RIP Joe the Plumber

In 2008, Joe had the unmitigated chutzpah to question B. Hussein O., and immediately the American people knew more about the Lucas County workman than they did about the candidate.

The media really showed their inquisitiveness, although they never looked into the background of the candidate himself.

Joe died this week of cancer, no indication that he was arkancided.

Only 49
taking out $320k in loans for a college education you could have for $80k is just irresponsible and abusive. But, I’m all for affordable in-state tuition. I am the product of such with no loans.

Honestly, I have no sympathy of those idiots. They should have to pay every dime. What I would have done was made the loans 1% interest loans. But you have to pay back what you borrowed.

And I always use my buddy who went to the Navy for 5 years to pay for college. That means it took him 9 years to graduate debt free. Why do those people who racked up huge debt finishing in 4 think they should get a pass because they made a different choice that didn't pan out.

How much you want to bet a lot of these people moved in with friends and pay rent rather than go back home with their parents to live for free until their debt was paid off?

These people don't want to sacrifice. I have a hard time defending Joe for doing this other than saying "at least it's a break he's giving to people who make under $100K. Republicans only give the breaks to the rich and corporations and say it'll trickle down but income inequality only grows.
Now let's make sure his wife doesn't vote for him next year. Republicans do that shit all the time. Remember Bruce Bartman?

A Pennsylvania man who illegally voted for Donald Trump on behalf of his long-dead mother in last year’s presidential election was sentenced Friday to five years of probation.

Bruce Bartman, 70, of Marple, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of perjury and one count of unlawful voting. Besides his probation term, he will not be allowed to vote in an election for four years and is no longer eligible to serve on a jury.

Bartman apologized for his actions, telling the judge “I was isolated last year in lockdown. I listened to too much propaganda and made a stupid mistake.”

And he's not alone

Another GOP voter admits he committed fraud, gets light sentence​

Quite a few Trump voters were caught casting illegal ballots for dead or missing relatives. In each case, judges didn't exactly throw the book at them.

That's one less idiot voting for Trump. It's why I celebrated all the covid deaths. Or at least the ones that were due to idiots not being vaccinated. Told you so. And honestly, if they were alive to vote for Trump, in my mind, they're nazi's. No one cried when a nazi died so why cry for Joe the Plumber?

Plus Republicans solution to college being unaffordable is for our kids to become plumbers. Joe's death just created a job opening. That's all Republicans care about right? The economy. Not lives. During covid Republicans clearly chose economy over healthy. Same with global warming. They don't care if you die of cancer from pollution. They don't want their stocks to take a dip or their taxes to go up. They'd rather you die.
What a load you dropped here on this forum.
I had two daughters that graduated into professional fields. And both were such great students, money found them once the applied for grants. Yes those did not have to be paid back. Why don't Democrats mention grants?

A grandson also graduated from a university into a job paying him about $165,000 per year. There are ways that excellent students locate funds to pay for the education.
Perhaps if Republicans weren't against stem cell research we would have a cure by now for Joe.

Reminds me of Reagan. He and Nancy were against stem cell research until Ronny got Alzheimers.
Who has been cured due to using stem cells?
Perhaps if Republicans weren't against stem cell research we would have a cure by now for Joe.

Reminds me of Reagan. He and Nancy were against stem cell research until Ronny got Alzheimers.
Actually stem cell research did not stop. And it has not come close to curing pancreatic cancer.

He called The Worthless Negro a liar. it is a wonder he lived this long. The ruling Leftest elite usually don't allow anybody to live after challenging one of their own.
Now let's make sure his wife doesn't vote for him next year. Republicans do that shit all the time. Remember Bruce Bartman?

A Pennsylvania man who illegally voted for Donald Trump on behalf of his long-dead mother in last year’s presidential election was sentenced Friday to five years of probation.

Bruce Bartman, 70, of Marple, pleaded guilty Friday to two counts of perjury and one count of unlawful voting. Besides his probation term, he will not be allowed to vote in an election for four years and is no longer eligible to serve on a jury.

Bartman apologized for his actions, telling the judge “I was isolated last year in lockdown. I listened to too much propaganda and made a stupid mistake.”

And he's not alone

Another GOP voter admits he committed fraud, gets light sentence​

Quite a few Trump voters were caught casting illegal ballots for dead or missing relatives. In each case, judges didn't exactly throw the book at them.

We republicans have fought hard to prevent this. But Democrats claim the system is not broken and stop us dead in our tracks.
We republicans have fought hard to prevent this. But Democrats claim the system is not broken and stop us dead in our tracks.
Specifically, how have Democrats prevented you from stopping Republicans like Bruce Bartman committing voter fraud? Hang Mike Pence? Break into the Capitol, disrupt the election process, and stomp around wearing a Viking outfit?
Sort of like you guys boycotted Budweiser? How many people lost their jobs? I think Joe did a lot better for himself as a conservative darling. Made a lot more than he ever would have if he would have opened up a plumbing business.

And if I'm not mistaken he wasn't even a plumber?
The fake news made the false claim that he wasn't a plumber and of course people with very low intelligence are very suggestable, which is why folks like you are so easily brainwashed by fake news.

