Right-Wing Protester Killed In Portland After Democrat Mayor Refused Federal Help. Antifa Cele

THIS is why Kyle was 100% justified to shoot when attacked. No reason to take a beating and WONDER if you have to die today for Biden supporter

I watched part of Meet The Press this morning, but turned it off when F. Chuck Todd referred to the minor child as a "vigilante". What a load of shit, what spin. Little Kyle was just minding his own business when HE was attacked by a liberal paedophile. This is why the media is so impotent to boost up their hero, Sleepy Joe, no credibility due to their incredible lying.

MSNBC also referred to the 100+ pickups in Portland full of counter protestors this morning erroneously as white supremacists.
The Dimm captured media is inciting a race war on top of everything else!

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Where is the FBI hate crime investigation? Where are the protests and rioting? When will the retaliation begin? Isn't this what everyone is being inextricably forced into, a civil war? Apparently someone wants this, but just what are they fighting over, who wins an election? Let's be careful not to get our marionette strings tangled.

Who would have ever guessed that America was so weak that all it would take to tip us over the edge is a shortage of toilet paper while our real enemies laugh at us?

The real enemies who hate American way of life are already imported among us, teaching others their hate of American way of life as well.

It did not take the lack of toilet paper, but millions upon millions of invaders and anti-Americans. They want to have nothing to do with freedom, first world or western society.
THIS is why Kyle was 100% justified to shoot when attacked. No reason to take a beating and WONDER if you have to die today for Biden supporter

I watched part of Meet The Press this morning, but turned it off when F. Chuck Todd referred to the minor child as a "vigilante". What a load of shit, what spin. Little Kyle was just minding his own business when HE was attacked by a liberal paedophile. This is why the media is so impotent to boost up their hero, Sleepy Joe, no credibility due to their incredible lying.

MSNBC also referred to the 100+ pickups in Portland full of counter protestors this morning erroneously as white supremacists.
The Dimm captured media is inciting a race war on top of everything else!

I turned off the program before they got to that whopper.

We have a trumper here they scream! As the coward kills a patriot in Portland.

the coward actions of this democrat is going to have repercussions.
the man was just walking down the street and was killed.
Where is the FBI hate crime investigation? Where are the protests and rioting? When will the retaliation begin? Isn't this what everyone is being inextricably forced into, a civil war? Apparently someone wants this, but just what are they fighting over, who wins an election? Let's be careful not to get our marionette strings tangled.

Who would have ever guessed that America was so weak that all it would take to tip us over the edge is a shortage of toilet paper while our real enemies laugh at us?

The real enemies who hate American way of life are already imported among us, teaching others their hate of American way of life as well.

It did not take the lack of toilet paper, but millions upon millions of invaders and anti-Americans. They want to have nothing to do with freedom, first world or western society.

So, the country is full of enemies, spies, adversaries. Could be up to 30 million of them!
Some situations may not be worth it. Unless you have massive firepower to defend and beat the enemy. In this situation you are dealing with a Tetrahydron of powers. You have the rioters, the police standing down and the local politicians cheering the rioters on. That is a recipe for disaster or can be if you go into their lair without planning.
THIS is why Kyle was 100% justified to shoot when attacked. No reason to take a beating and WONDER if you have to die today for Biden supporter

I watched part of Meet The Press this morning, but turned it off when F. Chuck Todd referred to the minor child as a "vigilante". What a load of shit, what spin. Little Kyle was just minding his own business when HE was attacked by a liberal paedophile. This is why the media is so impotent to boost up their hero, Sleepy Joe, no credibility due to their incredible lying.

MSNBC also referred to the 100+ pickups in Portland full of counter protestors this morning erroneously as white supremacists.
The Dimm captured media is inciting a race war on top of everything else!

I turned off the program before they got to that whopper.

This is one of their major false narratives.
Ted Wheeler's letter that cost this man his life. Will the People throw him out?

That is why we need to be armed nowadays. Like Kyle.

As long as we have Communist and BLM terrorism we need to protect ourselves. The Democrats have neutered the police from helping us.

I have a carry permit but very seldom bother to carry. However, with all the Left Wing terrorism going on nowadays I take a weapon every time I leave the house.
Ted Wheeler's letter that cost this man his life. Will the People throw him out?


Probably not, DA. Mayor Wheeler is being challenged this fall, but the other contestant is running to his left. The letter was probably not retarded enough for the people of Portland.
Video captures deadly shooting of man in Patriot Prayer cap during Portland protests

30 Aug 2020 ~~ By Elizabeth Rosner and Lee Brown

Shocking video captured the moment a man in a right-wing Patriot Prayer cap was shot dead in Portland after a day of violent clashes between President Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters.
Videographer Justin Dunlap was filming live late Saturday, casually noting new artwork on buildings as most of the day’s violence appeared to have ended when he suddenly turned toward shouting.
Two gunshots then rang out, a cloud of smoke appearing to show the gunman standing just a few feet in front of his target.
As a group of about a half-dozen shouted and fled, one of the other men started walking away — collapsing on the ground after a few steps, a panicked driver skidding to a halt just feet in front of him.

Still not a word from Mayor Ted Wheeler, or the governor of Oregon condemning the shooting let alone the violence. Guess Teddy is more concerned about where he lives since the anarchist terrorists demonstrated in his apartment house.
The victim was not a threat at the time he was shot. The shooting was deliberate and premeditated.
The time of anarchism and the of use the insurrection act has long past. The pearl clutcher's will soon be here to bleat like sheep that if the mean Orange man uses troops he will lose the election because Karen’s will be turned off or afraid or some other master level cuckold. We are never NEVER going to change those Karen’s votes it’s a lost cause to chase them. Lets get this over with. Only force is going to end the insurrection before it spills from skirmishes into all out civil conflict.
Yep, when you have 600 Trumpanzees in a caravan begging for trouble by confronting and firing paintballs at BLM protesters, bad things happen.


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