RIP: Brittany Murphy (1977-2009)

she was supporting Obamacare and Glaxo had her killed!

Sheesh, I really do not understand this hero worship / fixation thing.
that would be my guess, too....

but the vampire does seem to be enjoying herself.

Remember the comments on the thread about the guy who slapped the kid in WalMart? :doubt:


Would you care to share?:rolleyes:

Sorry, cannot find it with a cursury search...maybe someone else will have better luck, but basically...for no good reason, our OP decided to go on the attack of the poor little girl's mother and call her all sorts of names in the thread. Very bizarre, very Jeny. :cuckoo:
As I said, you can see that no one gives a shit about your personal issues from another forum. You're not supposed to bring them here, either. At least, that is my impression from the staff here.


Then kindly tell your butt buddies Emma and the other loser lesbo to leave me the fuck alone, and stop their long running vendetta against me from the other place.

Emma's the one who came into this thread and started slinging the shit at me, and then called out to her butt buddy when I fired back, instead of ignoring her like I normally do.

Geezus H. Cheeerist. :rolleyes:

I've put both ***** back on ignore where they belong. Geez. :rolleyes:

I don't care what one's political leanings are. This sort of filth deserves the scorn of all.

Lucky for you, nobody asked you and you're not a Mod. You don't even play one on TV and I doubt you stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night. :lol:
Nope, I'm not delusional.

I'm just sick and fucking tired of Emma and her butt buddy.

I can't even start threads, because this is the shit my threads always degenerate into because of them.

I'm sick to fucking death of it.

Usually I ignore them.

I'm just not in the mood to ignore them today. That's all.

I'm sure you understand that, EZ.
As I said, you can see that no one gives a shit about your personal issues from another forum. You're not supposed to bring them here, either. At least, that is my impression from the staff here.


Then kindly tell your butt buddies Emma and the other loser lesbo to leave me the fuck alone, and stop their long running vendetta against me from the other place.

Emma's the one who came into this thread and started slinging the shit at me, and then called out to her butt buddy when I fired back, instead of ignoring her like I normally do.

Geezus H. Cheeerist. :rolleyes:

I've put both ***** back on ignore where they belong. Geez. :rolleyes:

Jen, are you going for a nomination to 'Best meltdown by a member'? :lol::lol:
Then kindly tell your butt buddies Emma and the other loser lesbo to leave me the fuck alone, and stop their long running vendetta against me from the other place.

Emma's the one who came into this thread and started slinging the shit at me, and then called out to her butt buddy when I fired back, instead of ignoring her like I normally do.

Geezus H. Cheeerist. :rolleyes:

I've put both ***** back on ignore where they belong. Geez. :rolleyes:

I don't care what one's political leanings are. This sort of filth deserves the scorn of all.

Lucky for you, nobody asked you and you're not a Mod. You don't even play one on TV and I doubt you stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night. :lol:
You are seriously out of your mind. It's totally fried.

Your paranoia is amazing, but what makes you so disgusting is the filth that you spew to even those who did nothing against YOU personally.

You keep trying to say that Emma came into this thread to trash you personally and that SHE was the one who brought the issues with the other place up.

I doubt that YOU will be able to see this point - that she did not, it was YOU. I am always amazed that folks who put shit in writing forget that the evidence is there for all to see.

Here is Emma's first post in this thread:
Her husband doesn't want an autopsy? Hmmm......

Me thinks hubster knows exactly WHY wifey is dead. :eusa_think:

Fortunately, the law provides for this kind of scenario. Whenever someone young suddenly drops dead, the law requires an autopsy be performed in order to rule out foul play.

So sorry hubster, you may be in BIG trouble buster. You better HOPE you had nothing to do with her death. You look kind of creepy to me.

Read more: Brittany Murphy's Husband Doesn't Want Autopsy |

Brittany Murphy's husband, Simon Monjack, told hospital staff at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center he did not want an autopsy performed on his deceased wife, multiple sources tell TMZ.

We're told, however, despite Monjack's wishes, the L.A. County Coroner's office will perform an autopsy on Murphy. As we first reported, Murphy went into cardiac arrest this morning and could not be revived.

TMZ has also learned Britney Murphy's mother, who found Murphy unconscious in the shower and called 911, told paramedics her daughter had a history of diabetes. We have not been able to confirm if Murphy did indeed have diabetes, and if so, whether it contributed to her death.
He doesn't have a choice. This is a coroner's case. Also, I wouldn't read too much into what the husband said.

How any sane person could view that as some sort of indication of a 'vendetta' against them personally, is beyond me. Obviously, I must wonder about your sanity.
Wonder what drugs she was doing? 32 year olds don't drop dead of sudden cardiac death for no reason.
Picture looked like she might have been battling anorexia. Karen Carpenter died at around the same age back in the 80's from heart failure brought on by eating disorder induced weight loss.
this meltdown would be hilarious if jenyeliza weren't in constant meltdown mode.

True dat.

Emma, I consider it a compliment that someone thinks we are an item...however I know you are straight and I'm all I can do is laugh. :lol::lol::lol:


I'm confused as to why she would consider "lesbian" an insult. But laughing at her crazy is always fun.

As long as someone doesn't post about losing their spouse in a tragic accident, that is.
I don't care what one's political leanings are. This sort of filth deserves the scorn of all.

Lucky for you, nobody asked you and you're not a Mod. You don't even play one on TV and I doubt you stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night. :lol:
You are seriously out of your mind. It's totally fried.

