Right-Winger In Germany Runs Car Over Muslim Immigrants -- Terrorism? Or Patriotism?

But of course!!!

Nice to have the rights and wrongs in the world all figured out your way, isn't it?

Some people do lose it (unjustified, granted) when the attacks and hatred and crimes against us "infidels" mount day after day. This is the unfortunate result of that, i.e., some do go over the deep end. Is that the same excuse we can make for angry Muslims in Europe who mount massive killings time and again?

"Time and again". Quaint phrase innit.

Here's some time and again for ya.

>> So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.

We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.

Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.

Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks. These Jewish terrorists attacked Palestinian civilians causing physical injuries to 93 of them and also vandalized scores of mosques and Christian churches. << --- Are All Terrorists Muslims? It's Not Even Close
And of course specific to the US we've been noting this for literally years: All Terrorists are Muslim -- Except for the 94% that Aren't

So why the fake news impressions? One answer is 9/11, or as Rump calls it, "Seven Eleven". The other is back in the first link:

>> But our media simply do not cover the non-Muslim terror attacks with same gusto. Why? It’s a business decision. Stories about scary “others” play better. It’s a story that can simply be framed as good versus evil with Americans being the good guy and the brown Muslim as the bad.

Honestly, when is the last time we heard the media refer to those who attack abortion clinics as “Christian terrorists,” even though these attacks occur at one of every five reproductive health-care facilities? That doesn’t sell as well. After all we are a so-called Christian nation, so that would require us to look at the enemy within our country, and that makes many uncomfortable. Or worse, it makes them change the channel.

That’s the same reason we don’t see many stories about how to reduce the 30 Americans killed each day by gun violence or the three women per day killed by domestic violence. But the media will have on expert after expert discussing how can we stop these scary brown Muslims from killing any more Americans despite the fact you actually have a better chance of being killed by a refrigerator falling on you.

... In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun. <<

And yet --- we have wags walking among us, here in this thread, who buy the whole media manipulation game hook, line and sinker.

If that is how you render justice, then feel exonerated. I will not exchange accounts with you to present my case why yours is lame. Islamic aggression on humanity has been a terror since the 7th century. Count the thousands of battles they have been engaged in. See how nations were conquered and then many converted by the sword or completely oppressed in countless ways. Then when they come to Europe I am not looking for a body count, although if you go to List of Islamic Terror Attacks in Europe you can see all of attacks of violence where some or many were murdered by unwarranted crazed attacks zealots in the name of Allah, muhammad or the Koran. Many more than we read about.

But the point is mostly this; Europe lives in fear because of Islamic anger and intolerance in their midst. Women live in fear in many places because of the liberties Islamic men take. There have been enough major mass explosions and attacks where nothing can any longer be taken for granted. We do not live like that in the USA in fear of right wing extremist cells. We do not feel their hate in their presence or their verbage. There is no comparison to the size of the menace or threat between the two.
Despite several terrorist attacks people in Europe do not live in fear. Terror attacks have been a sad part of our lives since the 60s.
And yet despite this Europe is a lot safer than the US. A hell of a lot safer. Perhaps you should visit and stop parroting shite.
Tommy we both know it's a waste of time. They don't want facts or knowledge. That would make them actually reflect on their core beliefs. Best to put your head in the sand. Interesting factoid. History Majors Are Becoming a Thing of the Past, Except in the Ivy League
Deadly violence against innocent people designed to both kill and make a statement.

Yeah, sounds like terrorism to me.
I don't think violence is the answer with any situation beyond self defense of your life, so this guy was WRONG.

Germany, and some other European countries for whatever reason has created this problem by bringing in Muslim refugees en masse. This is destabilizing countries, or at least portions of countries.

Why European leaders decided this was a good idea escapes me. They have created the potential for violence, and unrest. That is not why the German people elected their leaders. They are supposed to help create an environment of safety and security for their citizens, not the opposite.
The guy is a cowardly murder, his victims are mostly women and young children, a needle would be good for him
That is a common belief. Which is odd considering 3/4 of terrorist attacks in this country come from right wingers.
If right wingers used all that energy they use to power their hate, and instead used it for something positive like education, they could make their lives better and help the country.
The only way you loons can make that assumption is by ignoring 9/11 and mislabeling other attacks.

