Riots or not?

Will there be Riots following the zimmerman trial if the decission is acquittal

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I voted other....I don't think there will be rioting but there will be a huge outcry from the Black community. This will further strain race relations if there is an acquittal, and we have the mainstream media to thank for that.

Just goes to show you how powerful the media propaganda machine really is. They get the sheep all hot and bothered fighting among themselves while they sell tickets to the big show. Disgusting.......

You don't like watching a riot on TV?


C'mon, man; be honest.

Oh, I love it!

Hell, when there's static on the tube, I imagine it's an arial view of a huge black/white riot

I just think it'll be just a few scrums

I might have to go to Kissimmee on Friday.
'Bertha' will be with me

I hope we can see you and Bertha from the Channel 6 Sky Eye Helicopter.

Wear your USMB T-shirt so we'll recognise you!
The Rodney King riots were a cumulation of events.

Widespread racism and abuse by the LA police over an extended period of time, a feeling of helplessness by minorities and a justice system that allowed the men to walk after the whole nation watched the video of them brutality attacking a man.

I don't see any of the same circumstances in Florida, except that the victim is black.

the "victim" has as yet to be determined in this case.

as i have said in my OP

any excuse to riot, loot, burn and act like an animal is used..... I can see this being used as the "excuse"
Studies of the riot concluded high unemployment in LA community, ever growing income disparity between black and white communities, the killing of a black child by a Korean merchant, and an overall urban discontent were huge factors.

Race was only 1 issue, and as you were there, I'm sure you know that blacks, as well as Hispanics, whites, even children all rioted. The riots weren't a "black thing" but a "class thing".

Do i say

"blacks" rioting anywhere in my OP, poll, or subsequent posts? :eusa_whistle:
obama and holder are going to hire some mercenaries to riot.

DOJ provided security for anti-Zimmerman protests | The Daily Caller

A division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-George Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by activist Al Sharpton, according to newly released documents.

Wow...What a horribly disingenuous portrayal:

The Community Relations Service is the Department's "peacemaker" for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, and national origin. Created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, CRS is the only Federal agency dedicated to assist State and local units of government, private and public organizations, and community groups with preventing and resolving racial and ethnic tensions, incidents, and civil disorders, and in restoring racial stability and harmony
I voted other....I don't think there will be rioting but there will be a huge outcry from the Black community. This will further strain race relations if there is an acquittal, and we have the mainstream media to thank for that.

Just goes to show you how powerful the media propaganda machine really is. They get the sheep all hot and bothered fighting among themselves while they sell tickets to the big show. Disgusting.......

Meanwhile Al Sharpton is in the wind

and HE is a problem.
I found an article a minute ago that has this mention of Police confiscating guns in Sanford door to door now. I have to go get the link. I forgot it. But I copied this part:

Police-state presence is developing in Sanford, Fla., where neighborhood-watch participant George Zimmerman is on trial for murder for the death of teenager Trayvon Martin. From the start, media portrayed Hispanic Zimmerman as White, and the victim Martin as Black, another Main Stream Media (MSM) lie. Trayvon was a strapping 17-year old football player but pictures by MSM incessantly showed Martin as an angelic looking 14-year-old.

In connection with the Trayvon Martin-Zimmerman case in Sanford, Florida, police are going door-to-door confiscating weapons to guard against violence that MIGHT break out should Zimmerman be found "Not Guilty." Police fear the backlash from the White community which could develop should the jury verdict exonerate Zimmerman. Los Angeles experienced rioting after the 1991 videotaped beating of Black Man Rodney King by the Los Angeles police verdict came down, and Blacks erupted with "Burn Baby Burn," and burn it did.

No mention that MSM exacerbated the beating as the cycle was shown over and over, making the beating to appear up to four or more times worse. There are precious few incidents, if any, of the opposite taking place where Whites come into Black neighborhoods and "Burn Baby Burn." Would police take the same steps to protect a Black Community if it were a Black killing a White? You've got to be kidding.


I had a feeling they'd start confiscating guns. They didn't mention this on FOX NEWS. ( I checked)
I wonder why.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.
No honest person thinks there won't be riots.
I found a WND article that said Sanford police have been going door to door but no mention of confiscating guns. The only one who has reported that so far is the Patriot Post blog.
Yes, there will be riots if Zimmerman is acquitted...planned and funded by the DOJ.

A study of the riot, after the riot, found that urban discontent was a "huge factor."


Who would have guessed!

Touché :D

I'm sure a few dumb asses will try to use the verdict as an excuse to commit crimes, but I don't think they will rise to the level of "riot".

I dont see this as a case of a poverty stricken community feeling like the government has turned a blind eye to injustice, racism, and class disparity and that the only way to bring change is violent revolt.

Yes and RATIONALLY, you are correct; however, Do you really view mob behavior as rational?

True, but I don't think there will be a "mob".

I'm sure Al and Trayvons parents and a number of other people will have events set up, protests marches, sit ins, etc etc, and I think the vast majority of angry individuals will flock to those events and not feel the need to take matters in their own hands.
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

Do you think a post like yours ^^^ is productive?
Studies of the riot concluded high unemployment in LA community, ever growing income disparity between black and white communities, the killing of a black child by a Korean merchant, and an overall urban discontent were huge factors.

Race was only 1 issue, and as you were there, I'm sure you know that blacks, as well as Hispanics, whites, even children all rioted. The riots weren't a "black thing" but a "class thing".

Do i say

"blacks" rioting anywhere in my OP, poll, or subsequent posts? :eusa_whistle:
Care to elaborate on those "certain groups" you pointed to in your OP? :)
Didn't Barry had drones for this kind of riot situations?

Perfect opportunity to send them in,if that happens , me thinks. ;)
Considering that the zimmerman trial seems to be wrapping up....

My question is do you think there will be riots following an acquittal?

In my opinion, i believe that there will be serious rioting. Given past behavior of certain groups.... it would stand to reason that they will do it again.

I feel that ANY excuse to riot, burn, loot and act like animals is taken advantage of. This will provide another advantage.

Poll to follow (if i can figure out how to do it:tongue:) If i cant just please answer in you posts.

Do you think a post like yours ^^^ is productive?

does it have to be productive?
Studies of the riot concluded high unemployment in LA community, ever growing income disparity between black and white communities, the killing of a black child by a Korean merchant, and an overall urban discontent were huge factors.

Race was only 1 issue, and as you were there, I'm sure you know that blacks, as well as Hispanics, whites, even children all rioted. The riots weren't a "black thing" but a "class thing".

Do i say

"blacks" rioting anywhere in my OP, poll, or subsequent posts? :eusa_whistle:
Care to elaborate on those "certain groups" you pointed to in your OP? :)

do i

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