Right-wing populism

Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?
My God, have you ever heard a Bernie Sanders Speech? Sanders, like socialists of his ilk before him like are the most authoritarian populists anywhere. There is little difference between him and the like of the late Chavez.

What authoritarian rhetoric has Sanders esposed?

I did mention him in my OP as well, by the way.
It's funny that you think I'm a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
Pathetically, one of the common arguments on this board is the Godwin argument - which side is more like the Nazis, and so one. Arguments over the words "national socialism", Stalin's crimes, and so on.

But there's an important thing that everyone seems to miss. The common element that exists between nearly all of the regimes that have committed the worst crimes against humanity is not "left" or "right", it's populism - or more specifically, nationalism and populism - and today, those are on the rise all over the world - mostly from right wing parties, but echoed on the left as well. A glance at the current status of much of Eastern Europe will give you a good example - and the support from American movement conservatives for the borderline fascist governments in Hungary based on their reactions to immigration highlights the issue even more.

Trump is the current king of populism on the right in the US. Carson and Cruz are close seconds. On the left, Sanders is the populist hero, and even Hillary dabbles in it in her speeches.

This is interesting from a number of political theory perspectives. Traditionally the "Conservative" ideology is an antithesis to populism - conservatism being the ideology of long-term, slow change, with respect given to authority and the status quo. The basis for conservatism is the idea that man is inherently fallible, and that systems of authority exist to maintain the natural hierarchy and status quo - while the basis for populism is in passionate and emotional "us versus them" rhetoric and mob rule.

What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism? Why have ideologies shifted? What will be the end result of this in the US? Are we as a country smart enough to avoid the traps of authoritarian populism?
My God, have you ever heard a Bernie Sanders Speech? Sanders, like socialists of his ilk before him like are the most authoritarian populists anywhere. There is little difference between him and the like of the late Chavez.

What authoritarian rhetoric has Sanders esposed?

I did mention him in my OP as well, by the way.
Watch one of his speeches and if you haven't figured that out by then, I doubt you ever will. Extreme partisanship can be blinding I suppose.
That has to be the most intellectually dishonest assessment I've seen recently. You dear leader is the quintessential example of an authoritarian populist, yet he didn't even rate a mention. You regressivecrats seem to have perfected the art of projection.

Why don't you explain how Obama is a "quintessential example of an authoritarian populist"?

The entirety of his campaigns and presidency has been base on a us vs. them mentality, trying to divide people based on perceived differences instead of trying to unite them on common interests and the need to destroy any opposition to his agenda.
What is the explanation for the rise of right-wing populism?
Lack of education on civics, capitalism, religion, ethics, American history and government, coupled with the dismissal of the Fairness Doctrine. Right-wingers are simple poorly-educated folks who believe it when told that there are simple answers to complex problems, and they don't know any better. They are easily exploited by partisans and zealots for capitalism and reactionary Christianity. There is no middle, which they wouldn't respect anyway because they don't know any better. They've never been taught.

More projection, good job.
That has to be the most intellectually dishonest assessment I've seen recently. You dear leader is the quintessential example of an authoritarian populist, yet he didn't even rate a mention. You regressivecrats seem to have perfected the art of projection.

Why don't you explain how Obama is a "quintessential example of an authoritarian populist"?

The entirety of his campaigns and presidency has been base on a us vs. them mentality, trying to divide people based on perceived differences instead of trying to unite them on common interests and the need to destroy any opposition to his agenda.
You might as well tell the cat. Authoritarianism is part and parcel of self-righteousness, and there is no one who spews that more than Sanders.
"Woodrow Wilson, who served as President from 1913-1921:

“The President is at liberty, both in law and in conscience, to be as big a man as he can. His capacity will set the limit; and if Congress is overborne by him, it will be no fault of the makers of the Constitution … but only because the President has the nation behind him and Congress has not.”

“Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand,” said Wilson on another occasion. Upon winning the presidency in 1912, Wilson set out to make the Democratic Party a progressive entity, an engine to transform America. Toward that end, he vowed to select “only progressives” for his administration.

President Wilson viewed the system of checks and balances built into the Constitution as “artificial” and “antiquated.” Belittling the “Fourth of July sentiments” of those who called for fidelity to the original mandates of the Constitution, Wilson was an advocate of what today is termed the “Living Constitution,” the view that the document's meaning must be elastic enough to change with the mores and political leanings of the times. As Wilson put it, “living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and practice,” meaning that they, like society itself, “must develop” over time. “[A]ll that progressives ask or desire,” said Wilson, “is permission – in an era when 'development,' 'evolution' is the scientific word – to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle.” To guide society along this path, said Wilson, society needed a “true leader” who could stir the passions of the masses and use them like “tools.” “Men are as clay in the hand of the consummate leader,” he said."
"Woodrow Wilson, who served as President from 1913-1921:

“The President is at liberty, both in law and in conscience, to be as big a man as he can. His capacity will set the limit; and if Congress is overborne by him, it will be no fault of the makers of the Constitution … but only because the President has the nation behind him and Congress has not.”

“Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand,” said Wilson on another occasion. Upon winning the presidency in 1912, Wilson set out to make the Democratic Party a progressive entity, an engine to transform America. Toward that end, he vowed to select “only progressives” for his administration.