Once again ---- scroll up to post 71.
The majority of your post is about Europe of which my post did not mention once and you are still ignoring the 2977 that died on 9/11 I'm betting like other loons you believe attacks like Hood was work place violence.

Personally ,if you attack and kill people because ideological reasons you and any group association are terrorist and should be wiped off the face of the earth. Last you do know that Muslim is not a race
That is a common belief. Which is odd considering 3/4 of terrorist attacks in this country come from right wingers.
If right wingers used all that energy they use to power their hate, and instead used it for something positive like education, they could make their lives better and help the country.
3/4 my ass.
If Germans want to change something they shall vote for AFD and not open terror against innocent people with a 'wrong' skin color.
But Germans are too dumb and continue to vote for the united communists of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts.
Only after AFD riches more as 50% it can chage something.


The Stupid German Michel
A crisis, which crisis, Beer is still cheap and Football OK

Tit for tat?
Yes, a surprising twist on the usual. news of people being run over by Muslims.
The guy said he was inspired by another "white guy" who ran over and killed people in another part of Germany in the past --- but that guy was mentally ill, so that makes it not so bad

The stupid guy can only inspire German Stasi ( Verfassungsschutz ) to prohibit AFD and throw all true German patriots in dirt. He is insane and probably paid by lefts to discredit Anti-Merkel movement.
But of course!!!

Nice to have the rights and wrongs in the world all figured out your way, isn't it?

Some people do lose it (unjustified, granted) when the attacks and hatred and crimes against us "infidels" mount day after day. This is the unfortunate result of that, i.e., some do go over the deep end. Is that the same excuse we can make for angry Muslims in Europe who mount massive killings time and again?

"Time and again". Quaint phrase innit.

Here's some time and again for ya.

>> So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.

We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.

Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.

Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks. These Jewish terrorists attacked Palestinian civilians causing physical injuries to 93 of them and also vandalized scores of mosques and Christian churches. << --- Are All Terrorists Muslims? It's Not Even Close
And of course specific to the US we've been noting this for literally years: All Terrorists are Muslim -- Except for the 94% that Aren't

So why the fake news impressions? One answer is 9/11, or as Rump calls it, "Seven Eleven". The other is back in the first link:

>> But our media simply do not cover the non-Muslim terror attacks with same gusto. Why? It’s a business decision. Stories about scary “others” play better. It’s a story that can simply be framed as good versus evil with Americans being the good guy and the brown Muslim as the bad.

Honestly, when is the last time we heard the media refer to those who attack abortion clinics as “Christian terrorists,” even though these attacks occur at one of every five reproductive health-care facilities? That doesn’t sell as well. After all we are a so-called Christian nation, so that would require us to look at the enemy within our country, and that makes many uncomfortable. Or worse, it makes them change the channel.

That’s the same reason we don’t see many stories about how to reduce the 30 Americans killed each day by gun violence or the three women per day killed by domestic violence. But the media will have on expert after expert discussing how can we stop these scary brown Muslims from killing any more Americans despite the fact you actually have a better chance of being killed by a refrigerator falling on you.

... In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun. <<

And yet --- we have wags walking among us, here in this thread, who buy the whole media manipulation game hook, line and sinker.

If that is how you render justice, then feel exonerated. I will not exchange accounts with you to present my case why yours is lame. Islamic aggression on humanity has been a terror since the 7th century. Count the thousands of battles they have been engaged in. See how nations were conquered and then many converted by the sword or completely oppressed in countless ways. Then when they come to Europe I am not looking for a body count, although if you go to List of Islamic Terror Attacks in Europe you can see all of attacks of violence where some or many were murdered by unwarranted crazed attacks zealots in the name of Allah, muhammad or the Koran. Many more than we read about.

But the point is mostly this; Europe lives in fear because of Islamic anger and intolerance in their midst. Women live in fear in many places because of the liberties Islamic men take. There have been enough major mass explosions and attacks where nothing can any longer be taken for granted. We do not live like that in the USA in fear of right wing extremist cells. We do not feel their hate in their presence or their verbage. There is no comparison to the size of the menace or threat between the two.
Despite several terrorist attacks people in Europe do not live in fear. Terror attacks have been a sad part of our lives since the 60s.
And yet despite this Europe is a lot safer than the US. A hell of a lot safer. Perhaps you should visit and stop parroting shite.
Tommy we both know it's a waste of time. They don't want facts or knowledge. That would make them actually reflect on their core beliefs. Best to put your head in the sand. Interesting factoid. History Majors Are Becoming a Thing of the Past, Except in the Ivy League
Its a bit depressing. Germany as a country is many times safer than the US.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
As you say facts are like kryptonite to these dickheads. I dont think that they could point to Germany on a map and yet they are experts on the state of that nation.
I dont believe they are interested in it anyway.

