Right wing: Trump can and should fire anyone at anytime for any reason he likes. Also right wing:

Being able to fire and hire for any reason is the way it works in at will work states, isn't it?
I believe so, yes. Fascism?

No, an employer has the right to pick who he wants to employ. The prospective candidate also has the same right to turn down or leave who he works for. My wife went to work for a company and after two days she resigned because she didn't care for the way they did business. I have let people go because they did not get the hang of the job after a month. It's business, the employee and employer have an agreement. It is not fascism.
Being able to fire and hire for any reason is the way it works in at will work states, isn't it?
I believe so, yes. Fascism?

No, an employer has the right to pick who he wants to employ. The prospective candidate also has the same right to turn down or leave who he works for. My wife went to work for a company and after two days she resigned because she didn't care for the way they did business. I have let people go because they did not get the hang of the job after a month. It's business, the employee and employer have an agreement. It is not fascism.
I tend to agree.

And if the market for my product were, essentially, a popularity contest that relied in part on the popularity of my representatives, i may have to take issue with one of them publicly broadcasting, worldwide, deadly lies about the election and the pandemic.

Oh...and comparing exactly this type of firing to the fascism and genocide of the Third Reich.
Being able to fire and hire for any reason is the way it works in at will work states, isn't it?
I believe so, yes. Fascism?

No, an employer has the right to pick who he wants to employ. The prospective candidate also has the same right to turn down or leave who he works for. My wife went to work for a company and after two days she resigned because she didn't care for the way they did business. I have let people go because they did not get the hang of the job after a month. It's business, the employee and employer have an agreement. It is not fascism.
I tend to agree.

Let's write this down as a first. :cool:
Being able to fire and hire for any reason is the way it works in at will work states, isn't it?
I believe so, yes. Fascism?

No, an employer has the right to pick who he wants to employ. The prospective candidate also has the same right to turn down or leave who he works for. My wife went to work for a company and after two days she resigned because she didn't care for the way they did business. I have let people go because they did not get the hang of the job after a month. It's business, the employee and employer have an agreement. It is not fascism.
I tend to agree.

Let's write this down as a first. :cool:
Of many...
...This is fascism, to fire someone for broadcasting an idea to the entire world!

Help us understand how these two ideas exist in the same universe.

Trump firing his head of election security for saying the election was secure: Trump fires agency head who vouched for 2020 vote security

Carano getting fired for comparing herself to a Jew during the Third Reich, and other assorted fumbduckery: Gina Carano fired from The Mandalorian after 'abhorrent' social media posts
Get better soon. :itsok:
...This is fascism, to fire someone for broadcasting an idea to the entire world!

Help us understand how these two ideas exist in the same universe.

Trump firing his head of election security for saying the election was secure: Trump fires agency head who vouched for 2020 vote security

Carano getting fired for comparing herself to a Jew during the Third Reich, and other assorted fumbduckery: Gina Carano fired from The Mandalorian after 'abhorrent' social media posts
Get better soon. :itsok:
Hey look, there's one now. I started this thread fully expecting the people of which i speak not to try to grapple with these conflicting ideas they cling to. Frankly, these aren't the most articulate, thoughtful people (see above). I have no delusions that any of them have the intellectual fortitude for it. I am more expecting commentary from right wingers that don't see the Carano firing (et. Al.) as fascism. Which is what has happened so far. And it warms the heart. :)
You lost me. I fail to see anything "conservative" about the Twitter posts of Gina Carano that are in question. I fail to see what is "political" on the liberal/conservative spectrum about spreading dangerous lies about the pandemic or the election. And i imagine quite a few conservative Jews were not so happy with her latest offering.

Why should Lucasfilm give a rats ass what you fail to see ... they have a business, and Gina Carano's public statements don't fit with the business model ... her problem, actresses like her are a dime a dozen ...

Yes ... Mr Indiana ... we are responsible for what we say in public ... you and Gina just learned a harsh lesson ...
Why should Lucasfilm give a rats ass what you fail to see ...
I was talking to you, not to Lucasfilm. It was you who implied this was done to cater to liberals. I imagine there are some conservative Jews who weren't so pleased with her comments, either.

Yes ... Mr Indiana ... we are responsible for what we say in public ... you and Gina just learned a harsh lesson ...
Since i already stated as much earlier in the thread, you might have learned that from me.
Last edited:
...This is fascism, to fire someone for broadcasting an idea to the entire world!

Help us understand how these two odeas exist in the same universe.

Trump firing his head of election security for saying the election was secure: Trump fires agency head who vouched for 2020 vote security

Carano getting fired for comparing herself to a Jew during the Third Reich:
#1) As a boss one may fire anyone for any reasons unless that person has a contract.

#2) That is not exactly what Carano did. I have an entire thread dedicated to this.

At least you are consistent. Dishonest to a fault.

Despite the hate we feel for the piece of shit trump, we miss him, he has been the butt of every joke for years, the source of our laughter. We are left with deranged cult followers like you to cover for the vacuum left by the pussygrabber. Now we have a serious man at the helm in President Biden, things are good and calm but a little boring, we need people to laugh at...

It is cowardice.
I agree 100%, Trump is a mewling coward that folds like a cheap suit at the slightest sign of adversity or dissent. But that doesn't make his actions fascist. So we agree again.
What happened to Carano is cowardice. Trump became famous for firing people. He is the CEO type. Don’t drink and post.
...This is fascism, to fire someone for broadcasting an idea to the entire world!

Help us understand how these two odeas exist in the same universe.

Trump firing his head of election security for saying the election was secure: Trump fires agency head who vouched for 2020 vote security

Carano getting fired for comparing herself to a Jew during the Third Reich:
#1) As a boss one may fire anyone for any reasons unless that person has a contract.

#2) That is not exactly what Carano did. I have an entire thread dedicated to this.

At least you are consistent. Dishonest to a fault.

Despite the hate we feel for the piece of shit trump, we miss him, he has been the butt of every joke for years, the source of our laughter. We are left with deranged cult followers like you to cover for the vacuum left by the pussygrabber. Now we have a serious man at the helm in President Biden, things are good and calm but a little boring, we need people to laugh at...

View attachment 455982
A smart person never ends a sentence in a preposition, Al. You live in the Boston area do you not? Our education system is very impressive but it somehow bypassed you.
When did I say it was Fascism?
You didn't. I noted that in literally my first response to you. And then also in my second response to you. I believe you read them.
So then why do you keep bringing it up to me?
As part of discussion. It's on topic.
What discussion? Not our discussion. I am very Libertarian in my views. Meaning if you want to open a restaurant that bans Jews, I believe you should be allowed to. I ll just eat elsewhere. So anyone may fire anyone so long as it’s legal as in it doesn’t break a contract. Hopefully this is clear.

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