President Wilson viewed the system of checks and balances built into the Constitution as “artificial” and “antiquated.” Belittling the “Fourth of July sentiments” of those who called for fidelity to the original mandates of the Constitution, Wilson was an advocate of what today is termed the “Living Constitution,” the view that the document's meaning must be elastic enough to change with the mores and political leanings of the times. As Wilson put it, “living political constitutions must be Darwinian in structure and practice,” meaning that they, like society itself, “must develop” over time. “[A]ll that progressives ask or desire,” said Wilson, “is permission – in an era when 'development,' 'evolution' is the scientific word – to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle.” To guide society along this path, said Wilson, society needed a “true leader” who could stir the passions of the masses and use them like “tools.” “Men are as clay in the hand of the consummate leader,” he said."

You'll get no argument from me in calling the "Progressive" movement of the 1970s a populist movement.

But we're talking about today, not 100 years ago.
... I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.

I hope you have had the character and comprehension to not complain about national issues since then.

I do my best not to complain about anything at all, I believe it's a waste of time.

On that same note, I nor believe that voting for the lesser of two evils gives permission to complain, either.
OP you don't understand conservatives at all, we just want the freedom to be left alone. Unfortunately the left runs amok trying to force its views on everyone else. There's no middle ground with the left its obey, comply, agree or be punished via regulations, fines, regulations, restrictions, lawsuits, propaganda, public character attacks.
OP you don't understand conservatives at all, we just want the freedom to be left alone. Unfortunately the left runs amok trying to force its views on everyone else. There's no middle ground with the left its obey, comply, agree or be punished via regulations, fines, regulations, restrictions, lawsuits, propaganda, public character attacks.

Just want the freedom to be left alone?

What about abortion?

What about same sex marriage?

What about military spending?

What about climate change?

What does any of that have to do with being left alone? It sounds more like imposing your beliefs onto others to me.
Granny says...

... possums ain't right wing...

... dey's more middle o' the road...

... dat's why so many get hit by cars...

... wait a minute, say what?

... oh, populism!

OP you don't understand conservatives at all, we just want the freedom to be left alone. Unfortunately the left runs amok trying to force its views on everyone else. There's no middle ground with the left its obey, comply, agree or be punished via regulations, fines, regulations, restrictions, lawsuits, propaganda, public character attacks.

Just want the freedom to be left alone?

What about abortion?

What about same sex marriage?

What about military spending?

What about climate change?

What does any of that have to do with being left alone? It sounds more like imposing your beliefs onto others to me.

Ah, here we have a perfect example. Gays intentionally target Christian bakeries to force them to accept their view on gay marriage. This conflicts with the Christian bakery owner's religious beliefs so they refuse to obey. Instead of walking down the street and buying a cake elsewhere the gays sue the crap out of the Christian bakery for refusing to obey, they try to destroy them financially, and launch personal attacks in the left media. Thanks!
OP you don't understand conservatives at all, we just want the freedom to be left alone. Unfortunately the left runs amok trying to force its views on everyone else. There's no middle ground with the left its obey, comply, agree or be punished via regulations, fines, regulations, restrictions, lawsuits, propaganda, public character attacks.

Just want the freedom to be left alone?

What about abortion?

What about same sex marriage?

What about military spending?

What about climate change?

What does any of that have to do with being left alone? It sounds more like imposing your beliefs onto others to me.

WTF does climate change and military spending have to do with being left alone?
OP you don't understand conservatives at all, we just want the freedom to be left alone. Unfortunately the left runs amok trying to force its views on everyone else. There's no middle ground with the left its obey, comply, agree or be punished via regulations, fines, regulations, restrictions, lawsuits, propaganda, public character attacks.

Just want the freedom to be left alone?

What about abortion?

What about same sex marriage?

What about military spending?

What about climate change?

What does any of that have to do with being left alone? It sounds more like imposing your beliefs onto others to me.

WTF does climate change and military spending have to do with being left alone?

My point exactly
OP you don't understand conservatives at all, we just want the freedom to be left alone. Unfortunately the left runs amok trying to force its views on everyone else. There's no middle ground with the left its obey, comply, agree or be punished via regulations, fines, regulations, restrictions, lawsuits, propaganda, public character attacks.

Just want the freedom to be left alone?

What about abortion?

What about same sex marriage?

What about military spending?

What about climate change?

What does any of that have to do with being left alone? It sounds more like imposing your beliefs onto others to me.

Ah, here we have a perfect example. Gays intentionally target Christian bakeries to force them to accept their view on gay marriage. This conflicts with the Christian bakery owner's religious beliefs so they refuse to obey. Instead of walking down the street and buying a cake elsewhere the gays sue the crap out of the Christian bakery for refusing to obey, they try to destroy them financially, and launch personal attacks in the left media. Thanks!

Do you think that arguing how the evil gay boogeyman conspiracy is persecuting and oppressing "the people" is a refutation of my argument about the rise of right wing populism?
It's funny that you think I'm a "hardcore partisan".
Well, your posts might something to do with it.

And by your posts, it would appear that all you think about on a daily basis is the boogeyman of "political correctness".

As far as I'm concerned, the American left is as bad as the American right, and I haven't voted in a national election since 2000.
I'll believe that when I see you laying into lefties a few times.

No hurry.

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