Its a projection of their fears for America. Immigration is a big issue and so they look around the world for examples of where immigration has not worked out. Any example will do, doesnt even have to be true. People who get their world view from Fox or Gateway Pundit or Jihad Watch are unlikely to question anything at all.
Attack in which German driver mowed down migrants being treated as terrorism

So a couple of days ago, a 50 year old German guy who goes by the name of Andreas N.; deliberately drove his car into migrants celebrating the New Year -- unfortunately for Andreas, no one was killed; fortunately for the rest of the civilized world, no one was killed.

There is video of the guy initially trying to run over one single muslim, but when that person escaped -- the driver then crashed his car into a crowd of muslims in order to protect freedom or something. From the article:

He later fled back to his home city of Essen, where he again attempted to run down pedestrians before being apprehended by police. He told officers under questioning that he had deliberately targeted foreigners.

“Speaking cautiously, he appears to be some one who has developed a hatred of foreigners from personal unhappiness and dislike,” Herbert Reul, the regional interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia said. “This man had a clear intention to kill foreigners.”

Now some people are having a bit of an issue with this being called a terrorist attack; in fact, since it is a common belief around the world that Muslim immigrants are most likely the ones to commit terrorist attacks; any attempts to kill them should be seen as patriotic and necessary for protecting the country from foreign threat -- which is usually just shit xenophobic racists tell themselves to feel better about being xenophobic racists..
Where is the poll? Patriotism...
Attack in which German driver mowed down migrants being treated as terrorism

So a couple of days ago, a 50 year old German guy who goes by the name of Andreas N.; deliberately drove his car into migrants celebrating the New Year -- unfortunately for Andreas, no one was killed; fortunately for the rest of the civilized world, no one was killed.

There is video of the guy initially trying to run over one single muslim, but when that person escaped -- the driver then crashed his car into a crowd of muslims in order to protect freedom or something. From the article:

He later fled back to his home city of Essen, where he again attempted to run down pedestrians before being apprehended by police. He told officers under questioning that he had deliberately targeted foreigners.

“Speaking cautiously, he appears to be some one who has developed a hatred of foreigners from personal unhappiness and dislike,” Herbert Reul, the regional interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia said. “This man had a clear intention to kill foreigners.”

Now some people are having a bit of an issue with this being called a terrorist attack; in fact, since it is a common belief around the world that Muslim immigrants are most likely the ones to commit terrorist attacks; any attempts to kill them should be seen as patriotic and necessary for protecting the country from foreign threat -- which is usually just shit xenophobic racists tell themselves to feel better about being xenophobic racists..
You can only push people so far-that's how Trump got elected. Expect to see more of this everywhere until the Muslims are adopted by their countries. The rabid ravings of the new looney in Congress does NOT help anyone-pipe down sister, you have a long way to go.
So you believe if a group of people feel they have been pushed, that it is ok for them to try to murder innocent people?

It seems like this "we've been pushed" defense only works for the segment of society that has always been in power, not for those "pushed" people who have always been "pushed" people
They weren't always pushed. They got pushed when They pushed themselves into a place They werent welcome. They are invaders who could have avoided the whole mess by staying where they belonged. Oh well... All's well, that ends well...
Last edited:
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.

uh HUH.


So you like cheerleading in that case? Lefties like that attack so they can call all righties terrorists.
Tit for tat?
And here come the cheerleaders.

It’s not cheerleading. It’s pointing out that when you fuck with society, bad things will happen. Importing Islamic third world trash has resulted in many innocent Westerners getting murdered. That’s going to rightfully piss a lot of people off, and some will retaliate. This could had all been prevented with common sense measures, like deporting Islamic filth.

uh HUH.


So you like cheerleading in that case? Lefties like that attack so they can call all righties terrorists.

