RINO Carly Fiorina Attacks Cruz: 'No Honor' In Fight To Defund Obamacare

Of course not Carly, it just so happens that MOST Republican Senators and Representatives made defunding Obumacare a MAIN POINT in their bid to be elected, or re-elected...This BITCH is tied to the Bush/Rubio team!

Breitbart ^ | 10/3/13 | Tony Lee
Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO Northern California Republican who ran as a conservative to get the Republican Senate nomination in 2010, attacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Wednesday, saying there was “no honor” in his fight to defund Obamacare. Fiorina made her remarks just days after she joined the American Conservative Union, an establishment organization on the right that supports comprehensive immigration reform. In an appearance on CNN’s The Lead, Fiorina blamed the government shutdown on Cruz and implied that Republicans would have been better off waiving the white flag from the beginning on eliminating Obamacare. -snip- Fiorina said she...

Well, scratch that bitch.
Leaves me with Trump.Cruz/Carson and one free spot.

Yeah...it's not like The Donald has left a trail of financial devastation in his wake....or anything....

Yes, NeedleDickTheBugFucker believes a man worth $10 BILLION has left devastation while he employess over 10,000 of NeedleDicks supposed PEEPS! You can tell THIS is a college lad, his mind is all fucked up!
Well, scratch that bitch.
Leaves me with Trump.Cruz/Carson and one free spot.

Yeah...it's not like The Donald has left a trail of financial devastation in his wake....or anything....
Investing money IS gambling. If you lose you lose.

You think that is a principle which extends to the finances of a nation?
It's not a principle dummy, it's a result. And yes poor government CAN invest poorly.

"It's not a principle dummy, it's a result. And yes poor government CAN invest poorly".

Or refuse to invest wisely!!!!

RESULT: Who the Fuck needs infrastructure anyway, right?
Of course not Carly, it just so happens that MOST Republican Senators and Representatives made defunding Obumacare a MAIN POINT in their bid to be elected, or re-elected...This BITCH is tied to the Bush/Rubio team!

Breitbart ^ | 10/3/13 | Tony Lee
Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO Northern California Republican who ran as a conservative to get the Republican Senate nomination in 2010, attacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Wednesday, saying there was “no honor” in his fight to defund Obamacare. Fiorina made her remarks just days after she joined the American Conservative Union, an establishment organization on the right that supports comprehensive immigration reform. In an appearance on CNN’s The Lead, Fiorina blamed the government shutdown on Cruz and implied that Republicans would have been better off waiving the white flag from the beginning on eliminating Obamacare. -snip- Fiorina said she...

Well, scratch that bitch.
Leaves me with Trump.Cruz/Carson and one free spot.

I'm only down to about 9 now, but the list keeps getting shorter.
I have a few others but I have not read up on them yet. Kasish? will be the next I read.
Kasich is neither a RiNO nor a WrHINO, and he has appeal right across the party.
Of course not Carly, it just so happens that MOST Republican Senators and Representatives made defunding Obumacare a MAIN POINT in their bid to be elected, or re-elected...This BITCH is tied to the Bush/Rubio team!

Breitbart ^ | 10/3/13 | Tony Lee
Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO Northern California Republican who ran as a conservative to get the Republican Senate nomination in 2010, attacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Wednesday, saying there was “no honor” in his fight to defund Obamacare. Fiorina made her remarks just days after she joined the American Conservative Union, an establishment organization on the right that supports comprehensive immigration reform. In an appearance on CNN’s The Lead, Fiorina blamed the government shutdown on Cruz and implied that Republicans would have been better off waiving the white flag from the beginning on eliminating Obamacare. -snip- Fiorina said she...

Well, scratch that bitch.
Leaves me with Trump.Cruz/Carson and one free spot.

I'm only down to about 9 now, but the list keeps getting shorter.
I have a few others but I have not read up on them yet. Kasish? will be the next I read.
Kasich?? any candidate running around saying we need to grow govt because god wants us to is a lunatic.
Give us a link to that, please.
Of course not Carly, it just so happens that MOST Republican Senators and Representatives made defunding Obumacare a MAIN POINT in their bid to be elected, or re-elected...This BITCH is tied to the Bush/Rubio team!

Breitbart ^ | 10/3/13 | Tony Lee
Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO Northern California Republican who ran as a conservative to get the Republican Senate nomination in 2010, attacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Wednesday, saying there was “no honor” in his fight to defund Obamacare. Fiorina made her remarks just days after she joined the American Conservative Union, an establishment organization on the right that supports comprehensive immigration reform. In an appearance on CNN’s The Lead, Fiorina blamed the government shutdown on Cruz and implied that Republicans would have been better off waiving the white flag from the beginning on eliminating Obamacare. -snip- Fiorina said she...

Well, scratch that bitch.
Leaves me with Trump.Cruz/Carson and one free spot.

I'm only down to about 9 now, but the list keeps getting shorter.
I have a few others but I have not read up on them yet. Kasish? will be the next I read.
Kasich is neither a RiNO nor a WrHINO, and he has appeal right across the party.

I would expect NO LESS from the Manchurian Republican...

Gov. John Kasich: Obamacare Medicaid Expansion is Conservative
Conservative Blog Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists RedState/2014/03/24/gov-john-kasich...expansion-conservative
Ohio Governor John Kasich lied to yet another Fox News host yesterday, spinning the Obamacare Medicaid expansion as a conservative program for the drug-addicted and ...

Tell Fox News - Kasich is no Conservative! | National and ...
Portage County Tea Partykasich...
Don't be fooled by Chris Wallace and Fox News Let everyone at Fox know that John Kasich is no Conservative! It is time for Ohioan's to let the people at Fox News know ...

