Right-Wing Protester Killed In Portland After Democrat Mayor Refused Federal Help. Antifa Cele

Video captures deadly shooting of man in Patriot Prayer cap during Portland protests

30 Aug 2020 ~~ By Elizabeth Rosner and Lee Brown

Shocking video captured the moment a man in a right-wing Patriot Prayer cap was shot dead in Portland after a day of violent clashes between President Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters.
Videographer Justin Dunlap was filming live late Saturday, casually noting new artwork on buildings as most of the day’s violence appeared to have ended when he suddenly turned toward shouting.
Two gunshots then rang out, a cloud of smoke appearing to show the gunman standing just a few feet in front of his target.
As a group of about a half-dozen shouted and fled, one of the other men started walking away — collapsing on the ground after a few steps, a panicked driver skidding to a halt just feet in front of him.

Still not a word from Mayor Ted Wheeler, or the governor of Oregon condemning the shooting let alone the violence. Guess Teddy is more concerned about where he lives since the anarchist terrorists demonstrated in his apartment house.
The victim was not a threat at the time he was shot. The shooting was deliberate and premeditated.
The time of anarchism and the of use the insurrection act has long past. The pearl clutcher's will soon be here to bleat like sheep that if the mean Orange man uses troops he will lose the election because Karen’s will be turned off or afraid or some other master level cuckold. We are never NEVER going to change those Karen’s votes it’s a lost cause to chase them. Lets get this over with. Only force is going to end the insurrection before it spills from skirmishes into all out civil conflict.
Irritating that The Post did not pay for rights to show the video. I absolutely will not take up Facebook again, ever. :mad::mad::mad:
4Chan Users Appear to Have Identified Portland Rioter Who Shot and Killed Trump Supporter

30 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The anonymous message board 4chan may have, once again, beat the media to identifying a violent rioter.
On Saturday night, a Portland Black Lives Matter militant shot and killed a member of the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer.​
Within minutes of the shooting, 4chan users got to work, and within hours… they had a name.
The face of the Portland murderer has already been found. He has a large BLM tattoo on his neck. pic.twitter.com/UiEw3zS525
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) August 30, 2020
he message board quickly claimed that the shooter is Michael Reinoehl, 48, of Portland.
The murder suspect has been identified as snowboard instructor Michael Reinoehl, from Oregon.​
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) August 30, 2020

This shooting of a Patriot for Pray man was not a case of self defense, but a callous assassination. Michael Reinoehl shout be hunted down, arrested, tried and brought to justice....

We have a right winger right here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Were there arrests made? If not, how to determine their political affiliation? Very often, these demonstrations are infiltrated by trouble-makers.
wrong----the violence is SUPPORTED by the peaceful ones
When did the trump supporters go to Oregon? Outsiders cause problems and you don't know if peaceful demonstrators supported violence. I don't like mass demonstrations of any kind no matter who does or does not support them, because of these results when they get out of hand.

We have a right winger right here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Were there arrests made? If not, how to determine their political affiliation? Very often, these demonstrations are infiltrated by trouble-makers.
Because they screamed we have a trumper here , very clear what their party affiliation is
What were trump supporters doing there, except to incite a frenzy, yes?
Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense in Kenosha. What happened tonight in Portland was the cold blooded murder of a Trump supporter by extremists who appeared to be on the hunt for Trump supporters.
CARRY CARRY CARRY be quick on the draw. We are the last line of defense on this country’s culture
Self-defense is walking around with an AR15? Nah, he was looking for trouble and what is a 17-year-old doing there anyway with or without a weapon?
The privileged need to stop saying there are privileged without giving anything up of theirs. There are a growing amount of people who if suffering expands will come and take their privilege from them.
They think this is that cowardly shitstain. Don't have a name yet, but names aren't important when it's hunted down and run thru a woodchipper..... feet first. It looks malnourished and I've got $1000 that says it's a felon.... probably a boy toucher.

Let's find this animal.


Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense in Kenosha. What happened tonight in Portland was the cold blooded murder of a Trump supporter by extremists who appeared to be on the hunt for Trump supporters.
CARRY CARRY CARRY be quick on the draw. We are the last line of defense on this country’s culture
We are all Kyle Rittenhouse now.
Did not Kyle kill a white dude?

We have a right winger right here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Were there arrests made? If not, how to determine their political affiliation? Very often, these demonstrations are infiltrated by trouble-makers.
Because they screamed we have a trumper here , very clear what their party affiliation is
What were trump supporters doing there, except to incite a frenzy, yes?
Protesting it’s in the constitution

We have a right winger right here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Were there arrests made? If not, how to determine their political affiliation? Very often, these demonstrations are infiltrated by trouble-makers.
Because they screamed we have a trumper here , very clear what their party affiliation is
What were trump supporters doing there, except to incite a frenzy, yes?
Protesting it’s in the constitution

They weren’t supposed to be there apparently. They were suppose to conduct their protest in a different part of Portland but they forced their way into the downtown area in order to confront the protestors.

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