Rip darren wilson you will die—

It's not racism. Unkotare is an ape too, a little white hairless, half-brained monkey skull.

yeah, when you categorize behavior by racial aptitude etc, you are a racist.

Step along. No need to talk to you further on this subject.

Jake why do that? You know perfectly well there is no "racial aptitude" there and there is 100% race is behind the threats to kill the officer.

Because Fakey needs to come up with SOMETHING to justify his incessant postwhoring! (To the tune of 40+ posts PER DAY for FIVE DAMN YEARS!)
Because i will call out racists like you every time everywhere you act out.

postscript: it's fun being retired, Jarlaxle, something you will never be because you have worked steadily in your life conserving your surplus wisely and worthily
You make it sound like it is a widespread problem. It is not.

What I see is a town that thinks white police can't understand black people. People are people, if you treat them decent, they respond in kind. We saw that for a day in Ferguson when the state police took over. Stop acting like victims and making victims out of innocent people.

"if you treat them decent, they respond in kind."

I disagree. While I think everyone deserves to be treated with respect, the goons that use a controversy to loot local businesses will not respond in kind at all. They see kindness as a sign of weakness.

I bet they fall into line if a few dozen end up shot dead!

That's what had to happen to the KKK. When humans go feral, white or black or brown or whomever, they have to be treated as such.
Because i will call out racists like you every time everywhere you act out.

postscript: it's fun being retired, Jarlaxle, something you will never be because you have worked steadily in your life conserving your surplus wisely and worthily

I simply do not expect to live long enough to retire.

Seriously: do you have a fucking LIFE?! Do you do ANYTHING but postwhore here?
Why do I call racists racist, R. D.? Talk to him about racial aptitude, please.

Because pennywise is a racist and uses inappropriate language.
I'm not willing to take your word for it You, and the liberals if indeed you're not one :), deciding the meanings of words and the thoughts of those who use common terms is laughable but pathetic too
My wife thinks the police chief knew the whole incident by the next morning and refused to name names to let the officer and his family move out of town to safer surroundings. She thinks the officer will not work again in Ferguson period, whether he is cleared or not.

Dude needs a new identity for his family & a new life in Canada.

If Officer Wilson acted properly in the situation then they should sent him to Alaska. We are a far easier beat and the vast majority of us have a lot of respect for our police and troopers; as well as the armed forces. We are also chronically short on police officers because pay on the slope is much better, AND I highly doubt that anyone is going to fork over the money to seek revenge for the perception of wrong-doing; they'd freeze their balls off in the winter and the costs of being up here triple in the summer. Heck, we have a group of wanna-be-gangsta's in the big city that could use instructional discussion from an officer who's seen first hand what happens to folks who travel that path. Their mostly clueless wealthy teenagers and I think he has enough media created reputation for them to take him seriously.
It's sad how these rioters believe in "guilty until proven innocent."

We need more facts instead of rushing to make a sloppy judgment call.
It's sad how these rioters believe in "guilty until proven innocent."

We need more facts instead of rushing to make a sloppy judgment call.

The facts will ruin everyone's chance to riot loot and bitch about being victims. Carpe victimhood.
It's sad how these rioters believe in "guilty until proven innocent."

We need more facts instead of rushing to make a sloppy judgment call.

Always in a rush for a lynch. That's the problem when townies are lead by political scum
Maybe Darren Wilson should have thought about the consequences before he allowed his adrenaline to get the better of him.

LOL. I imagine that Officer Wilson is quite prepared. Probably has more than sufficient ammunition and firearms which he may not have had access to at work ready to defend himself and his family. I would also be very surprised to find that the Officer and his family were still staying at their regular address.
90% of Black people killed by a gun is by another Black person. Maybe they are addressing the wrong problem?

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