Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Umm... pedophilia is not restricted to Catholic priests. They represent but a small segment of pedophiles.

For some reason, the girls get ignored by people complaining about the sexual abuse of children.....are they somehow...."less"?

1 in 4 girls sexually abused before age 18 - CBS 5 - KPHO

Girls as Victims -- An Emerging Story of Clergy Sex Abuse

Just a few things I found after about a 1 minute search.

You are one of the most Disgusting, Dishonest Twats to have ever Filthed the Internets...

You know full-well that the Priest Abuse was OVERWHELMINGLY Man on Boy...

You are also the one who said some REALLY Shitty things about Catholics in general some time ago here @ the Twaff, didn't you...

Good Lord, you are really an Awful person, Bodey.



Again, you're limiting the scope of pervs to just Catholic priests who are pedophiles who represent a small percentage of pedophiles.

Who knows why you refuse to consider the cast majority of pedophiles are not Catholic priests? Or why you refuse to acknowledge that homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia other than some homosexuals are also pedophiles ... but then, so are some heterosexuals.
Demonstrate how I am ignorant, you bag of puss, or do the honest thing and shut the fuck up.

By Criminy, I find the libtard responses on these boards to be entirely circular and of little value because you provide no counter facts, no reason, no perspective other than you are wright because you say so.

Eat shit, you stupid ****.
I enumerated the flaw in each of your examples, which you thought were valid based on your limited understanding of the Constitution. Hence, your ignorance on display for all to witness.

You're welcome.

I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.

Sure, let's start with your first one ... the draft discriminates against women, who are not eligible ...

There is no draft. Therefore, there is no discrimination.

Dayam, that was just tooooo easy. :lol:
I enumerated the flaw in each of your examples, which you thought were valid based on your limited understanding of the Constitution. Hence, your ignorance on display for all to witness.

You're welcome.

I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
If that were true, why are more states and the feds accepting gay marriage now?
What did he win?
no matter how you frame it.....opposite gender is quite critical to the definition of marriage.....no children together without opposites....this is not a form of discrimination but just a fact of life and marriage...it is consistent with nature...

and please don't bring up the bogus adoption argument....

What a stagnant, stale world you live in. I'd suggest you go live with the Amish but even they're more hip to changing social norms than you are.

When the culture around you is degenerating into a moral pile of shit, being stagnant is quite the GOOD THING, dude.

Opposite gender is NOT critical to the definition of marriage and no one's having children these days anyway, gay or straight couples........ except for the illegals, remember?

Says you, but anyone with common sense knows that it does. Were it not for the Gay Mafia taking over most of our Big Lie Media and using it to degenerate the common perception of what marriage is, we would not be having this conversation.

But thank God the third world is not so deluded and immigrate here on a large scale annually. If we sane people can hold off you pervs long enough, the balance will tip back into our favor as the new ethnic groups, especially Hispanics, assert their own identity and leave the Dimbocrap Party in the dust.

And what do you care about nature? When it's convenient? How about we worry about chopping down all the rainforests while pumping massive tons of CO2 into the air before we give a shit about who wants to spend the rest of their lives with whom?

More bullshit and deflection.


Nothing more than ignorant dumbass blather.

How does it feel to be on the losing side of history?

DOMA struck down, Prop 8 struck down, 16 states and counting......

What are you gonna do about it? LOL Nothing! That's right. Nothing! You're gonna sit here and bitch and cry about how the world is degenerating into a moral pile of shit and then you're gonna watch as the rest of the world advances around you and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it.

Gramps is right: Let the gay shit go dumbass. Because there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it.

But of course, if you want to continue to make yourself look stupid, feel free. We're all here to laugh at you anyway. :lmao:
I think that is bullshit bluff, but I'll play; got a link to these rebutals?

And there are no flaws, an d your rhetoric irrelevant since these things will be settled by demographics, not by how much bullshit you can post on the internet.

I.e. we win, you lose, get ready for the shit pile of historical irrelevance.
If that were true, why are more states and the feds accepting gay marriage now?
What did he win?

Apparently access to his own facts. :D
For some reason, the girls get ignored by people complaining about the sexual abuse of children.....are they somehow...."less"?

1 in 4 girls sexually abused before age 18 - CBS 5 - KPHO

Girls as Victims -- An Emerging Story of Clergy Sex Abuse

Just a few things I found after about a 1 minute search.

You are one of the most Disgusting, Dishonest Twats to have ever Filthed the Internets...

You know full-well that the Priest Abuse was OVERWHELMINGLY Man on Boy...

You are also the one who said some REALLY Shitty things about Catholics in general some time ago here @ the Twaff, didn't you...

Good Lord, you are really an Awful person, Bodey.



Again, you're limiting the scope of pervs to just Catholic priests who are pedophiles who represent a small percentage of pedophiles.

Who knows why you refuse to consider the cast majority of pedophiles are not Catholic priests? Or why you refuse to acknowledge that homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia other than some homosexuals are also pedophiles ... but then, so are some heterosexuals.

