Riots or not?

Will there be Riots following the zimmerman trial if the decission is acquittal

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And then there is the little bit about how the DOJ actually funded anti-Zimmerman protests.


The only absurd blog I've seen regarding this accusation makes a disingenuous comparison of the DOJ funding efforts to spend $HUNDRED$ to ameliorate the situation, to supporting violent protest.

They did. It was on a news report and the amount is estimated to be about $3000.00. that isn't alot but there is a group down there in Orlando ( sent by DOJ ) that are supposed to specialize in helping with riots. Whatever that means.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....
My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

I'll go out on a limb here and make my prediction on what happens. Concerning riots about the decision.
I think there are three possible outcomes from the trial.
1. Acquittal
2. Murder (malice aforethought)
3. Manslaughter (no malice aforethought but self defense doesn't quite cut it).

Situation number 1, Acquittal. There will be outrage from some of the African-American/Black/Negro population. They will riot. Not unlike the Rodney King reaction that resulted in rioting, property destruction and random attacks on white people (remember Reginold Denning?).

Situation numbers 2 and 3, Murder or Manslaughter. There will be joyous celebrations from some of the African-American/Black/Negro population. They will riot. Not unlike the reaction in Baltimore after the Ravens won the 2013 Superbowl. For the most part, not attacks on people, but still rioting that damaged property.

In both possible outcomes, the whites and Hispanics will be low key. They won't riot regardless of the outcome. Just like they didn't riot when O.J. Simpson was acquitted of killing a white woman.

Much of the media (which has done their best to implicate racial motives in this sad occurrence) will act all innocent.

I truly hope I have to eat my words concerning my prediction.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

I think they will kick off, but will be cleaned up. I like to think they expect it to and are prepping. I hope they prosecute all the race pimps and talk radio political water boys and bitches for lighting the fuse.
Judical Watch is a conservative "watch dog" organization that receives large sums of money to sue the government on various issues. MediaMatters doesn't sue, and is more open with their policy of "uncovering conservative lies".
I'm sorry, but their "10 most corrupt politicians" includes any politicians who engage in the most egregious shady activities, and their carefully-worded legalese explains it. You can see for yourself:

It's a sad day when attorneys are called upon to do the job of a press that is corruption's best friend. I hope our nation weathers this trouble and returns to an improved vision that is in keeping with founding principles of our nation that heretofore have kept us from getting too mired in a political system that counts too heavily on a central government. We're seeing more and more power being placed in the same and fewer hands than ever before. The founders and my grandma didn't like that. She threatened me with a willow switch if I ever curtsied or bowed to anybody. Said people died so we wouldn't have to do that.

Now we have so much money being collected from citizens being routed to selected citizens instead of for items outlined in the Constitution only.

I am glad we made citizenship open to all people and abolished slavery. I am not glad we have become so polarized that even crime is politicized. That just isn't right.

What Judicial Watch discovered in its probe is that Obama is soliciting community organizers to influence a court case from his own department of justice.

That should have come from the press, but they're flat-out cowards because they might lose their first-in-line status at press conferences.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

Oh yes, the libtards have been priming the pump for weeks. I just hope it's not too bad.
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

I had a choice of three locations to spend this weekend...Chicago, Birmingham or Fargo.

You'll have no trouble guessin' which I chose, dontcha know....
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.
I don't think so the authorities have known about this possibility for some time and have been working with local groups and activist to keep that from happening and they have had plenty of time to prepare for this possibility I think they are ready and keep control of things.
I humbly suggest that it would be a good idea for the President to hold a press conference and ask the American people to calmly accept the verdict of the jury. I am sure that he and his speech writers could craft a convincing appeal.

The questions are, should he do it and will he do it.

I'd like to know what others think on this issue.
I humbly suggest that it would be a good idea for the President to hold a press conference and ask the American people to calmly accept the verdict of the jury. I am sure that he and his speech writers could craft a convincing appeal.

The questions are, should he do it and will he do it.

I'd like to know what others think on this issue.

it could have been his son after all......

i think obama needs to keep his mouth shut. His first go round with this subject only made the situation and racial divide....WORSE.
Obama started this whole mess by sticking his big fat nose in it to begin with, with the "this could be my son" bullshit.

