RINO Murkowski might have a new challenger

As long as that seat stays RED, I don't really care who sits in it. I wouldn't mind if it was someone else rather than Murkowski and I don't really care if that person is for or against Trump, but I really don't want the seat to flip to BLUE. If it's Palin, fine. I really don't know much about Kelly Tshibaka, but whoever it is ought to have to balls to stand up for conservative principles even if it means bucking Trump, who sometimes isn't all that conservative.
Looks like Murkowski might pay a price for voting against Trump.

---Sarah Palin Speaks Out About Possible Senate Run---

Dude what deserted Island have YOU been living on?:auiqs.jpg:she is going down,the republicans hate her and even her own party the dems are sick of her,her days are numbered. the LOVE kelly out there,Alaska loves Trump and so does Kelly. this is your new REAL republican for Alaska.:yes_text12:

As long as that seat stays RED, I don't really care who sits in it. I wouldn't mind if it was someone else rather than Murkowski and I don't really care if that person is for or against Trump, but I really don't want the seat to flip to BLUE. If it's Palin, fine. I really don't know much about Kelly Tshibaka, but whoever it is ought to have to balls to stand up for conservative principles even if it means bucking Trump, who sometimes isn't all that conservative.

Kelly would be the best damn governor ever in our history.If there is anything such a thing as a pure politician she is that person.she reminds me so much of our last great president the great JFK who was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over our government instead of all these corporations that do now,he paid the price for it stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.

Fuck Palin,thats the same thing as reelecting Murkowski,NOTHING will be any different with her replacing her.That would be the same as when Obama came into office,lied about reversing all of Bushs policys but instead contiuned all of them.He was a clone of the mass murderer.Palin is a clone of that bitch as well.NOTHING would change with that bitch puppet to replace her.

Palin same as Murkowski hates Trump,our best president sense JFK..thats all you need to know she is the same as Murkowski.
Sarah Palin is a loyal Republican and has been loyal to Trump. She endorsed Trump early in 2016.
Kelly or Palin, either would be better than Murkowski.
AK needs ANWR back open.
As long as that seat stays RED, I don't really care who sits in it. I wouldn't mind if it was someone else rather than Murkowski and I don't really care if that person is for or against Trump, but I really don't want the seat to flip to BLUE. If it's Palin, fine. I really don't know much about Kelly Tshibaka, but whoever it is ought to have to balls to stand up for conservative principles even if it means bucking Trump, who sometimes isn't all that conservative.
The issue is that she lost a primary against a Tea Party person and then ran as a write in and the Prog Alaskan voters got her in. She is part of a regional family that has power in that state. Other states have the same. If Progs were really moderate it would not make as much as a difference. But they are Marxists.
Sarah Palin is a loyal Republican and has been loyal to Trump. She endorsed Trump early in 2016.

Yeah but that’s cause she is a stupid moron who only votes fir party instead of the individual just like USMBs resident troll political chic does,pc is a fake trump supporter,she ONLY voted for him cause the name Republican was attached to it. She hurts the cause of trump supporters because she also is a huge fan of bush who is part of the nwo to destroy America.she correctly calls Obama the most corrupt president ever but when you present evidence to her that Obama was only continuing the corruption his pal bush started and was a clone of him,the coward troll runs off and goes into evasive action,If trump was a democrat,she would hate him and not acknowledge his great accomplishments.

Pc is a sad excuse for a human being ignoring what a mass murderer and traiter bush and McCain are.Same with palin,also a fake trump supporter,she would never have endorced him if he was a democrat,she also endirced mass murderer traiter mccain so she is as much a fake trump supporter as Pc is,same as Obama,just saying what the people want to hear to have more credibility after enforcing lame McCain.
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If Alaska has two candidates claiming to be conservative RINO Murkowski will be re-elected. The state has partaken of the Kool-Aid - ranked choice voting. Designed to ensure liberal dominance in perpetuity. You can bet there will be NO Democrat sponsored opposition to Daddy's
Appointe Princess and if one arises sponteneously it will be deleted. Cancelled. Maybe even Hillaried.
Kelly would be the best damn governor ever in our history.If there is anything such a thing as a pure politician she is that person.she reminds me so much of our last great president the great JFK who was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over our government instead of all these corporations that do now,he paid the price for it stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.

Fuck Palin,thats the same thing as reelecting Murkowski,NOTHING will be any different with her replacing her.That would be the same as when Obama came into office,lied about reversing all of Bushs policys but instead contiuned all of them.He was a clone of the mass murderer.Palin is a clone of that bitch as well.NOTHING would change with that bitch puppet to replace her.

Palin same as Murkowski hates Trump,our best president sense JFK..thats all you need to know she is the same as Murkowski.
Except Palin actually tries to help her state and voters and had a good record of doing so. Alaska has no where to go but up with Palin over Murkowski.
I still don’t want anyone other than Kelly.only way I would accept palin is if Kelly had no chance in hell and she was the only alternative to the wicked witch of the west.

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