Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

You want Sodomy exposed to 5 year olds... Fact not Fiction. :thup:


Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality as many, if not most, pedophiles are heterosexual.

You are absolutely incorrect on that note.

Almost EXCLUSIVELY the Catholic Church Abuse was Man on Boy.

If you are going to be so Dishonest as to say those Priests were Heterosexual then you are simply not Honest enough to talk to.

As for Homosexuals exposing 5 year olds to Sodomy... It's a Fact.



Umm... pedophilia is not restricted to Catholic priests. They represent but a small segment of pedophiles.
Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality as many, if not most, pedophiles are heterosexual.

You are absolutely incorrect on that note.

Almost EXCLUSIVELY the Catholic Church Abuse was Man on Boy.

If you are going to be so Dishonest as to say those Priests were Heterosexual then you are simply not Honest enough to talk to.

As for Homosexuals exposing 5 year olds to Sodomy... It's a Fact.



Umm... pedophilia is not restricted to Catholic priests. They represent but a small segment of pedophiles.

And you are out of your tits if you are going to claim that the majority of Man on Boy Molestation (which is almost always exclusively focused on Boys) is somehow Heterosexual...

You and yours are the ones always clammoring about "Closeted Homos" so you know EXACTLY what I am getting at... Save it for someone who hasn't had Militant Gays like Bodey following him around from site to site for a decade.... I know the talking points you people employ... As full of infected holes as the Bathhouse that G.T. frequents in the Village.


Umm... pedophilia is not restricted to Catholic priests. They represent but a small segment of pedophiles.

For some reason, the girls get ignored by people complaining about the sexual abuse of children.....are they somehow...."less"?

1 in 4 girls sexually abused before age 18 - CBS 5 - KPHO

Girls as Victims -- An Emerging Story of Clergy Sex Abuse

Just a few things I found after about a 1 minute search.

You are one of the most Disgusting, Dishonest Twats to have ever Filthed the Internets...

You know full-well that the Priest Abuse was OVERWHELMINGLY Man on Boy...

You are also the one who said some REALLY Shitty things about Catholics in general some time ago here @ the Twaff, didn't you...

Good Lord, you are really an Awful person, Bodey.


To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.
Which of course, has nothing to do with the law discriminating against gays based on the gender of the person they wish to marry.

So you are looking for Civil Unions for homosexuals then?

Civil Unions for everyone would be perfectly fine. Civil unions for gays and legal marriage for hets is separate but equal...which is unconstitutional.

That principle would not apply to marriage, since every marriage is separate from every other. If a student moves he has the right to attend any public school in his area. If a married person moves he does not have the right to enter any other marriage nearby that he wants, demanding the 'right' to wife-swapping because "separate is inherently unequal."
To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.

I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?
As I said before, for some reason....some people want to ignore the sexual abuse of young girls by priests, by ministers, by male family members, etc. Is it not as newsworthy? Does it not serve a political end?
As I said before, for some reason....some people want to ignore the sexual abuse of young girls by priests, by ministers, by male family members, etc. Is it not as newsworthy? Does it not serve a political end?

Name one person that wants to Ignore it you shitty twat... You can't.

But while you and the others in your pack want to make ABSURD Claims that the majority of Sexual Abuse is Heterosexual you are Deliberately Ignoring some really Important things...

Like what percentage of the Population is Gay... According to the CDC it's around 5%.

What percentage of the Abuse is Exclusively Man on Boy...

There is a REAL Problem there... Acting as if there is nto one for whatever reason you want to is Concerning.

It is also your Side in Academia that wants the to visit "Adult/Child" sex and discuss whether or not it's as Harmful as every claims it is.

Need links to these Tenured Professors around the country?... Leading Gay Rights Advocates also?

You know this... Why you guys are so Fucking Dishonest in what you real Agenda is is beyond me, but anyone who cares to look closer can find it...

You Mooseknuckle, Boat Riding, Kilt Wearing Deviant.


To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.

I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

When Liberal California Voted FOR Obama they Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage...

It IS Activist Courts and Legislatures who are doing it, you ****.


The homosexual pedophile club called "NAMBLA" (north american man-boy love association) could not exist in the open if it wasn't for the support of the democrat party. Homosexual activists hate the Boy Scouts of America because they were successful in a suit to prevent overt homosexuals from supervising young boys. What does the homosexual lobby want that they don't already have? Government mandated acceptance? Permission to molest young boys? The 1st Amendment still gives people the right to be disgusted at the antics of the gay community.
The homosexual pedophile club called "NAMBLA" (north american man-boy love association) could not exist in the open if it wasn't for the support of the democrat party. Homosexual activists hate the Boy Scouts of America because they were successful in a suit to prevent overt homosexuals from supervising young boys. What does the homosexual lobby want that they don't already have? Government mandated acceptance? Permission to molest young boys? The 1st Amendment still gives people the right to be disgusted at the antics of the gay community.

