RIP Joe the Plumber

That's not why they branded him as Joe the Plumber you idiot. He said he was thinking about opening up a plumbing business. He lied. And that got him on Fox News.
Enough of the horseshit. Listen to what Joe told to Obama. He did not mention any business other than the plumbing business.

In 2008, Joe had the unmitigated chutzpah to question B. Hussein O., and immediately the American people knew more about the Lucas County workman than they did about the candidate.

The media really showed their inquisitiveness, although they never looked into the background of the candidate himself.

Joe died this week of cancer, no indication that he was arkancided.

Did they bury his fake wealth with him too.
Nope. We need immigrants. Social Security is going broke. We have 10 million unfilled jobs. Those could be people paying into social security.

I believe we should only import what we need. We need 10 million immigrants.

Unfortunately white Americans aren't having nearly enough kids. Why? Too expensive. How can we afford college, a wedding, a kid, a home and to save enough for retirement? We can't. Something has to give. So fewer of us are getting married, having kids and going to college. Also fewer of us are saving enough to retire. So the American dream is still achievable. Just don't have any kids and you'll be fine.

We have plenty of kids in South America willing to work. Your white kids not so much.
We are overrun with legal immigrants. But you want the illegals. Funny you don't see the irony of bringing in illegal humans. What has happened under Biden is more work is done by machines. Biden did not think things through at all.
Nope. We need immigrants. Social Security is going broke. We have 10 million unfilled jobs. Those could be people paying into social security.

I believe we should only import what we need. We need 10 million immigrants.

Unfortunately white Americans aren't having nearly enough kids. Why? Too expensive. How can we afford college, a wedding, a kid, a home and to save enough for retirement? We can't. Something has to give. So fewer of us are getting married, having kids and going to college. Also fewer of us are saving enough to retire. So the American dream is still achievable. Just don't have any kids and you'll be fine.

We have plenty of kids in South America willing to work. Your white kids not so much.
I can only use the actual examples of my children and their children. I sired two daughters. Both have college degrees. The oldest married a cop. She has a degree in administration of Justice that the cops never gave her a chance to use. The other one has a degree as a Nurse. She is married to a Chef. She makes more income than he makes.
I have a grandson who makes a huge sum per year as an engineer. He is just 25 so is still kind of new. Makes over $165,000 per year. My kids were raised to seek success and have done very well. My youngest daughter owns two homes at Hawaii. The other a nice home in Oregon. My grandson owns a home and is looking for a new home to live in.
Wurzelbacher soon faced intense media scrutiny and acknowledged that he didn't have a plumber's license, saying at the time he didn't need one because he worked for small plumbing company owned by someone else.

Oh, and this is the kind of shit I hate about poor Republicans.

Wurzelbacher soon faced intense media scrutiny and acknowledged that he didn't have a plumber's license, saying at the time he didn't need one because he worked for small plumbing company owned by someone else.

This is what I hate about poor Republicans. They are too fucking poor to be voting GOP. And based on what his son wrote, I doubt Joe had anything to worry about making over $250K a year.

"his family announced on an online fundraising site that he had cancer."

Fundraising? You mean that fuckers family couldn't even afford to bury him? OMG and he's a Republican? See, this is the problem with poor Republicans like Joe. They imagine what if they were rich. Wouldn't it suck to have to pay such high taxes? It's called Lottery Mentality. Rather than worry about social security, Joe and you are worrying about what if. What if you strike it rich and have to pay high taxes. You fucking idiots!

This reminds me of my Republican friend. He was against Obamacare. Then his wife got cancer and he held a fundraiser party to help pay his deductable because he couldn't afford $7K a year deductable. Well dumb ass. Maybe you should have voted for Obama. Or ask Republicans to donate to your cause. They hate paying taxes but apparently love giving to charity.
Joe gave to Obama a far superior tax plan. Even called it the flat tax plan. Obama needed to control the poor so he said he would not use that.
The middle class has been shrinking since the 1980s.
Thanks to a long line of New World Order operatives who all know each other and work together from both sides of the tracks. Obama and Biden are two of the latest. In all this time Trump is the only one who has refused to go along with it and has actually threatened that regime. That explains everything about their behavior from 2016 on.
Thanks to a long line of New World Order operatives who all know each other and work together from both sides of the tracks. Obama and Biden are two of the latest. In all this time Trump is the only one who has refused to go along with it and has actually threatened that regime. That explains everything about their behavior from 2016 on.
That explains Trump's behaviour.
Being more corrupt, than anyone, that ever held the office.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, moron?
Well he certainly didn't have to worry about being taxed on income over $250K

His family announced this year on an online fundraising site that he had pancreatic cancer.

What did they need money for? Wasn't he insured? And he had access to the VA hospital. Imagine people who don't. And guys like him were against healthcare reform? This is what pisses me off. How stupid was this guy to be a Republican? Now his family can't afford to bury him? Can't say I feel sorry for them. If they are Republicans, then I guess all I have to say is I told you so. Maybe now you'll vote for healthcare reform.
Well he certainly didn't have to worry about being taxed on income over $250K

His family announced this year on an online fundraising site that he had pancreatic cancer.

What did they need money for? Wasn't he insured? And he had access to the VA hospital. Imagine people who don't. And guys like him were against healthcare reform? This is what pisses me off. How stupid was this guy to be a Republican? Now his family can't afford to bury him? Can't say I feel sorry for them. If they are Republicans, then I guess all I have to say is I told you so. Maybe now you'll vote for healthcare reform.
Healthcare reform is far worse than you imagine. And when does health care include funerals for the dead?
Amazing to read this from the Biden cult.
But he is right. The idea that Trump is going to clean up the swamp is insane.

That's like thinking Lex is going to clean up the swamp


Turns out, Trump and his cult, ARE the swamp.
Trump being president is life imitating art

Lex Luthor is the most powerful man in Metropolis. So what's next on his horizon? The White House, naturally! It was only a matter of time before billionaire Lex Luthor ran for the highest office in the land. And besides bringing him victory, Luthor's campaign for the presidency is calculated to bring maximum grief to the Man of Steel.

But he is right. The idea that Trump is going to clean up the swamp is insane.

That's like thinking Lex is going to clean up the swamp

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View attachment 822823
Democrats are like the former Soviets were. They love the corrupt system too much to try to change it. Witness who they selected from their pool to be president. A major swamp monster.

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