RIP Joe the Plumber

^^^^ Too ingornant to realize that the elite wealthy are by and large huge Democrats and they are the ones cheating. just can't PROVE it.
They protect their gravy train by voting for Democrats and rely on ignorant minions like yourself to vote to protect them.
Teabaggers voting for tax cuts since Reagan.
December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those comments to friends dining nearby at the exclusive club.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.
The working wealthy, doctors, lawyers, small business owners, etc., are the ones who are deemed “rich“ yet can’t afford a team of accountants like the ultra elite Democrats. The working “rich” are the ones picking up the tab,
You're FOS.

Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal ...​

1693316093620.png › 2022/12/06 › politics › trump-or...

Dec 7, 2022 — A Manhattan jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records ...

GOP groups quiet as donor accused of running biggest tax ...​

CNBC › 2021/03/05 › gop-groups-quiet-...

Mar 5, 2021 — Robert Brockman, accused of running the biggest tax fraud scheme in U.S. history, was a prolific donor to Republican groups and causes.

Republicans' first bill makes tax fraud easier for high earners​

1693316239018.png › republicans-first-bill-makes-tax-fraud...

Jan 10, 2023 — Republicans' first bill makes tax fraud easier for high earners. The GOP wants to block new funding that would help the IRS enforce the law.

exactly as the ultra elites like it. Trump capped the SALT deduction and the ultra-wealthy Democrats in the Hamptons went bananas. They love the idea of writing off their ridiculously high property tax at the federal level and forcing the rest of us to pick up the tab for the shortfall. Yeah, you guys just aren’t very smart.

State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction​

Tax Foundation › Education › Glossary

If Congress does not make permanent the individual tax provisions, the SALT deduction cap of $10,000 per household will expire as scheduled after 2025.


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Wurzelbacher became an activist Conservative well after his exchange with Obama in 2008. Obama wanted clearly wanted to cap small business and/or use their higher revenues to redistribute.

Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success, I want to make sure everyone who is behind you, they’ve got a chance for success, too.”
Well there are some pretty profitable "small" business' that don't look so small to me. And what's wrong with taxing those profits above $250K at a little higher bracket? I believe that's how we taxed them before Bush got into office. So this is rolling back the Bush tax breaks. What's wrong with that? You see the gap between rich and rest of us is getting even wider and wider right? So boo hoo for them.

And really, how many people should vote against this tax? Only 18% of us make over $100K. And you're crying about people who are making over $250K?

Maybe this is to deal with companies like Haloburton. Probably because of all the sub contractors, they are a small business. And they made billions in Iraq and after Hurricane Katrina. just can't PROVE it.

Teabaggers voting for tax cuts since Reagan.
December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Mr. Trump directed those comments to friends dining nearby at the exclusive club.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.

You're FOS.

Trump Organization found guilty on all counts of criminal ...

View attachment 821961 › 2022/12/06 › politics › trump-or...
Dec 7, 2022 — A Manhattan jury has found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records ...

GOP groups quiet as donor accused of running biggest tax ...

View attachment 821962
CNBC › 2021/03/05 › gop-groups-quiet-...
Mar 5, 2021 — Robert Brockman, accused of running the biggest tax fraud scheme in U.S. history, was a prolific donor to Republican groups and causes.

Republicans' first bill makes tax fraud easier for high earners

View attachment 821964 › republicans-first-bill-makes-tax-fraud...
Jan 10, 2023 — Republicans' first bill makes tax fraud easier for high earners. The GOP wants to block new funding that would help the IRS enforce the law.

State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction

View attachment 821967
Tax Foundation › Education › Glossary
If Congress does not make permanent the individual tax provisions, the SALT deduction cap of $10,000 per household will expire as scheduled after 2025.

