Right-wing populism

I'm a doctoral candidate in Political Science.
So your poly-sci professors are filling your head with this nonsense? Europe is having problems because it has not kept up the birth rate while the population is aging. Too many had too few children and need money coming in for the retirement years in an expensive environment. Either they back way off the entitlements or the bring in bodies for work and taxes.

The flip side is it uncuts the opportunities for native working age people so the anti-immigration sentiment is growing. Do you watch Deutche Welle or Euronews? Anti-immigration is automatically labeled far right and that's what your OP is doing. Painting with broad brush strokes to minimize political opposition on all fronts.

Conservatives in the US don't want illegals walking across porous borders, voting and taking job opportunities away from Americans in need of work. We want immigration but we want it controlled and we damn sure don't want sanctuary cities, defying federal law and harboring some dangerous people. That isn't populism it's pragmatism.
Actually some conservatives, like myself, do not want more immigration.

All the issues that you mention with illegal immigration are part of legal immigration.
What is your plan for retired Americans and the slower child birth rate?
SOmething that doesn't involve turning this nation into a Third World Shithole.

Low skilled Third World immigrants are NOT going to pump up the economy to make our entitlements sustainable.
Well, the fact is they are now. The majority of agriculture workers are immigrants, Americans don't want to stoop that low, figuratively and literally. With no immigration we are screwed. We need it, always had it but we also need secure borders.

Link please.
Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?

Jeet Heer had a good article somewhere on the mislabeling of populism, I cant find it now but this one is similar.

"authoritarian populism" is kind-of a contradiction in terms.
What you describe as "Right Wing Populism" to me is nothing more than real Americans getting pissed off at seeing their country incrementally moving away from what made it great toward something that is going to make it mediocre or worse. With every speech and every action Obama has shown his disdain for America and his determination to change it into a Socialist State. He uses the tried and true tactics of Racial division and economic division and a complicit Liberal media to jam his vision upon us.
So you can call it what you want. It's simply real Americans, the ones that work, the ones with families, the ones you don't see rioting that have had enough of this bullshit.

I think saying "Obama has shown his disdain for America and his determination to change it into a Socialist State." is just overblown hyperbole

but you're right about its simply Americans being pissed off, I think at a corrupt establishment, of both "left" and "right".
What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism?
Lack of education on civics, capitalism, religion, ethics, American history and government, coupled with the dismissal of the Fairness Doctrine. Right-wingers are simple poorly-educated folks who believe it when told that there are simple answers to complex problems, and they don't know any better. They are easily exploited by partisans and zealots for capitalism and reactionary Christianity. There is no middle, which they wouldn't respect anyway because they don't know any better. They've never been taught.

quote from the jeet heer atrticle I linked above

"Tea Party activists, as we know from extensive polling, are actually weathier and better-educated than average Americans."
So your poly-sci professors are filling your head with this nonsense? Europe is having problems because it has not kept up the birth rate while the population is aging. Too many had too few children and need money coming in for the retirement years in an expensive environment. Either they back way off the entitlements or the bring in bodies for work and taxes.

The flip side is it uncuts the opportunities for native working age people so the anti-immigration sentiment is growing. Do you watch Deutche Welle or Euronews? Anti-immigration is automatically labeled far right and that's what your OP is doing. Painting with broad brush strokes to minimize political opposition on all fronts.

Conservatives in the US don't want illegals walking across porous borders, voting and taking job opportunities away from Americans in need of work. We want immigration but we want it controlled and we damn sure don't want sanctuary cities, defying federal law and harboring some dangerous people. That isn't populism it's pragmatism.
Actually some conservatives, like myself, do not want more immigration.

All the issues that you mention with illegal immigration are part of legal immigration.
What is your plan for retired Americans and the slower child birth rate?
SOmething that doesn't involve turning this nation into a Third World Shithole.

Low skilled Third World immigrants are NOT going to pump up the economy to make our entitlements sustainable.
Well, the fact is they are now. The majority of agriculture workers are immigrants, Americans don't want to stoop that low, figuratively and literally. With no immigration we are screwed. We need it, always had it but we also need secure borders.
Link please.
Too lazy to look into it huh?

USDA ERS - Farm Labor: Background
Country of Origin
The share of hired crop farmworkers who were born in the United States or Puerto Rico fell from about 40 percent in 1989-91 to a low of about 18 percent in 1998-2000, while the share born in Mexico rose from 54 percent to 79 percent over the same interval. Since then, the U.S. and Puerto Rican share has rebounded to about 29 percent and the Mexican share has fallen to about 68 percent. The share from Central America and other countries has never exceeded 6 percent.