John Kasich taps noted conservative-basher as senior ...
Jun 10, 2015 · And I do mean “noted.” With the possible exception of Steve Schmidt, no Republican advisor is better known to the right for sneering at the right than ...

John Kasich becomes Obamacare’s biggest red-state catch ...
Politics Policy Political News - POLITICO/story/2013/02/john-kasich-obamacares-biggest-red...
Feb 04, 2013 · John Kasich, the fiercely conservative governor of Ohio, announced Monday that he’s going to expand Medicaid dramatically using federal money — a 180 ...

Kasich Fact Sheet – He is NOT a Conservative | Toledo Tea ...
Fact Sheet – He is NOT a Conservative! It is clear to Conservative voters across the state of Ohio that John Kasich is no Conservative.

Is this enough reason to NOT go with Kasick, or do you want me to post a few dozen more? Jakeass, you NEVER fail to entertain me, and besides, when I'm put on vacation for a week, or a few months, your RNC check reflects that with you posting fewer lies!
General Motors is proof of that. The taxpayers took a bath
Taxpayers got it all back as you well know.

My GOD you STILL CONTINUE TO LIE.... YOU HAVE TO BE A Socialist/DemocRAT, only THEY are this STUPID!!!!

GM and the Truth About One of America's Biggest Bankruptcies
How did bondholders lose almost all ... Here's what we do know about where the money went... Bondholders got 10% ... he predicted the bankruptcy of General Motors ...
Its easy to see why the media is pushing kasich and fiorina. they are pigs from the establishment mud hole.
Lets just sit back and watch the backbiting and knee capping and purity tests:popcorn:

I'm going to give away a WELL KNOWN SECRET HERE.... This SHOWMANSHIP has SUCKED all the air out of the Socialist/DemocRATS campaigns... You scum aren't in the news, and NOW even the LOW IQ'D and LIV voters are paying attention to Republicans for the first time..... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY!!!! I'm sorry fellow members with an IQ over 100, I KNOW I shouldn't have told them, but they are SO PITIFUL, that they need the help to survive! LOLOLOL!

There is NO FUN without even TOKEN opposition!
Carly is the perfect GOP Candidate.

Under her tenure, HP's stock value dropped, thousands of Americans lost their jobs, and she walked away with a 28 million dollar severance package.

I honestly can't think of a better metaphor for the modern GOP and what it stands for.
C'mon....did you really think they would keep a woman as a front runner? :rofl:
Lets just sit back and watch the backbiting and knee capping and purity tests:popcorn:

I'm going to give away a WELL KNOWN SECRET HERE.... This SHOWMANSHIP has SUCKED all the air out of the Socialist/DemocRATS campaigns... You scum aren't in the news, and NOW even the LOW IQ'D and LIV voters are paying attention to Republicans for the first time..... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY!!!! I'm sorry fellow members with an IQ over 100, I KNOW I shouldn't have told them, but they are SO PITIFUL, that they need the help to survive! LOLOLOL!

There is NO FUN without even TOKEN opposition!
This is fun. :clap:
Lets just sit back and watch the backbiting and knee capping and purity tests:popcorn:

I'm going to give away a WELL KNOWN SECRET HERE.... This SHOWMANSHIP has SUCKED all the air out of the Socialist/DemocRATS campaigns... You scum aren't in the news, and NOW even the LOW IQ'D and LIV voters are paying attention to Republicans for the first time..... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY!!!! I'm sorry fellow members with an IQ over 100, I KNOW I shouldn't have told them, but they are SO PITIFUL, that they need the help to survive! LOLOLOL!

There is NO FUN without even TOKEN opposition!
This is fun. :clap:

More fun watching the left IMPLODE in here than seeing the RINO'S having heart attacks!
I wanted to see if you would do some research. And of course you left off just before "Despite the overall loss, many consider the program a success. ”With the final sale of GM stock, this important chapter in our nation’s history is now closed,” said Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew in a statement. “The President understood that inaction could have cost the broader economy more than one million jobs, billions in lost personal savings, and significantly reduced economic production. As a result of his efforts, which built on those of the previous Administration, more than 370,000 new auto jobs have been created, and all three U.S. automakers are profitable, competitive, and growing.” We saved bilions in assistance payouts by making sure the companies could continue.

It is so funny to watch you far right reactionary WrHINOs fall apart every time.

Cruz, Perry, Santorum, and Trump will not be candidate.

You are aware, Vigilante, my little buddy, that Trump is for single payer health care?
Lets just sit back and watch the backbiting and knee capping and purity tests:popcorn:

I'm going to give away a WELL KNOWN SECRET HERE.... This SHOWMANSHIP has SUCKED all the air out of the Socialist/DemocRATS campaigns... You scum aren't in the news, and NOW even the LOW IQ'D and LIV voters are paying attention to Republicans for the first time..... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY!!!! I'm sorry fellow members with an IQ over 100, I KNOW I shouldn't have told them, but they are SO PITIFUL, that they need the help to survive! LOLOLOL!

There is NO FUN without even TOKEN opposition!
This is fun. :clap:

More fun watching the left IMPLODE in here than seeing the RINO'S having heart attacks!
You think it's the Left imploding in here? :rofl: Yeah....you run with that. *chuckle
Leaves me with Trump.Cruz/Carson and one free spot.

Yeah...it's not like The Donald has left a trail of financial devastation in his wake....or anything....
Investing money IS gambling. If you lose you lose.

You think that is a principle which extends to the finances of a nation?
It's not a principle dummy, it's a result. And yes poor government CAN invest poorly.

General Motors is proof of that. The taxpayers took a bath

And hundred off thousands of jobs were saved which included the supply base such as steel and parts manufacturers and again it was all paid back

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