But I also think he needs to remove his foot from his mouth and make a public statement that riots will not be tolerated and terrorists will not be bargained with...and then actually DO something about those that have threatened Zimmerman and put a price on his head...and anyone that riots will find themselves thrown in gitmo.
But will he? I hightly doubt it.
I agree. Obama has to make a statement about this. Why he hasn't already I don't know. He has to realize what is going on.
Of course it is.

What else would you call Judicial Watch, if not a right-wing blog?

It's clear you have a serious reading comprehension problem.

Too bad.

So sad.

The link I provided is to the Investigative area of their website, and includes links to source documents from their research.

There is a blog section of the website - a common feature for many news, corporate, and non-profit websites. But that is not their main activity.

Mission Statement

Judicial Watch, Inc., a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through its educational endeavors, Judicial Watch advocates high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.

Litigation and the civil discovery process not only uncover information for the education of the American people on anti-corruption issues, but can also provide a basis for civil authorities to criminally prosecute corrupt officials. Judicial Watch seeks to ensure high ethical standards in the judiciary through monitoring activities and the use of the judicial ethics process to hold judges to account.

Judicial Watch’s investigation, legal, and judicial activities provide the basis for strong educational outreach to the American people. Judicial Watch’s public education programs include speeches, opinion editorials (op-eds), publications, educational conferences, media outreach, radio and news television appearances, and direct radio outreach through informational commercials and public service announcements.

Through its Open Records Project, Judicial Watch also provides training and legal services to other conservatives concerning how to effectively use the Freedom of Information Act and other open records laws to achieve conservative goals of accountability and openness in government.

Through its publication The Verdict and occasional special reports, Judicial Watch educates the public about abuses and misconduct by political and judicial officials, and advocates for the need for an ethical, law abiding and moral civic culture.

Judicial Watch also pursues this educational effort through this Internet site where many of the open records documents, legal filings, and other educational materials are made available to the public and media. This educational effort, which includes direct mailings to millions of Americans, educates the public about operations of government and the judiciary and increases public awareness if corruption and misconduct exists.

About Judicial Watch | Judicial Watch

And once again, it's hardly surprising that EDUCATION bothers you.

Where did you come up with the impression that I am "bothered" by Judicial Watch?

By the way, titling a blog "Invesitgative Reports" doesn't make it any less of a blog, nor does posting their Mission Statement.

Keep digging bub. A website is not a blog.
It is to obama's interest to have riots, or at least flash mobs that rush in, vandalize beat people up and then dissolve. Then he can make a statement about racism.
I humbly suggest that it would be a good idea for the President to hold a press conference and ask the American people to calmly accept the verdict of the jury. I am sure that he and his speech writers could craft a convincing appeal.

The questions are, should he do it and will he do it.

I'd like to know what others think on this issue.

Too late for that. He ginned up the Racial Animosity in the first place and exploited Trayvon and Zimmerman to get out the vote. Obama lacks credibility to assert leadership to calm the masses on this issue.

There's also the other aspect of his complete and utter contempt for the Rule of Law, which would add an additional sheen of hypocrisy to his comments.
I humbly suggest that it would be a good idea for the President to hold a press conference and ask the American people to calmly accept the verdict of the jury. I am sure that he and his speech writers could craft a convincing appeal.

The questions are, should he do it and will he do it.

I'd like to know what others think on this issue.

it could have been his son after all......

i think obama needs to keep his mouth shut. His first go round with this subject only made the situation and racial divide....WORSE.

I am under the impression that was O's intention...:eusa_whistle:
There were no "riots" when Sharpton peacefully marched to get a trial that wasn't going to happen.

And if there is an acquittal, there will be no riots.

There might be protests. And folks are well within their constitutional rights to do that.
There were no "riots" when Sharpton peacefully marched to get a trial that wasn't going to happen.

And if there is an acquittal, there will be no riots.

There might be protests. And folks are well within their constitutional rights to do that.

I disagree. The "lesser charges" is a signal that Zimmerman would be acquitted for 2nd Degree Murder. The Racist Lynch Mob is desperate for a they'll settle for Manslaughter.

Some will riot in the same spirit that causes sports fans to trash their city after a championship...others will riot because the conviction isn't murder.

But most of the rioting will be instigated by professional anarchists who use ANY REASON to destroy private and public property. As a resident of Oakland, I've seen this time and time again...most recently via the Occupy Oakland (the hotbed of West Coast Banksterism...hahaha) protests. These were pure anarchists stunts, with extras provided by a bunch of clueless dupes.
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