest of your post makes my point for me.
I mean calling Trump "the king of populism" while mentioning Sanders somewhere in the 3rd or 4trh paragraph and adding that "Hillary dabbles in it" when in fact that is her stock in trade means your post is a gross distortion of reality, sufficient to get it sent to the Rubber Room.
Are you say [sic] that you believe that right wing populism is not on the rise?

It is not, any more than usual or any more than relative to any other 'movement' more than three people believe in.

Do you believe that someone like Donald Trump, running the campaign that he is running today, would have gotten anywhere near this far in any of the elections of the last 30 years?

Trump vaulted to the top because he attacked the illegal immigration problem in this country. He called out these lawless politicians who side with illegals against the American citizens they are murdering, raping, robbing, and stealing from. That resonated with voters center left to far right. Then before the establishment could destroy Trump by painting him as a racist some illegals murdered some more American citizens.
It is not, any more than usual or any more than relative to any other 'movement' more than three people believe in.

Do you believe that someone like Donald Trump, running the campaign that he is running today, would have gotten anywhere near this far in any of the elections of the last 30 years?
So what? Would Barack Obama have gotten that far running in the 1980s? Would Bernie Sanders have gotten where he is running against Jimmy Carter?
It's a nonsense question. Campaigns are products of their times. Reagan running today would not do as well as he did in 1979.

No shit. That's my point.
Your point is irrelevant? I agree!
This thread is a complete fail. It is filled with trolling, false suppositions, and badgering attempts. ANyone else and it would have been moved to the Rubber Room long ago.

The entire point of this thread is that campaigns are products of their times - and the populist campaigns we're seeing from Trump and the other clowns are products of these times - times that see a rise of right-wing populism and nationalism.

You choose to dismiss issues voters take seriously, my guess is you are unwilling to admit the left is on the wrong side of many issues. That's probably why the Democratic party has been decimated in the last 3 national elections. 1,200 seats lost.
Its no conspiracy its a well documented case that has been all over the media. There is no such thing as right wing populism, there is only the left who refuse to leave us alone and keep poking sticks at us.


The Democratic party has lost 1,200 seats nationally, laugh that off :laugh:

Ok, will do.


Now that we're done with that, perhaps you can tell me how the fortunes of the Democratic Party are relevant to this thread?
Carson a populist?

Wait, what is the definition of populism again?

1: a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people;

2: a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

Nope! Carson is not a populist. First def describes democrats. The second describes a politician that would praise the American people rights, wisdom and virtues(so Trump is kind of not and is at the same time). Carson do not praise the American people at all.
Its no conspiracy its a well documented case that has been all over the media. There is no such thing as right wing populism, there is only the left who refuse to leave us alone and keep poking sticks at us.


The Democratic party has lost 1,200 seats nationally, laugh that off :laugh:

Ok, will do.


Now that we're done with that, perhaps you can tell me how the fortunes of the Democratic Party are relevant to this thread?

Its been fascinating watching the various forms of liberal denial used to explain why their party has been rejected and obliterated in historic election losses. This thread OP is just another example of denial.

I probably have one of the lowest opinions of the left on this forum yet even I would not have believed the Democrats would destroy themselves less than 2 years after sweeping to power in 2008. That their one big achievement Obamacare would be so loathed by the people that their own party would scream at Obama until he went on national television to take the blame to stave off the losses.
It's funny that you think I'm a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

That would be next to impossible, oh wait it is impossible...

Doc is a liberal, just can't quite admit it...

I'm happy to admit to being a "liberal".

So you can admit it...

That's the first step...
Hope and Change is a form of Populism.......................

Did Obama's Hope campaign get him elected?

How'd did that populist view work out for the world..................

Didn't do well either...............

Now the Populist crowd want to complain about populism in the GOP................

Trying to stab the Voo Doo dolls of Trump and Carson for Hopefully a change of leadership from the current Liar..............

As their candidate is another Habitual Liar...................

Here is my form of Populism...............I HOPE THE HELL that the American people FIRE THE DEMS from Potus next election ........................................I hope we Depopulate the Illegals here.............and seal the dang border............

Populism on these issues is POPULAR NOW................:banana2:
It's funny that you think I'm a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

That would be next to impossible, oh wait it is impossible...

Doc is a liberal, just can't quite admit it...

I'm happy to admit to being a "liberal".

Now, what is it you prescribe to here on USMB? Isn't it "populism"?

Yet you don't vote? Very strange...

Is this a forum that balances the non-voter in you?
You choose to dismiss issues voters take seriously, my guess is you are unwilling to admit the left is on the wrong side of many issues. That's probably why the Democratic party has been decimated in the last 3 national elections. 1,200 seats lost.

He admits it then flat out ignores it...

That has been his approach for as long as I have read his post...

Maybe it's the mind gets in the way of the heart...
You choose to dismiss issues voters take seriously, my guess is you are unwilling to admit the left is on the wrong side of many issues. That's probably why the Democratic party has been decimated in the last 3 national elections. 1,200 seats lost.

He admits it then flat out ignores it...

That has been his approach for as long as I have read his post...

Maybe it's the mind gets in the way of the heart...
Perhaps he can show the winning candidates who the people voted for that WERE UNPOPULAR........

That would be a hoot.
Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?

So people like Hitler and Mao were "populists?"

What are you implying with your second paragraph? Are we comparing conservatives to fascists and genocidal maniacs? You do poorly in trying to make this thread sound objective.
It's funny that you think I'm a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

I don't care if you believe me or not.
Great, you brought it up, you got defensive, then you later admitted your ideology.

Case closed then.
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Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?

So people like Hitler and Mao were "populists?"

Yes, Hitler and Mao are both perfect examples of populists.
It's funny that you think I'm a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

I don't care if you believe me or not.
Great, you brought it up, you got defensive, then you later admitted your ideology.

Case closed then.


I didn't "bring it up", clown - you did. You accused me of being a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

That would be next to impossible, oh wait it is impossible...

Doc is a liberal, just can't quite admit it...

I'm happy to admit to being a "liberal".

Now, what is it you prescribe to here on USMB? Isn't it "populism"?

Yet you don't vote? Very strange...

Is this a forum that balances the non-voter in you?

The only explanation I can come up with for this post is that you don't know what "populism" is.
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

I don't care if you believe me or not.
Great, you brought it up, you got defensive, then you later admitted your ideology.

Case closed then.


I didn't "bring it up", clown - you did. You accused me of being a "hardcore partisan".
Awww, to name-calling we go. Good.

I never mentioned your name, there are others doing this, and you got upset.

Get over it.
And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

I don't care if you believe me or not.
Great, you brought it up, you got defensive, then you later admitted your ideology.

Case closed then.


I didn't "bring it up", clown - you did. You accused me of being a "hardcore partisan".
Awww, to name-calling we go. Good.

I never mentioned your name, there are others doing this, and you got upset.

Get over it.


This is a new one.

Now you're both whining about me calling you names, and claiming that you weren't referring to me in this post where you called me a bunch of names...

Watching closed-minded, narcissistic hardcore partisan ideologues from one silly end of the spectrum pretend to have a serious conversation about the motives and behaviors of closed-minded, narcissistic hardcore partisan ideologues from the other side is always a hoot.

And the funniest part of all is how similar the behaviors of the two ends are.


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