RIP Joe the Plumber

That's one reason.

Another reason is starting with Reagan Republicans started turning a blind eye to illegal employers. This has taken money from the middle class. It has also made the rich richer. Hence the gap between rich and poor widening.

Also unions no longer exist. So labor no longer has a seat at the table. The other day I showed that since 1978 CEO pay went up 1322% and our pay only went up 18%.

So it's not just globalization.
Perhaps if Republicans weren't against stem cell research we would have a cure by now for Joe.

Reminds me of Reagan. He and Nancy were against stem cell research until Ronny got Alzheimers.

Maybe? But pancreatic cancer is so fucking deadly, it seems unlikely that it would have mattered.

Regardless of his politics, he died so young. My condolences to his family.
Also unions no longer exist. So labor no longer has a seat at the table. The other day I showed that since 1978 CEO pay went up 1322% and our pay only went up 18%.

Where did you get the idea that unions "no longer exist"?

In actuality, they control several of our major auto makers, they have unionized Starbucks and have their crosshairs on a lot more of US industry.
You teabagees suck teabagger scrotum.
Teabaggers suck Trump's scrotum.

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Traitors supporting a traitor.
Maybe? But pancreatic cancer is so fucking deadly, it seems unlikely that it would have mattered.

Regardless of his politics, he died so young. My condolences to his family.
My mentor died last night. So before I go ripping into Joe the Plumber, just know I know and love a lot of Joe the Plumbers. I hate their politics but I truly believe America is great because of the Yin and Yang. The cons and liberals. This country would suck if it was all liberals and even worse if it was all conservatives.

But now that's two less idiots voting for Trump next year. Forget about if Trump will be alive next year. How many of his supporters will be dead come November 2024?

My buddy was a great salesperson at this one company. He forgets how many other companies he worked for that didn't appreciate him. So he got cocky when he found a gig that was perfect for him. Even this company screwed him over many many times. And this hypocrite was doing shady business with the City of Detroit. This is proof you can't blame major cities on liberals who run them. They have to deal with white corporations.

He was a die hard catholic. Pro life. But you could argue politics with him. We got into some heated discussions and it never affected our friendship. We just had to agree to disagree.

I love how this guy never made such good money but as soon as he got his first big check he complained about how much he paid in taxes.

Bill Russell heard Charles Barkley complaining on tv about taxes once. Bill called him and said "I never want to hear you complaining about taxes ever again" and Charles never did. You lucky son of a bitch. And to not pay those taxes means changing the game for all the people under you who also want those same social programs and safety nets that were there when you were coming up sir Charles.

Anyways, you can't change the mind of an old conservative. You just have to be assured that when they die they will be replaced with a young voter.

Liberals turn conservative when they become a member of the investor class. Before that they are labor party. The smaller the middle class becomes, the fewer people who will get old and turn conservative. We will have a generation that is going to NEED their social security. And Nikki Haley is talking about making them work till they are 70. She's just saying what the rest of them are thinking.
I am sure you think so.

But the point is how the media engaged in a full scale investigation of JTP after this incident. What did Joe's tax or child support problems have to do with the questions he brought up to B. Hussein? The media investigation of JTP was designed to quash any criticism of Obama by the Hoi Polloi personified here by JTP.
This was awful…. Smearing a man because actually asked Obama a hard question, Obama responded, and people figured out that Obama was not supportive of small business and was in fact more aligned with redistribution of wealth.

I also remember Obama and Biden mocking Joe The Plumber’s notion of a “$270,000 per year plumber” knowing full well that Joe might only take home $70k of that $270k under their tax plan.

Joe the plumber epitomizes the standard MAGA trash, a fat, ugly, bald, uneducated, unhealthy, liar who dies early due to his poor life decisions and lies about everything, but yet tries to play victim and blames everybody else for his problems and poor life decisions.
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This was awful…. Smearing a man because actually asked Obama a hard question, Obama responded, and people figured out that Obama was not supportive of small business and was in fact more aligned with redistribution of wealth.

I also remember Obama and Biden mocking Joe The Plumber’s notion of a “$270,000 per year plumber” knowing full well that Joe might only take home $70k of that $270k under their tax plan.

Wurzelbacher became a prominent conservative activist, commentator, author, and motivational speaker. In 2012, he ran on the Republican ticket to represent Ohio's 9th congressional district in the House of Representatives, losing to Democratic incumbent Marcy Kaptur.

Obama responded with an explanation of how his tax plan would affect a small business in this bracket. Obama said, "If you're a small business, which you would qualify, first of all, you would get a 50 percent tax credit so you'd get a cut in taxes for your health care costs. So you would actually get a tax cut on that part. If your revenue is above 250, then from 250 down, your taxes are going to stay the same. It is true that, say for 250 up — from 250 to 300 or so, so for that additional amount, you'd go from 36 to 39 percent, which is what it was under Bill Clinton."[9]

Like I said roll back the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax cuts.
Crooked deep state Democrats went after Joe for exercising his constitutional right to free speech.

Sort of like you guys boycotted Budweiser? How many people lost their jobs? I think Joe did a lot better for himself as a conservative darling. Made a lot more than he ever would have if he would have opened up a plumbing business.

And if I'm not mistaken he wasn't even a plumber?
Wurzelbacher became a prominent conservative activist, commentator, author, and motivational speaker. In 2012, he ran on the Republican ticket to represent Ohio's 9th congressional district in the House of Representatives, losing to Democratic incumbent Marcy Kaptur.

Obama responded with an explanation of how his tax plan would affect a small business in this bracket. Obama said, "If you're a small business, which you would qualify, first of all, you would get a 50 percent tax credit so you'd get a cut in taxes for your health care costs. So you would actually get a tax cut on that part. If your revenue is above 250, then from 250 down, your taxes are going to stay the same. It is true that, say for 250 up — from 250 to 300 or so, so for that additional amount, you'd go from 36 to 39 percent, which is what it was under Bill Clinton."[9]

Like I said roll back the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax cuts.
Wurzelbacher became an activist Conservative well after his exchange with Obama in 2008. Obama wanted clearly wanted to cap small business and/or use their higher revenues to redistribute.

Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success, I want to make sure everyone who is behind you, they’ve got a chance for success, too.”
What a moron.
My point flew right over your head, as usual for teabaggers.
When tax cheats, like Trump pay $750 a year in taxes, someone has to make up the difference.


^^^^ Too ingornant to realize that the elite wealthy are by and large huge Democrats and they are the ones cheating. They protect their gravy train by voting for Democrats and rely on ignorant minions like yourself to vote to protect them. The working wealthy, doctors, lawyers, small business owners, etc., are the ones who are deemed “rich“ yet can’t afford a team of accountants like the ultra elite Democrats. The working “rich” are the ones picking up the tab, exactly as the ultra elites like it. Trump capped the SALT deduction and the ultra-wealthy Democrats in the Hamptons went bananas. They love the idea of writing off their ridiculously high property tax at the federal level and forcing the rest of us to pick up the tab for the shortfall. Yeah, you guys just aren’t very smart.
The plumber was worried about a 4% tax increase on his income above $250,000.
OMG, that's going to put him in poverty.

Sounds like you are implying that we should tax everybody as much as possible as long as it doesn’t put them in poverty, whatever that is.

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