The only reason Homosexuals stopped being Aligned with NAMBLA was because they were outed in 1994...

The ILGA really took it in the ass on that one. :rofl:

There are still some die-hard Leftists in Academia who are promoting it... Tenured Professors who aren't afraid to be what they are while the rest hide and wait for when it's less stigmatized...

Sick, twisted fucks, each and every one.



The homosexual pedophile club called "NAMBLA" (north american man-boy love association) could not exist in the open if it wasn't for the support of the democrat party. Homosexual activists hate the Boy Scouts of America because they were successful in a suit to prevent overt homosexuals from supervising young boys. What does the homosexual lobby want that they don't already have? Government mandated acceptance? Permission to molest young boys? The 1st Amendment still gives people the right to be disgusted at the antics of the gay community.

You aren't accusing democrats of approving of pedophilia, are you?

In Academia they are... :thup:

Wasn't Barney Fag, I mean Frank's boytoypimp underage?...

I can't remember if you ever answered the question about if you Marched in Gay Pride Marches in SoCal back in the 70's and 80's...

Did you?...



^She will continue to refuse to answer that for Obvious reasons... :thup:


You are one of the most Disgusting, Dishonest Twats to have ever Filthed the Internets...

You know full-well that the Priest Abuse was OVERWHELMINGLY Man on Boy...

You are also the one who said some REALLY Shitty things about Catholics in general some time ago here @ the Twaff, didn't you...

Good Lord, you are really an Awful person, Bodey.



Again, you're limiting the scope of pervs to just Catholic priests who are pedophiles who represent a small percentage of pedophiles.

Who knows why you refuse to consider the cast majority of pedophiles are not Catholic priests? Or why you refuse to acknowledge that homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia other than some homosexuals are also pedophiles ... but then, so are some heterosexuals.

The only reason Homosexuals stopped being Aligned with NAMBLA was because they were outed in 1994...

The ILGA really took it in the ass on that one. :rofl:

There are still some die-hard Leftists in Academia who are promoting it... Tenured Professors who aren't afraid to be what they are while the rest hide and wait for when it's less stigmatized...

Sick, twisted fucks, each and every one.



That's yet another topic not being discussed.

Some pedophiles are heterosexual.
Some pedophiles are homosexual.

Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality just as it has nothing to do with heterosexuality.

Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

Agreed 100%. What many people fail to realize is that no one wakes up one morning and decides to have sex with the same sex. IOW--being gay is not a choice that someone makes. And no you can't pray away the gay.

What many also fail to recognize is that there are many conservative Republicans who have family members and or friends that are gay--and statements like what was coming out of Rick Santorum's mouth was just as offensive to them, as the gays he bashed.

Under the U.S. constitution (everyone) has the right of their own pursuit of happiness--and that means EVERYONE.

You cannot legislate the personal behavior or your version of morality onto others from Washington D.C. The more you try the more elections you're going to lose.
Last edited:
Homosexuals have a tendency to be pedophiles.

And for that reason I would never let any of my children be around a known homo. .... :cool:
To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.

I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

its still true today, a majority of americans are opposed to gay marriage. the voters of california spoke twice and then some judge overruled the will of the people.
To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.

I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

its still true today, a majority of americans are opposed to gay marriage. the voters of california spoke twice and then some judge overruled the will of the people.

Nope...not true anymore. :D
here's a vid on the subject.....Dems protest the GOP platform that bans Sharia law.....why is that....got an answer....???

i thought Democrats supported women's rights......however since Dems support Sharia law i guess those rights won't be extended to muslim women in America....why???

You need to do some research as to why Democrats support the use of Sharia law....it's because we support women, American women who come from all over the world. You really don't know what you are talking about....apparently neither do the commentators on Faux News.

did you even watch the video.....?
Yes, I watched the video in spite of the fact that it was from Faux News...which makes it suspect to begin with.

But, did you watch the video? It was clearly pointed out that there has never been any legislation introduced to establish Sharia Law.... the whole GOP position is based on ignorance of how it is used and their fear mongering against Muslims, which they hate.

you come across like a really ignorant liberal
And yet, I know more about it than you do. So, not only do you come across as an ignorant conservative, but as someone who has swallowed the lie that Faux News and ignorant GOP politicians like Michelle Bachmann and Sharon Angle are promoting.

The system in the U.S. is similar to Britain: Courts are open to honoring agreements made under Islamic (or Christian, or Jewish) law and worked out by religious tribunals - within reason. As Marc Stern of the American Jewish Committee told NPR, U.S. law supersedes religious agreements when those agreements are seen as grossly unfair. For example, when a Muslim husband in Maryland argued that he should be allowed to give his wife nothing when they divorced, citing Islamic law, the courts ruled that he did not have the right to do so.