Envy isn’t pretty. Trump cut taxes across the board but folks like you didn’t like it because a person making 500k/yr got a larger monetary cut than someone making 50k/yr. Newsflash, that is how percentages work. The guy making 500k is paying quite a bit more monetarily than the guy making 50k. Make more money yourself and stop complaining about taking more money from the more successful people.

No idea why you linked to the SALT deduction cap. Yes, it will expire in 2025 and the Democrats would be thrilled. I don’t live in a high tax state, but do own enough real estate for this cap to negatively affect me. Maybe I should vote for Democrats so I could get a larger deduction?
Well there are some pretty profitable "small" business' that don't look so small to me. And what's wrong with taxing those profits above $250K at a little higher bracket? I believe that's how we taxed them before Bush got into office. So this is rolling back the Bush tax breaks. What's wrong with that? You see the gap between rich and rest of us is getting even wider and wider right? So boo hoo for them.

And really, how many people should vote against this tax? Only 18% of us make over $100K. And you're crying about people who are making over $250K?

Maybe this is to deal with companies like Haloburton. Probably because of all the sub contractors, they are a small business. And they made billions in Iraq and after Hurricane Katrina.
Your fallacy is believing that in Joe the Plumber’s scenario, HE is making more than $250k when it his business that is making more than $250k. More than likely, he is taking home $70k - $100k.

Obama and Biden were banking on the ignorance of many American voter that in Joe the Plumber’s scenario, he was taking home $250k or more.

Further, in Obama’s ultimate retort, he felt that despite an entrepreneur like Joe The Plumber taking risks and creating jobs as a small business, people who do nothing are entitled to that success.
Your fallacy is believing that in Joe the Plumber’s scenario, HE is making more than $250k when it his business that is making more than $250k. More than likely, he is taking home $70k - $100k.

Obama and Biden were banking on the ignorance of many American voter that in Joe the Plumber’s scenario, he was taking home $250k or more.

Further, in Obama’s ultimate retort, he felt that despite an entrepreneur like Joe The Plumber taking risks and creating jobs as a small business, people who do nothing are entitled to that success.
It's not
people who do nothing are entitled to that success.

It's called paying your fair share of taxes. Have you seen the debt? Have you seen how many social programs Republicans have cut? Crumbling infrastructure? The gap between rich and middle class widening?

18% of Americans make over $100K. Based on that, no one is crying for Joe the Plumber. He is taxed normal up until 250K. Then after that he pays a little higher tax break. Boo hoo for Joe the Plumber.

I say roll back the Reagan tax breaks too. Obama was just talking about rolling back the Bush tax cuts to the rich.
Maybe? But pancreatic cancer is so fucking deadly, it seems unlikely that it would have mattered.

Regardless of his politics, he died so young. My condolences to his family.

Yep, I had a cousin die from it back in 2005. He left behind a wife and three kids. The problem with pancreatic cancer is by the time most people start experiencing symptoms it's too late to do anything about it. It's a silent killer.
It's not

It's called paying your fair share of taxes. Have you seen the debt? Have you seen how many social programs Republicans have cut? Crumbling infrastructure? The gap between rich and middle class widening?

18% of Americans make over $100K. Based on that, no one is crying for Joe the Plumber. He is taxed normal up until 250K. Then after that he pays a little higher tax break. Boo hoo for Joe the Plumber.

I say roll back the Reagan tax breaks too. Obama was just talking about rolling back the Bush tax cuts to the rich.

There is no consensus on “fair share”. The top 20 Percent of earners pay 78 percent of the income tax. You cry about social programs being cut. I cry about egregious COVID Relief Plans that include $10M for gender studies in Pakistan.
My mentor died last night. So before I go ripping into Joe the Plumber, just know I know and love a lot of Joe the Plumbers. I hate their politics but I truly believe America is great because of the Yin and Yang. The cons and liberals. This country would suck if it was all liberals and even worse if it was all conservatives.

But now that's two less idiots voting for Trump next year. Forget about if Trump will be alive next year. How many of his supporters will be dead come November 2024?

