Right Wingers Throw Tantrum From Reports The Biggest Terror Threat Is From The Right

Not surprising progressives (the real right wing) don't know what "right wing" actually means....

You do know Islamic terrorists are "right wing?" as are other extremists groups like OWS..

Bill Ayers is a "right wing extremist" so are the organizations he belongs to...

You're a right wing extremist...

Anyone that forces another to accept their politics or agenda is a right wing extremist...

It's called fascism you fucking sorry excuse for a rock..

The left and right come from the French. Communism, socialism, etc... are the left. Religion has been used to represent the right but the right was for more individual responsibility. The Islamic terrorists would be left because they want a government to make laws and tell people how to live. Your broad definition of those that “forces another to accept their politics or agenda” would mean that communism is a right winger. The definition is complicated. The far right now is anarchy and the far left is totalitarianism. So the further right you are the less government control you want and the further left you are the more government control you want.

This has got to be the most uninformed post i've ever read. Read a history book then try again.

Do tell what is right wing and what is left wing.
Tim McVeigh was right in line with the tea party

Just when I thought no one could be any more ignorant than Black Label, along comes Truthmatters to remind us who's boss in that department.
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I didn't see a breakdown in that article of each individual act of domestic terrorism each year and the specifics as to how it was labeled as right wing or left wing extremism. Could you provide the link for that information?


That chart does not describe what each act of terror was.

For instance, the chart says there were 15 "terrorist incidents" in the US in 2011.

What were those 15 "incidents"?
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I think the average age of a tea Partier is like 60.. Must be them stirring up all the crap and shooting all those people. The media said so.

I'm a Tea Party Guy.. But I'm only 55 so I can't participate. Sorry MSNBC.
He was a anarchist you Fucking idiot....he was more in line with the occupy crowd.

No he wasn't, he was a neo-nazi sympathizer that hated the country. He is a through and through right winger.

So socialist and communist are right wing. Religious is right wing. What the hell is left?

:eusa_eh: Simply put, communism and socialism would be considered left, where religious nuts, teabaggers, nazis, white supremacists etc,.. would be on the hard right.
Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political views and religious beliefs

McVeigh was a registered Republican when he lived in Buffalo, New York in the 1980s, and had a membership in the National Rifle Association while in the military,[82] but voted for Libertarian Party candidate, Harry Browne, in the 1996 presidential elections.[83] McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[84] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[85] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[86] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[84] In the 2001 book American Terrorist, McVeigh stated that he did not believe in Hell and that science is his religion.[87][88] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying as agnostic.[89] Before his execution, McVeigh took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.[90]
I want to know what the standards for a "terrorist incident" are by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The best way to determine their standards is to show us the incidents START and SPLC counted as "terrorist incidents" in their chart.

Not the NUMBER of incidents, the ACTUAL incidents.

Then we can see if they suffer from selection bias in their standards.

For example, when some black people "who used racial slurs" beat up a white person, does the SPLC count that?
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I think the average age of a tea Partier is like 60.. Must be them stirring up all the crap and shooting all those people. The media said so.

I'm a Tea Party Guy.. But I'm only 55 so I can't participate. Sorry MSNBC.

All the time, I'm sure the teabaggers are considered a domestic terror cell.

Here's a group of baggers' recently that were arrested after they were trying to acquire chemical agents to commit a biological terror attack on america

Meet The Senior Citizen Militia Members Arrested In Georgia Bio Attack Plot | TPMMuckraker
No he wasn't, he was a neo-nazi sympathizer that hated the country. He is a through and through right winger.

So socialist and communist are right wing. Religious is right wing. What the hell is left?

:eusa_eh: Simply put, communism and socialism would be considered left, where religious nuts, teabaggers, nazis, white supremacists etc,.. would be on the hard right.

Nazis is the national socialist party. How is a socialist party right? What is the difference between right and left? Give me a divider. What you are giving me is not the clear difference. I can tell you currently that republican is for less government control and the democrat party is for more. So if everyone is saying republican is right then the right is for less government control. That would have to mean that right is for less government. If your definition is indeed right, then both the left and the right are in the democrat party and the republican party is something new.

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