Plywood posts for effect, it's lost when people ignore the dyke.
Nice to have the rights and wrongs in the world all figured out your way, isn't it?

Some people do lose it (unjustified, granted) when the attacks and hatred and crimes against us "infidels" mount day after day. This is the unfortunate result of that, i.e., some do go over the deep end. Is that the same excuse we can make for angry Muslims in Europe who mount massive killings time and again?

"Time and again". Quaint phrase innit.

Here's some time and again for ya.

>> So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.

We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.

Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.

Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks. These Jewish terrorists attacked Palestinian civilians causing physical injuries to 93 of them and also vandalized scores of mosques and Christian churches. << --- Are All Terrorists Muslims? It's Not Even Close
And of course specific to the US we've been noting this for literally years: All Terrorists are Muslim -- Except for the 94% that Aren't

So why the fake news impressions? One answer is 9/11, or as Rump calls it, "Seven Eleven". The other is back in the first link:

>> But our media simply do not cover the non-Muslim terror attacks with same gusto. Why? It’s a business decision. Stories about scary “others” play better. It’s a story that can simply be framed as good versus evil with Americans being the good guy and the brown Muslim as the bad.

Honestly, when is the last time we heard the media refer to those who attack abortion clinics as “Christian terrorists,” even though these attacks occur at one of every five reproductive health-care facilities? That doesn’t sell as well. After all we are a so-called Christian nation, so that would require us to look at the enemy within our country, and that makes many uncomfortable. Or worse, it makes them change the channel.

That’s the same reason we don’t see many stories about how to reduce the 30 Americans killed each day by gun violence or the three women per day killed by domestic violence. But the media will have on expert after expert discussing how can we stop these scary brown Muslims from killing any more Americans despite the fact you actually have a better chance of being killed by a refrigerator falling on you.

... In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun. <<

And yet --- we have wags walking among us, here in this thread, who buy the whole media manipulation game hook, line and sinker.

If that is how you render justice, then feel exonerated. I will not exchange accounts with you to present my case why yours is lame. Islamic aggression on humanity has been a terror since the 7th century. Count the thousands of battles they have been engaged in. See how nations were conquered and then many converted by the sword or completely oppressed in countless ways. Then when they come to Europe I am not looking for a body count, although if you go to List of Islamic Terror Attacks in Europe you can see all of attacks of violence where some or many were murdered by unwarranted crazed attacks zealots in the name of Allah, muhammad or the Koran. Many more than we read about.

But the point is mostly this; Europe lives in fear because of Islamic anger and intolerance in their midst. Women live in fear in many places because of the liberties Islamic men take. There have been enough major mass explosions and attacks where nothing can any longer be taken for granted. We do not live like that in the USA in fear of right wing extremist cells. We do not feel their hate in their presence or their verbage. There is no comparison to the size of the menace or threat between the two.
Despite several terrorist attacks people in Europe do not live in fear. Terror attacks have been a sad part of our lives since the 60s.
And yet despite this Europe is a lot safer than the US. A hell of a lot safer. Perhaps you should visit and stop parroting shite.
Tommy we both know it's a waste of time. They don't want facts or knowledge. That would make them actually reflect on their core beliefs. Best to put your head in the sand. Interesting factoid. History Majors Are Becoming a Thing of the Past, Except in the Ivy League
Its a bit depressing. Germany as a country is many times safer than the US.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
As you say facts are like kryptonite to these dickheads. I dont think that they could point to Germany on a map and yet they are experts on the state of that nation.
I dont believe they are interested in it anyway.

Its a projection of their fears for America. Immigration is a big issue and so they look around the world for examples of where immigration has not worked out. Any example will do, doesnt even have to be true. People who get their world view from Fox or Gateway Pundit or Jihad Watch are unlikely to question anything at all.

Germany's still 95% White, give or take.

Because the USA has a lot more racial trash, Blacks, Hispanics, and White trash who are mostly of mixed British origins like English, Scottish, Ulster Irish & WELSH.
"Time and again". Quaint phrase innit.

Here's some time and again for ya.

>> So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.

We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.

Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.

Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks. These Jewish terrorists attacked Palestinian civilians causing physical injuries to 93 of them and also vandalized scores of mosques and Christian churches. << --- Are All Terrorists Muslims? It's Not Even Close
And of course specific to the US we've been noting this for literally years: All Terrorists are Muslim -- Except for the 94% that Aren't

So why the fake news impressions? One answer is 9/11, or as Rump calls it, "Seven Eleven". The other is back in the first link:

>> But our media simply do not cover the non-Muslim terror attacks with same gusto. Why? It’s a business decision. Stories about scary “others” play better. It’s a story that can simply be framed as good versus evil with Americans being the good guy and the brown Muslim as the bad.

Honestly, when is the last time we heard the media refer to those who attack abortion clinics as “Christian terrorists,” even though these attacks occur at one of every five reproductive health-care facilities? That doesn’t sell as well. After all we are a so-called Christian nation, so that would require us to look at the enemy within our country, and that makes many uncomfortable. Or worse, it makes them change the channel.

That’s the same reason we don’t see many stories about how to reduce the 30 Americans killed each day by gun violence or the three women per day killed by domestic violence. But the media will have on expert after expert discussing how can we stop these scary brown Muslims from killing any more Americans despite the fact you actually have a better chance of being killed by a refrigerator falling on you.

... In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun. <<

And yet --- we have wags walking among us, here in this thread, who buy the whole media manipulation game hook, line and sinker.

If that is how you render justice, then feel exonerated. I will not exchange accounts with you to present my case why yours is lame. Islamic aggression on humanity has been a terror since the 7th century. Count the thousands of battles they have been engaged in. See how nations were conquered and then many converted by the sword or completely oppressed in countless ways. Then when they come to Europe I am not looking for a body count, although if you go to List of Islamic Terror Attacks in Europe you can see all of attacks of violence where some or many were murdered by unwarranted crazed attacks zealots in the name of Allah, muhammad or the Koran. Many more than we read about.

But the point is mostly this; Europe lives in fear because of Islamic anger and intolerance in their midst. Women live in fear in many places because of the liberties Islamic men take. There have been enough major mass explosions and attacks where nothing can any longer be taken for granted. We do not live like that in the USA in fear of right wing extremist cells. We do not feel their hate in their presence or their verbage. There is no comparison to the size of the menace or threat between the two.
Despite several terrorist attacks people in Europe do not live in fear. Terror attacks have been a sad part of our lives since the 60s.
And yet despite this Europe is a lot safer than the US. A hell of a lot safer. Perhaps you should visit and stop parroting shite.
Tommy we both know it's a waste of time. They don't want facts or knowledge. That would make them actually reflect on their core beliefs. Best to put your head in the sand. Interesting factoid. History Majors Are Becoming a Thing of the Past, Except in the Ivy League
Its a bit depressing. Germany as a country is many times safer than the US.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
As you say facts are like kryptonite to these dickheads. I dont think that they could point to Germany on a map and yet they are experts on the state of that nation.
I dont believe they are interested in it anyway.

Its a projection of their fears for America. Immigration is a big issue and so they look around the world for examples of where immigration has not worked out. Any example will do, doesnt even have to be true. People who get their world view from Fox or Gateway Pundit or Jihad Watch are unlikely to question anything at all.

Because the USA has a lot more racial trash, Blacks, Hispanics, and White trash who are mostly of mixed British origins like English, Scottish, Ulster Irish & WELSH.
No. Its because of your crazy gun laws. But I am glad you accept my argument.
If that is how you render justice, then feel exonerated. I will not exchange accounts with you to present my case why yours is lame. Islamic aggression on humanity has been a terror since the 7th century. Count the thousands of battles they have been engaged in. See how nations were conquered and then many converted by the sword or completely oppressed in countless ways. Then when they come to Europe I am not looking for a body count, although if you go to List of Islamic Terror Attacks in Europe you can see all of attacks of violence where some or many were murdered by unwarranted crazed attacks zealots in the name of Allah, muhammad or the Koran. Many more than we read about.