You aren't accusing democrats of approving of pedophilia, are you?
The homosexual pedophile club called "NAMBLA" (north american man-boy love association) could not exist in the open if it wasn't for the support of the democrat party. Homosexual activists hate the Boy Scouts of America because they were successful in a suit to prevent overt homosexuals from supervising young boys. What does the homosexual lobby want that they don't already have? Government mandated acceptance? Permission to molest young boys? The 1st Amendment still gives people the right to be disgusted at the antics of the gay community.

You aren't accusing democrats of approving of pedophilia, are you?

In Academia they are... :thup:

Wasn't Barney Fag, I mean Frank's boytoypimp underage?...

I can't remember if you ever answered the question about if you Marched in Gay Pride Marches in SoCal back in the 70's and 80's...

Did you?...


Actually, all you’ve done is exhibit your ignorance.

Demonstrate how I am ignorant, you bag of puss, or do the honest thing and shut the fuck up.

By Criminy, I find the libtard responses on these boards to be entirely circular and of little value because you provide no counter facts, no reason, no perspective other than you are wright because you say so.

Eat shit, you stupid ****.
I enumerated the flaw in each of your examples, which you thought were valid based on your limited understanding of the Constitution. Hence, your ignorance on display for all to witness.

You're welcome.

I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
Demonstrate how I am ignorant, you bag of puss, or do the honest thing and shut the fuck up.

By Criminy, I find the libtard responses on these boards to be entirely circular and of little value because you provide no counter facts, no reason, no perspective other than you are wright because you say so.

Eat shit, you stupid ****.
I enumerated the flaw in each of your examples, which you thought were valid based on your limited understanding of the Constitution. Hence, your ignorance on display for all to witness.

You're welcome.

I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
If that were true, why are more states and the feds accepting gay marriage now?
I enumerated the flaw in each of your examples, which you thought were valid based on your limited understanding of the Constitution. Hence, your ignorance on display for all to witness.

You're welcome.

I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
If that were true, why are more states and the feds accepting gay marriage now?

The gay mafia went after the low hanging fruit to try and build an illusion of momentum and that seems to be tapering out for now.

But no matter how many states approve these evil gay marriage laws, within the coming century it will all be reverted back to where nature would prefer it.

Gay couples simply cant give birth to new babies, and cant steal enough through the government to overcome their natural deficiencies.

To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.

I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

Still mostly activist courts and activist legislatures.

Nothing has changed.
I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
If that were true, why are more states and the feds accepting gay marriage now?

The gay mafia went after the low hanging fruit to try and build an illusion of momentum and that seems to be tapering out for now.

But no matter how many states approve these evil gay marriage laws, within the coming century it will all be reverted back to where nature would prefer it.

Gay couples simply cant give birth to new babies, and cant steal enough through the government to overcome their natural deficiencies.


Gay couples can't give birth to new babies, but they can take yours and they wll.
I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
If that were true, why are more states and the feds accepting gay marriage now?

The gay mafia went after the low hanging fruit to try and build an illusion of momentum and that seems to be tapering out for now.

But no matter how many states approve these evil gay marriage laws, within the coming century it will all be reverted back to where nature would prefer it.

Gay couples simply cant give birth to new babies, and cant steal enough through the government to overcome their natural deficiencies.


We are around 5-2% of the population...You put a lot of power in our hands, don't you?

Hope you like equality....I sure do.
You are absolutely incorrect on that note.

Almost EXCLUSIVELY the Catholic Church Abuse was Man on Boy.

If you are going to be so Dishonest as to say those Priests were Heterosexual then you are simply not Honest enough to talk to.

As for Homosexuals exposing 5 year olds to Sodomy... It's a Fact.



Umm... pedophilia is not restricted to Catholic priests. They represent but a small segment of pedophiles.

And you are out of your tits if you are going to claim that the majority of Man on Boy Molestation (which is almost always exclusively focused on Boys) is somehow Heterosexual...
You must be completely Bachmann level insane -- I never said they were "somehow heterosexual." Who knows what I did say though which led you to believe I did.

You and yours are the ones always clammoring about "Closeted Homos" so you know EXACTLY what I am getting at... Save it for someone who hasn't had Militant Gays like Bodey following him around from site to site for a decade.... I know the talking points you people employ... As full of infected holes as the Bathhouse that G.T. frequents in the Village.


No, I have no idea what you're getting at, especially since you are obviously debating someone else on this and not me. I never said Catholic priests who are pedophiles are heterosexual, yet that is the argument you are fighting, even though it is not an argument I made.

At any rate, before you achieve your goal of losing my point among your nonsense, I will repeat it to prevent that. Hopefully, this time you will argue against what I say, not what you think I'll say ...

Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality as many pedophiles, if not most, are heterosexual.

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