He's a local boy and I personally know the guy he worked for. He worked as a plumber for Alan Newell's Plumbing and Heating. And before that he was a plumber in the USAF.
Envy isn’t pretty. Trump cut taxes across the board but folks like you didn’t like it because a person making 500k/yr got a larger monetary cut than someone making 50k/yr. Newsflash, that is how percentages work. The guy making 500k is paying quite a bit more monetarily than the guy making 50k.
Sure "percentages"............

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than ...

Forbes › sites › 2019/10/10 › trump-t...
Oct 10, 2019 — For the first time ever, America's 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate in 2018 than any other group of people, according to a new ...
Make more money yourself and stop complaining about taking more money from the more successful people.
Sure......................every time republicans cut corporate taxes, they defend the tax cuts for rich people.
"It will trickle down"................the 43 year old lie.

US companies' tax windfall fuels record share buybacks

AP News › article
Apr 4, 2019 — U.S. corporations spent a record amount buying back their own shares last year, using 2017's tax-cut windfall to reward shareholders rather ...

The Trump tax cuts in action: Socialism for the rich

Washington Post › 2020/01/02 › trum...
Jan 2, 2020 — In that spirit, let's start with the 2017 tax cut, the singular legislative achievement for President Trump and Republicans in Congress.
No idea why you linked to the SALT deduction cap
Post 101.
"Trump capped the SALT deduction and the ultra-wealthy Democrats in the Hamptons went bananas".
. Yes, it will expire in 2025 and the Democrats would be thrilled. I don’t live in a high tax state, but do own enough real estate for this cap to negatively affect me. Maybe I should vote for Democrats so I could get a larger deduction?



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You need to move. This is far from the America that we all know and love.
But teabaggers want to reward corporations, with more tax cuts, when they raise prices 14%.
Of course blaming the government, not the people raising prices.
What a load you dropped here on this forum.
I had two daughters that graduated into professional fields. And both were such great students, money found them once the applied for grants. Yes those did not have to be paid back. Why don't Democrats mention grants?

A grandson also graduated from a university into a job paying him about $165,000 per year. There are ways that excellent students locate funds to pay for the education.

  • For the first time, Duke is offering full tuition grants to hundreds of eligible students
  • Students are now also eligible for a full tuition grant if their family income is less than $150,000
  • If a student’s family income is less than $65,000, they’ll also receive help for housing, meals and other campus expenses
  • According to the university, 340 students should benefit from this new financial aid assistance grant this year

16,000 go to Duke.
The fake news made the false claim that he wasn't a plumber and of course people with very low intelligence are very suggestable, which is why folks like you are so easily brainwashed by fake news.

He's a local boy and I personally know the guy he worked for. He worked as a plumber for Alan Newell's Plumbing and Heating. And before that he was a plumber in the USAF.
We know this.

Wurzelbacher enlisted in the United States Air Force, and chose plumbing (Air Force Specialty Code 3E451, or Utility Systems Specialist) as his area of training.[4] He was stationed in Alaska and North Dakota. Wurzelbacher left the Air Force in 1996 and worked as a plumber's assistant, but then switched careers and started working for the telecommunications company Global Crossing

I suppose you know his parents Kay and Frank?
The fake news made the false claim that he wasn't a plumber and of course people with very low intelligence are very suggestable, which is why folks like you are so easily brainwashed by fake news.

He's a local boy and I personally know the guy he worked for. He worked as a plumber for Alan Newell's Plumbing and Heating. And before that he was a plumber in the USAF.
When he stood up to talk to Obama he was not in plumbing sir.

Wurzelbacher left the Air Force in 1996 and worked as a plumber's assistant, but then switched careers and started working for the telecommunications company Global Crossing

So he was not a plumber.
Specifically, how have Democrats prevented you from stopping Republicans like Bruce Bartman committing voter fraud? Hang Mike Pence? Break into the Capitol, disrupt the election process, and stomp around wearing a Viking outfit?
Since you changed the topic to Jan 6, sure, I will do the same.
Those at the Capitol were routine protestors upset over the election process. Dinesh D'Souza exposed voter fraud however the democrats immediately called him a liar. Though he had tons of film proving his case was real.
When he stood up to talk to Obama he was not in plumbing sir.

Wurzelbacher left the Air Force in 1996 and worked as a plumber's assistant, but then switched careers and started working for the telecommunications company Global Crossing

So he was not a plumber.
He said he worked for a plumber that day he met Obama.
He said he worked for a plumber that day he met Obama.
He probably didn't. And I believe he was talking about starting his own plumbing business. He wasn't even a plumber.

But anyways, it doesn't matter. I thought Obama answered him perfectly.

a. Up to $250K, nothing changes. It's only above $250 where you will pay higher taxes
b. Now this is important. This would only be rolling back a tax break Bush passed.

I don't see why it's so wrong to roll back the Reagan, Bush and/or Trump tax breaks. If you won't roll back Reagan's, roll back Bush's. If you won't roll his back, Roll Trump's back.

Trump doubled the number of corporations that now pay zero federal taxes. Undo that.

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