My buddy was a great salesperson at this one company. He forgets how many other companies he worked for that didn't appreciate him. So he got cocky when he found a gig that was perfect for him. Even this company screwed him over many many times. And this hypocrite was doing shady business with the City of Detroit. This is proof you can't blame major cities on liberals who run them. They have to deal with white corporations.

He was a die hard catholic. Pro life. But you could argue politics with him. We got into some heated discussions and it never affected our friendship. We just had to agree to disagree.

I love how this guy never made such good money but as soon as he got his first big check he complained about how much he paid in taxes.

Bill Russell heard Charles Barkley complaining on tv about taxes once. Bill called him and said "I never want to hear you complaining about taxes ever again" and Charles never did. You lucky son of a bitch. And to not pay those taxes means changing the game for all the people under you who also want those same social programs and safety nets that were there when you were coming up sir Charles.

Anyways, you can't change the mind of an old conservative. You just have to be assured that when they die they will be replaced with a young voter.

Liberals turn conservative when they become a member of the investor class. Before that they are labor party. The smaller the middle class becomes, the fewer people who will get old and turn conservative. We will have a generation that is going to NEED their social security. And Nikki Haley is talking about making them work till they are 70. She's just saying what the rest of them are thinking.

I have a simple rule that keeps me liberal: never show loyalty to systems. Show loyalty to people. Its how I can have many dear, dear friends who are thoroughly conservative, even MAGA. People are complicated. And most exist as a matter of habit. They believe what they believe because they've believed it.

But they're also more than their politics.

Like Joe. Terrible political positions. But a hard working, patriotic American with a family.
There is no consensus on “fair share”. The top 20 Percent of earners pay 78 percent of the income tax. You cry about social programs being cut. I cry about egregious COVID Relief Plans that include $10M for gender studies in Pakistan.
Yes give us more of that money we will gladly pay more of the taxes.

it's like you're saying the people with 90% of the money pay most of the taxes. No shit.

You cry about covid relief? At least that money went to poor and middle class people. Even the people who ripped off unemployment and didn't go back to work. Finally we got the tax break. On Reagan, Bush and Trump's watch the rich got most if not all the breaks.

You cry about student loan forgiveness too right? Another Biden policy that helps people who make $70K or less a year.

Well remember only 18% of us make over $100K. Biden helps the masses you like trickle down.
I have a simple rule that keeps me liberal: never show loyalty to systems. Show loyalty to people. Its how I can have many dear, dear friends who are thoroughly conservative, even MAGA. People are complicated. And most exist as a matter of habit. They believe what they believe because they've believed it.

But they're also more than their politics.

Like Joe. Terrible political positions. But a hard working, patriotic American with a family.

I can't blame a red neck in Kentucky for voting for Trump same way I can't blame black in the hood for voting for Obama.
The middle class has been shrinking since the 1980s.

Many reasons. Sending jobs overseas, illegal employers, breaking unions.

Here's another reason. Have you ever heard of Jack Welch from GE? He changed how business was done and corporations productivity and profits skyrocketed. But only the guys at the top got a share of those increased profits.

Before Jack employees could expect to work 30 years for one company then retire with a pension till they die. I'm simplifying it but you get the point. Employees had a right to their job.

Jack changed all that. He fired the bottom 10% or 20% every year. Every department. No matter how good the company did, 20% bottom performers were let go every year. Now no one works 30 years for one company and no pensions.
Your fallacy is believing that in Joe the Plumber’s scenario, HE is making more than $250k when it his business that is making more than $250k. More than likely, he is taking home $70k - $100k.

Obama and Biden were banking on the ignorance of many American voter that in Joe the Plumber’s scenario, he was taking home $250k or more.