All this isn't to say that there isn't the possibility that a greater Muslim presence in the United States won't have some impact on the law; Christian-backed blue laws, which limit the sale of alcohol on Sundays in order to foster religious observance, are a good example of such religious influence.

But considering that there are perhaps two million Muslims in the United States, a country with a population of more than 310 million, fears of an outbreak of Sharia law seem overblown at best. Even if there is somehow a serious push for the imposition of Sharia law - or any other religious law - it would quickly run up against the first amendment to the Constitution.

"Were not going to see hand chopping off, were not going to see retaliatory violence, we're not going to see underage marriages, were not going to see polygamous marriages," Clark Lombardi of the University of Washington Law School told NPR. "The U.S. courts simply wouldn't do it."

Fears of Sharia Law in America Grow Among Conservatives - CBS News

....but don't feel too bad.....you've got lots of company....
I don't feel bad at all, because I'm intelligent enough not to believe the fear mongering spewed out by such ignorant politicians, but you should feel bad, you're being led around by the nose and don't even know it.
using your same logic you can also say that traditional marriage law does not discriminate either...

Of course it discriminates. It discriminates based on gender. It allows a man in love with a woman the right to legally marry the person he loves but discriminates against a man who is in love with another man.

That violates the 14th Amendment.

not when marriage is defined as between a man and a woman.....but then libs want to redefine marriage too....

the next step is to redefine marriage for polygamists....see where this gets you....?

Boy, that fear mongering sure has a hold on you........what about the bogey man....when are you going to bring that up?
To the OP.

The right is not who keeps the "gay shit" going. Its the left in their insane attempt to force the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" and equal to normal human sexuality.

I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

its still true today, a majority of americans are opposed to gay marriage. the voters of california spoke twice and then some judge overruled the will of the people.
You have any evidence to support the part I bolded? From what I see, here are the latest polls ...

  • "Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married?"
    • Support: 55%
    • Oppose: 36%
    • Unsure: 9%

    Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company. Sept. 20-23, 2013. N=1,000 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1.

  • "Do you think it should be legal or not legal for same-sex couples to marry?"
    • Legal: 55%
    • Not legal: 39%
    • Unsure: 6%

    CBS News Poll. July 18-22, 2013. N=1,036 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3

  • "Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?"
    • Should: 54%
    • Should not: 43%
    • Unsure: 3%

    Gallup Poll. July 10-14, 2013. Adults nationwide.
    N=972 (Form A), margin of error ± 4

Quinnipiac University: 49%/44%
USA Today: 55%/40%
Pew Research Center: 45%/40%
ABC News/Washington Post: 56%/41%
CNN/ORC: 55%/44%

Civil Rights

There is not one poll which indicates what you claim, that a majority of Americans are against gay marriage.

Not one.

Now while I noticed most of those polls date back as much as 6 months ago, they appear to be the most current.
does a jewish court allow for the beating of a wife by the husband.....?
Both the jewish Beth din courts and the Sharia courts in England only deal with 'civil' law issues.

Domestic violence and other criminal acts are still handled by the regular court system and enforced by the police. ... :cool:

not exactly true....when a woman lives in a Muslim ghetto she has no recourse to the outside world to complain about her husband's beatings...

Provide some links or your whole premise will go by the wayside as your Faux News video did.....no such thing.
I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

its still true today, a majority of americans are opposed to gay marriage. the voters of california spoke twice and then some judge overruled the will of the people.

Nope...not true anymore. :D

pay me to do a poll and I will find 1000 people to vote the way you want to get the polling result you want.

The VOTERS of the liberal state of CA voted against gay marriage twice.
I remember years ago, people like you arguing that no states would accept gay marriage....then, no state would except gay marriage except thru "activist courts"...then, the majority of people are against gay marriage. How's that working out for you?

its still true today, a majority of americans are opposed to gay marriage. the voters of california spoke twice and then some judge overruled the will of the people.
You have any evidence to support the part I bolded? From what I see, here are the latest polls ...

  • "Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married?"
    • Support: 55%
    • Oppose: 36%
    • Unsure: 9%

    Bloomberg National Poll conducted by Selzer & Company. Sept. 20-23, 2013. N=1,000 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1.

  • "Do you think it should be legal or not legal for same-sex couples to marry?"
    • Legal: 55%
    • Not legal: 39%
    • Unsure: 6%

    CBS News Poll. July 18-22, 2013. N=1,036 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3

  • "Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?"
    • Should: 54%
    • Should not: 43%
    • Unsure: 3%

    Gallup Poll. July 10-14, 2013. Adults nationwide.
    N=972 (Form A), margin of error ± 4

Quinnipiac University: 49%/44%
USA Today: 55%/40%
Pew Research Center: 45%/40%
ABC News/Washington Post: 56%/41%
CNN/ORC: 55%/44%

Civil Rights

There is not one poll which indicates what you claim, that a majority of Americans are against gay marriage.

Not one.

Now while I noticed most of those polls date back as much as 6 months ago, they appear to be the most current.

see my post #1100. Polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

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