Right-Wing Protester Killed In Portland After Democrat Mayor Refused Federal Help. Antifa Cele

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Now you can prove that the killer was a Democrat

Yep, Democrats own the protestors, anarchists, and rioters....They are the base of your unhinged, mentally ill ilk.

Isn't it great living in Trump's America?
See what having police does for a community?

I'd like you to live in an area without police....But for all of those lying liberals in here that try to argue that y'all are not calling for the abolishment of police, I want you to read Moon's words right here...That is exactly what is being called for.
^^See what not having a brain does for yous. I am but one person who doesn't need or want cops that is correct. I have never needed them nor will I ever need them I can take care of myself. People like you love the establishment and the subjugation which comes with it.

Well, good for you, are you an island? What a stupid way to go through life...Thinking that everyone should be just like you, think just like you, act just like you....What a joke...

A civilized society needs the rule of law. And in that course, needs a policing force to enforce the law. Otherwise there is anarchy. Which you may wish for.
I can't help it if you faun over your oppressors and enjoying having your civil rights violated . I can't help it if you are weak and a keyboard hero. I live out in the country where there is no time for cops to arrive before I have already dealt with the situation, when I lived in town you couldn't trust the cops to do their job. So I took care of it for thm. People get to know you and if you stand up for yourself they leave you alone. Society does need civilized law but don't expect a cop to be fair about since they are biased. This nation existed longer without cops than we have with and we made it just fine when we had none.

I call bull shit....That's a nice story, tell it to readers digest...Bottom line is that we live in a society where law enforcement is needed...Now if you want to live in a society where everyone has to carry a gun to defend themselves, like the wild west, with our problems today, I say have at it...But, I don't think you're going to like it...
Law enforcement is not able to solve crime efficiently nor do they stop crime, they can't defeat a plant...They are an abject failure and a waste of money.

lol....That’s so ridiculous it’s funny...
Yep, when you have 600 Trumpanzees in a caravan begging for trouble by confronting and firing paintballs at BLM protesters, bad things happen.


So, a paintball equals a bullet to the head in your mind? Sick.
This is all good in the long term as this is all a precursor to killing off America’s worse enemy...the filthy fucked on the head Left. Unfortunately people will have to die. Like Kyle Rittenhouse Aaron Danielson is a true American Patriot.

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