Right wingers and their cry of "fake news".....

Trump has "convinced" his lap dogs to call ANY criticism of his yet young and screwed up administration as "fake news"....and, as one can see, they are complying as good lap dogs MUST do.

your desperation is causing you to implode. Trump has done more positive things for this country in one month than Obama and Bush did in 16 years, and there is more to come.

ACA will be replaced with something that will work for everyone
the middle class will get a tax cut
illegal immigration will be stopped
the wall will be built and mexico will pay for it indirectly through tariffs etc
ISIS will be destroyed
Iran will be contained
Israel will be protected
our military will be rebuilt
trade deals will make sense for the USA
Laws will be enforced
The democrat party will continue to self-destruct.

You smokin crack or just been asleep since Jan 20th. What on your list has he accomplished? Finished and complete? Not a damn thing and I suggest you go back and look what Bush and Obama did in their first month.
'Right wingers and their cry of "fake news".....'

How much is the DNC paying you to push this liberal propaganda?


They have ALL been exposed as little more than Left-Wing Propaganda Outlets, Fake News and 'All-In' Media! PROVEN...

'nuff said...

(drop the mic, walk off)
you seem to forget that I didn't vote for Trump

Didn't know, nor do I care........A narcissistic charlatan with low self esteem has the reins of power now.....and heaven help us for this stain on our representative democracy.
you seem to forget that I didn't vote for Trump

Didn't know, nor do I care........A narcissistic charlatan with low self esteem has the reins of power now.....and heaven help us for this stain on our representative democracy.

Drama Queen

Trump will be IMO a a one term president and nothing catastrophic will happen no matter how much you hope it will
Trump will be a IMO a one term president and nothing catastrophic will happen no matter how much you hope it will

Well, as a patriot, I do hope that no wars are started by the low self-esteem charlatan who needs "adulation" from his lap dogs......However, we will almost double the current debt under this moron.
Trump will be a IMO a one term president and nothing catastrophic will happen no matter how much you hope it will

Well, as a patriot, I do hope that no wars are started by the low self-esteem charlatan who needs "adulation" from his lap dogs......However, we will almost double the current debt under this moron.

you didn't seem to care when Obama added $9,000,000,000,000 to the debt
you didn't seem to care when Obama added $9,000,000,000,000 to the debt

True.......but Obama had to spend to get us OUT of a recession...(look at wall street, auto industry and unemployment rate BOUNCE)..........Plus, Obama had to compensate for Cheney's two unfunded wars and GWB's Medicare Advantage that was ALSO unpaid for......

Any other questions???
you didn't seem to care when Obama added $9,000,000,000,000 to the debt

True.......but Obama had to spend to get us OUT of a recession...(look at wall street, auto industry and unemployment rate BOUNCE)..........Plus, Obama had to compensate for Cheney's two unfunded wars and GWB's Medicare Advantage that was ALSO unpaid for......

Any other questions???
he didn't have to

we would have climbed out of that recession like we did every other
what he did do was stunt our growth to anemic levels for 8 years
This post is rated Fake News.

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Subversives R US.
People for The Jihadi Way.
Communists Against Christ
The Anti American Atheists Coalition.
The Butt Hurt Brotherhood Brigade.
Snowflakes even created their own 'alternate reality' web site:

Snowflakes Create Fake News Site To Let Liberals Live In Alternate Reality Where Hillary Is President
Snowflakes Create Fake News Site To Let Liberals Live In Alternate Reality Where Hillary Is President • Now The End Begins

The Site:

A Sampling of Site Articles:

- 'President Clinton awards Obama the Congressional Medal of Freedom'

- 'Anthony Weiner switches to rotary phone'

- 'Historians say Clinton's presidency is already in "all time top 5"

:lmao: So Pathetic....
what he did do was stunt our growth to anemic levels for 8 years

......and Fox business news will be right back after these commercials (to help pay for the free T & A that is our trademark....)
what he did do was stunt our growth to anemic levels for 8 years

......and Fox business news will be right back after these commercials (to help pay for the free T & A that is our trademark....)

I wouldn't know what Fox news said since I don't watch it but I do know we saw an anemic 2.1% growth under Obama well under the post war average of 2.9

so yes the economy performed BELOW average under Obama
I wouldn't know what Fox news said since I don't watch it but I do know we saw an anemic 2.1% growth under Obama well under the post war average of 2.9

so yes the economy performed BELOW average under Obama

True.....partially because scum buckets like Trump both pay NO taxes and ship jobs overseas or buy their "make American great again" from China.......So,yes,you do have a point. LOL
Um....that was you fascist democrats message....that backfired on you...:lol:

Which part do you doubt? That Obama was born in America, or that Trump got his political start by claiming on right wing media that he wasn't?
I don't believe anything your Hillary says....it's all fake news....:lol:

I know. Sad that you prefer your hate to facts.
Launder your brown shirt.....

Shouldn't you be busy with your weekly tinfoil hat maintenance about now?

Coming from the people who think Hillary lost due to some great Russian conspiracy

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