But the point is mostly this; Europe lives in fear because of Islamic anger and intolerance in their midst. Women live in fear in many places because of the liberties Islamic men take. There have been enough major mass explosions and attacks where nothing can any longer be taken for granted. We do not live like that in the USA in fear of right wing extremist cells. We do not feel their hate in their presence or their verbage. There is no comparison to the size of the menace or threat between the two.
Despite several terrorist attacks people in Europe do not live in fear. Terror attacks have been a sad part of our lives since the 60s.
And yet despite this Europe is a lot safer than the US. A hell of a lot safer. Perhaps you should visit and stop parroting shite.
Tommy we both know it's a waste of time. They don't want facts or knowledge. That would make them actually reflect on their core beliefs. Best to put your head in the sand. Interesting factoid. History Majors Are Becoming a Thing of the Past, Except in the Ivy League
Its a bit depressing. Germany as a country is many times safer than the US.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
As you say facts are like kryptonite to these dickheads. I dont think that they could point to Germany on a map and yet they are experts on the state of that nation.
I dont believe they are interested in it anyway.

Its a projection of their fears for America. Immigration is a big issue and so they look around the world for examples of where immigration has not worked out. Any example will do, doesnt even have to be true. People who get their world view from Fox or Gateway Pundit or Jihad Watch are unlikely to question anything at all.

Because the USA has a lot more racial trash, Blacks, Hispanics, and White trash who are mostly of mixed British origins like English, Scottish, Ulster Irish & WELSH.
No. Its because of your crazy gun laws. But I am glad you accept my argument.

No, most of the World has more murder & less guns than the USA.
Despite several terrorist attacks people in Europe do not live in fear. Terror attacks have been a sad part of our lives since the 60s.
And yet despite this Europe is a lot safer than the US. A hell of a lot safer. Perhaps you should visit and stop parroting shite.
Tommy we both know it's a waste of time. They don't want facts or knowledge. That would make them actually reflect on their core beliefs. Best to put your head in the sand. Interesting factoid. History Majors Are Becoming a Thing of the Past, Except in the Ivy League
Its a bit depressing. Germany as a country is many times safer than the US.
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
As you say facts are like kryptonite to these dickheads. I dont think that they could point to Germany on a map and yet they are experts on the state of that nation.
I dont believe they are interested in it anyway.

Its a projection of their fears for America. Immigration is a big issue and so they look around the world for examples of where immigration has not worked out. Any example will do, doesnt even have to be true. People who get their world view from Fox or Gateway Pundit or Jihad Watch are unlikely to question anything at all.

Because the USA has a lot more racial trash, Blacks, Hispanics, and White trash who are mostly of mixed British origins like English, Scottish, Ulster Irish & WELSH.
No. Its because of your crazy gun laws. But I am glad you accept my argument.

No, most of the World has more murder & less guns than the USA.
Well done. You have made two posts without blaming the Jews.
Attack in which German driver mowed down migrants being treated as terrorism

So a couple of days ago, a 50 year old German guy who goes by the name of Andreas N.; deliberately drove his car into migrants celebrating the New Year -- unfortunately for Andreas, no one was killed; fortunately for the rest of the civilized world, no one was killed.

There is video of the guy initially trying to run over one single muslim, but when that person escaped -- the driver then crashed his car into a crowd of muslims in order to protect freedom or something. From the article:

He later fled back to his home city of Essen, where he again attempted to run down pedestrians before being apprehended by police. He told officers under questioning that he had deliberately targeted foreigners.

“Speaking cautiously, he appears to be some one who has developed a hatred of foreigners from personal unhappiness and dislike,” Herbert Reul, the regional interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia said. “This man had a clear intention to kill foreigners.”

Now some people are having a bit of an issue with this being called a terrorist attack; in fact, since it is a common belief around the world that Muslim immigrants are most likely the ones to commit terrorist attacks; any attempts to kill them should be seen as patriotic and necessary for protecting the country from foreign threat -- which is usually just shit xenophobic racists tell themselves to feel better about being xenophobic racists..
You can only push people so far-that's how Trump got elected. Expect to see more of this everywhere until the Muslims are adopted by their countries. The rabid ravings of the new looney in Congress does NOT help anyone-pipe down sister, you have a long way to go.
So you believe if a group of people feel they have been pushed, that it is ok for them to try to murder innocent people?

It seems like this "we've been pushed" defense only works for the segment of society that has always been in power, not for those "pushed" people who have always been "pushed" people
They weren't always pushed. They got pushed when They pushed themselves into a place They werent welcome. They are invaders who could have avoided the whole mess by staying where they belonged. Oh well... All's well, that ends well...

Likewise, then aren't Muslims also justified in Terrorizing Intruders in their lands?

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