Riots or not?

Will there be Riots following the zimmerman trial if the decission is acquittal

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obama will be organizing riots. eric holder will send facilitators down there to help the rioters burn down the city and make sure no one is arrested.
obama will be organizing riots. eric holder will send facilitators down there to help the rioters burn down the city and make sure no one is arrested.

Correction. Small business owners who try to hold off rioters with shot guns will be arrested, especially if they are white or asian.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

It doesn't look good now but I am going to vote for no riots.
Obama started this whole mess by sticking his big fat nose in it to begin with, with the "this could be my son" bullshit.

But I also think he needs to remove his foot from his mouth and make a public statement that riots will not be tolerated and terrorists will not be bargained with...and then actually DO something about those that have threatened Zimmerman and put a price on his head...and anyone that riots will find themselves thrown in gitmo.
But will he? I hightly doubt it.

obama started this whole mess by sending his agents to Florida to direct the protests.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

Do you think a post like yours ^^^ is productive?

does it have to be productive?

No. If your goal is to create more hate in the world I suppose not. Honestly, the world would be a better place without hatemongers.

And don't pretend your intent was not about a particular race of people, don't add dishonesty to an already reprehensible post.
HUNG JURY......after which the DA's office considers refiling the charges....quietly decides not to in 3 months....Black ticked but not enough to start rioting....meanwhile Zimmy flees Floriduh for a nice white state like Utah or Wyoming.... :D
[ame=]The Beatles - Come Together - YouTube[/ame]
i would hope for that too. I expect riots to spring from them however.

What are you basing that expectation on?

the rodney king riots

i was in LA during the OJ trial.

i see this as being the very same thing.

I strongly believe that the outcome of OJ Simpson trial was tampered by fear of riots. I was in LA at that time as well. Luckily I took a short trip out of LA during Rodney King riots but when I got back, the reminiscence of riots were glaring on your face. You could clearly sense that the city underwent something tragic.
No riots.

A handful of New BP's and every law enforcement agency there is with autos and gigantic muscles.


Pretty quite here in my predominantly black neighborhood

I think Florida would be the LAST place there would be any riots.

Four guys drag a man out of his semi to beat him damn near to death in Florida could get their heads blown off...


P.S. - The four people who rescued Reginald Denny...likely saved his life...were all black.

Good Samaritan Remembers the LA Riots 20 Years Later: "I Had to Do Something" | NBC Southern California
If the civilized melting pot of ours is that volatile and unstable, then I guess we'll find out pretty quick if the spark fired the flame without POTUS help. Wait! Did I miss his verdict speech?
I don't know what people are expecting, I know the media wants people to riot and in a bad way too, but I don't think there will be any. Sunday evening, around when the sun goes down is when we should start to see some things develop, if it's going to happen.

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