Riots or not?

Will there be Riots following the zimmerman trial if the decission is acquittal

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Show the news footage then.

Oh, puh-leeze. Like the Bay Area media is going to have video footage on anything unfavorable to Obama.

Windows were broken throughout downtown. The protestors set fires in the street, vandalized a police car, and sprayed graffiti on the county court house.

It's really pathetic the excuse making to try to minimize what happened in Oakland. As I've said several times, Oakland is used by anarchists as a target for protest on the merest pretext because we have an ineffective city government, and 50% of the police force necessary for a city of our size. The Zimmerman verdict was just another excuse for senseless property damage.

So no footage then?

I haven't seen any...which is consistent with how the media here reports.

sfgate does have some info and photos at the link below - fires and broken window in Oakland...and the vandalized police car. I'll note the attempt to minimize the riot by calling it "vandalism" and mentioning nobody was hurt. The Footlocker store gets hit every time there is a protest/riot. I'm surprised they are still in business.

Across the bay in Oakland, however, about 125 protesters gathered at Frank Ogawa Plaza outside City Hall before marching through downtown, starting small fires and smashing windows at the Wells Fargo Bank at 12th Street and Broadway and at several locations, including the Dogwood Bar, the Oakland Tribune, the Foot Locker shoe store and the Sears store.

A BART police car parked outside the 12th Street BART Station had its windows smashed, and protesters spray-painted "F- the police" and "Kill Pigs" on the side of the vehicle.

About 11:30 p.m., Oakland police formed a skirmish line near their headquarters at 7th Street and Broadway and came face-to-face with protesters.

As Argus, the police helicopter, monitored from above, the crowd soon moved away from the intersection and headed east on 14th Street, stopping at a McDonald's restaurant shortly after midnight to burn several flags and to spray-paint "Kill Zimmerman" and "FTP," an anti-police epithet, on the side of Alameda County's Rene C. Davidson Courthouse.

The protesters then returned to Broadway and Telegraph Avenue by about 12:30 a.m., smashing more windows, setting more fires and throwing garbage cans at motorists before dispersing, police said. No arrests were made, and there were no reported injuries, said Officer Johnna Watson, an Oakland police spokeswoman.

No arrests in Oakland vandalism - SFGate
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Nutters think that a fucking news outlet will actually refuse to film a riot in order to protect the image of black Americans. stupid.
It's a media cover up! :lmao:

Nope, not a cover up, just the media refusing to call a crowd of people (100 is a crowd) that start fires, damage police cars and breaking windows riotous actions.
So, more like journalistic malpractice.

And if there is a protest in favor of some progressive cause with only a dozen participants, the media narrow the camera focus and report it as though there were hundreds.
It's a media cover up! :lmao:

Nope, not a cover up, just the media refusing to call a crowd of people (100 is a crowd) that start fires, damage police cars and breaking windows riotous actions.
So, more like journalistic malpractice.

I have read nothing that says 100 people turned to violence anywhere. I have read, repeatedly from several sources that the protestors were mostly peaceful with a few sporadic acts of violence in some areas.
It's the media! They are the cause of all nutter problems! If only the media would do the job they are supposed to do.....there would be nirvana in the bubble again!

Fucking loser.
It's a media cover up! :lmao:

Nope, not a cover up, just the media refusing to call a crowd of people (100 is a crowd) that start fires, damage police cars and breaking windows riotous actions.
So, more like journalistic malpractice.

I have read nothing that says 100 people turned to violence anywhere. I have read, repeatedly from several sources that the protestors were mostly peaceful with a few sporadic acts of violence in some areas.

Hack. I bet if 125 people broke windows and trashed your downtown..and the police didn't arrest anyone that you would be outraged.

It's a media cover up! :lmao:

Nope, not a cover up, just the media refusing to call a crowd of people (100 is a crowd) that start fires, damage police cars and breaking windows riotous actions.
So, more like journalistic malpractice.

I have read nothing that says 100 people turned to violence anywhere. I have read, repeatedly from several sources that the protestors were mostly peaceful with a few sporadic acts of violence in some areas.

Nobody said all 100+ people turned to violence. Windows were broken, a cop car was vandalized and fires were started. That isn't a peaceful protest, those are riotous actions, whether the media states it or not.
The only time I've seen the media report a riot it has been large groups of people, or a majority of people in attendance causing violence.

I said earlier in the thread before the verdict was read that sure a few idiots would use any excuse to do stupid shit, but that it wouldn't be a large enough to amount to a riot. That so far has been exactly what happened.
Show the news footage then.

Oh, puh-leeze. Like the Bay Area media is going to have video footage on anything unfavorable to Obama.

Windows were broken throughout downtown. The protestors set fires in the street, vandalized a police car, and sprayed graffiti on the county court house.

It's really pathetic the excuse making to try to minimize what happened in Oakland. As I've said several times, Oakland is used by anarchists as a target for protest on the merest pretext because we have an ineffective city government, and 50% of the police force necessary for a city of our size. The Zimmerman verdict was just another excuse for senseless property damage.

So no footage then?

Sorta funny that your avatar depicts GZ and OJ

A hispanic and a black....both acquitted, yet our justice system is racist
I was promised riots goddamn it! You guys were all supposed to immediately rip of your clothes and run through the streets looting as the gong stuck.

[ame=]Riot captured on film - YouTube[/ame]
So sorry for the gun control advocates who were all set to pounce if Zimmerman was found guilty... I guess they will just have to hope for another Sandy Hook to further their agenda. The Courts have spoken.
At least some people have an excuse to replace that aging plasma with a new 3d led TV. Best wishes.
Can the people who keep saying that blacks will riot please tell me when they will occur? I just wanna know so I can TIVO it in case I'm at work!


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