Since 2000, however, Hispanic workers have also been employed in increasing numbers in the dairy industry (not covered by NAWS). One study found that 75 percent of Hispanic dairy workers in New York State were from Mexico, 24 percent were from Guatemala, and one percent were from Honduras (see Survey of Hispanic Dairy Workers in New York State
Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?
My God, have you ever heard a Bernie Sanders Speech? Sanders, like socialists of his ilk before him like are the most authoritarian populists anywhere. There is little difference between him and the like of the late Chavez.

Sanders believes, like the socialist who wrote the pledge of allegiance, in the Republic/democracy, in the voice of WE the people actually having a say in government...........it is the opposite of authoritarian.
So you can call it what you want. It's simply real Americans, the ones that work, the ones with families, the ones you don't see rioting that have had enough of this bullshit.

thank you sir, for telling it like it is, but, do you think it will have any effect on the anti-America that these liber:puke3:S are? they hate America as much or more than that illegal alien muslime mulatto who IS fundamentally changing America.
In a generation, Americans will be unarmed, living in a Progressive dictatorship, atheism will be the only allowable national religion, there will be 100,000,000 victims in mass graves, they'll worship Stalin and Mao as their Founding Fathers -- and still claim that Conservatives are evil

I doubt it will be quite that bad.

But we will effectively be a shitty Third World One Party State torn apart by racial bitterness and discrimination.
Actually some conservatives, like myself, do not want more immigration.

All the issues that you mention with illegal immigration are part of legal immigration.
What is your plan for retired Americans and the slower child birth rate?
SOmething that doesn't involve turning this nation into a Third World Shithole.

Low skilled Third World immigrants are NOT going to pump up the economy to make our entitlements sustainable.
Well, the fact is they are now. The majority of agriculture workers are immigrants, Americans don't want to stoop that low, figuratively and literally. With no immigration we are screwed. We need it, always had it but we also need secure borders.
Link please.
Too lazy to look into it huh?

USDA ERS - Farm Labor: Background
Country of Origin
The share of hired crop farmworkers who were born in the United States or Puerto Rico fell from about 40 percent in 1989-91 to a low of about 18 percent in 1998-2000, while the share born in Mexico rose from 54 percent to 79 percent over the same interval. Since then, the U.S. and Puerto Rican share has rebounded to about 29 percent and the Mexican share has fallen to about 68 percent. The share from Central America and other countries has never exceeded 6 percent.

Since 2000, however, Hispanic workers have also been employed in increasing numbers in the dairy industry (not covered by NAWS). One study found that 75 percent of Hispanic dairy workers in New York State were from Mexico, 24 percent were from Guatemala, and one percent were from Honduras (see Survey of Hispanic Dairy Workers in New York State

My bad, I misread your post, as the majority of immigrants are agricultural workers.

THe fact that certainly industries are being dominated by immigrants does not mean that Americans won't do them.

It means Americans won't do them at the wages Third World Immigrants will do them at.

Lower wages are not going to produce the pay roll taxes to support entitlements.
But we will effectively be a shitty Third World One Party State torn apart by racial bitterness and discrimination.

:disagree: that is when we Second Amdt. protectors will follow what our forefathers demanded of future generations.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

do you liberfools get my drift? if not, remember this:
Mao Zedong once said: “Power comes from the barrel of a gun.” No government, not even the most democratic, likes losing control.
one of your kind said it, so do we patriotic American citizens need to implement one the many of your heros advice?? :up:
And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

That would be next to impossible, oh wait it is impossible...

Doc is a liberal, just can't quite admit it...

I'm happy to admit to being a "liberal".

Now, what is it you prescribe to here on USMB? Isn't it "populism"?

Yet you don't vote? Very strange...

Is this a forum that balances the non-voter in you?

The only explanation I can come up with for this post is that you don't know what "populism" is.


pop·u·lism a. A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.

You admitted you were a liberal. You slant this way in most of your post?
Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?

So people like Hitler and Mao were "populists?"

Yes, Hitler and Mao are both perfect examples of populists.

So, you're comparing right wingers to Mao and Hitler. Why?
Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?

So people like Hitler and Mao were "populists?"

Yes, Hitler and Mao are both perfect examples of populists.

So, you're comparing right wingers to Mao and Hitler. Why?
Because that's what they do. Conservatives are brown shirts. They're homophobes. Theyre racists. They're sexists.
The truth is whatever liberals say about conservatives is actually true about libs.
Because that's what they do. Conservatives are brown shirts. They're homophobes. Theyre racists. They're sexists.
Those are not conservatives, those are reactionaries, and this is what nearly all of you are these days.
I think you're looking for the word counterrevolutionaries..
Nope... Reactionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If, by reactionary, you mean championing the freedom of the individual, adherence to the Constitution and the idea of people being self-reliant, then yes.

Your problem with it is in your belief of an autocratic state which is accountable only to itself.

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