Your paranoia is amazing, but what makes you so disgusting is the filth that you spew to even those who did nothing against YOU personally.

You keep trying to say that Emma came into this thread to trash you personally and that SHE was the one who brought the issues with the other place up.

I doubt that YOU will be able to see this point - that she did not, it was YOU. I am always amazed that folks who put shit in writing forget that the evidence is there for all to see.

Here is Emma's first post in this thread:
Her husband doesn't want an autopsy? Hmmm......

Me thinks hubster knows exactly WHY wifey is dead. :eusa_think:

Fortunately, the law provides for this kind of scenario. Whenever someone young suddenly drops dead, the law requires an autopsy be performed in order to rule out foul play.

So sorry hubster, you may be in BIG trouble buster. You better HOPE you had nothing to do with her death. You look kind of creepy to me.

Read more: Brittany Murphy's Husband Doesn't Want Autopsy |
He doesn't have a choice. This is a coroner's case. Also, I wouldn't read too much into what the husband said.

How any sane person could view that as some sort of indication of a 'vendetta' against them personally, is beyond me. Obviously, I must wonder about your sanity.

Since you have no idea what those two bozos have done to me in the past, you're way out of line saying they've "done nothing to me".

Now, I mean this in the nicest way possible--stay out of this. Really. It has nothing to do with you at all.

Of course, if the nutjobs REALLY want this thread....have at it. Brittany Murphy isn't all that important to me.

I just found it sad and tragic that another young Hollyweird type has died needlessly.

So, que cera cera.
I didn't know this women's name til yesterday, and i hope I forget it by tommorow, buy Jen I'll be loving you long time
Brittany Murphy died early this morning after she went into full cardiac arrest and could not be revived, multiple sources tell TMZ.

She was 32.

A 911 call was made at 8:00 AM from a home in Los Angeles that is listed as belonging to her husband, Simon Monjack, the Los Angeles City Fire Department tells TMZ.

We're told Murphy was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Her time of death was listed as 10:04 AM.

Murphy starred in such films as "Clueless," "8 Mile," and "Don't Say a Word." Murphy was reportedly fired from last film, "The Caller," after reports she was problematic on set.

Read more: Brittany Murphy Dies |

Apparently she is gone due to cardiac arrest.

Poor girl. So sad...especially at this time.

Wonder what drugs she was doing? 32 year olds don't drop dead of sudden cardiac death for no reason.

xotoxi.....? What say you, Doc?

You know what is really awesome? If you are famous, and die under mysterious circumstances, everyone just assumes it was drugs.

So all these "Pity about the death of X, I wonder what drugs they were one." posts are funny. Why even dispense with the sentiment if you are going to start accusing people.

I think I'll wait for the autopsy.

For all anyone knows, she might have had HCM and died on her tennis courts while hitting a few balls around.
vendetta, vendetta, farfalla vendetta

Jen , it's me Brittany calling from the dead. Don't let them stop you from having a complete melt down, keep going, and dont forget to revenge my death.
Lucky for you, nobody asked you and you're not a Mod. You don't even play one on TV and I doubt you stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night. :lol:
You are seriously out of your mind. It's totally fried.

Your paranoia is amazing, but what makes you so disgusting is the filth that you spew to even those who did nothing against YOU personally.

You keep trying to say that Emma came into this thread to trash you personally and that SHE was the one who brought the issues with the other place up.

I doubt that YOU will be able to see this point - that she did not, it was YOU. I am always amazed that folks who put shit in writing forget that the evidence is there for all to see.

Here is Emma's first post in this thread:
He doesn't have a choice. This is a coroner's case. Also, I wouldn't read too much into what the husband said.

How any sane person could view that as some sort of indication of a 'vendetta' against them personally, is beyond me. Obviously, I must wonder about your sanity.

Since you have no idea what those two bozos have done to me in the past, you're way out of line saying they've "done nothing to me".

Now, I mean this in the nicest way possible--stay out of this. Really. It has nothing to do with you at all.

Of course, if the nutjobs REALLY want this thread....have at it. Brittany Murphy isn't all that important to me.

I just found it sad and tragic that another young Hollyweird type has died needlessly.

So, que cera cera.
Nutter. I said they've done nothing to you in this thread, as YOU claimed.

Then you DO see that it was YOU who brought these past issues up.

Do yourself a favor and realize that is not the current time nor is it the current place.

All of us may just thank YOU for keeping YOUR dirty laundry out of OUR sight. As I said in my rep comment to you juuuuuust before you went completely off of the deep end, few here give a shit about what happened somewhere else.

I guess I could find this all very funny, but it is all too pathetic and tragic for me.
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Read more: Brittany Murphy Dies |

Apparently she is gone due to cardiac arrest.

Poor girl. So sad...especially at this time.

Wonder what drugs she was doing? 32 year olds don't drop dead of sudden cardiac death for no reason.

xotoxi.....? What say you, Doc?

How friggin weird! I just watched Happy Feet last night with my son...she was one of the voices in that.

As for cause, I would be flabbergasted if she was not using drugs. Then again, she was pretty damn thin, so electrolyte abnormalities from eating disorder is a possibility as well.

I'm guessing eating disorders myself, like Karen Carpenter....but lets not get in the way of Jeny's ghoul fest. She loves these kinds of things.

Or Terri Schiavo.

Oh, I forgot, Terri Schiavo was killed by her husband her beat her into a coma, though there is absolutely no evidence of that.

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