right wing terrorism

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The Rtwingers brought ARs to the Protests and there were shots fired. No on really knows if the Kid actually fired any rounds before the crowd decided to disarm him. Yes, at that point he did fired shots, killing 2 and wounding others. The fact the Armed Rightwing Militias had already started to fire mean that anyone carrying an AR had to be disarmed to save lives. Even during the clip, you could hear shots being fired in the background. Shots fired by the Rtwingnutjobs.
First he was physically accosted and attacked by the convicted pederast, then assaulted with a skateboard ( a go-to weapon of pantfa goons) by another violent criminal, then he defended himself when a commie "medic" pulled a pistol on him.

You're sooooo full of shit.
Go suck a bag of dicks parasite. Those pieces of shit deserved to die. They attacked a kid with a gun, which is just fucking idiotic to begin with, but the kid is there protecting other people's property from low life parasites like you.

Don't want to get shot? Stop destroying shit.

Jabbering fucking imbecile.

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What the hell was a minor packing an AR-15 in the first place. And he opened up innocent people that were NOT rioting nor looting. It was wholesale murder. But since it was done by one of your Rtwingers, Murder is okay.

Your expectation that people will let the mob rule, unopposed, was wrong.

These people died, because they were people like you, who thought that they could bully people without fear.
Exactly those three idiots have to win the Darwin award of the year, especially the guy who pulled out a hand gun and got his forearm shot off..

Way to funny..
A 17 y/o assault weapon swinging, right wing terrorist murdering people at will in WI, is the last installment in a long series of criminal acts emboldened by trump. In a country with already the largest number of serial killers and mass murderers in the world, the last thing we needed was a leader that inspired hate crimes like trump does. Since taking office, he has inspired massacres in Pittsburg, El Paso, Charlottesville, etc. The choice is clear, we need law and order back, and not until this crazy maniac leaves will we get back to a sane world...
Self-defense is murder to you fucking clowns. Unbelievable.

I hope more of real Americans defend themselves against the BLM/antifa terrorists.
Go suck a bag of dicks parasite. Those pieces of shit deserved to die. They attacked a kid with a gun, which is just fucking idiotic to begin with, but the kid is there protecting other people's property from low life parasites like you.

Don't want to get shot? Stop destroying shit.

Jabbering fucking imbecile.

Go Fuck Yourself GIF | Gfycat


What the hell was a minor packing an AR-15 in the first place. And he opened up innocent people that were NOT rioting nor looting. It was wholesale murder. But since it was done by one of your Rtwingers, Murder is okay.
He opened up on people who were violently attacking him, dumbass.

Play stupid violent commie games, with stupid prizes.

Is that why he's charged with 1st degree murder? Guess the Cops just have it in for him.

Murder one will never stick.

Never heard of overcharging, have you?

Oh, he will probably go for a lesser charge. But he's going to be charged as an adult and get at least a 10 years prison sentence. 1st degree Manslaughter will probably be the accepted sentence.
Is this a joke? Lol
Go suck a bag of dicks parasite. Those pieces of shit deserved to die. They attacked a kid with a gun, which is just fucking idiotic to begin with, but the kid is there protecting other people's property from low life parasites like you.

Don't want to get shot? Stop destroying shit.

Jabbering fucking imbecile.

Go Fuck Yourself GIF | Gfycat


What the hell was a minor packing an AR-15 in the first place. And he opened up innocent people that were NOT rioting nor looting. It was wholesale murder. But since it was done by one of your Rtwingers, Murder is okay.
Lol did you see the picture all over the internet?

The kid blew off the forearm of a guy holding a handgun at him

Care to share what you claim? Not just the pic but the background and source.
Go suck a bag of dicks parasite. Those pieces of shit deserved to die. They attacked a kid with a gun, which is just fucking idiotic to begin with, but the kid is there protecting other people's property from low life parasites like you.

Don't want to get shot? Stop destroying shit.

Jabbering fucking imbecile.

Go Fuck Yourself GIF | Gfycat


What the hell was a minor packing an AR-15 in the first place. And he opened up innocent people that were NOT rioting nor looting. It was wholesale murder. But since it was done by one of your Rtwingers, Murder is okay.
Who told you that? The DNC media?

He was defending himself as is his right under the Constitution.
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