Further, in Obama’s ultimate retort, he felt that despite an entrepreneur like Joe The Plumber taking risks and creating jobs as a small business, people who do nothing are entitled to that success.
"More than likely"? He's was taking home a bit more than $250k. That was given.. Discussed in detail.. Jesus! Lord have mercy!
Yes give us more of that money we will gladly pay more of the taxes.

it's like you're saying the people with 90% of the money pay most of the taxes. No shit.

You cry about covid relief? At least that money went to poor and middle class people. Even the people who ripped off unemployment and didn't go back to work. Finally we got the tax break. On Reagan, Bush and Trump's watch the rich got most if not all the breaks.

You cry about student loan forgiveness too right? Another Biden policy that helps people who make $70K or less a year.

Well remember only 18% of us make over $100K. Biden helps the masses you like trickle down.
I cry about using COVID as an excuse to egregiously load up on bullshit items like $10M for gender study in Pakistan. You obviously have no problem pissing away $10M.

As for student loan forgiveness, if you chose to rack up $250-$300k in loans because you felt entitled to attend an elite private college located three time zones away and concentrate in some bullshit major as opposed to racking up only $60-$80k in loans by staying local and using in-state public colleges, then I only support forgiveness or assistance for the person who used the system responsibly by not taking on a lot of debt.

You people expect the taxpayer to pick up the tab for people who abused the system because they felt entitled to an overpriced education? Try selling that to the plumber, the car mechanic, or the construction worker who struggle to get a $10k-$20k loan to start a business.
I cry about using COVID as an excuse to egregiously load up on bullshit items like $10M for gender study in Pakistan. You obviously have no problem pissing away $10M.

As for student loan forgiveness, if you chose to rack up $250-$300k in loans because you felt entitled to attend an elite private college located three time zones away and concentrate in some bullshit major as opposed to racking up only $60-$80k in loans by staying local and using in-state public colleges, then I only support forgiveness or assistance for the person who used the system responsibly by not taking on a lot of debt.

You people expect the taxpayer to pick up the tab for people who abused the system because they felt entitled to an overpriced education? Try selling that to the plumber, the car mechanic, or the construction worker who struggle to get a $10k-$20k loan to start a business.
Yes I notice you guys (conservatives) will always blame the little people. "if you racked up big student loans". Yes, we all know your angle. Just overall, there is something wrong with our society that it takes such out of control student loans. Seems like we should introduce some socialism to college. How? By making state run schools affordable. Only $8K a year. Then the for profit schools will have to compete with that.

Same with healthcare. We should let young people who don't have insurance buy in to the socialist medicine we give seniors. Make the corporations compete against the government option. Prove they can do it better and cheaper.
I cry about using COVID as an excuse to egregiously load up on bullshit items like $10M for gender study in Pakistan. You obviously have no problem pissing away $10M.

As for student loan forgiveness, if you chose to rack up $250-$300k in loans because you felt entitled to attend an elite private college located three time zones away and concentrate in some bullshit major as opposed to racking up only $60-$80k in loans by staying local and using in-state public colleges, then I only support forgiveness or assistance for the person who used the system responsibly by not taking on a lot of debt.

You people expect the taxpayer to pick up the tab for people who abused the system because they felt entitled to an overpriced education? Try selling that to the plumber, the car mechanic, or the construction worker who struggle to get a $10k-$20k loan to start a business.
There isn't one muslim nation that doesn't discriminate against gays and women

Yes I notice you guys (conservatives) will always blame the little people. "if you racked up big student loans". Yes, we all know your angle. Just overall, there is something wrong with our society that it takes such out of control student loans. Seems like we should introduce some socialism to college. How? By making state run schools affordable. Only $8K a year. Then the for profit schools will have to compete with that.

Same with healthcare. We should let young people who don't have insurance buy in to the socialist medicine we give seniors. Make the corporations compete against the government option. Prove they can do it better and cheaper.
taking out $320k in loans for a college education you could have for $80k is just irresponsible and abusive. But, I’m all for affordable in-state tuition. I am the product of such with no loans.

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